944 resultados para Chesterman, Andrew: Memes of translation


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Der irische Buchmarkt als Teil des englischsprachigen Buchmarktes ist stark von der Geschichte des Landes geprägt. Die Fremdbestimmung im Rahmen des Commonwealth unterdrückte eine eigenständige Verlagslandschaft bis weit ins 20. Jahrhundert hinein. Mit der Unabhängigkeit des irischen Staates stieg die Anzahl der Verlage langsam aber stetig an. In den 70er Jahren kam die irische Verlagslandschaft zu einem fast explosionsartigen Erblühen. Die Gründung des Verlegerverbandes Clé war einer von vielen Schritten, um den nationalen Buchmarkt von der Dominanz britischer Bücher in Buchhandlungen und Bibliotheken zu emanzipieren. Die Nachfrage nach Irish-Interest-Titeln ist im Inland hoch. Britische Verlage hatten bis dato diesen Bedarf übersehen, und so füllten irische Verlage diese Nische. Die Einführung eines von Großbritannien unabhängigen Lehrplans führte zur Etablierung eines eigenständigen Schulbuchmarktes, inklusive Lehrwerke zur irischen Sprache bzw. Titel auf Irisch. Irische Verlage sind in ihrem Programm größtenteils breit aufgestellt und selten spezialisiert. Sie sind erstaunlich häufig unabhängige mittelständische Unternehmen. Nur wenige Verlage sind staatlich geführt oder gehören ausländischen Konzernen an. Auch der stationäre Buchhandel ist überwiegend eigenständig, da die – vor dem Wirtschaftsboom wenig kaufkräftige - Republik von den expandierenden britischen Buchhandelsketten vernachlässigt wurde. Erst nach dem Wirtschaftsboom und dem damit verbundenen soziokulturellen Wandel von einer traditionellen Agrar- hin zu einer modernen Informationsgesellschaft stiegen die Umsätze mit Büchern stark an. Sobald der Buchmarkt eine nennenswerte wirtschaftliche Größe erreichte, eröffneten britische Buchhandlungen Filialen in irischen Städten. Sie vermochten jedoch nicht, die Sortimentsvielfalt der irischen Buchhandelslandschaft zu zerstören. Die fehlende Buchpreisbindung ist keine Bedrohung der Titelvielfalt, da Handelsformen wie Buchclubs, Supermärkte und Internethandel – die mit teils aggressivem Preismarketing arbeitenden Nebenmärkte – hier nur eine Randexistenz führen. In diesem Fall wandelt sich die geringe (Umsatz-) Größe und damit Attraktivität des Buchmarktes zum Vorteil. Die staatliche Kulturförderung ist ein bedeutender Beitrag zum Verlegen von Literatur, die wirtschaftlich gerechnet keine Daseinsberechtigung hätte. Irische Verleger mit relativ geringem Budget sind nicht in der Lage, solche unökonomischen Titel mit dem finanziellen Erfolg eines Bestsellers in Mischkalkulation aufzufangen. Hier greift die staatliche Unterstützung. Die Subventionierung von Titeln über die irischen Sprache bzw. von Literatur auf Irisch führte zur Herausbildung eines Marktsektors, der vor der Staatsgründung nicht existierte. Die Übersetzungsförderung verstärkt die Verbreitung von bis dato unbekannter irischer Literatur im Ausland und stimuliert das Lizenzgeschäft. Die aktuelle staatliche Kulturpolitik setzt ihren Schwerpunkt auf Marketing, PR sowie Nachfolgeregelung und fördert so nachhaltig statt bloß in Form einer kurzlebigen Titelsubvention. Eine noch mehr in die Zukunft gerichtete Förderung würde genauso wie die Unterstützung von Fortbildungsmaßnahmen zu besseren wirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen führen. Auch wenn die nationale Verlagsszene im Aufschwung begriffen ist, befindet sich der irische Buchmarkt insgesamt in fester Hand der britischen Verlagsproduktion. Der britische Buchmarkt mit seinen multinationalen und finanzkräftigen Verlagen lebt vom Export. Aus Sicht von Großbritannien ist heutzutage der Nachbar Irland, einst Teil des britischen Buchmarktes, einer der besten Kunden. Dieser Aspekt bezieht sich nicht nur auf die langjährig entwickelten Handelsbeziehungen. In kulturellen Aspekten orientiert sich Irland stark am britischen Vorbild: Ein britischer Bestseller wird fast immer auch ein Bestseller in Irland. Lediglich Irish-Interest-Titel durchbrechen diesen Automatismus. Während Irish Interest im Inland hohe Umsätze vorweist, sind diese Titel im Ausland lediglich ein Nischenprodukt. Zusätzlich müssen irische Verlage außerhalb des Landes mit britischen und US-amerikanischen Verlagen in Konkurrenz treten, die ebenfalls Irish-Interest-Titel für die irische Diaspora anbieten. Es besteht daher nur eine geringe Chance, erfolgreich am globalen englischsprachigen Buchmarkt mitzuwirken. Bis dato haben Versuche, dem irischen Buchmarkt durch Export zu Umsatzwachstum zu verhelfen, keinen nennenswerten Erfolg gebracht. Lediglich auf dem Gebiet der populären Literatur und in Form von Kooperationen mit britischen Verlagskonzernen vermögen irische Verlage, am internationalen Buchhandel teilzuhaben.


