479 resultados para Incomes


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Modern medicine began in the last half of the nineteenth century when doctors started practising the scientific method at the bedside. However, in his presidential address to the Association of American Physicians in 1979 James Wyngaarden postulated that the clinical scientist was an endangered species. Several reasons for this have been suggested, including “the seductive incomes that now derive from procedure-based specialty medicine”. Others have suggested that it is simply because the things left to be discovered at bedside have become exhausted, and that all the big medical advances will now be made by high-powered institutions.


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In the course of integrating into the global market, especially since China’s WTO accession, China has achieved remarkable GDP growth and has become the second largest economy in the world. These economic achievements have substantially increased Chinese incomes and have generated more government revenue for social progress. However, China’s economic progress, in itself, is neither sufficient for achieving desirable development outcomes nor a guarantee for expanding peoples’ capabilities. In fact, a narrow emphasis on GDP growth proves to be unsustainable, and may eventually harm the life quality of Chinese citizens. Without the right set of policies, a deepening trade-openness policy in China may enlarge social disparities and some people may further be deprived of basic public services and opportunities. To address these concerns, this dissertation, a set of three essays in Chapters 2-4, examines the impact of China's WTO accession on income distribution, compares China’s income and multidimensional poverty reduction and investigates the factors, including the WTO accession, that predict multidimensional poverty. By exploiting the exogenous variation in exposure to tariff changes across provinces and over time, Chapter 2 (Essay 1) estimates the causal effects of trade shocks and finds that China’s WTO accession has led to an increase in average household income, but its impacts are not evenly distributed. Households in urban areas have benefited more significantly than those in rural areas. Households with members working in the private sector have benefited more significantly than those in the public sector. However, the WTO accession has contributed to reducing income inequality between higher and lower income groups. Chapter 3 (Essay 2) explains and applies the Alkire and Foster Method (AF Method), examines multidimensional poverty in China and compares it with income poverty. It finds that China’s multidimensional poverty has declined dramatically during the period from 1989-2011. Reduction rates and patterns, however, vary by dimensions: multidimensional poverty reduction exhibits unbalanced regional progress as well as varies by province and between rural and urban areas. In comparison with income poverty, multidimensional poverty reduction does not always coincide with economic growth. Moreover, if one applies a single measure ─ either that of income or multidimensional poverty ─ a certain proportion of those who are poor remain unrecognized. By applying a logistic regression model, Chapter 4 (Essay 3) examines factors that predict multidimensional poverty and finds that the major factors predicting multidimensional poverty in China include household size, education level of the household head, health insurance coverage, geographic location, and the openness of the local economy. In order to alleviate multidimensional poverty, efforts should be targeted to (i) expand education opportunities for the household heads with low levels of education, (ii) develop appropriate geographic policies to narrow regional gaps and (iii) make macroeconomic policies work for the poor.


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The electricity market and climate are both undergoing a change. The changes impact hydropower and provoke an interest for hydropower capacity increases. In this thesis a new methodology was developed utilising short-term hydropower optimisation and planning software for better capacity increase profitability analysis accuracy. In the methodology income increases are calculated in month long periods while varying average discharge and electricity price volatility. The monthly incomes are used for constructing year scenarios, and from different types of year scenarios a long-term profitability analysis can be made. Average price development is included utilising a multiplier. The method was applied on Oulujoki hydropower plants. It was found that the capacity additions that were analysed for Oulujoki were not profitable. However, the methodology was found versatile and useful. The result showed that short periods of peaking prices play major role in the profitability of capacity increases. Adding more discharge capacity to hydropower plants that initially bypassed water more often showed the best improvements both in income and power generation profile flexibility.


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Tropical forests have decreased drastically especially in the Peruvian Amazon. In Peru deforestation is caused especially by migrant people; building of houses and infrastructure, clearing land for agricultural purposes and illegal logging and mining. Deforestation results in hindering ecosystem vitality, boosting climate change and decreasing livelihood possibilities. As a counterpoint to cutting down trees there is reforestation, which refers to re-establishment of forest cover. Deforestation and reforestation can be analysed in the light of Forest Transition theory. According to it, due to economic growth, the amount forest cover first diminishes but then starts to increase as the economy in general strengthens. Thus, the research framework is set to this theory. In this study the focus is on analysing socioeconomically sustainable reforestation possibilities in the community of Tingana, Peru. It is situated in a municipal conservation area around which deforestation has been heavy. Land cover change is analysed from LandsatTM satellite images covering a 15 year time period, 1995–2010, in the surroundings of the study area. Semi-structured interviews have been done with a sample size of 25 people and shed light on the perspectives on forests, reforestation and economical activities. The synthesis created from the two methods gives information about the possibilities to enforce reforestation in Tingana and the phase of forest transition in the area. The results show that forest cover has decreased around the surroundings of Tingana leaving the conservation area isolated from larger forest areas. Knowing that forest cover has also decreased inside the conservation area due to agricultural expansion it is certain that fragmentation harms biodiversity causing changes in local climate, which can have knock-on effects for farming and local livelihoods. Therefore reforestation is welcomed when it ensures both conservation and financial benefits and when carried out on locals’ terms. Regarding conservation and incomes the best option would be to plant native timber species together with fruit production species to create agroforestry systems. Economically the community should aim towards an economy that relies on ecotourism as it already practiced in the area. Reforestation could increase ecotourism, which then could in turn increase reforestation via revenues. Regarding forest transition it is likely that forest re-establishment will occur if reforestation along with ecotourism is implemented on long time scale.


