998 resultados para Micro generation
Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC ) provide an invaluable resource for regenerative medicine as they allow the generationof patient-specific progenitors with potential value for cell therapy. However, in many instances, an off-the-shelf approach isdesirable, such as for cell therapy of acute conditions or when the patient’s somatic cells are altered as a consequence of a chronicdisease or aging. Cord blood (CB) stem cells appear ideally suited for this purpose as they are young cells expected to carryminimal somatic mutations and possess the immunological immaturity of newborn cells; additionally, several hundred thousandimmunotyped CB units are readily available through a worldwide network of CB banks. Here we present a detailed protocol for thederivation of CB stem cells and how they can be reprogrammed to pluripotency by retroviral transduction with only two factors(OCT 4 and SO X2) in 2 weeks and without the need for additional chemical compounds.
We review some of the most significant issues and results on the economic effects of genetically modified (GM) product innovation, with emphasis on the question of GM labeling and the need for costly segregation and identity preservation activities. The analysis is organized around an explicit model that can accommodate the features of both first-generation and second-generation GM products. The model accounts for the proprietary nature of GM innovations and for the critical role of consumer preferences vis-à-vis GM products, as well as for the impacts of segregation and identity preservation and the effects of a mandatory GM labeling regulation. We also investigate briefly a novel question in this setting, the choice of “research direction”when both cost-reducing and quality-enhancing GM innovations are feasible.
Human embryonic stem (hES) cells represent a potential source for cell replacement therapy of many degenerative diseases. Most frequently, hES cell lines are derived from surplus embryos from assisted reproduction cycles, independent of their quality or morphology. Here, we show that hES cell lines can be obtained from poor-quality blastocysts with the same efficiency as that obtained from good- or intermediate-quality blastocysts. Furthermore, we show that the self-renewal, pluripotency, and differentiation ability of hES cell lines derived from either source are comparable. Finally, we present a simple and reproducible embryoid body-based protocol for the differentiation of hES cells into functional cardiomyocytes. The five new hES cell lines derived here should widen the spectrum of available resources for investigating the biology of hES cells and advancing toward efficient strategies of regenerative medicine.
Recently, we showed that connexin37 (Cx37) protects against early atherosclerotic lesion development by regulating monocyte adhesion. The expression of this gap junction protein is altered in mouse and human atherosclerotic lesions; it is increased in macrophages newly recruited to the lesions and disappears from the endothelium of advanced plaques. To obtain more insight into the molecular role of Cx37 in advanced atherosclerosis, we used micro-array analysis for gene expression profiling in aortas of ApoE(-/-) and Cx37(-/-)ApoE(-/-) mice before and after 18 weeks of cholesterol-rich diet. Out of >15,000 genes, 106 genes were significantly differentially expressed in young mice before diet (P-value of <0.05, fold change of >0.7 or <-0.7, and intensity value >2.2 times background). Ingenuity pathway analysis (IPA) revealed differences in genes involved in cell-to-cell signaling and interaction, cellular compromise and nutritional disease. In addition, we identified 100 genes that were significantly perturbed after the cholesterol-rich diet. Similar to the analysis on 10-week-old mice, IPA revealed differences in genes involved in cell-to-cell signaling and interaction as well as to immuno-inflammatory disease. Furthermore, we found important changes in genes involved in vascular calcification and matrix degradation, some of which were confirmed at protein level by (immuno-)histochemistry. In conclusion, we suggest that Cx37 deficiency alters the global differential gene expression profiles in young mice towards a pro-inflammatory phenotype, which are then further influenced in advanced atherosclerosis. The results provide new insights into the significance of Cx37 in plaque calcification.
