858 resultados para OSTEOGENIC-SARCOMA
Advanced soft-tissue sarcomas are usually resistant to cytotoxic agents such as doxorubicin and ifosfamide. Antitumor activity has been observed for gemcitabine and docetaxel combination. We conducted a retrospective study on 133 patients (58 males/75 females) with unresectable or metastatic soft-tissue sarcoma. The median age at diagnosis was 51.7 (18-82), with 76 patients with leiomoyosarcoma and 57 patients with other histological subtypes. The initial localizations were limb (44), uterine (32), retroperitoneal (23) and organs or bone (34). Patients received 900 mg/m2 of gemcitabine (days 1 and 8) over 90 min plus 100 mg/m2 of docetaxel (day 8), intravenously every 21 days. Gemcitabine/docetaxel combination was well tolerated with an overall response of 18.4% and with no clear statistical difference between leiomyosarcomas and other histological subtypes (24.2% versus 10.4% (p=0.06)). No difference was found between uterine soft-tissue sarcomas versus others. The median overall survival was 12.1 months (1-28). Better overall survival was correlated with leiomyosarcoma (p=0.01) and with the quality of the response, even for patients with stable disease (p<10(-4)). No statistical difference was found for the initial localization. Response to treatment and overall survival were better for patients in World Health Organization (WHO) performance status classification (PS) 0 at baseline versus patients in WHO PS-1, 2 or 3 (p=0.023 and p<10(-4), respectively). Gemcitabine/docetaxel combination was tolerable and demonstrated better response and survival for leiomyosarcoma, especially for patients in WHO PS-0 at baseline. For the other histological subtypes, the response was not encouraging, but the survival for patients in response or stable suggests further investigation.
Recombinant human TNF (rhTNF) has a selective effect on endothelial cells in tumour angiogenic vessels. Its clinical use has been limited because of its property to induce vascular collapsus. TNF administration through isolated limb perfusion (ILP) for regionally advanced melanomas and soft tissue sarcomas of the limbs was shown to be safe and efficient. When combined to the alkylating agent melphalan, a single ILP produces a very high objective response rate. ILP with TNF and melphalan provided the proof of concept that a vasculotoxic strategy combined to chemotherapy may produce a strong anti-tumour effect. The registered indication of TNF-based ILP is a regional therapy for regionally spread tumours. In soft tissue sarcomas, it is a limb sparing neoadjuvant treatment and, in melanoma in-transit metastases, a curative treatment. Despite its demonstrated regional efficiency TNF-based ILP is unlikely to have any impact on survival. High TNF dosages induce endothelial cells apoptosis, leading to vascular destruction. However, lower TNF dosage produces a very strong effect that is to increase the drug penetration into the tumour, presumably by decreasing the intratumoural hypertension resulting in better tumour uptake. TNF-ILP allowed the identification of the role of alphaVbeta3 integrin deactivation as an important mechanism of antiangiogenesis. Several recent studies have shown that TNF targeting is possible, paving the way to a new opportunity to administer TNF systemically for improving cancer drug penetration. TNF was the first agent registered for the treatment of cancer that improves drug penetration in tumours and selectively destroys angiogenic vessels.
Aim:Isolated limb perfusion (ILP) is a technique consisting in administrating doses of chemotherapy up to 20 times higher than via systemic route in a limb affected by melanoma or sarcoma to maximise tumour reduction. ILP is performed in <50 centres worldwide and leads to partial or complete response, however without effect on overall survival. As an alternative to amputation, it improves patient quality of life. We report our >10-year single centre experience on the role of nuclear medicine in ILP. Material and method:From 2000 to 2012, we performed 77 ILP (45 women, 32 men; aged 62±16 years) for 49 melanoma (64%), 25 sarcoma (32%) and 3 others tumors (2 desmoid tumours and 1 aggressive fibromatosis) (3%). The affected limb vascularisation is isolated from the systemic circulation (SYS) using extracorporeal circulation, and chemotherapy (usually TNF and Melphalan) is administered. Peroperatively, limb isolation and eventual leakage from ILP to SYS are monitored by continuous measurement using a gamma-probe placed over the heart (150MBq of 99mTc-human serum albumin in ILP and 4MBq in SYS). The maximum acceptable leakage to the systemic circulation is 10% (maximum tolerated systemic TNF dose). Results:In total, 47 patients (61%) had positive leaks from the ILP to SYS of 4.1±14.5% (median 1% interquartile range 0.4% to 3.2%, range 0 to 100%) and 30 patients (39%) had negative leaks from the SYS to ILP of -0.9±1.2% (median -0.5%, interquartile range -0.8% to -0.2%, range -4.8% to -0.1%). In only 2 patients (2.6%), leaks >10% were observed leading to interrupting ILP. Conclusion:Nuclear Medicine has a crucial role for the safety and quality of ILP in monitoring leakage peroperatively and help deciding whether the procedure should be interrupted to minimize systemic toxicity.
