921 resultados para Grand Forks Human Nutrition Research Center.


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Os SIG Sistemas de Informação Geográfica vêm sendo cada vez mais estudados como ferramentas facilitadoras de análises territoriais com o objetivo de subsidiar a gestão ambiental. A Ilha Grande, que pertence ao município de Angra dos Reis, localiza-se na baía de Ilha Grande no sul do estado do Rio de Janeiro e constitui-se no recorte espacial de análise. Apresenta uma dinâmica ambiental complexa que se sobrepõem principalmente aos usos de proteção ambiental e de atividade turística em uma porção do território em que as normatizações legais são difíceis de serem aplicadas, pois são reflexos de interesses que se manifestam em três esferas do poder a municipal, a estadual e a federal. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é a realização do processamento digital de imagem para auxiliar a gestão territorial da Ilha Grande. Em foco, a estrada Abraão - Dois Rios, que liga Abraão (local de desembarque dos turistas, principal núcleo da Ilha) a Dois Rios (local de visitação por estudantes e pesquisadores, núcleo que abrigava o presídio, atualmente abriga sede do centro de pesquisa e museu da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro), ambos protegidos por diferentes categorias de unidades de conservação. A metodologia fundamenta-se no processamento digital de imagem através da segmentação e da classificação supervisionada por pixel e por região. O processamento deu-se a partir da segmentação (divisão de uma imagem digital em múltiplas regiões ou objetos, para simplificar e/ou mudar a representação de uma imagem) e dos processos de classificações de imagem, com a utilização de classificação por pixel e classificação por regiões (com a utilização do algoritmo Bhattacharya). As segmentações e classificações foram processadas no sistema computacional SPRING versão 5.1.7 e têm como objetivo auxiliar na análise de uso da Terra e projetar cenários a partir da identificação dos pontos focais de fragilidade encontrados ao longo da estrada Abraão-Dois Rios, propensos a ocorrências de movimentos de massa e que potencializam o efeito de borda da floresta e os impactos ambientais. A metodologia utilizada baseou-se em análise de campo e comparações de tecnologias de classificação de imagens. Essa estrada eixo de ligação entre os dois núcleos tem significativa importância na história da Ilha, nela circulam veículos, pesados e leves, de serviço, pedestres e turistas. Como resultados da presente foram gerados os mapas de classificação por pixel, os mapas de classificação por região, o mapa fuzzy com a intersecção dos mapas de classificação supervisionada por região e os mapas com os locais coletados em campo onde são verificadas ocorrências de movimentos de massa nas imagens ALOS, 2000, IKONOS, 2003 e ortofotografias, 2006. Esses mapas buscam servir de apoio à tomada de decisões por parte dos órgãos locais responsáveis.


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In 1989-1991, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service surveyed breeding populations of seabirds on the entire California coast. This study was sponsored by the Minerals Management Service in relation to outer continental shelf oil and gas leasing. At 483 nesting sites (excluding terns and skimmers in southern California), we estimated 643,307 breeding birds of 21 seabird species including: 410 Fork-tailed Storm-petrel (Oceanodroma furcata); 12,551 Leach's Storm-petrel (O. leucorhoa); 7,209 Ashy Storm-petrel (O. homochroa); 274 Black Storm-petrel (O. melania); 11,916 Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis); 10,037 Double-crested Cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus); 83,394 Brandt's Cormorant (P. penicillatus); 14,345 Pelagic Cormorant (P. pelagicus); 888 Black Oystercatcher (Haemotopus bachmani); 4,764 California Gull (Larus californicus); 61,760 Western Gull (L. occidentalis); 2,838 Caspian Tern (Sterna caspia) (excluding southern California); 3,550 Forster's Tern (S. forsteri) (excluding southern California); 272 Least Tern (S. albifrons) (excluding southern California); 351,336 Common Murre (Uria aalge); 15,470 Pigeon Guillemot (Cepphus columba); 1,821 Marbled Murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus); 1,760 Xantus' Murrelet (Endomychura hypoleuca); 56,562 Cassin's Auklet (Ptychoramphus aleuticus); 1,769 Rhinoceros Auklet (Cerorhinca monocerata); and 276 Tufted Puffin (Fratercula cirrhata). The inland, historical or hybrid breeding status of American White Pelican (P. erythrorynchus), American Oystercatcher (H. palliatus), Heermann's Gull (L. heermanni), Ring-billed Gull (L. delawarensis), Glaucous-winged Gull (L. glaucescens) and Black Tern (Chlidonias niger) are discussed. Estimates for Gull-billed Tern (S. nilotica), Royal Tern (S. maxima), Elegant Tern (S. elegans) and Black Skimmer (Rhynchops niger) will be included in the final draft of this report. Overall numbers were slightly lower than reported in 1975-1980 surveys (summarized in Sowls et al. 1980. Catalog of California seabird colonies. U.S. Dept. Int., Fish Wildl. Serv., Biol. Serv. Prog., FWS/OBS 37/80). Recent declines were found or suspected for Fork-tailed Storm-petrel, Leach's Storm-petrel, White Pelican, Black Tern, Caspian Tern, Least Tern, Common Murre and Marbled Murrelet. Recent increases were found or suspected for Brown Pelican, Double-crested cormorant, California Gull, Western Gull, Forster's Tern and Rhinoceros Auklet. Similar numbers were found for other species or trends could not be determined without additional surveys, studies and/or more in-depth comparisons with previous surveys. The status of terns and skimmers in southern California has not yet been finalized.