Les muqueuses sont les membranes tapissant les cavités du corps, tel que le tube digestif, et sont en contact direct avec l'environnement extérieur. Ces surfaces subissent de nombreuses agressions pouvant être provoquées par des agents pathogènes (bactéries, toxines ou virus). Cela étant, les muqueuses sont munies de divers mécanismes de protection dont notamment deux protéines-clés permettant de neutraliser les agents pathogènes : les anticorps ou immunoglobulines sécrétoires A (SIgA) et M (SIgM). Ces anticorps sont, d'une part, fabriqués au niveau de la muqueuse sous forme d'IgA et IgM. Lorsqu'ils sont sécrétés dans l'intestin, ils se lient à une protéine appelée pièce sécrétoire et deviennent ainsi SIgA et SïgM. La présence de la pièce sécrétoire est essentielle pour que les anticorps puissent fonctionner au niveau de la muqueuse. D'autre part, ces anticorps sont également fabriqués dans d'autres parties du corps en général et se retrouvent dans le sang sous forme d'IgA et IgM Chez l'homme, des thérapies basées sur l'injection d'anticorps donnent de bons résultats depuis de nombreuses années notamment dans le traitement des infections. Bien qu'un certain nombre d'études ont montré le rôle protecteur des anticorps de type IgA et IgM, ceux-ci ne sont que rarement utilisés dans les thérapies actuelles. La principale raison de cette faible utilisation réside dans la production ou la purification des IgA/IgM ou SIgA/SIgM (la forme active au niveau des muqueuses) qui est difficile à réaliser à large échelle. Ainsi, le but de la thèse était (1) d'étudier la possibilité d'employer des IgA et des IgM provenant du sang humain pour générer des SIgA et SIgM et (2) de voir si ces anticorps reconstitués pouvaient neutraliser certains agents pathogènes au niveau des muqueuses. Tout d'abord, une analyse biochimique des IgA et des IgM issues du sang a été effectuée. Nous avons observé que ces anticorps avaient des caractéristiques similaires aux anticorps naturellement présents au niveau des muqueuses. De plus, nous avons confirmé que ces anticorps pouvaient être associés à une pièce sécrétoire produite en laboratoire pour ainsi donner des SIgA et SIgM reconstituées. Ensuite, la fonctionnalité des anticorps reconstitués a été testée grâce à un modèle de couche unique de cellules intestinales différenciées (monocouches) en laboratoire imitant la paroi de l'intestin. Ces monocouches ont été infectées par une bactérie pathogène, Shigella flexneri, responsable de la shigellose, une maladie qui provoque des diarrhées sanglantes chez l'homme. L'infection des monocouches par les bactéries seules ou combinées aux SIgA et SIgM reconstituées a été analysée. Nous avons observé que les dommages des cellules étaient moins importants lorsque les SIgA étaient présentes. Il apparaît que les SIgA neutralisent les bactéries en se fixant dessus, ce qui provoque leur agrégation, et diminuent l'inflammation des cellules. La protection s'est montrée encore plus efficace avec les SIgM. De plus, nous avons vu que les SIgA et SIgM pouvaient diminuer la sécrétion de facteurs nocifs produits par les bactéries. Utilisant le même modèle des monocouches, la fonctionnalité des IgA issues du sang humain a aussi été testée contre une toxine sécrétée par une bactérie appelée Clostridium diffìcile. Cette bactérie peut être présente naturellement dans l'intestin de personnes saines, cependant elle peut devenir pathogène dans certaines conditions et être à l'origine de diarrhées et d'inflammations de l'intestin via la sécrétion de toxines. Des préparations d'anticorps contenant une certaine proportion de SIgA reconstituées ont amené à une diminution des dommages et de l'inflammation des monocouches causés par la toxine. L'ensemble de ces résultats prometteurs, montrant que des SIgA et SIgM reconstituées peuvent protéger la paroi de l'intestin des infections bactériennes, nous conduisent à approfondir la recherche sur ces anticorps dans des modèles animaux. L'aboutissement de ce type de recherche permettrait de tester, par la suite, l'efficacité sur l'homme de traitements des infections des muqueuses par injection d'anticorps de type SIgA et SIgM reconstituées. Les muqueuses, telle que la muqueuse gastrointestinale, sont des surfaces constamment exposées à