984 resultados para Curve of accumulation


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Euroopan unionin energiapolitiikka on luonut paineen parantaa energiatehokkuutta kaikilla energiankäytön aloilla. Merkittävä osa energiasta kulutetaan liikenteessä, joten sähköautojen käyttöönotolla voidaan parantaa energiatehokkuutta merkittävästi. Tämän vuoksi on tarkasteltava sähköautojen laajamittaisen levinneisyyden aiheuttamia vaikutuksia sähköverkolle. Tässä diplomityössä tarkastellaan sähköautojen pikalatauksen verkkovaikutuksia. Tarkastelu painottuu kotilatauksen tarkasteluun taajamissa ja maaseudulla. Kuormituksen kasvu simuloidaan hyödyntäen sähköauton lataukselle laskettua kuormituskäyrää, jonka laskenta perustuu keskimääräiseen henkilöauton liikkumiseen, joka on saatavilla Suomen henkilöliikennetutkimuksesta. Simuloinnin tulosten perusteella sähköauton pikalatauksen verkkovaikutukset ovat merkittäviä keskijänniteverkossa ja pienjänniteverkossa. Suuremmat vaikutukset kohdistuvat pienjänniteverkkoon.


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Rautaruukki Oyj:n uusi Ruukki double grade S420MH/S355J2H -rakenneputki yhdistää putkilajien S420MH ja S355J2H ominaisuudet. Eurocode 3:n suunnitteluohjeiden mukaan Ruukki double graden käyttöön on sovellettava lujuusluokan S420 mukaista hitsien mitoitusta ja rakenneputkiliitosten staattista mitoituskestävyyttä alentavaa varmuuskerrointa, kun halutaan hyödyntää lujuusluokan S420 ominaisuudet Ruukki double gradea käytettäessä. Tässä työssä tutkittiin S420-lujuusluokkaa vastaavien suunnittelumääräysten soveltamistarvetta Ruukki double grade -rakenneputken käyttöön. Työn tavoitteena oli arvioida Ruukki double grade -rakenneputkesta hitsaamalla valmistetun X-liitoksen kestävyyden ja muodonmuutoskyvyn riittävyys, kun hitsit mitoitettiin S355-lujuusluokkaa vastaavien Eurocode 3:n suunnitteluohjeiden mukaisesti. X-liitosten kestävyyttä ja muodonmuutoskykyä tutkittiin kokeellisesti -40 C lämpötilassa suoritettujen laboratoriokokeiden avulla sekä analyyttisen laskennan ja elementtimenetelmän keinoin. Kestävyyden riittävyyttä arvioitiin vertaamalla laboratoriokokeista saatuja liitosten kestävyyksiä Eurocode 3:n ja myötöviivateorian mukaisiin kestävyyksiin. Elementtimenetelmän ja laboratoriokokeen pohjalta piirrettyjä liitoksen voima-siirtymäkuvaajia vertailtiin keskenään, kun elementtimalli analysoitiin eri materiaalimalleilla. Lisäksi verrattiin elementtimallin voima-venymäkuvaajia liitoksen venymäliuskan arvoihin. Kaikki koesarjan S355-lujuusluokan mukaisilla hitsin a-mitoilla valmistetut liitokset täyttivät kestävyydelle ja muodonmuutoskyvylle asetetut vaatimukset. Täten tämän koesarjan perusteella ei ollut tarpeellista soveltaa S420-lujuusluokan mukaista hitsien mitoitusta ja staattista mitoituskestävyyttä alentavaa varmuuslukua Ruukki double grade -rakenneputkeen. Elementtimenetelmästä ja laboratoriokokeesta saadut liitoksen voima-siirtymäkuvaajat vastasivat hyvin toisiaan. Sen sijaan elementtimallin voima-venymä-kuvaajat eivät vastanneet venymäliuskojen mittausdataa kovin hyvin.


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Joukkoliikenteen suosio hiipuu vähitellen, käyttö aste laskee. Tätä ongelmaa lähdimme ratkaisemaan sovelluksen ja pelillistämis menetelmän avulla. Menetelmää hyödyntäen tavoitteena oli luoda sovellus joka koukuttaa käyttäjän sovelluksen käyttöön ja sitä kautta joukkoliikenteen käyttöön. Pyrimme pysäyttämään joukkoliikenteen käyttöasteen laskun tai jopa kääntämään sen kasvuun. Varsinaista tulosta ei tällä työllä saatu, sillä aika ei vain riittänyt sovelluksen testaamiseen käytännössä. Pelillistämis menetelmiä kun tutkii ja vertaa sovellustamme niihin, niin sovelluksellamme on hyvä mahdollisuudet toimia joukkoliikenteen käytön lisäämisen työkaluna.


