599 resultados para Radiofrequency Coils
In dieser Arbeit werden der experimentelle Aufbau und erste Messungen für die Bestimmung des g-Faktors des Elektrons gebunden in wasserstoff- und lithiumähnlichen mittelschweren Ionen beschrieben. Mit dem hochpräzisenWert des g-Faktors können theoretische Berechnungen der Quantenelektrodynamik gebundener Zustände überprüft werden. Die Messungen werden in einem Dreifach-Penningfallen-System durchgeführt. Dort wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit auch erstmals hochgeladene Ionen bis 28Si13+ in einer hierfür entwickelten Elektronenstrahl-Ionenquelle/-falle erzeugt. Für die Bestimmung des g-Faktors werden die freie Zyklotronfrequenz und die Larmorfrequenz benötigt. Erstere wird aus den drei Eigenfrequenzen des in der Präzisionsfalle gespeicherten Ions berechnet. Um das Ion bei den Messungen nicht zu verlieren, werden die Eigenfrequenzen des Ions durch Kopplung an einen radiofrequenten Nachweisschwingkreis nicht-destruktiv nachgewiesen. Die freie Zyklotronfrequenz konnte dabei mit einer relativen Genauigkeit von wenigen 10E−9 bestimmt werden. Zur Bestimmung der Larmorfrequenz ist die genaue Kenntnis der Spinrichtung des Elektrons im Magnetfeld notwendig. Diese wird durch den kontinuierlichen Stern-Gerlach-Effekt in der sogenannten Analysefalle bestimmt. Hierzu muss eine hohe Stabilität der axialen Frequenz des Ions erreicht werden. Um dies sowie die Hochpräzisionsmessungen in der Präzisionsfalle zu erreichen, wurden in dieser Arbeit beide Fallen hinsichtlich ihrer elektrischen und magnetischen Eigenschaften charakterisiert.
Questo elaborato presenta un metodo per lo sviluppo di correlazioni lineari con lo scopo di determinare le proprietà meccaniche di un acciaio laminato e zincato utilizzando un sensore che percepisce la magnetizzazione residua del materiale. Vengono utilizzati metodi statistici di analisi della varianza per lo studio delle funzioni di regressione lineari. Lo studio effettuato è stato sviluppato per la lavorazione di zincatura di coils presso Marcegaglia spa, stabilimento di Ravenna. È risultato evidente che la sola misurazione della magnetizzazione residua non fosse sufficiente per la determinazione delle proprietà meccaniche, a tale proposito sono stati sviluppati dei modelli di calcolo con funzioni multivariabili e, attraverso risolutori che minimizzano la differenza quadratica dell'errore, si sono determinati i coefficienti di regressione. Una delle principali problematiche riscontrate per la definizione delle correlazioni è stato il reperimento dei dati necessari per considerare affidabili i risultati ottenuti. Si sono infatti analizzate solamente le famiglie di materiale più numerose. Sono stati sviluppati tre modelli di calcolo differenti per parametri di processo di produzione utilizzati per la definizione delle correlazioni. Sono stati confrontati gli errori percentuali medi commessi dalle funzioni, gli indici di regressione che indicano la qualità della correlazione e i valori di significatività di ogni singolo coefficiente di regressione delle variabili. Si è dimostrato che la magnetizzazione residua influisce notevolmente, così come i parametri dei processo di ricottura del materiale, come le temperature in forno, lo spessore e le velocità. Questo modello di calcolo è stato utilizzato direttamente in linea per lo sviluppo di un ciclo ottimale per la produzione di un nuovo materiale bifasico. Utilizzando il modello per la predizione delle proprietà meccaniche si è concluso che per limiti impiantistici la chimica del materiale utilizzata non fosse idonea. Si è perciò utilizzato un acciaio con percentuali di carbonio, manganese e cromo differenti. In conclusione del progetto si sono formulate delle possibili alternative di funzioni di regressione che utilizzano il valore della durezza piuttosto che il valore di magnetizzazione residua. Si è appurato che l'utilizzo di un durometro, anziché il sensore studiato, potrebbe risultare una valida alternativa al sensore studiato.