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BACKGROUND: Today, new lifestyles, higher incomes and consumer awareness are creating consumer demand for a year-round supply of high-quality, diverse and innovative food products. However, when it comes to innovation, the food sector is less changeable when compared to other sectors, such as high technology. Still, in the past decades much and important developments have been achieved in several areas related to foods and the food industry. METHODS: A systematic review of scientific literature was conducted on Science Direct. The topics investigated were: aspects related to innovation in food development (such as the transfer of innovation, open innovation, collaborative innovation and consumer perception and its role in the developing process); the innovation in the food industry (particularly regarding the processing technologies and packaging, which are two prominent areas of innovation in this sector nowadays); the innovation in the cooking sector (particularly in regards to the molecular gastronomy and science based cooking). RESULTS: A total of 146 articles were included in the review and the aspects focused allowed confirming that innovation has been recognized as a key driver of economic growth. Within the framework of ‘open innovation’, a number of key issues related to the acquisition of external knowledge in food technology must be taken into consideration. Food product development is highly dependent on the consumer perception and acceptance, and hence it is of utmost importance to include the consumer in the development process to minimize failure probabilities. The sectors of the food industry where important developments and innovation are registered include the processing technologies and the packaging systems, where the latest progresses have produced very significant outcomes. CONCLUSION: The present work allowed verifying the latest improvements and trend towards food product development from two perspectives, the product itself and the industrial processing. This sector is undoubtedly a major key for the success and competitiveness nowadays in the food industry.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Zootécnica, 18 de Julho de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.


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A major challenge for international agricultural research is to find ways to improve the nutrition and incomes of people left behind by the Green Revolution. To better address the needs of the most marginal and vulnerable people, the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (AAS) developed the research-in-development (RinD) approach. In 2012, WorldFish started to implement RinD in Solomon Islands. By building people’s capacity to analyze and address development problems, actively engaging relevant stakeholders, and linking research to these processes, RinD aims to develop an alternative approach to addressing hunger and poverty. This report describes the key principles and implementation process, and assesses the emergent outcomes of this participatory, systems-oriented and transformative research approach in Solomon Islands.


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Boruca es una comunidad que está situada al sur del país, en la provincia de Puntarenas. Su extensión en territorio es de 12.470 hectáreas y según el censo poblacional del 2000 tiene una población de 1.386 indígenas, entre la cual hay una importante cantidad de niños, niñas y adolescentes en edad escolar, así como también egresados/as de secundaria.Según el informe sobre desarrollo humano en Centroamérica y Panamá del 2004:"tener acceso al conocimiento es un factor que determina en gran medida el bienestar actual y futuro de las personas. El conocimiento implica por una parte, acceso a la educación o capacitación y por otra, acceso a información pertinente, veraz y oportuna. Se ha establecido que un más alto nivel de formación de las personas contribuye a que gocen de un mejor estado de salud, alcancen empleos superiores y obtengan mayores ingresos. El nivel y calidad de la formación es un factor importante en la promoción personal, en el ascenso social y en el progreso colectivo del país"Partiendo de lo anterior, reflexiono que en las comunidades indígenas de nuestro país no existen unidades de información que sirvan de apoyo en sus procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje, tampoco cuentan con un espacio físico de encuentro donde los y las jóvenes y las demás personas puedan expresar sus destrezas, sus gustos por la lectura, buscar información y usar la tecnología. Y qué pasa además con sus necesidades básicas, ¿estarán cubiertas?, ¿sus problemas diarios tendrán solución?, ¿vivirán en condiciones de extrema pobreza?, ¿cuentan con suficientes alimentos?, ¿sus relaciones familiares son armoniosas? Por lo tanto, ¿esimportante una biblioteca en la comunidad?, ¿para qué serviría y apoyaría a estas poblaciones?


