947 resultados para unilateral mistake


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The development of integrated measures which involve sterile mate release to supplement the conventional insecticidal techniques used in controlagainst insects of medical importance, raised the question, whether the vectors of Chagas'disease possess the natural mechanisms by manipulation of which they may be controlled. Results of earlier expenments, that had been published previously, were restricted to fragmentary information that raised various questions, the answer to which became available in the study herein described. Interspecific hybrids were produced from reciprocal crosses between T. pseudomaculata and T. sórdida and from unilateral crosses between female T. pseudomaculata and male. T. infestans. These females mated with males, laid less than the normal complement of eggs, but offspring was relatively abundant. When T. pseudomaculata females were paired with T. brasiliensis males, hybridization was more difficult because few of the females mated and those that did had a strongly reduced fertility. Adults emerged from ali crosses but exhibited sex disproportion, females predominating in all populations but one. The two Rhodnius species tested were also found to cross, but only when female R. prolixus were paired with male R. neglectus. These females laid a relatively high complement o f eggs, had a strongly reduced fertility, but 50% of the fertile eggs developed into vigorous adults, males predominating females. Neither type of hybrid male elicited fertilized eggs from either parental type of female, through their vesicula seminal is were found to be packed with spermatozoa, some normal looking and moving, others underdeveloped and motionless. Although, no artificial insemination was performed, the sperm in itself did not appear to be the prime inducer of sterility. Females paired with these hybrids did mate, sperm was transfered, as evidenced by the discharged spermatophores smeared with sperm, but did notcontain spermatozoa in their spermatecae. The failure of the sperm to migrate to the spermatecae indicate prezygotic pos-copulation incompatibility, thus the hybrid male can't be used to suppress populations. The female hybrids mated with parent males of either species had reduced fertility and ther sons were sterile as were those of their fertile daughters. However, continous backcrossing of the hybrid females and their female progeny to parental males partially restored fertility of the males and increased fertility of females, as scored by egg hatchability. Fertility of hybrid females, measured by the yield of adults capable to reproduce, indicated that the reproductive perfomance decreased when hybrid females and their daughters were backcrossed additional generations to parental males. It is tentatively suggested that hybrid females could be used for suppression if they compete efficiently with wild females.


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Estudos Europeus


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Ophthalmoplegic migraine (OM) is a childhood disorder of uncertain etiology manifesting recurrent unilateral headache associated with a transitory oculomotor (usually IIIrd nerve) palsy. Recent publications emphasize the finding on MRI of contrast enhancement in the IIIrd nerve suggesting that OM may be a recurrent inflammatory neuropathy. We report the case of a 7-year-old boy with typical symptoms of this disorder. Angio MR and Angio CT revealed the presence of an infundibular dilatation of a perforating branch of the posterior cerebral artery adjacent to the symptomatic IIIrd nerve. We speculate that this and perhaps other cases of OM may have a different pathophysiology related to compression of the IIIrd nerve by an adjacent vascular structure that could activate the trigeminovascular system and produce migrainous pain.


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This article seeks to restore (anthropologically speaking) the warrior status of the Nuer during the colonial period. It challenges the negative conclusions of Douglas H. Johnson about the cultural dimension of fighting. In 1839, when the Nuer sacrificed an ox before a fleet from the North, the Egyptians thought it was an act of aggression and shot at them. But did this mistake inaugurate a series of misunderstandings on the offensive provision of this people? If that is Johnson's assertion, a return to the sources allows an alternative interpretation. The article puts in symmetry this episode and another, ninety years later, which also involved an "ox peace". The British killed this animal in 1929 during the repression of the Nuer prophetic movement. But if Johnson seeks to contradict the importance of the prophets as leaders of revolt, this article points out that their pacifism was embedded in the ideology of war.