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Human skinned muscle fibers were used to investigate the effects of bovine serum albumin (BSA) on the tension/pCa relationship and on the functional properties of the Ca2+-release channel of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). In both fast- and slow-type fibers, identified by their tension response to pSr 5.0, BSA (0.7-15 µM) had no effect on the Ca2+ affinity of the contractile proteins and elicited no tension per se in Ca2+-loaded fibers. In contrast, BSA (>1.0 µM) potentiated the caffeine-induced tension in Ca2+-loaded fibers, this effect being more intense in slow-type fibers. Thus, BSA reduced the threshold caffeine concentration required for eliciting detectable tension, and increased the amplitude, the rate of rise and the area under the curve of caffeine-induced tension. BSA also potentiated the tension elicited in Ca2+-loaded fibers by low-Mgv solutions containing 1.0 mM free ATP. These results suggest that BSA modulates the response of the human skeletal muscle SR Ca2+-release channel to activators such as caffeine and ATP.


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Chagas' disease causes degeneration and reduction of the number of intrinsic neurons of the esophageal myenteric plexus, with consequent absent or partial lower esophageal sphincter relaxation and loss of peristalsis in the esophageal body. The impairment of esophageal motility is seen mainly in the distal smooth muscle region. There is no study about esophageal striated muscle contractions in the disease. In 81 patients with heartburn (44 with esophagitis) taken as controls, 51 patients with Chagas' disease (21 with esophageal dilatation) and 18 patients with idiopathic achalasia (11 with esophageal dilatation) we studied the amplitude, duration and area under the curve of esophageal proximal contractions. Using the manometric method and a continuous perfusion system we measured the esophageal striated muscle contractions 2 to 3 cm below the upper esophageal sphincter after swallows of a 5-ml bolus of water. There was no significant difference in striated muscle contractions between patients with heartburn and esophagitis and patients with heartburn without esophagitis. There was also no significant difference between patients with heartburn younger or older than 50 years or between men and women or in esophageal striated muscle contractions between patients with heartburn and Chagas' disease. The esophageal proximal amplitude of contractions was lower in patients with idiopathic achalasia than in patients with heartburn. In patients with Chagas' disease there was no significant difference between patients with esophageal dilatation and patients with normal esophageal diameter. Esophageal striated muscle contractions in patients with Chagas' disease have the same amplitude and duration as seen in patients with heartburn. Patients with idiopathic achalasia have a lower amplitude of contraction than patients with heartburn.


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Polymyositis (PM) is an autoimmune disease characterized by chronic inflammation in skeletal muscle. Mean platelet volume (MPV), a marker in the assessment of systemic inflammation, is easily measured by automatic blood count equipment. However, to our knowledge, there are no data in the literature with respect to MPV levels in PM patients. Therefore, in this study we aimed to investigate MPV levels in patients with PM. This study included 92 newly diagnosed PM patients and 100 healthy individuals. MPV levels were found to be significantly lower compared with healthy controls (10.3±1.23 vs 11.5±0.74 fL, P<0.001). Interestingly, MPV was found to be positively correlated with manual muscle test (MMT) score and negatively correlated with erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) in patients with PM (r=0.239, P=0.022; r=−0.268, P=0.010, respectively). In addition, MPV was significantly lower in active PM patients compared with inactive PM patients (9.9±1.39 vs 10.6±0.92 fL, P=0.010). MPV was independently associated with PM in multivariate regression analyses, when controlling for hemoglobin and ESR (OR=0.312, P=0.031, 95%CI=0.108 to 0.899). The ROC curve analysis for MPV in estimating PM patients resulted in an area under the curve of 0.800, with sensitivity of 75.0% and specificity of 67.4%. Our results suggest that MPV is inversely correlated with disease activity in patients with PM. MPV might be a useful tool for rapid assessment of disease severity in PM patients.