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Neste trabalho é descrita a síntese de novos N-acilaminoácidos e Nacilaminoésteres graxos derivados de ácidos graxos saturados e insaturados como, por exemplo, esteárico e ricinoléico, respectivamente. Após, foi avaliada a capacidade destes compostos para a gelificação de hidrocarbonetos e as propriedades dos géis formados foram estudadas pelas técnicas de Espectroscopia de Infravermelho (IV) e Calorimetria de Varredura Diferencial (DSC). A síntese dos N-acilaminoésteres graxos foi realizada na presença de DCC, DMAP e dos respectivos aminoésteres e ácidos graxos. Os N-acilaminoésteres graxos 11-15a-d foram isolados em rendimentos que variaram de 50-84%, após 12h de reação a temperatura ambiente. Os N-acilaminoácidos graxos 16-20a-d foram obtidos a partir da hidrólise básica de 11-15a-d realizada a temperatura ambiente, em rendimentos que variaram de 34-80%. A seguir foi realizado o estudo de gelificação com todos os compostos sintetizados para verificar a influência das diferentes cadeias graxas e dos grupos laterais dos aminoácidos e aminoésteres na gelificação de tolueno, hexano e gasolina. As análises de DSC e IV mostraram que a estabilidade dos géis dependeu do tipo e do tamanho da cadeia lipofílica e também da natureza dos grupos laterais ligados ao átomo de nitrogênio. Dentre os compostos testados os compostos 17a-b de cadeia satura (C16:0 e C18:0) e 19a (C16:0), derivados da alanina e da fenilalanina, respectivamente, formaram géis em hexano, gasolina e tolueno. Pela primeira vez foram citadas as capacidades de gelificação de hidrocarbonetos pelos Nacilaminoésteres graxos 15a-b de cadeia saturada, derivados da serina, sendo os géis derivados destes compostos os mais estáveis termicamente dentre todos os obtidos.


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This article addresses some implications for gender equality and gender policy at European and national levels of transformations in family, economy and polity, which challenge gender regimes across Europe. Women’s labour market participation in the west and the collapse of communism in the east have undermined the systems and assumptions of western male breadwinner and dual worker models of central and eastern Europe. Political reworking of the work/welfare relationship into active welfare has individualised responsibility. Individualisation is a key trend west − and in some respects east − and challenges the structures that supported care in state and family. The links that joined men to women, cash to care, incomes to carers have all been fractured. The article will argue that care work and unpaid care workers are both casualties of these developments. Social, political and economic changes have not been matched by the development of new gender models at the national level. And while EU gender policy has been admired as the most innovative aspect of its social policy, gender equality is far from achieved: women’s incomes across Europe are well below men’s; policies for supporting unpaid care work have developed modestly compared with labour market activation policies.Enlargement brings new challenges as it draws together gender regimes with contrasting histories and trajectories. The article will map social policies for gender equality across the key elements of gender regimes – paid work, care work, income, time and voice – and discuss the nature of a model of gender equality that would bring gender equality across these. It analyses ideas about a dual earner–dual carer model, in the Dutch combination scenario and ‘universal caregiver’ models, at household and civil society levels. These offer a starting point for a model in which paid and unpaid work are equally valued and equally shared between men and women, but we argue that a citizenship model, in which paid and unpaid work obligations are underpinned by social rights, is more likely to achieve gender equality.


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Rational choice models argue that income inequality leads to a higher expected utility of crime and thus generates incentives to engage in illegal activities. Yet, the results of empirical studies do not provide strong support for this theory; in fact, Neumayer provides apparently strong evidence that income inequality is not a significant determinant of violent property crime rates when a representative sample is used and country specific fixed effects are controlled for. An important limitation of this and other empirical studies on the subject is that they only consider proportional income differences, even though in rational choice models absolute difference in legal and illegal incomes determine the expected utility of crime. Using the same methodology and data as Neumayer, but using absolute inequality measures rather than proportional ones, this paper finds that absolute income inequality is a statistically significant determinant of robbery and violent theft rates. This result is robust to changes in sample size and to different absolute inequality measures, which not only implies that inequality is an important correlate of violent property crime rates but also suggests that absolute measures are preferable when the impact of inequality on property crime is studied.


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La presente investigación se verá enfocada en el análisis del impacto económico generado por los Expats en la planta turística de la ciudad de Cuenca durante el período 2012 - 2015. Para el desarrollo de este proyecto de análisis se comparó información de los establecimientos registrados y no registrados en el catastro turístico del Ministerio de Turismo. Se complementó esta investigación con salidas de campo en donde se realizaron entrevistas a varios especialistas e investigadores además de varios expatriados que residen en Cuenca. Se obtuvieron datos estadísticos, los cuales fueron tabulados y comparados entre los años que enmarcan este sondeo. Los valores obtenidos nos demostraron que la planta turística de la ciudad tuvo un incremento del 4,05%, dentro de los 61 nuevos locales en la ciudad, existen 3 nuevos proyectos en el área de alojamiento, 55 nuevos establecimientos en el área de alimentos y bebidas o restauración. En lo que a transporte turístico se refiere tan solo un local fue puesto al servicio de la comunidad cuenca y extranjera. Finalmente la planta Turística de Cuenca cuenta con tan solo un nuevo establecimiento en lo que a ocio y entretenimiento se refiere. Muchos locales, la gran mayoría de ellos ubicados en el centro histórico de la ciudad y dedicados al servicio de restauración vieron afectados sus ingresos mensuales además de que su promedio semanal de clientes ha disminuido.


