671 resultados para Effective discharge
The effective diffusivity of clove essential oil in subcritical liquid CO2 was estimated. The experimental apparatus employed was a fixed-bed extractor. The fixed bed was formed with grounded (mesh -32 + 65) and compacted clove buds which were considered a solid element. The effective diffusion coefficient was evaluated by fitting the experimental concentration profile to the unsteady state mass balance equation for unidirectional diffusion in a finite solid medium. The diffusion coefficient was related to the concentration of oil in the solid by an exponential function. The estimated values of the effective diffusion coefficient varied from 3.64 to 5.22x10-10 m2/s. The average relative errors were lower than 3.1%.
Celery (Apium graveolens L. var. secalinum Alef) leaves with 50±0.07 g weight and 91.75±0.15% humidity (~11.21 db) were dried using 8 different microwave power densities ranging between 1.8-20 W g-1, until the humidity fell down to 8.95±0.23% (~0.1 db). Microwave drying processes were completed between 5.5 and 77 min depending on the microwave power densities. In this study, measured values were compared with predicted values obtained from twenty thin layer drying theoretical, semi-empirical and empirical equations with a new thin layer drying equation. Within applied microwave power density; models whose coefficient and correlation (R²) values are highest were chosen as the best models. Weibull distribution model gave the most suitable predictions at all power density. At increasing microwave power densities, the effective moisture diffusivity values ranged from 1.595 10-10 to 6.377 10-12 m2 s-1. The activation energy was calculated using an exponential expression based on Arrhenius equation. The linear relationship between the drying rate constant and effective moisture diffusivity gave the best fit.
Kaikkien kansalaisten ja yritysten, jotka kärsivät vahinkoa Euroopan Unionin kilpailusääntöjen (SEUT 101 ja 102 artiklan) rikkomisen vuoksi, on voitava vaatia korvauksia vahingon aiheuttaneelta osapuolelta. Euroopan unionin tuomioistuin on ratkaisuillaan Courage ja Manfredi vahvistanut vahinkoa kärsineen oikeuden saada korvausta kärsimästään vahingosta. Suomessa kilpailuoikeudellista vahingonkorvausta koskeva oikeuskäytäntö on ollut vähäistä, vaikkakin viime aikoina on annettu muutama merkittävä vahingonkorvausratkaisu, näistä kenties tunnetuimpana asvalttikartelliratkaisu. Kilpailuoikeuden rikkomisesta vahinkoa kärsineet saavat kuitenkin vain harvoin korvausta kärsimästään vahingosta, mikä on ollut seurausta erilaisista lainsäädännöllisistä ja menettelyistä johtuvista esteistä jäsenvaltioiden säännöissä. Komission pitkään kestänyt lainsäädäntöhanke EU:n kilpailuoikeuden täytäntöönpanojärjestelmän selkeyttämiseksi päättyi marraskuussa 2014, kun Euroopan parlamentin ja neuvoston direktiivi tietyistä säännöistä, joita sovelletaan jäsenvaltioiden ja Euroopan unionin kilpailuoikeuden rikkomisen johdosta kansallisen lainsäädännön nojalla nostettuihin vahingonkorvauskanteisiin (2014/104/ EU) hyväksyttiin. Direktiivi julkaistiin Euroopan unionin virallisessa lehdessä 5. joulukuuta 2014, ja jäsenvaltioilla on 27.12.2016 asti aikaa implementoida direktiivi osaksi kansallista lainsäädäntöä. Direktiivin tavoitteena on EU:n kilpailusääntöjen tehokas täytäntöönpano sekä kilpailuoikeuden julkisoikeudellisen ja yksityisoikeudellisen täytäntöönpanon selkeyttäminen. Lisäksi direktiivi pyrkii varmistamaan, että vahingonkärsijät voivat saada täyden korvauksen kärsimästään vahingosta, sekä poistamaan esteitä ja pienentämään kustannuksia vahingon todistamisessa, samalla harmonisoiden eri jäsenmaissa toimivien yritysten oikeussuojan tasoa. Tarkastelen pro gradu –tutkielmassani kilpailuoikeudellisen vahingonkorvauksen kehitystä sekä uuden EU:n vahingonkorvausdirektiivin vaikutuksia erityisesti vahingonkärsijän näkökulmasta, eli sitä kuinka direktiivi vaikuttaa vahingonkärsijän mahdollisuuteen saada korvausta kärsimästään vahingosta, joka johtuu EU:n kilpailusääntöjen rikkomisesta. Lisäksi tarkastelen lyhyesti direktiivin tuomia muutoksia Suomen lainsäädäntöön. Tutkielmani loppupäätelmä on, että vaikka vahingonkorvausdirektiivi ei täydellisesti paranna vahingonkärsijän asemaa, se selkeyttää monella tavalla kilpailuoikeudellisten vahingonkorvauskanteiden nykyistä tilaa, ja saattaa tietyssä määrin rohkaista vahingonkärsijiä hakemaan korvausta kärsimästään vahingosta.