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RESUMO: A surdez súbita (SS) caracteriza-se por uma perda abrupta de audição, mais frequentemente unilateral e associada a sensação de preenchimento aural, acufenos e vertigem. Afecta 5-20/100.000pessoas/ano (sobretudo adultos em fase activa na década de 40), com grande impacto na qualidade de vida. Possíveis causas incluem doenças infecciosas, circulatórias, traumáticas, imunológicas, neoplásicas, neurológicas, tóxicas e cocleares. No entanto, a causa da SS permanece desconhecida na maioria dos casos (80%), o que origina tratamentos controversos e frequentemente ineficientes. Os tratamentos disponíveis variam desde corticosteróides a antivirais, vasodilatadores, anti-agregantes, anticoagulantes, vitaminas e oxigénio hiperbárico (OHB). Atendendo a falta de informação relativa à etiologia e fisiopatologia da SS, pretendemos avaliar a evolução clínica dos doentes com SS tratados com OHB no Centro de Medicina Subaquática e Hiperbárica (CMSH) de Lisboa entre 2000 e 2005, durante um período mínimo de 5 anos, na tentativa de identificar eventuais factores de risco ou noxas clínicas com a SS. O estudo retrospectivo proposto baseia-se na revisão de processos clínicos do CMSH e na aplicação telefónica de questionários médicos de “follow-up” confidenciais – tanto a doentes (grupo de estudo), como aos respectivos esposos/companheiros/membros próximos da família (grupo de controlo) –, com particular ênfase nos antecedentes médicos e história clínica actual. Um estudo preliminar de 20 pessoas (10 doentes e 10 controlos) foi efectuado para antecipar dificuldades e estimar as necessidades logísticas. As dificuldades identificadas foram: 1) selecção dos doentes com números de telefone válidos e processos clínicos completos (com audiograma inicial e final); 2) contacto telefónico com os participantes de ambos os grupos (de estudo e controlo); 3) recursos humanos requeridos. Dado que a SS não é uma doença em si, mas um sintoma de uma doença subjacente, acreditamos que este estudo epidemiológico seja importante e útil, capaz de gerar novas luzes sobre a fisiopatologia e mecanismos desta entidade clínica.-------------ABSTRACT:Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL) is characterized by abrupt, mostly unilateral loss of hearing, frequently associated to aural fullness, tinnitus and vertigo. It affects 5-20/100.000 people/year (particularly working adults in the 40ths), with huge impact on quality of life. Possible causes include infectious, circulatory, traumatic, immunologic, metabolic, neoplastic, neurologic, toxic and unidentified cochlear diseases. Nevertheless, SSHL’s etiology remains unknown in most cases (80%), giving rise to controversial (and frequently ineffective) treatments. Available therapies range from corticosteroids to antivirals, vasodilators, antiaggregants, anticoagulants, vitamins and hyperbaric oxygen (HBO). Given the lack of data concerning SSHL’s etiology and physiopathology, we intend to evaluate clinical evolution of such patients treated with HBO in the Underwater and Hyperbaric Medical Center (UHMC) at Lisbon from 2000 to 2005 during a minimum period of 5 years, in an attempt to identify eventual risk factors or clinical associations to SSHL. The intended retrospective study is based on the review of patients’ medical charts from UHMC and confidential follow-up questionnaires applied telephonically both to patients (study group) and patients’ spouse/partner/close family member (control group), focusing past and present medical history. A preliminary study of 20 subjects (10 of each group) was performed to anticipate difficulties and to estimate the required logistics. The identified difficulties were: 1) selection of subjects with valid phone numbers and complete medical charts (with initial and final audiograms); 2) telephonic contact with subjects from the study and control group; 3) human logistics required. As it is believed that SSHL is not a disease by itself but rather a symptom of an underlying disease, we believe that this epidemiologic study is important and will hopefully generate sound scientific knowledge concerning physiopathology and mechanism of disease of SSHL.


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The crisis has drawn attention to the fact that not only emerging powers but other regions of the world as well may be offering different development models and may constitute into alternative, in some dimensions more positive agents, in the conduct of the present stage of globalisation. Notwithstanding, the traditional western powers have not lost a large amount of control of the world economy. And the crisis proceeds, reallocating world power as in a Hobbesian anarchy. It is difficult to foresee smooth developments in the near future. On the contrary, multilateralism seems to be losing ground to unilateral action or bilateral arrangements. More or less disguised currency wars may lead to serious disequilibria, and turf wars may become more frequent, with motives ranging from securing captive markets to control of specific commodities and energy goods, or targeted regulatory frameworks. As economic policy becomes even more involved with defence and security affairs, the feedbacks from each side to the other seem likely to keep dissent and animosity high, rather than contributing to peaceful and constructive approaches. A more trouble-prone world may be easily expected.