Introduzione. Il rapido e globale incremento dell’utilizzo dei telefoni cellulari da parte degli adolescenti e dei bambini ha generato un considerevole interesse circa i possibili effetti sulla salute dell’esposizione a campi elettromagnetici a radiofrequenza. Perciò è stato avviato lo studio internazionale caso-controllo Mobi-kids, all’interno del quale si colloca quello italiano condotto in 4 Regioni (Piemonte, Lombardia, Toscana, Emilia-Romagna). Obiettivi. Lo studio ha come obiettivo quello di valutare la stima del rischio degli effetti potenzialmente avversi di queste esposizioni sul sistema nervoso centrale nei bambini e negli adolescenti. Materiali e Metodi. La popolazione include tutte le persone di età compresa tra 10 e 24 anni residenti nelle 4 Regioni, con una diagnosi confermata di neoplasia cerebrale primitiva, diagnosticata durante il periodo di studio (3 anni). Sono stati selezionati due controlli - ospedalizzati per appendicite acuta - per ciascun caso. I controlli sono stati appaiati individualmente a ciascun caso per età, sesso e residenza del caso. Risultati. In Italia sono stati intervistati a Giugno 2014, 106 casi e 191 controlli. In Emilia-Romagna i casi reclutati sono stati fino ad ora 21 e i controlli 20, con una rispondenza del’81% e dell’65% rispettivamente. Dei 41 soggetti totali, il 61% era di sesso maschile con un’età media generale pari a 16,5 (±4,5) anni. Inoltre il 44% degli intervistati proveniva dalla classe di età più giovane (10-14). In merito allo stato di appaiamento, nella nostra Regione sono state effettuate 7 triplette (33%) - 1 caso e 2 controlli - e 6 doppiette (29%) - 1 caso ed 1 controllo. Conclusioni. Nonostante le varie difficoltà affrontate data la natura del progetto, l’esperienza maturata fin ad ora ha comunque portato alla fattibilità dello studio e porterà probabilmente a risultati che contribuiranno alla comprensione dei potenziali rischi di neoplasie cerebrali associati all'uso di telefoni cellulari tra i giovani.
Parahydrogen induced polarization on a clinical MRI system : polarization transfer of two spin order
Hyperpolarization techniques enhance the nuclear spin polarization and thus allow for new nuclear magnetic resonance applications like in vivo metabolic imaging. One of these techniques is Parahydrogen Induced Polarization (PHIP). It leads to a hyperpolarized 1H spin state which can be transferred to a heteronucleus like 13C by a radiofrequency (RF) pulse sequence. In this work, timing of such a sequence was analyzed and optimized for the molecule hydroxyethyl propionate. The pulse sequence was adapted for the work on a clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system which is usually equipped only with a single RF transmit channel. Optimal control theory optimizations were performed to achieve an optimized polarization transfer. A drawback of hyperpolarization is its limited lifetime due to relaxation processes. The lifetime can be increased by storing the hyperpolarization in a spin singlet state. The second part of this work therefore addresses the spin singlet state of the Cs-symmetric molecule dimethyl maleate which needs to be converted to the spin triplet state to be detectable. This conversion was realized on a clinical MRI system, both by field cycling and by two RF pulse sequences which were adapted and optimized for this purpose. Using multiple conversions enables the determination of the lifetime of the singlet state as well as the conversion efficiency of the RF pulse sequence. Both, the hyperpolarized 13C spin state and the converted singlet state were utilized for MR imaging. Careful choice of the echo time was shown to be crucial for both molecules.
The complex nature of the nucleon-nucleon interaction and the wide range of systems covered by the roughly 3000 known nuclides leads to a multitude of effects observed in nuclear structure. Among the most prominent ones is the occurence of shell closures at so-called ”magic numbers”, which are explained by the nuclear shell model. Although the shell model already is on duty for several decades, it is still constantly extended and improved. For this process of extension, fine adjustment and verification, it is important to have experimental data of nuclear properties, especially at crucial points like in the vicinity of shell closures. This is the motivation for the work performed in this thesis: the measurement and analysis of nuclear ground state properties of the isotopic chain of 100−130Cd by collinear laser spectroscopy.rnrnThe experiment was conducted at ISOLDE/CERN using the collinear laser spectroscopy apparatus COLLAPS. This experiment is the continuation of a run on neutral atomic cadmium from A = 106 to A = 126 and extends the measured isotopes to even more exotic species. The required gain in sensitivity is mainly achieved by using a radiofrequency cooler and buncher for background reduction and by using the strong 5s 2S1/2 → 5p 2P3/2 transition in singly ionized Cd. The latter requires a continuous wave laser system with a wavelength of 214.6 nm, which has been developed during this thesis. Fourth harmonic generation of an infrared titanium sapphire laser is achieved by two subsequent cavity-enhanced second harmonic generations, leading to the production of deep-UV laser light up to about 100 mW.rnrnThe acquired data of the Z = 48 Cd isotopes, having one proton pair less than the Z = 50 shell closure at tin, covers the isotopes from N = 52 up to N = 82 and therefore almost the complete region between the neutron shell closures N = 50 and N = 82. The isotope shifts and the hyperfine structures of these isotopes have been recorded and the magnetic dipole moments, the electric quadrupole moments, spins and changes in mean square charge radii are extracted. The obtained data reveal among other features an extremely linear behaviour of the quadrupole moments of the I = 11/2− isomeric states and a parabolic development in differences in mean square nuclear charge radii between ground and isomeric state. The development of charge radii between the shell closures is smooth, exposes a regular odd-even staggering and can be described and interpreted in the model of Zamick and Thalmi.
