993 resultados para Cochlear implantes


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Este trabalho divide-se em duas partes distintas: uma longa e detalhada revisão bibliográfica acerca das temáticas anatomia peri-implantar, espaço biológico, osso alveolar, osteointegração, cone Morse e platform-switching e FEA (Finit Element Analisys) ; e um estudo sobre tensões peri-implantares em implantes do tipo cone Morse colocados infra e justa crestalmente. Foi possível concluir com este estudo laboratorial que os implantes colocados justacrestalmente apresentam melhores resultados biomecanicamente, ou seja, apresentam um menor volume de osso em tensão. Materiais e métodos: Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica na PubMed e Medline explorando os seguintes items: “osteointegração”, “saucerização”, “platform switching”, “cone Morse”, “osso alveolar”, “anatomina peri-implantar”, “espaço biológico”, “osteoclastos”, “osteoblastos”, “remodelação óssea”, “colocação de implantes justacrestalmente”, “colocação de implantes infra-crestalmente” e “análise de FEA”. Na bibliografia encontrada com as temáticas supra-citadas foi feita uma cuidadosa selecção de acordo com aquilo a que este trabalho se propunha. Simultaneamente, um modelo 3D de dois implantes, um de conexão externa hexagonal e outro de conexão interna do tipo cone Morse, exactamente iguais com exceção da já referida conexão, de 10mm de comprimento e 4mm de diâmetro, foram inseridos num bloco ósseo obtido através de uma CT e sujeitos a uma força axial de 150N e uma força oblíqua de 150N a 45º, tendo sido avaliados por uma análise de elementos finitos.


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Introdução: A posição da colocação do implante relativamente à crista óssea tem sido discutida na comunidade científica como fator influenciador de sucesso ou insucesso. Por outro lado a perda ou preservação óssea está intrinsecamente relacionado com fatores como a seleção do sistema de implante, o tipo de implante e a sua conexão. Objetivo: Este trabalho teve como objetivo a análise da bibliografia existente que compara a colocação de implantes a nível da crista óssea (justa cristal) com a colocação de implantes abaixo da crista óssea (sub-cristal) em sinergismo com outros fatores, de forma que seja percecionada a eficácia e sucesso na seleção efetuada. Metodologia: Procedeu-se a uma pesquisa bibliográfica através da identificação de artigos publicados em bases de dados eletrónicas internacionais, PubMed, B-on e Science Direct utilizando palavras-chave e critérios de exclusão e inclusão, que permitiram fazer uma seleção prévia dos artigos a incluir ao longo deste trabalho. Resultados: Após a realização da pesquisa bibliográfica obtiveram-se 63 artigos. A partir da amostra encontrada foram excluídos 26 artigos devido à falta de correspondência do seu conteúdo ao tema proposto e 14 por se encontrarem repetidos ou sem dados comparativos. Nos 23 artigos aceites encontram-se incluídos estudos animais, elementos finitos, revisões e estudos clínicos. Conclusão: Os resultados sugerem que a colocação de implantes em sub-cristal apresenta-se como uma melhor solução na preservação da crista óssea, no entanto há que levar em conta outros fatores associados diretamente ao implante, nomeadamente, a geometria, superfície não polida do colo assim como o tipo de conexão do pilar ao implante, onde foi encontrada uma relativa evidência de melhor eficácia no que respeita à conexão do tipo “cone Morse”.


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Objetivo: Describir las funcionalidades de un programa informático de soporte a la actividad del responsable de vigilancia de productos sanitarios (PS). Analizar su utilidad tras un año de implantación. Método: Las etapas del proceso fueron: descripción de actividades básicas del responsable de vigilancia, definir las funcionalidades y datos a procesar, crear los formularios de registro y opciones de la herramienta SIVIPS, implantación en un hospital privado que gestiona PS, validación del programa y análisis de su utilidad al año. Resultados: Se desarrolló la herramienta SIVIPS en Acces® por farmacéuticos. Se describieron las variables básicas para todas las actividades del responsable de vigilancia de PS (registro implantes, registro de alertas, registro de incidentes con PS, incluidos los de diagnóstico in vitro) y las funcionalidades del programa. Al año de su implantación se encontraron registros de 564 implantes con la posibilidad de desglose por tipo de implante, 31 alertas con PS y 6 incidentes con PS, permitiendo el seguimiento de las actuaciones realizadas en estos casos. Conclusiones: SIVIPS® es la primera herramienta de soporte a la actividad del responsable de vigilancia de PS. Es una herramienta sencilla que permite de forma ágil el registro de alertas e incidentes con PS, así como el registro de los implantes realizados en el centro, consiguiendo mejorar la trazabilidad del PS.