Hankintojen johtamisen kirjallisuus korostaa tehokkaan hankinnan olevan käypä keino tehostaa organisaation tulosta kokonaisvaltaisesti. Myös kasvava tietoisuus erityisesti epäsuorista hankintamenetelmistä ja työkaluista toimivat kannustimina tälle tutkimukselle. Tämän Pro Gradu -tutkimuksen päätarkoituksena on rakentaa kokonaisvaltainen ymmärrys epäsuorasta hankinnasta sekä löytää keinoja sen tehostamiseksi. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, miten globaali, monikansal- linen organisaatio voi parantaa kannattavuuttaan epäsuorissa hankinnoissa, sekä mitkä tekijät hankintastrategiassa vaikuttavat siihen. Tutkimus toteutettiin yksittäisenä tapaustutkimuksena suuren globaalin, monikan- sallisen yrityksen työntekijän näkökulmasta, Pääosa datasta pohjautuu vuonna 2015 toteutettuun Opportunity -analyysi projektiin, joka toteutettiin yhteistyössä ulkoisen konsulttifirman kanssa. Osa datasta pohjautuu puolistrukturoituihin haas- tatteluihin organisaation hankintajohtajan kanssa. Datan keruussa hyödynnettiin lisäksi henkilökohtaista havainnointia ja sekundääristä aineistoa organisaatiosta. Tämä Pro Gradu tutkimus on toteutettu kvalitatiivisella otteella, sisältäen joitakin kvantitatiivisia metodin piirteitä.
ABSTRACTParliaments and audit agencies have critical and complementary roles in the oversight of the budget and the enforcement of government accountability. Yet, the nexus between parliaments and audit agencies is one of the weakest links in the accountability chain, generating an accountability gap in the budget process. This articles analyses the interactions between parliaments and audit agencies in the oversight of government finances during the latter stages of the budget process. Using proxies to evaluate the quality of those linkages, such as the follow-up to audit findings and the discharge of government, it shows important dysfunctions in the interactions between parliaments and audit agencies due to a combination of technical capacity constraints and political economy disincentives. It suggests that the effective functioning of the system of checks and balances in public budgeting critically hinges on the agility of the linkages between accountability institutions. As such, the failure of budget accountability is due to systemic dysfunctions in the systems of accountability, rather than the failure of an individual accountability institution acting in isolation. In addition, the effectiveness of the horizontal accountability architecture depends on the political economy incentives shaping the budget process, which are generated by the interactions between the choice of institutional design and budget rules, with the degree of political competition and electoral rules.
The aim of this Master’s thesis focused on the oxidation of sodium thiosulfate using non thermal plasma technology as an advance oxidation process (AOP). By using this technology we can degrade certain toxic chemical compounds present in mining wastewaters as pollutants. Different concentrations of thiosulfate and pulse frequencies were used in the PCD experiments and the results in terms of various delivered energies (kWh/m3) and degradation kinetics were compared. Pulsed corona discharge is an energy efficient process compared to other oxidation processes using for the treatment of waste water pollutants. Due to its simplicity and low energy costs make it attractive in the field of waste water treatment processes. This technology of wastewater treatment has been tested mainly on pilot scale level and in future the attempts are to be focus on PCD investigations on larger process scale. In this research work of oxidation of thiosulfate using pulsed corona discharge, the main aim of this research was to study degradation of a studied toxic and not environmental friendly chemical compound. The focus of this research was to study the waste waters coming from the gold mines containing leachate compound thiosulfate. Literature review contained also gold leaching process when cyanide is used as the leachate. Another objective of this work was to compare PCD process with other processes based on their energy efficiencies. In the experimental part two concentrations of sodium thiosulfate, 1000ppm and 400ppm, were used. Two pulse generator frequencies of 833 and 200 pulses per second (pps) were used. The chemical analyses of the samples taken during semi-batch PCD oxidation process were analyzed by ion chromatographic (IC). It is observed after the analyses that among different frequencies and concentrations, the most suitable ones for the process is 200pps and 1000ppm respectively because the pollutants present in the waste water has more time to react with the OH radicals which are the oxidants and the process is energy efficient compared to other frequencies.