Die Materialverfolgung gewinnt in der Metallindustrie immer mehr an Bedeutung:rnEs ist notwendig, dass ein Metallband im Fertigungsprozess ein festgelegtes Programm durchläuft - erst dann ist die Qualität des Endprodukts garantiert. Die bisherige Praxis besteht darin, jedem Metallband eine Nummer zuzuordnen, mit der dieses Band beschriftet wird. Bei einer tagelangen Lagerung der Bänder zwischen zwei Produktionsschritten erweist sich diese Methode als fehleranfällig: Die Beschriftungen können z.B. verloren gehen, verwechselt, falsch ausgelesen oder unleserlich werden. 2007 meldete die iba AG das Patent zur Identifikation der Metallbänder anhand ihres Dickenprofils an (Anhaus [3]) - damit kann die Identität des Metallbandes zweifelsfrei nachgewiesen werden, eine zuverlässige Materialverfolgung wurde möglich.Es stellte sich jedoch heraus, dass die messfehlerbehafteten Dickenprofile, die als lange Zeitreihen aufgefasst werden können, mit Hilfe von bisherigen Verfahren (z.B. L2-Abstandsminimierung oder Dynamic Time Warping) nicht erfolgreich verglichen werden können.Diese Arbeit stellt einen effizienten feature-basierten Algorithmus zum Vergleichrnzweier Zeitreihen vor. Er ist sowohl robust gegenüber Rauschen und Messausfällen als auch invariant gegenüber solchen Koordinatentransformationen der Zeitreihen wie Skalierung und Translation. Des Weiteren sind auch Vergleiche mit Teilzeitreihen möglich. Unser Framework zeichnet sich sowohl durch seine hohe Genauigkeit als auch durch seine hohe Geschwindigkeit aus: Mehr als 99.5% der Anfragen an unsere aus realen Profilen bestehende Testdatenbank werden richtig beantwortet. Mit mehreren hundert Zeitreihen-Vergleichen pro Sekunde ist es etwa um den Faktor 10 schneller als die auf dem Gebiet der Zeitreihenanalyse etablierten Verfahren, die jedoch nicht im Stande sind, mehr als 90% der Anfragen korrekt zu verarbeiten. Der Algorithmus hat sich als industrietauglich erwiesen. Die iba AG setzt ihn in einem weltweit einzigartigen dickenprofilbasierten Überwachungssystemrnzur Materialverfolgung ein, das in ersten Stahl- und Aluminiumwalzwerkenrnbereits erfolgreich zum Einsatz kommt.
Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt Vorwärts- sowie Rückwärtstheorie transienter Wirbelstromprobleme. Transiente Anregungsströme induzieren elektromagnetische Felder, welche sogenannte Wirbelströme in leitfähigen Objekten erzeugen. Im Falle von sich langsam ändernden Feldern kann diese Wechselwirkung durch die Wirbelstromgleichung, einer Approximation an die Maxwell-Gleichungen, beschrieben werden. Diese ist eine lineare partielle Differentialgleichung mit nicht-glatten Koeffizientenfunktionen von gemischt parabolisch-elliptischem Typ. Das Vorwärtsproblem besteht darin, zu gegebener Anregung sowie den umgebungsbeschreibenden Koeffizientenfunktionen das elektrische Feld als distributionelle Lösung der Gleichung zu bestimmen. Umgekehrt können die Felder mit Messspulen gemessen werden. Das Ziel des Rückwärtsproblems ist es, aus diesen Messungen Informationen über leitfähige Objekte, also über die Koeffizientenfunktion, die diese beschreibt, zu gewinnen. In dieser Arbeit wird eine variationelle Lösungstheorie vorgestellt und die Wohlgestelltheit der Gleichung diskutiert. Darauf aufbauend wird das Verhalten der Lösung für verschwindende Leitfähigkeit studiert und die Linearisierbarkeit der Gleichung ohne leitfähiges Objekt in Richtung des Auftauchens eines leitfähigen Objektes gezeigt. Zur Regularisierung der Gleichung werden Modifikationen vorgeschlagen, welche ein voll parabolisches bzw. elliptisches Problem liefern. Diese werden verifiziert, indem die Konvergenz der Lösungen gezeigt wird. Zuletzt wird gezeigt, dass unter der Annahme von sonst homogenen Umgebungsparametern leitfähige Objekte eindeutig durch die Messungen lokalisiert werden können. Hierzu werden die Linear Sampling Methode sowie die Faktorisierungsmethode angewendet.