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Il progetto di ricerca che presentiamo nasce dalla virtuosa combinazione di teoria e prassi didattica nello spirito della ricerca-azione. Scopo del presente lavoro è elaborare un percorso didattico di formazione alla traduzione specializzata in ambito medico-scientifico, tecnico ed economico-giuridico per la combinazione linguistica spagnolo-italiano all’interno della cornice istituzionale concreta dell’università italiana oggi. La nostra proposta formativa si fonda su tre elementi: la ricognizione del mercato attuale della traduzione per la combinazione linguistica indicata, l’individuazione degli obiettivi formativi in base al modello di competenza traduttiva scelto, l’elaborazione del percorso didattico per competenze e basato sull’enfoque por tareas di traduzione. Nella progettazione delle modalità didattiche due sono gli aspetti che definiscono il percorso proposto: il concetto di genere testuale specializzato per la traduzione e la gestione delle informazioni mediante le nuove tecnologie (corpora, banche dati terminologiche e fraseologiche, memorie di traduzione, traduzione controllata). Il presente lavoro si articola in due parti: la prima parte (quattro capitoli) presenta l’inquadramento teorico all’interno del quale si sviluppa la riflessione intorno alla didattica della traduzione specializzata; la seconda parte (due capitoli) presenta l’inquadramento metodologico e analitico all’interno del quale si elabora la nostra proposta didattica. Nel primo capitolo si illustrano i rapporti fra traduzione e mondo professionale; nel secondo capitolo si presenta il concetto di competenza traduttiva come ponte tra la formazione e il mondo della traduzione professionale; nel terzo capitolo si ripercorrono le tappe principali dell’evoluzione della didattica della traduzione generale; nel quarto capitolo illustriamo alcune tra le più recenti e complete proposte didattiche per la traduzione specializzata in ambito tecnico, medico-scientifico ed economico-giuridico. Nel quinto capitolo si introduce il concetto di genere testuale specializzato per la traduzione e nel sesto capitolo si illustra la proposta didattica per la traduzione specializzata dallo spagnolo in italiano che ha motivato il presente lavoro.


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A partire da una ricognizione storica sull’ultimo impero coloniale portoghese, la tesi intende analizzare come il mito dell’impero abbia contribuito a definire l’identità nazionale del Portogallo e il suo patrimonio culturale e letterario. Il mito viene indagato in particolar modo nella sua componente linguistica e discorsiva, come modalità peculiare di costruire “costellazioni” di immagini. In questo contesto la letteratura assume una rilevanza specifica, poiché le sue risorse formali le permettono di contrapporre alla fissità del mito una potente articolazione in grado di scardinare gli automatismi legati ad una translatio imperii volta a reiterare l’immaginazione del centro. L’analisi di un corpus letterario afferente a quella che potremmo chiamare la letteratura “dei retornados”, che si concentra soprattutto sulla definizione della focalizzazione narrativa e sulla rielaborazione delle figure narrative, intende ricercare le diverse forme di assumere criticamente il canone imperiale e di oltrepassarlo.


