457 resultados para Huntington


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Human-environment connections are the subject of much study, and the details of those connections are crucial factors in effective environmental management. In a large, interdisciplinary study of the eastern Bering Sea ecosystem involving disciplines from physical oceanography to anthropology, one of the research teams examined commercial fisheries and another looked at subsistence harvests by Alaska Natives. Commercial fisheries and subsistence harvests are extensive, demonstrating strong connections between the ecosystem and the humans who use it. At the same time, however, both research teams concluded that the influence of ecosystem conditions on the outcomes of human activities was weaker than anticipated. Likely explanations of this apparently loose coupling include the ability of fishers and hunters to adjust to variable conditions, and the role of social systems and management in moderating the direct effects of changes in the ecosystem. We propose a new conceptual model for future studies that incorporates a greater range of social factors and their dynamics, in addition to similarly detailed examinations of the ecosystem itself.


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Introduction: The incidence of vertebral artery (VA) injury during cervical spine surgery is rare. Even though tamponade is effective in many cases, early consultation of an endovascular team is recommended if bleeding cannot be controlled. We report a case of emergent endovascular embolisation of left VA due to iatrogenic injury during anterior cervical disc removal and fusion. Case: A 47-year-old woman was admitted to our emergency department with serious arterial bleeding from the neck only hours after undergoing anterior cervical disc removal and fusion surgery. She was intubated and mechanically ventilated, however hemorrhage could not be successfully controlled by packing with surgical hemostatic agents. Cranial computed tomography, computed tomography of the cervical spine and CT angiography confirmed the suspected diagnosis of injury to the VA. Emergent endovascular embolisation successfully stopped the bleeding. Occlusion of the vessel was achieved by vascular plugging. The patient was discharged from our hospital 14 days after the intervention, receiving a revision surgery of the cervical spine on the day of embolisation. At the date of discharge she presented without any focal neurological deficit. Conclusion: Pre-operative radiographic imaging of the cervical spine should be used routinely to identify anatomic abnormalities of the vertebral arteries. Endovascular embolisation appears to be effective in treating acute iatrogenic dissection of the vertebral arteries.


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Książka stanowi poszerzoną i uzupełnioną wersję pracy magisterskiej, napisanej pod kierunkiem prof. Tadeusza Buksińskiego w Instytucie Filozofii im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu.


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O presente relatório descreve as atividades de estágio desenvolvidas no âmbito do Mestrado em Reabilitação Psicomotora, Ramo de Aprofundamento de Competências Profissionais, da Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, realizado no Centro Hospitalar Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, EPE. O estágio profissionalizante desenvolveu-se em 3 áreas, o Internamento de Agudos, a Psiquiatria e a Psiquiatria da Infância e Adolescência existindo avaliações psicomotoras, bem como intervenções com crianças, adolescentes e adultos, na área da saúde mental. O relatório expõe dois estudos-caso, demonstrando o trabalho desenvolvido, somando um enquadramento teórico, legal e institucional atual, bem como uma reflexão acerca da experiência de estágio. O primeiro estudo-caso remete para uma utente com Doença de Coreia de Huntington e o segundo estudo-caso refere-se a uma criança com atraso global do desenvolvimento psicomotor. Para cada estudo-caso é descrito todo o processo de avaliação, objetivos, programa terapêutico, resultados e conclusões. Da mencionada intervenção foi possível verificar melhorias, tanto a nível psicomotor, como cognitivo e sócio-emocional, demonstrando a importância da terapia psicomotora no contexto de saúde mental. As intervenções delineadas são elaboradas em equipa multidisciplinar para uma melhor compreensão do indivíduo. No final é realizado uma crítica a todos os níveis.


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Computational methods to identify harmful variations in humans perform well for rare diseases such as Huntington's but not for common diseases like hypertension or diabetes. A modelling approach that takes protein context into account was illustrated to identify harmful variants involved in complex diseases.


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Huntington avait-il raison lorsqu’il déclarait que la religion serait un élément sujet à diviser ? Loin de déclarer qu’il existe une recrudescence de conflits dans le monde, force est de constater que la dimension religieuse dans les conflits est quant à elle sur le devant de la scène. Les cas du Liban, de l’Irlande du Nord ou de l’Ex-Yougoslavie, des cas classiques, illustrent parfaitement cette dimension dans l’exacerbation d’un conflit. Toutefois, ce mémoire tend à expliciter un phénomène particulier ; celui de l’Albanie. Située dans la région des Balkans, un véritable carrefour des religions d’une part et considéré comme un pays multiconfessionnel d’autre part, elle n’a jamais connu de conflit à caractère religieux. Qu’est-ce qui explique que cet État, composé de musulmans, de chrétiens orthodoxes et de catholiques, n’a jamais vu un conflit religieux émerger tandis que ce mulitconfessionnalisme est facteur de conflit chez d’autres ? Nous verrons que l’hypothèse sur laquelle nous nous appuierons est l’absence d’entrepreneurs politique. L’Albanie post-communiste a maintenu la religion séparée du monde politique tout comme ce dernier a évité la prise de parti pris en véhiculant un message de tolérance religieuse.


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El interés principal de esta monografía es demostrar, cómo dentro del marco institucional colombiano, cambió el tipo de Democracia en dos periodos de gobierno, y cómo dicho cambio afectó negativamente al sistema de partidos y específicamente a los partidos de oposición. Esto será analizado desde la teoría de Arend Lijphart sobre Democracia mayoritaria y Democracia consensual, incluyendo dentro del análisis, el marco institucional donde se desenvuelve el sistema político colombiano. Para un mayor entendimiento de la temática, se realiza un recuento de la institucionalidad de los partidos políticos en Colombia desde su formación hasta el día de hoy, prestando principal interés a los periodos de Gobierno comprendidos entre 2006 y 2013.