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An ideal biomaterial for dental implants must have very high biocompatibility, which means that such materials should not provoke any serious adverse tissue response. Also, used metal alloys must have high fatigue resistance due the masticatory force and good corrosion resistance. These properties are rendered by using alpha and beta stabilizers, such as Al, V, Ni, Fe, Cr, Cu, Zn. Commercially pure titanium (TiCP) is used often for dental and orthopedic implants manufacturing. However, sometimes other alloys are employed and consequently it is essential to research the chemical elements present in those alloys that could bring prejudice for the health. Present work investigated TiCP metal alloys used for dental implant manufacturing and evaluated the presence of stabilizing elements within existing limits and standards for such materials. For alloy characterization and identification of stabilizing elements it was used EDXRF technique. This method allows to perform qualitative and quantitative analysis of the materials using the spectra of the characteristic X-rays emitted by the elements present in the metal samples. The experimental setup was based on two X- rays tubes (AMPTEK Mini X model with Ag and Au targets), a X-123SDD detector (AMPTEK) and a 0.5mm Cu collimator, developed due to the sample characteristics. The other experimental setup used as a complementary technique is composed of an X-ray tube with a Mo target, collimator 0.65mm and XFlash (SDD) detector - ARTAX 200 (BRUKER). Other method for elemental characterization by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) applied in present work was based on Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) EVO® (Zeeis). This method also was used to evaluate the surface microstructure of the sample. The percentual of Ti obtained in the elementary characterization was among 93.35 ± 0.17% and 95.34 ± 0.19 %. These values are considered below the reference limit of 98.635% to 99.5% for TiCP, established by Association of metals centric materials engineers and scientists Society (ASM). The presence of elements Al and V in all samples also contributed to underpin the fact that are not TiCP implants. The values for Al vary between 6.3 ± 1.3% and 3.7 ± 2.0% and for V, between 0.26 ± 0.09% and 0.112 ± 0.048%. According to the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), these elements should not be present in TiCP and in accordance with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the presence of Al should be <0.01% and V should be of 0.009 ± 0.001%. Obtained results showed that implant materials are not exactly TiCP but, were manufactured using Ti-Al-V alloy, which contained Fe, Ni, Cu and Zn. The quantitative analysis and elementary characterization of experimental results shows that the best accuracy and precision were reached with X-Ray tube with Au target and collimator of 0.5 mm. Use of technique of EDS confirmed the results of EDXRF for Ti-Al-V alloy. Evaluating the surface microstructure by SEM of the implants, it was possible to infer that ten of the thirteen studied samples are contemporaneous, rough surface and three with machined surface.


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Introducción: El implante cigomático (IC) es una alternativa para pacientes edéntulos o parcialmente dentados que no tienen suficiente hueso maxilar para retener el implante dental convencional y para casos en los cuales el injerto óseo no es adecuado, presentando taza de éxito sobre los 90%. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las estructuras óseas involucradas en la instalación del IC, considerando género y grupo étnico. Material y método: Fueron incluidos 96 cráneos de individuos adultos, edéntulos, ambos sexos, leucodermas y melanodermas. Se utilizó un cáliper digital para la realización de las siguientes medidas: 1) RA-CPS: distancia desde el reborde alveolar a nivel del segundo premolar superior, hasta el margen posterosuperior del hueso cigomático; 2) ECPS: Espesor del hueso cigomático a nivel del margen posterosuperior; 3) ECM: Espesor del hueso cigomático en su porción media. Resultados: Los valores promedios obtenidos para RA-CPS, ECPS y ECM en milímetros fueron, respectivamente: mujeres leucodermas 52,09, 2,04 y 4,30; mujeres melanodermas 53,47, 1,99 y 4,93; hombres leucodermas 55,49, 2,28 y 5,33; hombres melanodermas 57,01, 2,22 y 6,01. Discusión: Concluimos que individuos leucodermas, presentan valores promedios menores que individuos melanodermas. Además, las mujeres presentan valores promedios menores que hombres para todas las medidas. Los valores encontrados en este estudio pueden ser utilizados como parámetro para la planificación de la técnica quirúrgica de instalación de IC, evitando riesgos de complicaciones.