In this thesis I present a new coarse-grained model suitable to investigate the phase behavior of rod-coil block copolymers on mesoscopic length scales. In this model the rods are represented by hard spherocylinders, whereas the coil block consists of interconnected beads. The interactions between the constituents are based on local densities. This facilitates an efficient Monte-Carlo sampling of the phase space. I verify the applicability of the model and the simulation approach by means of several examples. I treat pure rod systems and mixtures of rod and coil polymers. Then I append coils to the rods and investigate the role of the different model parameters. Furthermore, I compare different implementations of the model. I prove the capability of the rod-coil block copolymers in our model to exhibit typical micro-phase separated configurations as well as extraordinary phases, such as the wavy lamellar state, percolating structuresrnand clusters. Additionally, I demonstrate the metastability of the observed zigzag phase in our model. A central point of this thesis is the examination of the phase behavior of the rod-coil block copolymers in dependence of different chain lengths and interaction strengths between rods and coil. The observations of these studies are summarized in a phase diagram for rod-coil block copolymers. Furthermore, I validate a stabilization of the smectic phase with increasing coil fraction.rnIn the second part of this work I present a side project in which I derive a model permitting the simulation of tetrapods with and without grafted semiconducting block copolymers. The effect of these polymers is added in an implicit manner by effective interactions between the tetrapods. While the depletion interaction is described in an approximate manner within the Asakura-Oosawa model, the free energy penalty for the brush compression is calculated within the Alexander-de Gennes model. Recent experiments with CdSe tetrapods show that grafted tetrapods are clearly much better dispersed in the polymer matrix than bare tetrapods. My simulations confirm that bare tetrapods tend to aggregate in the matrix of excess polymers, while clustering is significantly reduced after grafting polymer chains to the tetrapods. Finally, I propose a possible extension enabling the simulation of a system with fluctuating volume and demonstrate its basic functionality. This study is originated in a cooperation with an experimental group with the goal to analyze the morphology of these systems in order to find the ideal morphology for hybrid solar cells.
Atrial flutter in the donor part of orthotopic heart transplants has been reported and successfully treated by radiofrequency ablation of the cavotricuspid isthmus, but mapping and ablation of atypical flutter circuits may be challenging.(1) Entrainment mapping has been used in combination with activation mapping to define the mechanism of atypical atrial flutter. Here, we report a case where colour-coded three-dimensional (3D) entrainment mapping allowed us to accurately determine and visualize the 3D location of the reentrant circuit and to plan the ablation of a left atrial flutter without the need for activation mapping.
As the population ages, recurrent ventricular tachycardia (VT) is increasingly encountered in elderly patients with ischemic heart disease. Radiofrequency catheter ablation is useful for reducing VT therapy in patients with an implantable defibrillator. The utility of radiofrequency catheter ablation in the elderly is not well defined.
Nerve blocks and radiofrequency neurotomy of the nerves supplying the cervical zygapophyseal joints are validated tools for diagnosis and treatment of chronic neck pain, respectively. Unlike fluoroscopy, ultrasound may allow visualization of the target nerves, thereby potentially improving diagnostic accuracy and therapeutic efficacy of the procedures. The aims of this exploratory study were to determine the ultrasound visibility of the target nerves in chronic neck pain patients and to describe the variability of their course in relation to the fluoroscopically used bony landmarks.
Background—Pulmonary vein stenosis (PVST) is a well-known complication of pulmonary vein isolation (PVI). Specific anatomically designed ablation catheters for antral PVI have not been evaluated with regard to the incidence of PVST. We investigated the incidence, severity, and characteristics of PVST after PVI with the Pulmonary Vein Ablation Catheter (PVAC) and phased radiofrequency technology. Methods and Results A total of 100 patients (55 men) underwent PVI for atrial fibrillation using the PVAC. PVI was guided by selective angiography of each pulmonary vein (PV) in 70 (70%) patients and by reconstructed 3D atriography (ATG) in 30 (30%) patients. Gadolinium-enhanced MRI or multidetector CT was performed in all patients before treatment and 93±78 days after PVI. PVST was classified as follows: insignificant (<25%), mild (25%–50%), moderate (50%–75%), or severe (>75%). A total of 410 PVs were analyzed. Cardiac imaging demonstrated a detectable narrowing of the PV diameter in 23 (23%) patients and in 28 (7%) PVs. In detail, insignificant PVST was observed in 12 (2.9%) PVs, mild PVST in 15 (3.7%), and moderate PVST in 1 (0.2%). No instances of severe PVST were observed. The use of 3D-ATG was associated with a lower incidence of PVST (0.8% [95% CI, 0.0%–2.2%] versus 5.4% [95% CI, 2.7%–8.1%], P=0.027). Conclusions To our knowledge, this study is the first to report the incidence of PVST using the PVAC. In this regard, the PVAC seems to be safe if used in an experienced center. In addition, the use of 3D-ATG may decrease the risk of PVST.