l'environnement et leur protection est garantie par une combinaison de barrières mécaniques, physicochimiques et immunologiques. Parmi les divers mécanismes de protection immunologiques, la réponse humorale spécifique joue un rôle prépondérant et est assurée par les immunoglobulines sécrétoires de type A (SIgA) et M (SIgM). Les thérapies basées sur l'administration d'IgG apportent d'importants bénéfices dans le domaine de la santé. Bien que des études sur les animaux aient montré que l'administration par voie muqueuse d'IgA polymérique (plgA) ou SIgA pouvaient protéger des infections, des IgA/SIgA n'ont été utilisées qu'occasionnellement dans les thérapies. De plus, des études précliniques et cliniques ont démontré que l'administration par voie systémique de préparations enrichies en IgM pouvait aussi protéger des infections. Cependant, l'administration par voie muqueuse d'IgM/SIgM purifiées n'a pas été examinée jusqu'à présent. La principale raison est que la purification ou là production des IgA/SIgA et IgM/SIgM est difficile à réaliser à large échelle. Le but de ce travail de thèse était d'examiner la possibilité d'associer des IgA et IgM polyclonals purifiées à partir du plasma humain avec une pièce sécrétoire recombinante humaine afin de générer des SIgA et SIgM reconstituées fonctionnelles. Tout d'abord, une analyse biochimique des IgA et IgM issues du plasma humain a été effectuée par buvardage de western et Chromatographie. Ces molécules avaient des caractéristiques biochimiques similaires à celles des immunoglobulines issues de la muqueuse. L'association entre plgA ou IgM issues du plasma humain et la pièce sécrétoire recombinante humaine a été confirmée, ainsi que la stoechiométrie 1:1 de l'association. Comme dans les conditions physiologiques, cette association permettait de retarder la dégradation des SIgA et SIgM reconstituées exposées à des protéases intestinales. Ensuite, la fonctionnalité et le mode d'action des IgA et IgM issues du plasma humain, ainsi que des SIgA et SIgM reconstituées, ont été explorés grâce à un modèle in vitro de monocouches de cellules intestinales épithéliales polarisées de type Caco-2, qui imite l'épithélium intestinal. Les monocouches ont été infectées par un pathogène entérique, Shigella flexneri, seul ou combiné aux immunoglobulines issues du plasma humain ou aux immunoglobulines sécrétoires reconstituées. Bien que les dommages des monocouches aient été retardés par les plgA et SIgA reconstituées, les IgM et SIgM reconstituées se sont montrées supérieures dans le maintien de l'intégrité des cellules. Une agrégation bactérienne et une diminution de l'inflammation des monocouches ont été observées avec les plgA et SIgA reconstituées. Ces effets étaient augmentés avec les IgM et SIgM reconstituées. De plus, il s'est révélé que les deux types d'immunoglobulines de type sécrétoire reconstituées agissaient directement sur la virulence des bactéries en réduisant leur sécrétion de facteurs de virulence. La fonctionnalité des IgA issues du plasma humain a aussi été testée contre la toxine A de Clostridium difficile grâce au même modèle de monocouches de cellules épithéliales. Nous avons démontré que des préparations enrichies en IgA provenant du plasma humain pouvaient diminuer les dommages et l'inflammation des monocouches induits par la toxine. L'ensemble de ces résultats démontrent que des IgA et IgM de type sécrétoire peuvent être générées à partir d'IgA et IgM issues du plasma humain en les associant à la pièce sécrétoire et que ces molécules protègent l'épithélium intestinal contre des bactéries pathogènes. Ces molécules pourraient dès lors être testées dans des modèles in vivo. Le but final serait de les utiliser chez l'homme à des fins d'immunisation passive dans le traitement de pathologies associées à la muqueuse telles que les infections. - Mucosal surfaces, such as gastrointestinal mucosa, are constantly exposed to the external environment and their protection is ensured by a combination of mechanical, physicochemical and immunological barriers. Among the various immunological defense mechanisms, specific humoral mucosal response plays a crucial role and is mediated by secretory immunoglobulins A (SIgA) and M (SIgM). Immunoglobulin therapy based on the administration