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Antecedentes y Objetivos. Para obtener los mejores resultados en mastoplastia de aumento con implantes, independientemente del volumen y la forma de los mismos, es necesaria la correcta elección del bolsillo de colocación. Para definir el plano apropiado, hasta ahora, nosotros usábamos el clásico test del pellizco (pinch test) siguiendo la corriente bibliográfica mundial. Material y Método. El hecho de que esta medición puede resultar subjetiva y variable debido a las diferentes presiones ejercidas al ser realizado por distintos cirujanos, sumado a que no permite ver lo que realmente estamos pinzando, nos ha llevado a desarrollar la idea de medirlo fiel y objetivamente por medio de un estudio ecográfico preoperatorio al que denominamos ecotest del polo superior. Resultados. Con ésta nueva herramienta diagnóstica hemos evaluado a 95 pacientes, con un seguimiento mínimo de 6 meses de postoperatorio. Conclusiones. De este modo comprobamos la mejoría en nuestros resultados estéticos.


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Objetivo: Realizar un estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo para analizar el éxito de la rehabilitación dentaria con o sin aumento óseo alveolar. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo mediante la revisión de historias clínicas de pacientes que concurrieron al Servicio de Cirugía Máxilofacial del Hospital Clínico Mutual de Seguridad, Chile, en el período de 3 años (enero 2003 - diciembre 2005). Resultados: Un total de 135 pacientes ingresaron al estudio en los cuales se instalaron 246 implantes dentales. Se registraron 8 pérdidas de implantes en el seguimiento. Conclusiones: En este estudio se presenta un protocolo establecido y se establece la necesidad de un diagnóstico detallado para planificar la rehabilitación mediante implantes dentales posterior a un trauma con un equipo multidisciplinario.


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Introducción: La osteonecrosis de los maxilares ha sido descrita en pacientes que toman bifosfonatos y han sido sometidos a cirugía dentoalveolar. Actualmente, la terapia con bifosfonatos e implantes dentales es un tratamiento muy común en adultos. Objetivos: Evaluar, a través de una revisión de la literatura, si la osteointegración del implante dental podría disminuir en pacientes que toman bifosfonatos orales o intravenosos. Además, se analiza el riesgo que tienen estos pacientes de desarrollar osteonecrosis de los maxilares. Material y métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda a través de la base de datos Medline (PubMed) de los artículos publicados en inglés en los últimos 15 años que incluyeran las palabras clave "bisphosphonates and dental implants", "bisphosphonates and orthopaedic implants" y "osteonecrosis of the jaws and dental implants". Conclusiones: El tratamiento con bifosfonatos no disminuye la osteointegración del implante dental, aunque estos resultados se han obtenido en base a estudios retrospectivos en humanos. Se han descrito casos de osteonecrosis de los maxilares relacionada con bifosfonatos en estos pacientes, sobre todo tras tratamiento prolongado.


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In this study, semi spontaneous samples of spoken language are analysed. Participants are 30 children with severe or profound deafness who employ digital hearing-aid or cochlear implant. The main goal is to find out the strengths and weaknesses of their grammatical skills in order to employ that information in dessigning speech therapy programs.


