881 resultados para Boys
RESUMO: A presente investigação tem por objectivo estudar a relação entre os maus tratos na infância, a memória, e a afectividade negativa e positiva, em jovens residentes (N=55) em diversos LIJ e RA de duas Instituições da Grande Lisboa, comparando-os com um grupo de controlo (N= 39), de duas Escolas, uma Básica e outra Secundária, também da Grande Lisboa. Foram recolhidas respostas de 47 rapazes e 47 raparigas entre os 12 e os 16 anos, com uma média etária de 14.47 (DP= 1.37). As medidas utilizadas foram a Figura Complexa de Rey, para avaliação da Memória e o PANAS C, para a Afectividade Negativa e Positiva. A análise dos dados permitiu concluir que existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os dois grupos para as dimensões em estudo, tendo piores resultados os jovens que sofreram maus tratos na infância o que corrobora a literatura sobre os danos causados por aqueles, a nível do sistema límbico, sede da afectividade e da memória. ABSTRACT: The present investigation aims at studying the relation between maltreatment in childhood, memory, negative and positive affectivity in youngsters (N=55) living in several Childhood and Youth Homes, as well as in Host Residences of two Institutions located in Greater Lisbon, in comparison to a control group (N=39) of two Schools, an Elementary School and a High School, also located in Greater Lisbon. Answers have been collected from 47 boys and 47 girls, between 12 and 16 years old, with an average range of 14.47 years old (SD= 1.37). The measures used were the Rey Complex Figure, for Memory assessment and PANAS C, for Positive and Negative Affectivity. The data analysis has enabled to conclude that there are statistically significant differences between these two groups for the dimensions in study, having worst results the youngsters that have suffered from maltreatment, confirming the reading about damages caused by it, at limbic system level, the seat of affectivity and memory.
OBJECTIVE: This is a study to evaluate friendships in latency street boys of Porto Alegre, RGS, Brazil. METHODS: A sample of 30 latency street boys was compared with a sample of 51 latency boys living with their low income families, using the Cornell Interview of Peers and Friends (CIPF). RESULTS: The two groups had a significantly different CIPF global scores, and the boys of the street group had the highest mean score. Also, boys of the street had significantly lower developmental appropriateness, self-esteem and social skills scores than boys living with a family. CONCLUSIONS: The urgent need for intervention street children, especially on boys of the street, is emphasized.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the intensity of Pediculus capitis infestation (abundance) among Argentinean schoolchildren. Children's sex and social stratum were analyzed as modifiers of the general prevalence and degree of parasitism. METHODS: The study included 1,370 schoolchildren (692 girls, 678 boys) from 26 schools of the province of La Rioja (21 public schools, five private schools). Classic prevalence was obtained as the percentage of children with nits and/or lice. Moreover, five degrees of parasitism were classified: 0) children with no signs of pediculosis; 0+) children with evidence of past infestation; 1) children with a recent infestation and low probability of active parasitism; 2) children with a recent infestation and high probability of active parasitism; 3) children with mobile lice (active pediculosis). RESULTS: The general prevalence was 61.4% (girls: 79%; boys: 44%, p<0.001). Private schools showed lower prevalence than public schools (p=0.02), especially due to the low prevalence in boys. Fifty percent of children were classified in classes 0 and 0+, 22% in class 1; and 28% in grades 2 and 3. The proportion of children in grade 3 was higher in public schools than in private schools. There were significant sexual differences in the intensity of parasitism for grades 2 and 3, where girls' rates exceeded twice those of boys'. CONCLUSIONS: Sex and social stratum are important modifiers of P. capitis general prevalence and degree of infestation. The classification of children by intensity of infestation allowed a more precise delimitation of this condition, which is especially important for disease surveillance and application of control measures.
A obesidade é apontada como o distúrbio nutricional mais frequente em crianças e adolescentes nos países desenvolvidos e a sua prevalência tem vindo a aumentar a nível mundial a um ritmo alarmante. Neste artigo, são apresentados três estudos que se coordenam entre si. No primeiro estudo, avalia-se a prevalência de pré-obesidade (22,6%) e de obesidade (7,8%) infantojuvenil em Portugal, apresentando valores superiores nos rapazes e nos adolescentes mais jovens. Em relação aos hábitos alimentares, verifica-se que o consumo de alimentos de características nutricionais de baixa qualidade é superior no grupo normoponderal. Em relação à atividade física, quanto maior o índice de atividade física menor o percentil de I.M.C. No estudo sobre determinantes parentais, salienta-se que a grande maioria dos pais das crianças com excesso de peso tendem a sub-avaliar o peso da criança. Outro aspeto relevante é a confirmação de que o conhecimento nutricional dos pais influencia claramente os hábitos alimentares das crianças. Por fim, é apresentado um projeto de intervenção que, intervindo nos determinantes parentais, visa a mudança das suas crenças e comportamentos, de modo a promoverem mudanças alimentares nos seus filhos.