of IgG molecules leads important health benefits. Even though animal studies have shown that mucosal application of polymeric IgA (plgA) or SIgA provided protection against infections, IgA/SIgA have been only used occasionally for therapeutic application. Moreover, preclinical and clinical studies have demonstrated that systemic administration of IgM-enriched preparations could also afford protection against infections. Nevertheless, mucosal application of purified IgM/SIgM has not been examined. The main reason is that the purification or production of IgA/SIgA and IgM/SIgM at large scale is difficult to achieve. The aim of this PhD project was to examine the possibility to associate polyclonal human plasma-derived IgA and IgM with recombinant human secretory component (SC) to generate functional secretoiy-like IgA and IgM. First, biochemical analysis of human plasma IgA and IgM was performed by western blotting and chromatography. These molecules exhibited the same biochemical features as mucosa-derived antibodies (Abs). The association between human plasma plgA or IgM and recombinant human SC was confirmed, as well as the 1:1 stoichiometry of association. Similarly to physiological conditions, this association delayed the degradation of secretory-like IgA or IgM by intestinal proteases. Secondly, the function activity and the mode of action of human plasma IgA and IgM, as well as secretory-like IgA and IgM were explored using an in vitro model of polarized intestinal epithelial Caco-2 cell monolayers mimicking intestinal epithelium. Cell monolayers were infected with an enteropathogen, Shigella flexneri, alone or in combination to plasma Abs or secretory-like Abs. Even though plasma plgA and secretoiy-like IgA resulted in a delay of bacteria-induced damages of cell monolayers, plasma IgM and secretory-like IgM were shown to be superior in maintenance of cell integrity. Polymeric IgA and secretory-like IgA induced bacterial aggregation and decreased cell monolayer inflammation, effects further amplified with IgM and secretory-like IgM. In addition, both secretory-like Abs directly impacted on bacterial virulence leading to a reduction in secretion of virulence factors by bacteria. The functionality of human plasma IgA was also tested against Clostridium difficile toxin A using Caco-2 cell monolayers. Human plasma IgA- enriched preparations led to a diminution of cell monolayer damages and a decrease of cellular inflammation induced by the toxin. The sum of these results demonstrates that secretory-like IgA and IgM can be generated from purified human plasma IgA and IgM associated to SC and that these molecules are functional to protect intestinal epithelium from bacterial infections. These molecules could be now tested using in vivo models. The final goal would be to use them by passive immunization in the treatment of mucosa-associated pathologies like infections in humans.
OBJECTIVE: To study delayed failure after subthalamic nucleus (STN) deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's disease (PD) patients. METHODS: Out of 56 consecutive bilaterally STN-implanted PD patients, we selected subjects who, after initial clinical improvement (1 month after surgery), lost benefit (delayed failure, DF). RESULTS: Five patients developed sub-acutely severe gait disorders (DF). In 4/5 DF patients, a micro-lesion effect, defined as improvement without stimulation, was observed; immediate post-operative MRI demonstrated electrode located above or behind to the STN. CONCLUSIONS: Patients presenting micro-lesion effect should be carefully monitored, as this phenomenon can mask electrodes misplacement and evolution in DF
This paper describes a maximum likelihood method using historical weather data to estimate a parametric model of daily precipitation and maximum and minimum air temperatures. Parameter estimates are reported for Brookings, SD, and Boone, IA, to illustrate the procedure. The use of this parametric model to generate stochastic time series of daily weather is then summarized. A soil temperature model is described that determines daily average, maximum, and minimum soil temperatures based on air temperatures and precipitation, following a lagged process due to soil heat storage and other factors.