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Le traduzioni di Luis Cernuda, poeta spagnolo della Generazione del '27, da testi poetici di autori francesi, tedeschi ed inglesi, la cui scelta è dettata da ragioni di coerenza artistica, non hanno valore secondario rispetto alla produzione poetica autoriale. Nel presente studio si delinea l'uniformità del percorso creativo di Luis Cernuda nel ruolo duplice ed apparentemente contraddittorio di poeta-traduttore, attraverso un tracciato spazio-temporale, al contempo realistico e metaforico, che si svolge lungo gran parte della vita del misconosciuto poeta sivigliano. Ad una preliminare presentazione analitica del concetto di traduzione, della funzione che la stessa riveste nel genere letterario specifico della poesia e nell'attività creativa di Cernuda, segue l'analisi comparativa delle traduzioni cernudiane con le rispettive fonti straniere. L'argomento si svolge in tre capitoli successivi, organizzati rispettando lo svolgimento cronologico del percorso traduttorio cernudiano, svolto in parallelo alla produzione poetica personale. Il secondo capitolo verte sulla traduzione da testi poetici in francese. Il terzo capitolo, sul periodo immediatamente successivo agli anni della sperimentazione francese, analizza lo studio della poesia tedesca e della sperimentazione in traduzione. Tale incontro si propone anche come momento di scissione definitiva dalla lirica romanza, piuttosto esornativa, e di accostamento alla più essenziale lirica germanica. Il quarto capitolo raccoglie le versioni poetiche da autori inglesi, che si contraddistinguono per la grande somiglianza alla poesia di Cernuda nelle scelte contenutistico-formali. Le conclusioni vertono sulla coesione perseguita nel tradurre, per cui contenuto e forma acquisiscono pari importanza nella “ricreazione poetica” realizzata da Cernuda.


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Il nostro lavoro si inserisce tra i contributi che si rifanno a quella branca di studi traduttologici nota come critica della traduzione; l’elemento di raccordo tra il testo di partenza e la successione dei testi di arrivo su cui baseremo l’analisi è il discorso riportato, un fenomeno complesso, che trova la sua naturale collocazione nei delicati rapporti che intercorrono tra orale e scritto.


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In the central nervous system (CNS), oligodendrocytes form the multilamellar and compacted myelin sheath by spirally wrapping around defined axons with their specialised plasma membrane. Myelin is crucial for the rapid saltatory conduction of nerve impulses and for the preservation of axonal integrity. The absence of the major myelin component Myelin Basic Protein (MBP) results in an almost complete failure to form compact myelin in the CNS. The mRNA of MBP is sorted to cytoplasmic RNA granules and transported to the distal processes of oligodendrocytes in a translationally silent state. A main mediator of MBP mRNA localisation is the trans-acting factor heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A2 which binds to the cis-acting A2 response element (A2RE) in the 3’UTR of MBP mRNA. A signalling cascade had been identified that triggers local translation of MBP at the axon-glial contact site, involving the neuronal cell adhesion molecule (CAM) L1, the oligodendroglial plasma membrane-tethered Fyn kinase and Fyn-dependent phosphorylation of hnRNP A2. This model was confirmed here, showing that L1 stimulates Fyn-dependent phosphorylation of hnRNP A2 and a remodelling of A2-dependent RNA granule structures. Furthermore, the RNA helicase DDX5 was confirmed here acting together with hnRNP A2 in cytoplasmic RNA granules and is possibly involved in MBP mRNA granule dynamics.rnLack of non-receptor tyrosine kinase Fyn activity leads to reduced levels of MBP and hypomyelination in the forebrain. The multiadaptor protein p130Cas and the RNA-binding protein hnRNP F were verified here as additional targets of Fyn in oligodendrocytes. The findings point at roles of p130Cas in the regulation of Fyn-dependent process outgrowth and signalling cascades ensuring cell survival. HnRNP F was identified here as a novel constituent of oligodendroglial cytoplasmic RNA granules containing hnRNP A2 and MBP mRNA. Moreover, it was found that hnRNP F plays a role in the post-transcriptional regulation of MBP mRNA and that defined levels of hnRNP F are required to facilitate efficient synthesis of MBP. HnRNP F appears to be directly phosphorylated by Fyn kinase what presumably contributes to the initiation of translation of MBP mRNA at the plasma membrane.rnFyn kinase signalling thus affects many aspects of oligodendroglial physiology contributing to myelination. Post-transcriptional control of the synthesis of the essential myelin protein MBP by Fyn targets is particularly important. Deregulation of these Fyn-dependent pathways could thus negatively influence disorders involving the white matter of the nervous system.rnrn