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Intracochlear trauma from surgical insertion of bulky electrode arrays and inadequate pitch perception are areas of concern with current hand-assembled commercial cochlear implants. Parylene thin-film arrays with higher electrode densities and lower profiles are a potential solution, but lack rigidity and hence depend on manually fabricated permanently attached polyethylene terephthalate (PET) tubing based bulky backing devices. As a solution, we investigated a new backing device with two sub-systems. The first sub-system is a thin poly(lactic acid) (PLA) stiffener that will be embedded in the parylene array. The second sub-system is an attaching and detaching mechanism, utilizing a poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone)-block-poly(d,l-lactide) (PVP-b-PDLLA) copolymer-based biodegradable and water soluble adhesive, that will help to retract the PET insertion tool after implantation. As a proof-of-concept of sub-system one, a microfabrication process for patterning PLA stiffeners embedded in parylene has been developed. Conventional hotembossing, mechanical micromachining, and standard cleanroom processes were integrated for patterning fully released and discrete stiffeners coated with parylene. The released embedded stiffeners were thermoformed to demonstrate that imparting perimodiolar shapes to stiffener-embedded arrays will be possible. The developed process when integrated with the array fabrication process will allow fabrication of stiffener-embedded arrays in a single process. As a proof-of-concept of sub-system two, the feasibility of the attaching and detaching mechanism was demonstrated by adhering 1x and 1.5x scale PET tube-based insertion tools and PLA stiffeners embedded in parylene using the copolymer adhesive. The attached devices survived qualitative adhesion tests, thermoforming, and flexing. The viability of the detaching mechanism was tested by aging the assemblies in-vitro in phosphate buffer solution. The average detachment times, 2.6 minutes and 10 minutes for 1x and 1.5x scale devices respectively, were found to be clinically relevant with respect to the reported array insertion times during surgical implantation. Eventually, the stiffener-embedded arrays would not need to be permanently attached to current insertion tools which are left behind after implantation and congest the cochlear scala tympani chamber. Finally, a simulation-based approach for accelerated failure analysis of PLA stiffeners and characterization of PVP-b-PDLLA copolymer adhesive has been explored. The residual functional life of embedded PLA stiffeners exposed to body-fluid and thereby subjected to degradation and erosion has been estimated by simulating PLA stiffeners with different parylene coating failure types and different PLA types for a given parylene coating failure type. For characterizing the PVP-b-PDLLA copolymer adhesive, several formulations of the copolymer adhesive were simulated and compared based on the insertion tool detachment times that were predicted from the dissolution, degradation, and erosion behavior of the simulated adhesive formulations. Results indicate that the simulation-based approaches could be used to reduce the total number of time consuming and expensive in-vitro tests that must be conducted.


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OBJECTIVE: Cochlear implantation (CI) is a standard treatment for severe-profound sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL). However, consensus has yet to be reached on its effectiveness for hearing loss caused by auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder (ANSD). This review aims to summarize and synthesize current evidence of the effectiveness of CI in improving speech recognition in children with ANSD. DESIGN: Systematic review. STUDY SAMPLE: A total of 27 studies from an initial selection of 237. RESULTS: All selected studies were observational in design, including case studies, cohort studies, and comparisons between children with ANSD and SNHL. Most children with ANSD achieved open-set speech recognition with their CI. Speech recognition ability was found to be equivalent in CI users (who previously performed poorly with hearing aids) and hearing-aid users. Outcomes following CI generally appeared similar in children with ANSD and SNHL. Assessment of study quality, however, suggested substantial methodological concerns, particularly in relation to issues of bias and confounding, limiting the robustness of any conclusions around effectiveness. CONCLUSIONS: Currently available evidence is compatible with favourable outcomes from CI in children with ANSD. However, this evidence is weak. Stronger evidence is needed to support cost-effective clinical policy and practice in this area.


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The objective of this study was to analyze the point of view of parents in relation to the cochlear implant, their level of information concerning the implant, its risks and benefits, and their expectations towards their children's future. Ten parents of deaf children candidate for the cochlear implant at Unicamp's Clinical Hospital were interviewed. Based on a qualitative approach, a content analysis showed that the majority of parents seek the cure for deafness, and consequently, the acquisition of speech with the cochlear implant. For these families, the cochlear implant is seen both as the solution to their children's deafness and as a path for a better future. It has been evidenced that during the acquisition of knowledge about the implant, parents experienced anxiety and anguish when faced with the risks and benefits of the procedure, and the need to choose between performing and not performing the cochlear implant.