OBJECTIVE: To examine the prevalence of body dissatisfaction and associated factors in 8- to 11-year-old schoolchildren. METHODS: A cross-sectional study including children aged 8- to 11-years enrolled in public and private schools in Porto Alegre, Southern Brazil, was carried out from August to December, 2001. A total of 901 subjects were selected through cluster sampling. Participants answered a questionnaire aimed at measuring body dissatisfaction and self-esteem and questions about family and social pressures on weight change. Height and weight were measured. The relationship between body dissatisfaction and the variables studied was measured by logistic regression. RESULTS: The prevalence of body dissatisfaction was 82%. Fifty-five percent of the girls wanted a thinner body size, and 28% desired a larger one; the estimates for the boys were 43% and 38%, respectively. Children with the lowest self-esteem (OR=1.80; 95% CI: 1.13-2.89) and who thought their parents (OR=6.10; 95% CI: 2.95-12.60) and friends (OR=1.81; 95% CI: 1.02-3.20) expected them to be thinner showed a higher chance of presenting body dissatisfaction. CONCLUSIONS: Body dissatisfaction was highly prevalent among the evaluated schoolchildren, especially in those with lower self-esteem and who thought their parents and friends expected them to be thinner.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Intervenção Precoce
The Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is the most common enzymatic defect in the world. The most common clinical manifestations are acute hemolytic anemia associated with drugs, infections, neonatal jaundice and hemolytic non-spherocytic chronic anemia. The main aim of this study was to determine the frequency of major genetic variants of G6PD leading to enzyme deficiency in children from 0 to 14 years at a Pediatric Hospital in Luanda, Angola. A cross-sectional and descriptive analytical study covered a total of 194 children aged from 0 to 14 years, of both genders and hospitalized at the Pediatric Hospital David Bernardino, Luanda between November and December, 2011. The G202A, A376G and C563T mutations of the G6PD gene were determined by real-time PCR with Taqman probes. The disabled A-/A- genotype was detected in 10 girls (10.9%). Among the boys, 21 (20.6%) presented the genotype A-. Considering all the samples, the A- variant was observed in 22.4% of cases. The Mediterranean mutation was not detected in the Angolan sample. Furthermore, no association was found between genotype and anemia, nutritional state and mucosa color. A significant association, however, was observed with jaundice. Based on the results obtained, there is a clear need to identify those with the disabled genotype in the Angolan population in order to avoid cases of drug-induced anemia, particularly in the treatment of malaria, so prevalent in Angola.
Relatório Final de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Dança, com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Dança
Relatório Final de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Dança, com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Dança.
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence and identify correlates of physical activity among adolescents. METHODS: Cross-sectional study nested within a cohort of 4,325 subjects from the city of Pelotas, Southern Brazil, aged 14-15 years in 2008. Physical activity was analyzed using three different approaches: (1) prevalence of any leisure-time physical activity; (2) prevalence of any active commuting to school; and (3) prevalence of engaging in at least 300 minutes per week of both (1) and (2) combined. Independent variables included sociodemographic, behavioral, social, and biological characteristics, and number of different leisure-time physical activites practiced. Statistical analyses were carried out using Poisson regression. RESULTS: The proportion of adolescents involved in any type of leisure-time physical activity was 75.6%, while 73.4% displayed some form of active commuting to school. Prevalence of total physical activity score (> 300 min/week) was 48.2%, being greater among boys (62.6%) than among girls (34.5%). Furthermore, prevalence increased along with the number of physical activity modalities practiced (p<0.001). Factors associated with greater physical activity (leisure + commuting) at the recommended levels were: nonwhite skin color, having failed at school, and playing videogames. Lower socioeconomic status, more time spent on the computer, and parental physical activity were associated with the outcome only among girls. CONCLUSIONS: Less than half the adolescents reached recommended levels of physical activity, and this proportion tended to decrease among subjects with higher socioeconomic level. Associated factors were different for leisure-time and commuting. Engaging in a wide variety of physical activities should be encouraged already during childhood.