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Computer-assisted translation (or computer-aided translation or CAT) is a form of language translation in which a human translator uses computer software in order to facilitate the translation process. Machine translation (MT) is the automated process by which a computerized system produces a translated text or speech from one natural language to another. Both of them are leading and promising technologies in the translation industry; it therefore seems important that translation students and professional translators become familiar with this relatively new types of technology. Whether used together, not only might these two different types of systems reduce translation time, but also lead to a further improvement in the field of translation technologies. The dissertation consists of four chapters. The first one surveys the chronological development of MT and CAT tools, the emergence of pre-editing, post-editing and controlled language and the very last frontiers in this sector. The second one provide a general overview on the four main CAT tools that are used nowadays and tested hereto. The third chapter is dedicated to the experimentations that have been conducted in order to analyze and evaluate the performance of the four integrated systems that are the core subject of this dissertation. Finally, the fourth chapter deals with the issue of terminological equivalence in interlinguistic translation. The purpose of this dissertation is not to provide an objective and definitive solution to the complex issues that arise at any time in the field of translation technologies, this aim being well away from being achieved, but to supply information about the limits and potentiality that are typical of those instruments which are now essential to any professional translator.


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The purpose of this thesis is, on the one hand, to illustrate the peculiarities of children’s literature, fantasy fiction and their translation and, on the other hand, to propose a translation from English to Italian of some chapters of the e-book The Explorers’ Gate by American author Chris Grabenstein. The first chapters of this work offer an analysis of different critical studies on children’s literature and fantasy fiction and illustrate the characteristics of these two literary expressions. I will also discuss the different approaches to their translation in order to produce a translated text that is consistent with its literary genre and with translation theories. The third chapter is about the author and includes an interview on his idea of children’s literature and his opinions about translation. The second part of this thesis is represented by the actual translation of the e-book. Firstly, I will analyze the source text, dividing the analysis in extra-textual and intra- textual and focusing on sender, addressee, time and space, function of the text, plot, structure, narrator, style and language used by the author. I will also highlight those elements that probably would be challenging during the translation phase. Secondly, I will explain the macro-strategy that I adopted during the process of translation, which can be defined as child-oriented. In the last chapter I will highlight those passages that represented translation challenges and I will show how I tackled them.


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Contacts between languages have always led to mutual influence. Today, the position of authority of the English language affects Italian in many ways, especially in the scientific and technical fields. When new studies conceived in the English-speaking world reach the Italian public, we are faced not only with the translation of texts, but most importantly the rendition of theoretical constructs that do not always have a suitable rendering in the target language. That is why we often find anglicisms in Italian texts. This work aims to show their frequency in a specific field, underlying how and when they are used, and sometimes preferred to the Italian corresponding word. This dissertation looks at a sample of essays from the specialised magazine “Lavoro Sociale”, published by Edizioni Centro Studi Erickson, searching for borrowings from English and discussing their use in order to make hypotheses on the reasons of this phenomenon, against the wider background of translation studies and translation universals research. What I am more interested in is the understanding of the similarities and differences in the use of anglicisms by authors of Italian texts and translators from English into Italian, so that I can figure out what the main dynamics and tendencies are. The whole paper is has four parts. Chapter 1 briefly explains the theoretical background on translation studies, and introduces and discusses the notion of translation universals. After that, the research methodology and theoretical background on linguistic borrowings (especially anglicisms) in Italian are summarized. Chapter 2 presents the study, explaining the organisation of the material, the methodology used and the object of interest. Chapter 3 is the core of the dissertation because it contains the qualitative and quantitative data taken from the texts and the examination of the dynamics of the use of anglicisms. Finally, Chapter 4 compares the conclusions drawn from the previous chapter with the opinions of authors, translators and proof-readers, whom I asked to answer a questionnaire written specifically to investigate the mechanisms and choices behind their use of anglicisms.