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Availability of analytical standards is a critical aspect in developing methods for quantitative analysis of anthocyanins. The anthocyanins cyanidin-3-O-glucoside and cyanidin-3-O-rutinoside were isolated from samples of freeze-dried açaí (Euterpe oleraceae Mart.), which is a round and purple well-known palm fruit in Brazil, and then used as standards. The isolation of the anthocyanins was performed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), using an adapted six-channel selection valve. The identification of anthocyanin pigments in açaí was based on mass spectrometric data for molecular ions and MS-MS product ions and on previous published data. After the collection procedure, standards with a high purity grade were obtained and an external standard curve of each anthocyanin was plotted.


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In the late year 2013 events started to unfold in Ukraine’s capital city Kiev that would change the political and economic environment of the EU and Russia. The tension had been building for years between the two parties with Ukraine in the middle and during 2014 the tension blew up and events started to escalate into a crisis, which we now know as the 2014 Ukraine crisis. The crisis would include political, economic, and even military actions by all the parties involved with Ukraine slipping close to civil war. Both political and economic hardships followed for others as well with both the EU and Russia placing heavy political and economic sanctions on each other. Most notably in terms of this paper, the Russian federation placed total import embargo sanctions on food imports from the EU and some other countries. This meant that a Finnish dairy company, Valio, had to engage in corporate crisis management as almost a fifth of its total revenue was cut in a heartbeat. Valio had been prepared for some kind of complications with their Russian market as events started to unfold in Ukraine in the beginning of 2014 but never did they suspect that a complete shutdown of the Russian market would follow. The company is still recovering after more than a year after the sanctions were posed and have not been able to supplement the lost revenue streams. This research is a qualitative research aiming to find answers to the main questions: 1) What is the 2014 Ukraine crisis and what kind of special implications does it have and 2) How did the crisis affect Valio and how did Valio fare in its crisis management efforts. The data has been collected both from secondary document sources and primary sources. The main findings of this research are that the political and economic environment of the EU and Russia has gone through a profound change during the years 2013-2015. The companies and governments should re-evaluate what kind of environment they are now facing and what kinds of risks the new situation poses. This also calls for a deep academic analysis from the academic community. In corporate crisis management of Valio the main findings are that the former literature has looked into crisis management as one-time occurrence but the new crises and global events would call for a more on-going crisis analysis and active crisis management. Thus, corporate crisis management should be viewed as a cycle. Valio specifically handled the situation surprisingly well, considering that their revenue was indeed cut by a fifth. The main aspects of crisis management, which Valio did not handle as well, concern the learning curve of crisis management. They could be doing more in order to prepare for future crises better by learning from this experience. The situation is then still on-going in the autumn 2015 both in Ukraine and within Valio.


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AbstractIntroduction/objective:We evaluated the predictability of early changes in serum albumin (sAlb) on the two-year mortality of incident hemodialysis patients.Methods:Observational, longitudinal retrospective study using the database of Fresenius Medical Care of Latin America. Adult patients starting dialysis from January/2000 to June/2004, from 25 centers were included. Changes in sAlb during the first 3 months on hemodialysis were used as the main predictor. The outcome was death from any cause.Results:1,679 incident patients were included. They were 52 ± 15 years old, 58.7% male and 21.5% diabetic, with a median sAlb of 38 g/L (bromocresol green). 923 patients had sAlb < 38 g/L (Low sAlb Group) and 756 ones had sAlb > 38.0 g/L (Adequate sAlb Group). The mortality was significantly higher in Low sAlb Group (17% vs. 11%, p < 0.001). Early changes in sAlb significantly affected two-year mortality. Factoring the Kaplan Meier curve of Low sAlb Group by the presence of an increase in sAlb uncovered of a statistically significant difference in mortality favoring the ones whose sAlb went up (19% vs. 15%, p = 0.043). Differently, patients from Adequate sAlb Group with a decrease in their sAlb had a statistically higher mortality rate (13% vs. 8%, p = 0.029).Conclusions:Early sAlb changes showed a significant predictive power on mortality at 2 years in incident hemodialysis patients. Those with low initial sAlb may have a better prognosis if their sAlb rises. In contrast, patients with satisfactory initial levels can have a worsening of their prognosis in the case of an early reduction in sAlb.


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The present paper examines the Brazilian experience from the 'Economic Miracle' to the 'Lost Decade'. Its aim is to advance an alternative measurement of the flows of extraordinary wealth (i.e. ground-rent and net external credit) available for appropriation in the Brazilian economy and to asses their relevance in sustaining the process of accumulation of industrial capital. That is done in order to provide further and more accurate evidence to the claim that the evolution of the Brazilian process of capital accumulation has been extremely dependent on the evolution of those masses of extraordinary wealth.