BACKGROUND: The envelope glycoprotein of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) can efficiently pseudotype lentiviral vectors. Some strains of LCMV exploit high affinity interactions with α-dystroglycan (α-DG) to bind to cell surfaces and subsequently fuse in low pH endosomes. LCMV strains with low α-DG affinity utilize an unknown receptor and display unique tissue tropisms. We pseudotyped non-primate feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) vectors using LCMV derived glycoproteins with high or low affinity to α-DG and evaluated their properties in vitro and in vivo. METHODS: We pseudotyped FIV with the LCMV WE54 strain envelope glycoprotein and also engineered a point mutation in the WE54 envelope glycoprotein (L260F) to diminish α-DG affinity and direct binding to alternate receptors. We hypothesized that this change would alter in vivo tissue tropism and enhance gene transfer to neonatal animals. RESULTS: In mice, hepatic α- and β-DG expression was greatest at the late gestational and neonatal time points. When displayed on the surface of the FIV lentivirus the WE54 L260F mutant glycoprotein bound weakly to immobilized α-DG. Additionally, LCMV WE54 pseudotyped FIV vector transduction was neutralized by pre-incubation with soluble α-DG, while the mutant glycoprotein pseudotyped vector was not. In vivo gene transfer in adult mice with either envelope yielded low transduction efficiencies in hepatocytes following intravenous delivery. In marked contrast, neonatal gene transfer with the LCMV envelopes, and notably with the FIV-L260F vector, conferred abundant liver and lower level cardiomyocyte transduction as detected by luciferase assays, bioluminescent imaging, and β-galactosidase staining. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that a developmentally regulated receptor for LCMV is expressed abundantly in neonatal mice. LCMV pseudotyped vectors may have applications for neonatal gene transfer. ABBREVIATIONS: Armstrong 53b (Arm53b); baculovirus Autographa californica GP64 (GP64); charge-coupled device (CCD); dystroglycan (DG); feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV); glycoprotein precursor (GP-C); firefly luciferase (Luc); lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV); nuclear targeted β-galactosidase (ntLacZ); optical density (OD); PBS/0.1% (w/v) Tween-20 (PBST); relative light units (RLU); Rous sarcoma virus (RSV); transducing units per milliliter (TU/ml); vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV-G); wheat germ agglutinin (WGA); 50% reduction in binding (C50).
Epithelioid neoplasms are generally carcinomas. As confirmation that every rule is meant to be broken, some sarcomas demonstrate epithelioid morphology, and can even express cytokeratins. These sarcomas have unique behavior, for example, a much higher rate of lymph node metastasis than other sarcomas. This group of sarcomas also presents diagnostic and therapeutic challenges to those clinicians who help patients contend with these difficult tumors. In this review, some of the major categories of epithelioid soft tissue tumors are described, with clinical data reported as available. Some of these tumors provide excellent opportunities to examine newer protein-targeted agents in investigational settings.
Although current anti-cancer protocols are reasonably effective, treatment-associated long-term side effects, induced by lack of specificity of the anti-cancer procedures, remain a challenging problem in pediatric oncology. TAT-RasGAP317-326 is a RasGAP-derived cell-permeable peptide that acts as a sensitizer to various anti-cancer treatments in adult tumor cells. In the present study, we assessed the effect of TAT-RasGAP317-326 in several childhood cancer cell lines. The RasGAP-derived peptide-induced cell death was analyzed in several neuroblastoma, Ewing sarcoma and leukemia cell lines (as well as in normal lymphocytes). Cell death was evaluated using flow cytometry methods in the absence or in the presence of the peptide in combination with various genotoxins used in the clinics (4-hydroperoxycyclophosphamide, etoposide, vincristine and doxorubicin). All tested pediatric tumors, in response to at least one genotoxin, were sensitized by TAT-RasGAP317-326. The RasGAP-derived peptide did not increase cell death of normal lymphocytes, alone or in combination with the majority of the tested chemotherapies. Consequently, TAT-RasGAP317-326 may benefit children with tumors by increasing the efficacy of anti-cancer therapies notably by allowing reductions in anti-cancer drug dosage and the associated drug-induced side effects.