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In August/1999, a group of 14 adults from the staff of a private hospital in Contagem -- Minas Gerais State, Brazil, received unintentionally a 25 times concentrated dose of the 17-DD yellow fever vaccine (Bio-Manguinhos), due to a mistake at the reconstitution step. All patients were clinically and laboratorially evaluated at days 5, 13 and 35 post vaccination. Frequency of side effects and clinical observations of this group of individuals were not different from the observed in recipients immunized with normal doses of the vaccine. At the second and third evaluation none of the subjects reported symptoms. None of the patients presented abnormalities at the physical examination at none of the time points and in all cases the blood examination was normal, except for a reduced number of platelets that was detected in one subject at the first and second evaluation and reverted to normal at third evaluation. At the first evaluation point, 8 subjects were serum negative and 6 serum positive for yellow fever at the plaque reduction neutralization test. In 5 subjects the observed titre was 10 times higher as the baseline of 2.36 Log10 mUI/ml. The samples collected at second and third evaluation (13th and 35th days) demonstrated that all subjects responded to the vaccination with the exception of one that did not present a positive result in any of the samples collected. This evaluation confirms the safety of the 17-DD yellow fever vaccine.


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Estágio com relatório presentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão do Território, área de especialização em Território e Desenvolvimento


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Histoplasmosis is a fungal disease that is endemic in Brazil. It may present as chronic pulmonary infection or in disseminated form. Disseminated histoplasmosis frequently affects the adrenal gland; however, unilateral involvement in immunosuppressed patients is the usual presentation. We report a case of an elderly immunocompetent male with history of weight loss, fever and bilateral adrenal mass who was successfully treated with itraconazole.


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O erro pode ser um sintoma da evolução do aluno, no entanto, a sua correção, quando mal gerida, pode provocar o efeito contrário, levando o erro a fossilizar-se. Nem todos os alunos apreciam a correção: enquanto alguns esperam ser corrigidos, outros evitam o erro ao não participar de forma ativa nas atividades e contexto de sala de aula. Assim sendo, nem todas as estratégias de correção e de remediação são bem recebidas por todos os alunos. Propomos, por essa razão, o recurso às novas tecnologias e aos jogos didáticos, de forma a motivar os alunos para a auto e heterocorreção, encarando o erro como parte do processo de aprendizagem.


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This dissertation aims to analyze the right of withdrawal and its implications on distance and off-premises contracts, due to the importance of these contracts in our society. Our main goal is, first of all, to explain the meaning and characteristics of both distance and off-premises contracts and the reason why a right of withdrawal is granted. Secondly, we intend to explain all of the relevant aspects related to this right, such as its legal concept and main characteristics, the origin and evolution of the right of withdrawal on both European and Portuguese legislation, its implications in the contracting parties and, finally, a brief analysis of the applicable law. In a nutshell, the right of withdrawal allows the consumer to withdraw from a distance or off-premises contract, unilaterally, without having to indicate any motive to justify the decision, after a cooling-off period of 14 calendar days. In these two types of contracts such right exists due to the reasons or circumstances that lead to the conclusion of the contract.