This study examined the effects of providing students with explicit instruction in how to use a repertoire of reading comprehension strategies and test taking skills when reading and responding to three types of questions (direct, inferential, critical). Specifically, the study examined whether providing students with a "model" of how to read and respond to the text and to the comprehension questions improved their reading comprehension relative to providing them with implicit instruction on reading comprehension strategies and test taking skills. Students' reading comprehension and test taking performance scores were compared as a function of instructional condition. Students from 2 grade 8 classes participated in this study. The reading component of the Canadian Achievement Tests, Third Edition (CAT/3) was used to identify students' level of reading comprehension prior to the formal instructional sessions. Students received either explicit instruction, which involved modelling, or implicit instruction, which consisted of review and discussion of the strategies to be used. Comprehension was measured through the administration of formative tests after each instructional session. The formative tests consisted of reading comprehension questions pertaining to a specific form of text (narrative, informational, graphic). In addition, students completed 3 summative tests and a delayed comprehension test which consisted of the alternative version of the CAT/3 standardized reading assessment. These data served as a posttest measure to determine whether students had shown an improvement in their reading comprehension skills as a result of the program delivery. There were significant differences in students' Canadian Achievement Test performance scores prior to the onset of the study. Students in the implicit group attained significantly higher comprehension scores than did students in the explicit group. The results from the program sessions indicated no significant differences in reading comprehension between the implicit and explicit conditions, with the exception of the 6th session involving the reading and interpreting of graphic text. Students in the explicit group performed significantly better when reading and interpreting graphic text than those in the implicit group. No significant differences were evident between the two study conditions across the three summative tests. Upon completion of the study, the results from the Canadian Achievement Test indicated no significant differences in performance between the two study conditions. The findings from this study reveal the effectiveness of providing students with explicit strategy instruction when reading and responding to various forms of text. Modelling the appropriate reading comprehension strategies and test taking skills enabled students to apply the same thought processes to their own independent work. This form of instruction enabled students in the explicit group to improve in their abilities to comprehend and respond to text and therefore should be incorporated as an effective form of classroom teaching.
The Beckman Helium Discharge Detector has been found to be sensitive to the fixed gases oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen at detection levels 10-100 times more sensitive than possible with a Bow-Mac Thermal Conductivity Detector. Detection levels o~ approximately 1.9 E-4 ~ v/v oxygen, 3.1 E-4 ~ v/v nitrogen, and 3.0 E-3 ~ v/v hydrogen are estimated. Response of the Helium Discharge Detector was not linear, but is useable for quantitation over limited ranges of concentration using suitably prepared working standards. Cleanliness of the detector discharge electrodes and purity of the helium carrier and discharge gas were found to be critical to the operation of the detector. Higher sensitivities of the Helium Discharge Detector may be possible by the design and installation of a sensitive, solid-state electrometer.
First edition printed by Nathaniel Hickman.
Abstract A noted benefit of Project Based Learning (PBL) as a teaching strategy is how it engages the student and enhances learning outcomes as a result of working through challenges intended to depict dilemmas outside the classroom. PBL has seldom been applied outside the parameters of the classroom curriculum. The current needs assessment carried out in this research project examined current practices of language instruction and International Administrative Professionals of both the private and public Language Industry. Participants responded to survey questions on their current administrative practices, strategies, and program characteristics. The study investigated the usefulness of a handbook on the procedure of assisting administrative service teams in language instruction settings to an engaged approach to PBL for student service issues. The diverse opinions, beliefs, and ideas, along with institutional policy, can provide beneficial framework ideas for future tools.
Consulting Engineer drawing of Sections of the Discharge Tunnel. Included in the drawing is the "cross section of tunnel with timbering" and "longitudinal section showing Timber in straight tunnel". Dated October 1902.