Introdução – O bullying pode ser definido como atitudes agressivas, intencionais e repetidas durante um período de tempo. Diversos estudos verificaram a prevalência de bullying entre estudantes de vários países e demonstraram que este é um problema internacional e que pelo menos um em cada dez estudantes está envolvido numa situação de bullying. Objetivos – Caracterizar as situações de bullying no ambiente escolar, o papel do estudante, os sentimentos associados a essas ações e identificar as características do agressor. Métodos – A amostra foi constituída por 519 alunos matriculados em duas escolas da região sul de Portugal que preencheram um questionário anónimo sobre uma situação de bullying que vivenciaram, descrevendo o papel do aluno e o que sentiram nesta situação. Resultados – Os resultados revelaram que em 61,7% dos casos se tratou de agressão física e 29,7% de agressão verbal. Desempenharam o papel de agressores 12,7% dos alunos, 21,8% foram vítimas e 63,6% foram testemunhas desta situação. 10,6% dos alunos relataram sentir bem, 11% mostraram indiferença e 78,4% dos alunos sentiram‑se mal com a situação de bullying. Verificou‑se que, com o avanço da idade, o estudante aumentava em 1,5 vezes a probabilidade de desempenhar o papel de agressor e os rapazes apresentavam 5,2 vezes mais probabilidades de vir a ser agressor numa situação de bullying. Conclusão – O presente estudo verificou que a maioria dos alunos participou de uma situação de bullying escolar como testemunha, sendo os casos mais comuns de agressão física. A maioria dos alunos sentiu‑se mal com essa situação. Os rapazes e os alunos com mais idade tiveram mais probabilidade de vir a desempenhar o papel de agressor numa situação de bullying.
Objective: To examine the association between obesity and food group intakes, physical activity and socio-economic status in adolescents. Design: A cross-sectional study was carried out in 2008. Cole’s cut-off points were used to categorize BMI. Abdominal obesity was defined by a waist circumference at or above the 90th percentile, as well as a waist-to-height ratio at or above 0?500. Diet was evaluated using an FFQ, and the food group consumption was categorized using sex-specific tertiles of each food group amount. Physical activity was assessed via a self-report questionnaire. Socio-economic status was assessed referring to parental education and employment status. Data were analysed separately for girls and boys and the associations among food consumption, physical activity, socio-economic status and BMI, waist circumference and waist-to-height ratio were evaluated using logistic regression analysis, adjusting the results for potential confounders. Setting: Public schools in the Azorean Archipelago, Portugal. Subjects: Adolescents (n 1209) aged 15–18 years. Results: After adjustment, in boys, higher intake of ready-to-eat cereals was a negative predictor while vegetables were a positive predictor of overweight/ obesity and abdominal obesity. Active boys had lower odds of abdominal obesity compared with inactive boys. Boys whose mother showed a low education level had higher odds of abdominal obesity compared with boys whose mother presented a high education level. Concerning girls, higher intake of sweets and pastries was a negative predictor of overweight/obesity and abdominal obesity. Girls in tertile 2 of milk intake had lower odds of abdominal obesity than those in tertile 1. Girls whose father had no relationship with employment displayed higher odds of abdominal obesity compared with girls whose father had high employment status. Conclusions: We have found that different measures of obesity have distinct associations with food group intakes, physical activity and socio-economic status.
This study examined the joint effects of home environment and center-based child care quality on children’s language, communication, and early literacy development, while also considering prior developmental level. Participants were 95 children (46 boys), assessed as toddlers (mean age = 26.33 months;Time 1) and preschoolers (mean age = 68.71 months; Time 2) and their families. At both times, children attended center-based child care classrooms in the metropolitan area of Porto, Portugal. Results from hierarchical linear models indicated that home environment and preschool quality, but not center-based toddler child care quality, were associated with children’s language and literacy outcomes at Time 2. Moreover, the quality of preschool classrooms moderated the association between home environment quality and children’s language and early literacy skills – but not communication skills – at Time 2, suggesting the positive cumulative effects of home environment and preschool quality. Findings further support the existence of a detrimental effect of low preschool quality on children’s language and early literacy outcomes: positive associations among home environment quality and children’s developmental outcomes were found to reduce substantially when children attended low-quality preschool classrooms.
OBJECTIVE To analyze physical activity during adolescence in participants of the 1993 Pelotas Birth Cohort Study, Brazil. METHODS Data on leisure time physical activity at 11, 15, and 18 years of age were analyzed. At each visit, a cut-off point of 300 min/week was used to classify adolescents as active or inactive. A total of 3,736 participants provided data on physical activity at each of the three age points. RESULTS A significant decline in the proportion of active adolescents was observed from 11 to 18 years of age, particularly among girls (from 32.9% to 21.7%). The proportions of girls and boys who were active at all three age points were 28.0% and 55.1%, respectively. After adjustment for sex, economic status, and skin color, participants who were active at 11 and 15 years of age were 58.0% more likely to be active at 18 years of age compared with those who were inactive at 11 and 15 years of age. CONCLUSIONS Physical activity declined during adolescence and inactivity tended to track over time. Our findings reinforce the need to promote physical activity at early stages of life, because active behavior established early tends to be maintained over time.