Development of ectodermal appendages, such as hair, teeth, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, and mammary glands, requires the action of the TNF family ligand ectodysplasin A (EDA). Mutations of the X-linked EDA gene cause reduction or absence of many ectodermal appendages and have been identified as a cause of ectodermal dysplasia in humans, mice, dogs, and cattle. We have generated blocking antibodies, raised in Eda-deficient mice, against the conserved, receptor-binding domain of EDA. These antibodies recognize epitopes overlapping the receptor-binding site and prevent EDA from binding and activating EDAR at close to stoichiometric ratios in in vitro binding and activity assays. The antibodies block EDA1 and EDA2 of both mammalian and avian origin and, in vivo, suppress the ability of recombinant Fc-EDA1 to rescue ectodermal dysplasia in Eda-deficient Tabby mice. Moreover, administration of EDA blocking antibodies to pregnant wild type mice induced in developing wild type fetuses a marked and permanent ectodermal dysplasia. These function-blocking anti-EDA antibodies with wide cross-species reactivity will enable study of the developmental and postdevelopmental roles of EDA in a variety of organisms and open the route to therapeutic intervention in conditions in which EDA may be implicated.
Este estudo teórico propõe uma reflexão sobre a resistência intrínseca da subclasse Coccidia, particularmente o gênero Cryptosporidium, considerado como um agente potencialmente patogênico para pacientes imunocomprometidos, e suas repercussões na prática assistencial. Atualmente, as diretrizes internacionais e nacionais aprovam como procedimento seguro a desinfecção química de alto nível de endoscópios digestivos, após sua limpeza. No entanto, estudos evidenciaram que micro-organismos da subclasse Coccidia, especificamente o Cryptosporidium, responsável por infecção entérica, são mais resistentes que as micobactérias e não são inativados pelos desinfetantes químicos de alto nível, exceto pelo Peróxido de Hidrogênio a 6% e 7,5%, formulação ainda não disponível no Brasil. Conclui-se que a legislação deve incluir este agente entre os micro-organismos teste para aprovação de desinfetantes químicos de alto nível e que as autoridades sanitárias devem se esforçar para garantir que os estabelecimentos de assistência à saúde tenham acesso a produtos eficazes contra o Cryptosporidium.
Comentario a la traducción por encargo del libro WOTBG, centrado en las muestras de obra poética de las distintas autoras y la necesidad de conservar sus similitudes y sus diferéncias.
A procedure for the dynamic generation of 1,6-hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) aerosol atmospheres of 70 micrograms m-3 (0.01 ppm) to 1.75 mg m-3 (0.25 ppm), based on the precise control of the evaporation of pure liquid HDI and subsequent dilution with air, was developed. The apparatus consisted of a home-made glass nebulizer coupled with a separation stage to exclude non-respirable droplets (greater than 10 microns). The aerosol concentrations were achieved by passing air through the nebulizer at 1.5-4.5 l. min-1 to generate dynamically 0.01-0.25 ppm of diisocyanate in an experimental chamber of 8.55 m3. The distribution of the liquid aerosol was established with an optical counter and the diisocyanate concentration was determined from samples collected in impingers by a high-pressure liquid chromatographic method. The atmospheres generated were suitable for the evaluation both of sampling procedures full scale, and of analytical methods: at 140 micrograms m-3 (0.02 ppm) they remained stable for 15-min provocation tests in clinical asthma, as verified by breath-zone sampling of exposed patients.