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La traduzione poetica viene affrontata sul piano empirico dell'analisi testuale. Una breve introduzione presenta le riflessioni più importanti sulla traduzione del testo poetico, da Benjamin e Steiner fino alle teorie più recenti di Meschonnic, Apel, Berman e Mattioli. Alla luce di queste teorie vengono analizzate le opere di due coppie di poeti e poeti-traduttori. Nel primo esempio troviamo il poeta svizzero (francofono) Philippe Jaccottet alle prese con l'intera opera di Ungaretti; nel secondo il rapporto travagliato di Vittorio Sereni con la poesia di René Char. Oltre a indagare la natura problematica della traduzione poetica come pratica e come esperienza, questa tesi di Letteratura Comparata vuole presentare la traduzione come strumento ermeneutico e come meccanismo rienunciativo: il suo ruolo nella dialettica delle influenze e dell'evoluzione letteraria è da considerarsi infatti essenziale. La vocazione originariamente etica della traduzione è sfondo costante della trattazione.


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In this thesis, I have chosen to translate from Italian into Arabic Canto I of the Inferno, from Dante Alighieri’s epic poem the Divine Comedy (La Divina Commedia) because it’s a masterpiece in both Italian and world literature. Also I have selected it for its artistic value and the universal themes that it depicts. In fact, my purpose in translating this great work into Arabic is to extol the cultural and universal aspects that can be common to human beings everywhere. My paper is written in Arabic and has six sections: A brief introduction on Dante’s life, an introduction to the Divine Comedy, a summary of Canto 1 of the Inferno and its analysis, Canto I of the Inferno in Italian, its translation into Arabic and finally a comment on the translation. The first part -a summary of Dante’s life was presented. The second part of my paper is an introduction to the Divine Comedy, the allegorical epic poem, consisting of three parts: The Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio (Purgatory), and Paradiso (Paradise). The third part is a summary and analysis of Canto 1 of the Inferno, Dante’s most renowned verses. The analysis of Canto highlights the everlasting conflict of man– sinning and giving in to temptation but then trying to repent and search for his soul’s salvation. He reflects on sin, existence, truth, God, love and salvation in his struggle through the dark and gloomy forest which symbolizes conflict and temptations man may succumb to. The influence of Christianity and the Middle ages here shows his commitment to religion and faith. Moreover, his meeting of Virgil, who guides him to the mountain during his journey to salvation, reflects the positive impact of Virgil’s philosophy on Dante. The fourth part presents the Italian version of Canto 1 of the Inferno. The fifth section of my paper is the translation of Canto 1 of the Inferno from Italian to Arabic. Translating an excerpt of Dante’s masterpiece was not an easy task: I had to consult several critique texts besides the Italian source text with explanations, and also some English versions to overcome any translation difficulties. As a student of translation, my goal was to be faithful in relaying to the Arabic audience the authenticity of Dante’s work, his themes, passions and aesthetic style. Finally, I present a conclusion including a comment on the translation and the bibliography of the sources I have consulted.


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Quando si parla di traduzione, si pensa spesso solo al risultato di un processo, valutato e analizzato come tale. Sembra ci si dimentichi del fatto che, prima di arrivare a quel risultato finale, il traduttore applica più o meno consapevolmente tutta quella serie di strumenti di analisi, critica, correzione, rilettura, riformulazione e modifica che rientrano nell’attività di revisione. A questa prima fase, di cui ogni traduttore fa esperienza nel lavorare alla propria traduzione, segue di norma una fase successiva in cui la traduzione è rivista da un’altra figura professionale della filiera editoriale (di solito, e auspicabilmente, un altro traduttore) e infine altre fasi ancora del processo di lavorazione e pubblicazione del testo tradotto. Oltre a essere un’attività cruciale di ogni attività di traduzione e processo editoriale, la revisione riveste anche un fondamentale ruolo didattico nella formazione dei traduttori. L’idea alla base di questo progetto di ricerca nasce dal bisogno di triangolare riflessioni e dati concreti sulla revisione provenienti dalla ricerca accademica, dalla pratica professionale e dall’esperienza didattico-formativa, in un triplice approccio che informa l’intero progetto, di cui si illustrano i principali obiettivi: • formulare una nuova e chiara definizione sommativa del termine “revisione” da potersi utilizzare nell’ambito della ricerca, della didattica e della prassi professionale; • fornire una panoramica tematica, critica e aggiornata sulla ricerca accademica e non-accademica in materia di revisione; • condurre un’indagine conoscitiva (tramite compilazione di questionari diversificati) sulla pratica professionale della revisione editoriale in Italia, allo scopo di raccogliere dati da traduttori e revisori, fornirne una lettura critica e quindi individuare peculiarità e criticità di questa fase del processo di lavorazione del libro tradotto; • presentare ipotesi di lavoro e suggerimenti su metodi e strumenti da applicare all’insegnamento della revisione in contesti didattici e formativi.