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The adequate way of neutralizing the Dutch disease is the imposition of a variable tax on the export of the commodity that originates the disease. If such tax is equivalent to the "size" of the Dutch disease, it will shifts to the right its supply curve of the commodity in relation to the exchange rate, giving the existing domestic supply and the international demand, the exchange rate will depreciate at the value of the tax, and the equilibrium exchange rate will move from the "current" to the "industrial" equilibrium.


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In the late year 2013 events started to unfold in Ukraine’s capital city Kiev that would change the political and economic environment of the EU and Russia. The tension had been building for years between the two parties with Ukraine in the middle and during 2014 the tension blew up and events started to escalate into a crisis, which we now know as the 2014 Ukraine crisis. The crisis would include political, economic, and even military actions by all the parties involved with Ukraine slipping close to civil war. Both political and economic hardships followed for others as well with both the EU and Russia placing heavy political and economic sanctions on each other. Most notably in terms of this paper, the Russian federation placed total import embargo sanctions on food imports from the EU and some other countries. This meant that a Finnish dairy company, Valio, had to engage in corporate crisis management as almost a fifth of its total revenue was cut in a heartbeat. Valio had been prepared for some kind of complications with their Russian market as events started to unfold in Ukraine in the beginning of 2014 but never did they suspect that a complete shutdown of the Russian market would follow. The company is still recovering after more than a year after the sanctions were posed and have not been able to supplement the lost revenue streams. This research is a qualitative research aiming to find answers to the main questions: 1) What is the 2014 Ukraine crisis and what kind of special implications does it have and 2) How did the crisis affect Valio and how did Valio fare in its crisis management efforts. The data has been collected both from secondary document sources and primary sources. The main findings of this research are that the political and economic environment of the EU and Russia has gone through a profound change during the years 2013-2015. The companies and governments should re-evaluate what kind of environment they are now facing and what kinds of risks the new situation poses. This also calls for a deep academic analysis from the academic community. In corporate crisis management of Valio the main findings are that the former literature has looked into crisis management as one-time occurrence but the new crises and global events would call for a more on-going crisis analysis and active crisis management. Thus, corporate crisis management should be viewed as a cycle. Valio specifically handled the situation surprisingly well, considering that their revenue was indeed cut by a fifth. The main aspects of crisis management, which Valio did not handle as well, concern the learning curve of crisis management. They could be doing more in order to prepare for future crises better by learning from this experience. The situation is then still on-going in the autumn 2015 both in Ukraine and within Valio.


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The description reads "(39) Tireless Niagara - Horseshoe Falls from above - U.S.A.". The reverse states "We are standing on the Canadian side of the river, looking S.E. across the enormous curve of the Horseshoe toward the Dufferin Islands on the Canadian side. 'This is close enough. The time will come undoubtedly when no man can reach this point, when the rocks on which we stand will break and crash into the gulf above which they hang. Table Rock one of the best known points about Niagara in the past, used to extend out over the river from the bank just behind us. It was originally very large but great masses, sometimes a hundred feet in length by fifty in width, have broken off at different periods, the last in 1883, until the whole rock is gone. Off to our left is the centre of the Horseshoe. It is easy to see that in that direction the water is going over in a solid mass, thousands of tons each second, to the river 150 feet below. While the amount of water passing over these rocks varies somewhat according to the height of the river. It has been estimated that the average amount is 12,000,000 cubic feet per minute, that is, about 375,000 tons...Since 1842 the whole contour of these falls has been worn away at the rate of about 2 1/10 ft. per year. In the centre of the Horseshoe where the bulk of the water passes, nearly five feet of rock are worn away each year. The falls have receded 100 feet within the memory of the men now living.' From Niagara Through the Stereoscope, with special 'keyed' maps, published by Underwood & Underwood"


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L'évaluation des écosystèmes est l'un des pivots essentiels pour l'élaboration de moyens adaptés permettant de lutter contre la diminution massive de la biodiversité. Pour la première fois, elle a fait l'objet d'une analyse à l'échelle mondiale dans le cadre de l'Evaluation des écosystèmes en début de millénaire (EM). Le rassemblement de plus d’un millier de chercheurs et de plusieurs organismes internationaux durant quatre années ont permis de dessiner la carte nécessaire à toute action efficace. L'article expose les éléments principaux de l'EM : l'évaluation des écosystèmes en tant que tels, mais surtout des services écosystémiques, dans toutes leurs dimensions, en ce que leur évolution affecte le bien-être humain. Il analyse ensuite les quatre points principaux de l'apport de l'EM, des avantages de l'utilisation croissante des services écologiques à sa non viabilité. Des scénarios, modèles et outils sont proposés pour inverser la courbe négative d'appauvrissement de la biodiversité et des services écosystémiques dans un premier bilan des retombées de l'EM.