As microempresas desempenham um papel fundamental na promoção do emprego, na inovação, na criação de rendimentos e no desenvolvimento económico e social. Para os países em vias de desenvolvimento, crê-se que a dinamização das microempresas pode ser um instrumento privilegiado de promoção e combate à pobreza, na medida em que esta poderá ser a via para incentivar as camadas mais pobres das populações rurais e urbanas a criarem os seus próprios negócios e a providenciarem os seus próprios rendimentos. A criação e o crescimento das microempresas estão, todavia, condicionados por vários constrangimentos. A inexistência de capital inicial (Start-Up Capital) é apontada na literatura financeira como uma das mais relevantes. O recurso ao capital externo, como fonte de financiamento, dependerá, por sua vez, de vários factores. O presente estudo foi realizado em Santo Antão, a ilha mais a norte e a mais montanhosa do Arquipélago de Cabo Verde. O sector micro crédito chama atenção pelo facto de ser um instrumento de importância primordial para Cabo Verde e, particularmente, para a ilha de Santo Antão que possui uma estrutura económica e social muito vulnerável o que nos leva a compreender melhor, o funcionamento das microempresas, instaladas nos três municípios da Ilha (Paul, Ribeira Grande e Porto Novo). Ao longo do estudo definimos o perfil sócio económico do micro empresário Santantonense, com o objectivo de compreender e quantificar o contributo do sector para o desenvolvimento empresarial da ilha, sem esquecer os constrangimentos e dificuldades que se colocam aos micros empresários na procura de financiamento. O processo de recolha de informação foi efectuado com recurso a pesquisas de campo, a partir da elaboração e aplicação de entrevistas de uma forma semi-estruturada, no sentido de identificar as principais características/perfil do empresário. Os dados recolhidos pelas entrevistas têm por base uma apreciação crítica da gestão para melhor compreender e comparar as fragilidades existentes e analisar a capacidade de sucesso dos micros empresários. A configuração da actividade económica foi feita com base na análise quantitativa e qualitativa, dos dados obtidos na aplicação dos questionários. De igual modo, analisamos e comparamos os casos de sucesso e insucesso nas microempresas em estudo, casos de sucesso no que diz respeito aos benefícios de micro créditos para a redução da pobreza e do desemprego, de criação do auto-emprego, e da formação/informação aos micros empresários santantonenses. Nos casos de insucesso analisamos as causas que estiveram na sua origem assim como as consequências daí advenientes. Uma das constatações do estudo, como se verá pela análise dos dados, é que o micro empresário Santantonense, possui um baixo nível de escolaridade e que na sua maioria são mulheres. Um outro resultado evidenciado pelo estudo, é que há uma necessidade da política pública de desenvolvimento no sentido de definição de incentivos à criação e à promoção de micro negócios, atendendo às características demográficas e às necessidades específicas dos beneficiários. Micro enterprises perform a fundamental component in promoting employment, innovation, and earnings-generation and in socio-economic development. For countries en route to development, the belief is that the dynamic engine of the micro enterprises could be a privileged instrument to promote in the battle against poverty, in the hope that this could be the venue to incentivize the poorest of the rural and urban populations to create their own businesses and forecast their own earnings. The creation and the growth of micro enterprises is, however, conditional upon various constraints. The inexistence of initial capital is cited in financial literature as one of the more important. To resort to external capital as a financing source, is itself dependent on various factors. The current study was conducted in Santo Antão, the most northern and mountainous island in the Archipelago of Cape Verde. The micro credit´s sector calls attention to the fact that it is an essential instrument in Cape Verde, particularly in the island of Santo Antão which has an economic and social structure extremely vulnerable, leading us to a better understanding of how micro enterprises operate in the three municipalities of the Island (Paul, Ribeira Grande and Porto Novo). During the course of the study we defined the socio-economic character of the micro entrepreneur Santantonense, with the goal of understanding and quantifying the sector´s contribution to the Island´s entrepreneurial development, keeping in mind the contraints and difficulties that confront the entrepreneurs when seeking financing. The process for gathering the information was performed through field research, beginning with elaboration and application of interviews, designed to identify the entrepreneur´s major characteristics and the importance of micro credit for the island of Santo Antão. The data gathered through the interviews have un underlying basic and critic appreciation of management for a better understanding and comparing the existing fragilities and for analyzing the micro entrepreneurs´ capacity to succeed. The configuration of economic activities was designed based on quantitative and qualitative analysis from data obtained from the questionnaires. Likewise, we analyzed and compared the success and non-success cases of the micro enterprises in the study, success cases with respect to the benefits of micro credit in reducing poverty and unemployment, creation of self-employment, and the education/information for the micro entrepreneurs of Santo Antão. In the non-success cases we analyzed the original causes as well as the impending consequences. One of the study´s contentions, as the data analysis shows, is that micro entrepreneur of Santo Antão has a low level of education with the majority of them being women. In addition the study shows that there is a need for a public discourse in terms of defining and developing incentives for creating and promoting micro businesses given the demographic characteristics and the specific necessities of the beneficiaries.