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This chapter covers coral reef areas under the jurisdiction of the USA in the Wider Caribbean: Florida; Flower Garden Banks; Puerto Rico; U.S. Virgin Islands; and Navassa. The following information is condensed from six chapters of The State of Coral Reef Ecosystems of the United States and Pacific Freely Associated States: 2008. Access to the full text of this comprehensive report is available at: http://ccma.nos.noaa.gov/stateofthereefs.


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Background: Hair is unique to mammals. Keratin associated proteins (KRTAPs), which contain two major groups: high/ultrahigh cysteine and high glycine-tyrosine, are one of the major components of hair and play essential roles in the formation of rigid and


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In this study, Iranian and French male and female Oncorhynchus mykiss broodstocks were divided into two groups 50 and 24 respectively in Research center of genetic and breeding of coldwater fishes, Yasouj, Iran and the genetic structure of them was investigated using 6 microsatellite markers. Then 19 morphometric and 5 meristic of broodstock were measured and compared in two populations. Along with broodstock maturation, fertilization 1:1(female:male) were randomly assigned and occurred in 25 of 12 Iranian and French treatment respectively. Reproductive parameters were recorded for the whole family. Average number of observed alleles in Iranian and French stocks was 6.68 and 6.83, respectively. Average number of effective alleles in Iranian and French stocks was 3.13 and 3.45 respectively. Fixation index Fst was calculated based on allelic frequency between two stocks was 0.058 with significant difference between 2 stocks. Morphometric analysis showed significant difference between two stocks in 8 characteristics. Meristic characters was without significant difference in broodstock groups. Eyed percentage for french broodstock calculated zero and deleted. Fertilization rate (100-0), the eyed percentage (98- 0), The hatch rate (98-0), the average fecundity 4114.708, the average eggs size 4.88 mm, Survival in the first three months 19-73% calculated for Iranian broodstocks. Considering the quality of eggs and larvae at different stages and selection between the different family and the within family remained 10 treatments and are kept as future broodstocks. The relationship between fecundity - egg size, fecundity - weight , fecundity - length, egg size- weight was performed using regression. The results showed that Fecundity was influenced more by weight and productive length. The research is beginning to ID the broodstock in our country.


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A series of fluid-structure interaction simulations of an aerodynamic tension-cone supersonic decelerator prototype intended for large mass payload deployment in planetary explorations are discussed. The fluid-structure interaction computations combine large deformation analysis of thin shells with large-eddy simulation of compressible turbulent flows using a loosely coupled approach to enable quantification of the dynamics of the vehicle. The simulation results are compared with experiments carried out at the NASA Glenn Research Center. Reasonably good agreement between the simulations and the experiment is observed throughout a deflation cycle. The simulations help to illuminate the details of the dynamic progressive buckling of the tension-cone decelerator that ultimately results in the collapse of the structure as the inflation pressure is decreased. Furthermore, the tension-cone decelerator exhibits a transient oscillatory behavior under impulsive loading that ultimately dies out. The frequency of these oscillations was determined to be related to the acoustic time scale in the compressed subsonic region between the bow shock and the structure. As shown, when the natural frequency of the structure and the frequency of the compressed subsonic region approximately match, the decelerator exhibits relatively large nonaxisymetric oscillations. The observed response appears to be a fluid-structure interaction resonance resulting from an acoustic chamber (pistonlike) mode exciting the structure. Copyright © 2013 by Christopher Porter, R. Mark Rennie, Eric J. Jumper.