Approximately, twenty years ago, the Rare Cancer Network (RCN) was formed in Lausanne, Switzerland, to support the study of rare malignancies. The RCN has grown over the years and now includes 130 investigators from twenty-four nations on six continents. The network held its first international symposium in Nice, France, on March 21-22, 2014. The proceedings of that meeting are presented in two companion papers. This manuscript reviews the history of the growth of the RCN and contains the abstracts of fourteen oral presentations made at the meeting of prior RCN studies. From 1993 to 2014, 74 RCN studies have been initiated, of which 54 were completed, 10 are in progress or under analysis, and 9 were stopped due to poor accrual. Forty-four peer reviewed publications have been written on behalf of the RCN.
In vitro differentiation of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) into osteocytes (human differentiated osteogenic cells, hDOC) before implantation has been proposed to optimize bone regeneration. However, a deep characterization of the immunological properties of DOC, including their effect on dendritic cell (DC) function, is not available. DOC can be used either as cellular suspension (detached, Det-DOC) or as adherent cells implanted on scaffolds (adherent, Adh-DOC). By mimicking in vitro these two different routes of administration, we show that both Det-DOC and Adh-DOC can modulate DC functions. Specifically, the weak downregulation of CD80 and CD86 caused by Det-DOC on DC surface results in a weak modulation of DC functions, which indeed retain a high capacity to induce T-cell proliferation and to generate CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) T cells. Moreover, Det-DOC enhance the DC capacity to differentiate CD4(+)CD161(+)CD196(+) Th17-cells by upregulating IL-6 secretion. Conversely, Adh-DOC strongly suppress DC functions by a profound downregulation of CD80 and CD86 on DC as well as by the inhibition of TGF-β production. In conclusion, we demonstrate that different types of DOC cell preparation may have a different impact on the modulation of the host immune system. This finding may have relevant implications for the design of cell-based tissue-engineering strategies.
Con esta revisión se pretende remarcar al odontoestomatólogo los aspectos clínicos que con mayor frecuencia se asocian a la infección producida por el VIH. Entre ellos cabe resaltar las infecciones producidas por virus (herpes simple, herpes varicela-zoster, citomegalovirus. papilomavirus), hongos (sobre todo candidiasis) y bacterias (caries y patología periodontal); la patología tumoral asociada (sarcoma de Kaposi, linfoma no Hodgkin, carcinomas); así como otras manifestaciones patológicas que tienen su asiento en el territorio del aparato estomatognático (ulceraciones atípicas, alteraciones neurológicas, patología glandular. etc.). No puede concluirse el trabajo sin recordar la importancia que tiene seguir un protocolo en la atención odontológica de estos pacientes seropositivos, que debería hacerse extensivo al resto de nuestros pacientes.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a influência no controle local de pacientes adultos e portadores de sarcoma de partes moles em extremidades e submetidos a cirurgia conservadora do membro, com braquiterapia de alta taxa de dose (BATD) como reforço para a radioterapia externa (RT). MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 16 pacientes tratados, de 1993 até 1999. A RT foi utilizada com finalidade pré ou pós-operatória (30--55 Gy) e BATD com dose de 18--36 Gy (fx 3--6 Gy BID). Com base no modelo linear quadrático calculou-se a dose efetiva biológica ("biological effective dose" - BED) para o tumor e comparou-se seu valor a dados da literatura internacional, que utiliza tratamentos com RT e braquiterapia de baixa taxa de dose (BBTD). RESULTADOS: Os valores médios e medianos da BED para os sarcomas de partes moles foram de 78,5 Gy7 e 80 Gy7. A análise univariada mostrou que a BED para o tumor, quando utilizada BATD, era semelhante ao valor de 83 Gy7 quando utilizada BBTD (p = 0,008). As taxas de controle local, sobrevida livre de doença e sobrevida global atuarial em cinco anos foram de 83,2%, 75% e 93,7%, respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: A BATD, quando utilizada como método complementar no reforço de dose da RT no tratamento conservador dos sarcomas de partes moles, apresenta taxas de controle local equiparáveis às da literatura internacional; no entanto, estudos com número maior de pacientes e período maior de seguimento são ainda necessários para determinar o verdadeiro potencial da BATD em substituir a BBTD.