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This dissertation was conducted within the project Language Toolkit, which has the aim of integrating the worlds of work and university. In particular, it consists of the translation into English of documents commissioned by the Italian company TR Turoni and its primary purpose is to demonstrate that, in the field of translation for companies, the existing translation support tools and software can optimise and facilitate the translation process. The work consists of five chapters. The first introduces the Language Toolkit project, the TR Turoni company and its relationship with the CERMAC export consortium. After outlining the current state of company internationalisation, the importance of professional translators in enhancing the competitiveness of companies that enter new international markets is highlighted. Chapter two provides an overview of the texts to be translated, focusing on the textual function and typology and on the addressees. After that, manual translation and the main software developed specifically for translators are described, with a focus on computer-assisted translation (CAT) and machine translation (MT). The third chapter presents the target texts and the corresponding translations. Chapter four is dedicated to the analysis of the translation process. The first two texts were translated manually, with the support of a purpose-built specialized corpus. The following two documents were translated with the software SDL Trados Studio 2011 and its applications. The last texts were submitted to the Google Translate service and to a process of pre and post-editing. Finally, in chapter five conclusions are drawn about the main limits and potentialities of the different translations techniques. In addition to this, the importance of an integrated use of all available instruments is underlined.


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This dissertation is part of the Language Toolkit project which is a collaboration between the School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Interpreting and Translation of the University of Bologna, Forlì campus, and the Chamber of Commerce of Forlì-Cesena. This project aims to create an exchange between translation students and companies who want to pursue a process of internationalization. The purpose of this dissertation is demonstrating the benefits that translation systems can bring to businesses. In particular, it consists of the translation into English of documents supplied by the Italian company Technologica S.r.l. and the creation of linguistic resources that can be integrated into computer-assisted translation (CAT) software, in order to optimize the translation process. The latter is claimed to be a priority with respect to the actual translation products (the target texts), since the analysis conducted on the source texts highlighted that the company could streamline and optimize its English language communication thanks to the use of open source CAT tools such as OmegaT. The work consists of five chapters. The first introduces the Language Toolkit project, the company (Technologica S.r.l ) and its products. The second chapter provides some considerations about technical translation, its features and some misconceptions about it. The difference between technical translation and scientific translation is then clarified and an overview is offered of translation aids such as those used for computer-assisted translation, machine translation, termbases and translation memories. The third chapter contains the analysis of the texts commissioned by Technologica S.r.l. and their categorization. The fourth chapter describes the translation process, with particular attention to terminology extraction and the creation of a bilingual glossary based on a specialized corpus. The glossary was integrated into the OmegaT software in order to facilitate the translation process both for the present task and for future applications. The memory deriving from the translation represents a sort of hybrid resource between a translation memory and a glossary. This was found to be the most appropriate format, given the specific nature of the texts to be translated. Finally, in chapter five conclusions are offered about the importance of language training within a company environment, the potentialities of translation aids and the benefits that they would bring to a company wishing to internationalize itself.


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The aim of this dissertation is to demonstrate how theory and practice are linked in translation. The translation of the essay Light Years Ahead helped me to understand this connection and to develop the two main thesis included in this work, that is the possibility the translator has to choose among all the different theories, without giving one or another the absolute supremacy, and the diversity of the non-fiction genre. Therefore, the first chapter focuses on the different theories of translation, presented in a way which suggests that one might be the completion and the development of another. The second chapter deals with the peculiar issues of non-fiction translation, with particular attention to the way in which this genre gathers different elements of other text types. Despite this variety, it is also claimed that the function at the higher level of an essay is always the informative one. This concept led me to simplify and make more intelligible the Italian version of the text I translated (Light Years Ahead). In the third chapter, this last point is discussed, as well as my considerations about the function, the dominant aspect and the cultural analysis of the text, with particular regard to how the quality of the English translation affected my choices. In the fourth chapter I included some examples of translation, which best demonstrate the distinctive variety of styles of non-fiction texts and the possibility for the translator to choose each time which theory suits them best. Finally, I also included three examples which represent a sort of defeat for me, that is to say three points where the ambiguity of the text obliged me to remove that information for the sake of the dominant informative function.