Exploratory and descriptive study based on quantitative and qualitative methods that analyze the phenomenon of violence against adolescents based on gender and generational categories. The data source was reports of violence from the Curitiba Protection Network from 2010 to 2012 and semi-structured interviews with 16 sheltered adolescents. Quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS software version 20.0 and the qualitative data were subjected to content analysis. The adolescents were victims of violence in the household and outside of the family environment, as victims or viewers of violence. The violence was experienced at home, mostly toward girls, with marked overtones of gender violence. More than indicating the magnitude of the issue, this study can give information to help qualify the assistance given to victimized people and address how to face this issue.
Micas are commonly used in Ar-40/Ar-39 thermochronological studies of variably deformed rocks yet the physical basis by which deformation may affect radiogenic argon retention in mica is poorly constrained. This study examines the relationship between deformation and deformation-induced microstructures on radiogenic argon retention in muscovite, A combination of furnace step-heating and high-spatial resolution in situ UV-laser ablation Ar-40/Ar-39 analyses are reported for deformed muscovites sampled from a granitic pegmatite vein within the Siviez-Mischabel Nappe, western Swiss Alps (Penninic domain, Brianconnais unit). The pegmatite forms part of the Variscan (similar to 350 Ma) Alpine basement and exhibits a prominent Alpine S-C fabric including numerous mica `fish' that developed under greenschist facies metamorphic conditions, during the dominant Tertiary Alpine tectonic phase of nappe emplacement. Furnace step-heating of milligram quantities of separated muscovite grains yields an Ar-40/Ar-39 age spectrum with two distinct staircase segments but without any statistical plateau, consistent with a previous study from the same area. A single (3 X 5 mm) muscovite porphyroclast (fish) was investigated by in situ UV-laser ablation. A histogram plot of 170 individual Ar-40/Ar-39 UV-laser ablation ages exhibit a range from 115 to 387 Ma with modes at approximately 340 and 260 Ma. A variogram statistical treatment of the (40)Ad/Ar-39 results reveals ages correlated with two directions; a highly correlated direction at 310 degrees and a lesser correlation at 0 degrees relative to the sense of shearing. Using the highly correlated direction a statistically generated (Kriging method) age contour map of the Ar-40/Ar-39 data reveals a series of elongated contours subparallel to the C-surfaces which where formed during Tertiary nappe emplacement. Similar data distributions and slightly younger apparent ages are recognized in a smaller mica fish. The observed intragrain age variations are interpreted to reflect the partial loss of radiogenic argon during Alpine (similar to 35 Ma) greenschist facies metamorphism. One-dirnensional diffusion modelling results are consistent with the idea that the zones of youngest apparent age represent incipient shear band development within the mica porphyroclasts, thus providing a network of fast diffusion pathways. During Alpine greenschist facies metamorphism the incipient shear bands enhanced the intragrain loss of radiogenic argon. The structurally controlled intragrain age variations observed in this investigation imply that deformation has a direct control on the effective length scale for argon diffusion, which is consistent with the heterogeneous nature of deformation. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.