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Resumen El efecto de múltiples variables sobre el bienestar social y económico en las pequeñas y medianas empresas puede ser analizado tomando en cuenta las condiciones sistémicas en el modelo propuesto. Este artículo ofrece un marco teórico o modelo para comprender y explicar la relación entre las variables independientes tales como el crédito, mercados, empresariedad, entre otras, y la variable dependiente tal como los ingresos, la producción o el empleo. El propósito fundamental es organizar la mayoría de variables para determinar porqué los ingresos y el empleo no es sostenible par alas pequeñas y medianas empresas. Por lo tanto, factores sociales, económicos así como culturales e institucionales han sido incluidos en el análisis. El modelo desarrollado puede ayudar a mejorar el diseño de estrategias para lograr el éxito de las pequeñas y medianas empresas y el marco de política pública para el gobierno en Costa Rica.   Abstract The effect of multiples variables on the social and economic welfare in the Small and medium size enterprises can be analized taking in account systemic conditions in this model.This paper offers a theoretical framework or model to understand and explain the relationship between independent variables such as credit, markets, entrepreneurship, among others, and dependent variable such as incomes, production or employment rate. The main idea is organize the all variables to determine why the income or employment level is not sustainable for SMEs. Therefore, social and economic factors as well as cultural and institutional components have been included in this analysis. The developed model can help to improve design and management of competitiveness strategies for SMEs and policy framework for the government in Costa Rica.


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Resumen Este artículo explora el efecto social y económico que causan las políticas de financiamiento orientadas hacia las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas en el mercado local y regional en Costa Rica. El microcrédito ha sido una valiosa herramienta de desarrollos de las Mipymes en países desarrollados. La experiencia del FIDEICOMISO-IMAS-BANACIO es uno de los más importantes en Costa Rica para apoyar a los pequeños productores localizados en las regiones más vulnerables como el sur, atlántico y norte del país. Este modelo muestra los efectos cuantitativos y cualitativos del microcrédito sobre variables fundamentales como la producción, empleo, ingresos y habilidades humanas. La principal conclusión radica en afirmar que el microcrédito causa efectos positivos en las capacidades competitivas de las Mipymes así como beneficios sociales sobre las familias que han desarrollado microempresas en las regiones más pobres de Costa Rica.   Abstract This paper explores the social and economic effects of financing policies oriented at small and medium size enterprises in the local and regional market in Costa Rica. The microcredit has been and useful tool to develop SMEs in developing countries. The experience of the FIDEICOMISO-IMAS-BANACIO is one of the most important in Costa Rica to support small producers located in vulnerable regions such as South, Atlantic and North among others. This model show quantity and quality effects of the microcredit on essential variables like production, employment, incomes and human skills. The main conclusion claim that microcredit causes positive effects on the competitive skills of SMEs as well as social benefits on some families that have been developing enterprises in poor regions in Costa Rica.


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Resumen Las condiciones de competitividad tanto empresarial como de los países, son el resultado de una estrategia consistente y sostenida vinculada con la transferencia desde los centros de investigación y desarrollo (I+D) de conocimiento y de tecnología para brindar  una respuesta oportuna e innovadora a las empresas y al país ante mercados internos e internacionales cada vez más exigentes y competitivos; estos esfuerzos sumados a otros a nivel macroeconómico, meso y meta, que en conjunto facilitan un crecimiento de la productividad del trabajo, un incremento de los ingresos per cápita mediante mejores salarios reales, adecuados niveles de capacitación y un aprovechamiento racional de los recursos naturales. Se expone el caso particular de Costa Rica, país que ha generado estrategias e inversiones dirigidas a la educación y la tecnología, lo cual ha posibilitado alcanzar adecuadas posiciones en los clasificadores mundiales. Abstract Conditions of managerial and country’s competitiveness are the result of a consistent and sustained strategy linked with transfer of knowledge and technology from the investigation and development centers to enterprises. They offer an opportune and innovative answer for companies and countries, which are facing a strong competition in the local and international markets. Additionally, the public policy on the macroeconomic, meso and meta levels improve the growth production, labor productivity, incomes per capita and wages, as well as the use of natural resources. Therefore, Costa Rica has generated strategies and investments to reach appropriate positions in the world wide competition.