OBJECTIVE: The goal was to demonstrate that tailored therapy, according to tumor histology and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutation status, and the introduction of novel drug combinations in the treatment of advanced non-small-cell lung cancer are promising for further investigation. METHODS: We conducted a multicenter phase II trial with mandatory EGFR testing and 2 strata. Patients with EGFR wild type received 4 cycles of bevacizumab, pemetrexed, and cisplatin, followed by maintenance with bevacizumab and pemetrexed until progression. Patients with EGFR mutations received bevacizumab and erlotinib until progression. Patients had computed tomography scans every 6 weeks and repeat biopsy at progression. The primary end point was progression-free survival (PFS) ≥ 35% at 6 months in stratum EGFR wild type; 77 patients were required to reach a power of 90% with an alpha of 5%. Secondary end points were median PFS, overall survival, best overall response rate (ORR), and tolerability. Further biomarkers and biopsy at progression were also evaluated. RESULTS: A total of 77 evaluable patients with EGFR wild type received an average of 9 cycles (range, 1-25). PFS at 6 months was 45.5%, median PFS was 6.9 months, overall survival was 12.1 months, and ORR was 62%. Kirsten rat sarcoma oncogene mutations and circulating vascular endothelial growth factor negatively correlated with survival, but thymidylate synthase expression did not. A total of 20 patients with EGFR mutations received an average of 16 cycles. PFS at 6 months was 70%, median PFS was 14 months, and ORR was 70%. Biopsy at progression was safe and successful in 71% of the cases. CONCLUSIONS: Both combination therapies were promising for further studies. Biopsy at progression was feasible and will be part of future SAKK studies to investigate molecular mechanisms of resistance.
Lesões malignas do esôfago, excluindo-se carcinomas escamocelulares e adenocarcinomas, são bastante incomuns. Os autores relatam um caso de carcinoma de células fusiformes de esôfago. É um tumor maligno raro caracterizado por volumosa massa lobulada no terço médio do esôfago, que causa relativamente pequena obstrução apesar do seu volume. Em seguida é apresentada revisão da literatura sobre o assunto.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a freqüência e a origem de calcificações hepáticas identificadas na tomografia computadorizada (TC). MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de 1.362 exames consecutivos de TC do abdome, para determinar a freqüência de calcificações hepáticas. Foram revistos os prontuários clínicos, no sentido de estabelecer a origem das calcificações. RESULTADOS: Observaram-se calcificações intra-hepáticas em 3,6% (49/1.362) dos exames. Houve predominância no sexo feminino (57,2%) sobre o masculino (42,8%), e a idade dos pacientes variou de 18 a 92 anos (média: 59,4; mediana: 63,5). A maioria das calcificações (39/49; 79,5%) foi de origem residual e sem repercussão clínica, 14,4% (7/49) estavam associadas a metástases hepáticas e 6,1% (3/49) estavam associadas a lesões císticas. Foram observadas sete lesões metastáticas calcificadas, sendo cinco por neoplasia de cólon, uma por sarcoma e uma por teratoma maligno de ovário. Dessas metástases, duas apresentaram calcificações após tratamento quimioterápico. CONCLUSÃO: As calcificações hepáticas são de baixa prevalência em exames tomográficos (< 5%) e são mais freqüentemente de origem residual por processos infecciosos e inflamatórios pregressos.
BACKGROUND: Several subsets of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) are defined by molecular alterations acting as tumor drivers, some of them being currently therapeutically actionable. The rat sarcoma (RAS)-rapidly accelerated fibrosarcoma (RAF)-mitogen-activated protein/extracellular signal-regulated kinase kinase (MEK)-extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway constitutes an attractive potential target, as v-Raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B (BRAF) mutations occur in 2-4% of NSCLC adenocarcinoma. METHODS: Here, we review the latest clinical data on BRAF serine/threonine kinase inhibitors in NSCLC. RESULTS: Treatment of V600E BRAF-mutated NSCLC with BRAF inhibitor monotherapy demonstrated encouraging antitumor activity. Combination of BRAF and MEK inhibitors using dabrafenib and trametinib is under evaluation. Preliminary data suggest superior efficacy compared with BRAF inhibitor monotherapy. CONCLUSION: Targeting BRAF alterations represents a promising new therapeutic approach for a restricted subset of oncogene-addicted NSCLC. Prospect ive trials refining this strategy are ongoing. A next step will probably aim at combining BRAF inhibitors and immunotherapy or alternatively improve a multilevel mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway blockade by combining with ERK inhibitors.