To investigate the inhomogeneity of radiofrequency fields at higher field strengths that can interfere with established volumetric methods, in particular for the determination of visceral (VAT) and subcutaneous adipose tissue (SCAT). A versatile, interactive sparse sampling (VISS) method is proposed to determine VAT, SCAT, and also total body volume (TBV).
BACKGROUND: Production of native antigens for serodiagnosis of helminthic infections is laborious and hampered by batch-to-batch variation. For serodiagnosis of echinococcosis, especially cystic disease, most screening tests rely on crude or purified Echinococcus granulosus hydatid cyst fluid. To resolve limitations associated with native antigens in serological tests, the use of standardized and highly pure antigens produced by chemical synthesis offers considerable advantages, provided appropriate diagnostic sensitivity and specificity is achieved. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Making use of the growing collection of genomic and proteomic data, we applied a set of bioinformatic selection criteria to a collection of protein sequences including conceptually translated nucleotide sequence data of two related tapeworms, Echinococcus multilocularis and Echinococcus granulosus. Our approach targeted alpha-helical coiled-coils and intrinsically unstructured regions of parasite proteins potentially exposed to the host immune system. From 6 proteins of E. multilocularis and 5 proteins of E. granulosus, 45 peptides between 24 and 30 amino acids in length were designed. These peptides were chemically synthesized, spotted on microarrays and screened for reactivity with sera from infected humans. Peptides reacting above the cut-off were validated in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). Peptides identified failed to differentiate between E. multilocularis and E. granulosus infection. The peptide performing best reached 57% sensitivity and 94% specificity. This candidate derived from Echinococcus multilocularis antigen B8/1 and showed strong reactivity to sera from patients infected either with E. multilocularis or E. granulosus. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This study provides proof of principle for the discovery of diagnostically relevant peptides by bioinformatic selection complemented with screening on a high-throughput microarray platform. Our data showed that a single peptide cannot provide sufficient diagnostic sensitivity whereas pooling several peptide antigens improved sensitivity; thus combinations of several peptides may lead the way to new diagnostic tests that replace, or at least complement conventional immunodiagnosis of echinococcosis. Our strategy could prove useful for diagnostic developments in other pathogens.
Background Patients late after open-heart surgery may develop dual-loop reentrant atrial arrhythmias, and mapping and catheter ablation remain challenging despite computer-assisted mapping techniques. Objectives The purpose of the study was to demonstrate the prevalence and characteristics of dual-loop reentrant arrhythmias, and to define the optimal mapping and ablation strategy. Methods Fourty consecutive patients (mean age 52+/-12 years) with intra-atrial reentrant tachycardia (IART) after open-heart surgery (with an incision of the right atrial free wall) were studied. Dual-loop IART was defined as the presence of two simultaneous atrial circuits. Following an abrupt tachycardia change during radiofrequency (RF) ablation, electrical disconnection of the targeted reentry isthmus from the remaining circuit was demonstrated by entrainment mapping. Furthermore, the second circuit loop was localized using electroanatomic mapping and/or entrainment mapping. Results Dual-loop IART was demonstrated in 8 patients (20%, 5 patients with congenital heart disease, 3 with acquired heart disease). Dual-loop IART included an isthmus-dependant atrial flutter combined with a reentry related to the atriotomy scar. The diagnosis of dual-loop IART required the comparison of entrainment mapping before and after tachycardiamodification. Overall, 35 patients had successful RF ablation (88%). Success rates were lower in patients with dual-loop IART than in patient without dual-loop IART. Ablation failures in 3 patients with dual-loop IART were related to the inability to properly transect the second tachycardia isthmus in the right atrial free wall. Conclusions Dual-loop IART is relatively common after heart surgery involving a right atriotomy. Abrupt tachycardia change and specific entrainment mapping maneuvers demonstrate these circuits. Electroanatomic mapping appears to be important to assist catheter ablation of periatriotomy circuits.