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La préparation de formulations à libération contrôlée est le domaine des sciences pharmaceutiques qui vise à modifier l’environnement immédiat des principes actifs pour en améliorer l’efficacité et l’innocuité. Cet objectif peut être atteint en modifiant la cinétique de circulation dans le sang ou la distribution dans l’organisme. Le but de ce projet de recherche était d’étudier le profil pharmacocinétique (PK) de différentes formulations liposomales. L’analyse PK, généralement employée pour représenter et prédire les concentrations plasmatiques des médicaments et de leurs métabolites, a été utilisée ici pour caractériser in vivo des formulations sensibles au pH servant à modifier la distribution intracellulaire de principes actifs ainsi que des liposomes destinés au traitement des intoxications médicamenteuses. Dans un premier temps, la PK d’un copolymère sensible au pH, à base de N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM) et d’acide méthacrylique (MAA) a été étudiée. Ce dernier, le p(NIPAM-co-MAA) est utilisé dans notre laboratoire pour la fabrication de liposomes sensibles au pH. L’étude de PK conduite sur les profils de concentrations sanguines de différents polymères a défini les caractéristiques influençant la circulation des macromolécules dans l’organisme. La taille des molécules, leur point de trouble ainsi que la présence d’un segment hydrophobe à l’extrémité des chaînes se sont avérés déterminants. Le seuil de filtration glomérulaire du polymère a été évalué à 32 000 g/mol. Finalement, l’analyse PK a permis de s’assurer que les complexes formés par la fixation du polymère à la surface des liposomes restaient stables dans le sang, après injection par voie intraveineuse. Ces données ont établi qu’il était possible de synthétiser un polymère pouvant être adéquatement éliminé par filtration rénale et que les liposomes sensibles au pH préparés avec celui-ci demeuraient intacts dans l’organisme. En second lieu, l’analyse PK a été utilisée dans le développement de liposomes possédant un gradient de pH transmembranaire pour le traitement des intoxications médicamenteuses. Une formulation a été développée et optimisée in vitro pour capturer un médicament modèle, le diltiazem (DTZ). La formulation liposomale s’est avérée 40 fois plus performante que les émulsions lipidiques utilisées en clinique. L’analyse PK des liposomes a permis de confirmer la stabilité de la formulation in vivo et d’analyser l’influence des liposomes sur la circulation plasmatique du DTZ et de son principal métabolite, le desacétyldiltiazem (DAD). Il a été démontré que les liposomes étaient capables de capturer et de séquestrer le principe actif dans la circulation sanguine lorsque celui-ci était administré, par la voie intraveineuse. L’injection des liposomes 2 minutes avant l’administration du DTZ augmentait significativement l’aire sous la courbe du DTZ et du DAD tout en diminuant leur clairance plasmatique et leur volume de distribution. L’effet de ces modifications PK sur l’activité pharmacologique du médicament a ensuite été évalué. Les liposomes ont diminué l’effet hypotenseur du principe actif administré en bolus ou en perfusion sur une période d’une heure. Au cours de ces travaux, l’analyse PK a servi à établir la preuve de concept que des liposomes possédant un gradient de pH transmembranaire pouvaient modifier la PK d’un médicament cardiovasculaire et en diminuer l’activité pharmacologique. Ces résultats serviront de base pour le développement de la formulation destinée au traitement des intoxications médicamenteuses. Ce travail souligne la pertinence d’utiliser l’analyse PK dans la mise au point de vecteurs pharmaceutiques destinés à des applications variées. À ce stade de développement, l’aspect prédictif de l’analyse n’a pas été exploité, mais le côté descriptif a permis de comparer adéquatement diverses formulations et de tirer des conclusions pertinentes quant à leur devenir dans l’organisme.