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This paper describes the design and fabrication process of a two-dimensional GaAs-based photonic crystal nanocavity and analyzes the optical characterization of cavity modes at room temperature. Single InAs/InGaAs quantum dots (QDs) layer was embedded in a GaAs waveguide layer grown on an Al0.7Ga0.3As layer and GaAs substrate. The patterning of the structure and the membrane release were achieved by using electron-beam lithography, reaction ion etching, inductively coupled plasma etching and selective wet etching. The micro-luminescence spectrum is recorded from the fabricated nanocavities, and it is found that some high-order cavity modes are clearly observed besides the lowest-order resonant mode is exhibited in spite of much high rate of nonradiative recombination. The variance of resonant modes is also discussed as a function of r/a ratio and will be used in techniques aimed to improve the probability of achieving spectral coupling of a single QD to a cavity mode.


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A fiber coupled module is fabricated with integrating the emitting light from four laser diode bars into multimode fiber bundle. The continuous wave (CW) output power of the module is about 130 W with a coupling efficiency of around 80%. The output power is very stable after the temperature cycling and vibration test. No apparent power decrease has been observed as the device working continuously for 500 h.


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A reproducible terahertz (THz) photocurrent was observed at low temperatures in a Schottky wrap gate single electron transistor with a normal-incident of a CH_3OH gas laser with the frequency 2. 54THz.The change of source-drain current induced by THz photons shows that a satellite peak is generated beside the resonance peak. THz photon energy can be characterized by the difference of gate voltage positions between the resonance peak and satellite peak. This indicates that the satellite peak exactly results from the THz photon-assisted tunneling. Both experimental results and theoretical analysis show that a narrow spacing of double barriers is more effective for the enhancement of THz response.


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A high performance AlAs/In0.53 Ga0.47 As/InAs resonant tunneling diode (RTD) on InP substrate is fabricated by inductively coupled plasma etching. This RTD has a peak-to-valley current ratio (PVCR) of 7. 57 and a peak current density Jp = 39.08kA/cm^2 under forward bias at room temperature. Under reverse bias, the corresponding values are 7.93 and 34.56kA/cm^2 . A resistive cutoff frequency of 18.75GHz is obtained with the effect of a parasitic probe pad and wire. The slightly asymmetrical current-voltage characteristics with a nominally symmetrical structure are also discussed.


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A two-section offset quantum-well structure tunable laser with a tuning range of 7 nm was fabricated using offset quantum-well inethod. The distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) was realized just by selectively wet etching the multiquantum-well (MQW) layer above the quaternary lower waveguide. A threshold current of 32 mA and an output power of 9 mW at 100 mA were achieved. Furthermore, with this offset structure method, a distributed feedback (DFB) laser was integrated with an electro-absorption modulator (EAM), which was capable of producing 20 dB of optical extinction.


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Space ordered 1.3μm self-assembled InAs QDs are grown on GaAs(100) vicinal substrates by MOCVD. Photoluminescence measurements show that the dots on vicinal substrates have a much higher PL intensity and a narrower FWHM than those of dots on exact substrates, which indicates better material quality. To obtain 1.3μm emissions of InAs QDs, the role of the so called InGaAs strain cap layer (SCL) and the strain buffer layer (SBL) in the strain relaxation process in quantum dots is studied. While the use of SBL results only in a small change of emission wavelength,SCL can extend the QD's emission over 1.3μm due to the effective strain reducing effect of SCL.


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We report a wavelength tunable electro-absorption modulated DBR laser based on a combined method of SAG and QWI. The threshold current is 37mA and the output power at 100mA gain current is 3.5mW. When coupled to a single-mode fiber with a coupling efficiency of 15% ,more than a 20dB extinction ratio is observed over the change of EAM bias from 0 to -2V. The 4.4nm continuous wavelength tuning range covers 6 channels on a 100GHz grid for WDM telecommunications.