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A incidência de tuberculose em crianças em 2011, segundo dados da Organização Mundial de Saúde, foi estimada em 490000, 6% da incidência total. Ao “potencial” epidémico da tuberculose, associa-se a dificuldade diagnóstica pela inespecificidade clínica, radiológica e pela baixa sensibilidade dos exames microbiológicos disponíveis em países em vias de desenvolvimento. Nas crianças, a elevada prevalência de outras causas de infecção respiratória e a dificuldade na colheita de amostras biológicas são com frequência fonte de atraso no diagnóstico. A co-infecção com o vírus da imunodeficiência humana (VIH) condiciona a orientação diagnóstica, pela sua incidência e apresentação clínica e radiológica atípica, e terapêutica, pelas interacções farmacológicas. O estudo realizado teve como principal objectivo identificar critérios clínicos, laboratoriais e radiológicos para diagnóstico de tuberculose em crianças e adolescentes entre os seis meses e os 17 anos infectadas e não infectadas por VIH. Este trabalho teve um componente retrospectivo (crianças diagnosticadas entre Janeiro de 2011 e Dezembro de 2013) e um componente prospectivo (diagnóstico efectuado entre Janeiro e Abril de 2014). Após dois meses de tratamento as crianças foram reavaliadas clínica e radiologicamente. Foram colhidos dados retrospectivos de 103 crianças, acompanhadas 9 crianças em tratamento e efectuado o diagnóstico de tuberculose pulmonar a 6 crianças. No estudo retrospectivo verificou-se que 29,4% apresentaram serologia positiva para infecção VIH. Foram identificados critérios clínicos de tuberculose nas crianças infectadas VIH e não infectadas, cujos resultados são comparáveis a estudos efectuados em África e na América Latina. Em critérios como a perda de peso e a descoloração cutâneo-mucosa as crianças VIH apresentaram frequências estatisticamente superiores às das não infectadas. Os padrões radiológicos mais frequentes nesta amostra foram a consolidação unilateral e o infiltrado micronodular bilateral, menos frequentes em outros estudos. A identificação do M. tuberculosis foi possível em 30% das crianças VIH e em 22,2% das não infectadas VIH. Foi realizada a prova tuberculínica em todas as crianças com diagnóstico de Tuberculose entre Janeiro e Abril de 2014, observando-se menor enduração na criança VIH positiva. Pretendeu-se com este estudo identificar e analisar os critérios clínicos, radiológicos e bacteriológicos das crianças observadas por Tuberculose no Hospital de Cumura entre Janeiro de 2011 e Abril de 2014 e propor estratégias para aumento da efectividade diagnóstica.


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A incidência de tuberculose em crianças em 2011, segundo dados da Organização Mundial de Saúde, foi estimada em 490000, 6% da incidência total. Ao “potencial” epidémico da tuberculose, associa-se a dificuldade diagnóstica pela inespecificidade clínica, radiológica e pela baixa sensibilidade dos exames microbiológicos disponíveis em países em vias de desenvolvimento. Nas crianças, a elevada prevalência de outras causas de infecção respiratória e a dificuldade na colheita de amostras biológicas são com frequência fonte de atraso no diagnóstico. A co-infecção com o vírus da imunodeficiência humana (VIH) condiciona a orientação diagnóstica, pela sua incidência e apresentação clínica e radiológica atípica, e terapêutica, pelas interacções farmacológicas. O estudo realizado teve como principal objectivo identificar critérios clínicos, laboratoriais e radiológicos para diagnóstico de tuberculose em crianças e adolescentes entre os seis meses e os 17 anos infectadas e não infectadas por VIH. Este trabalho teve um componente retrospectivo (crianças diagnosticadas entre Janeiro de 2011 e Dezembro de 2013) e um componente prospectivo (diagnóstico efectuado entre Janeiro e Abril de 2014). Após dois meses de tratamento as crianças foram reavaliadas clínica e radiologicamente. Foram colhidos dados retrospectivos de 103 crianças, acompanhadas 9 crianças em tratamento e efectuado o diagnóstico de tuberculose pulmonar a 6 crianças. No estudo retrospectivo verificou-se que 29,4% apresentaram serologia positiva para infecção VIH. Foram identificados critérios clínicos de tuberculose nas crianças infectadas VIH e não infectadas, cujos resultados são comparáveis a estudos efectuados em África e na América Latina. Em critérios como a perda de peso e a descoloração cutâneo-mucosa as crianças VIH apresentaram frequências estatisticamente superiores às das não infectadas. Os padrões radiológicos mais frequentes nesta amostra foram a consolidação unilateral e o infiltrado micronodular bilateral, menos frequentes em outros estudos. A identificação do M. tuberculosis foi possível em 30% das crianças VIH e em 22,2% das não infectadas VIH. Foi realizada a prova tuberculínica em todas as crianças com diagnóstico de Tuberculose entre Janeiro e Abril de 2014, observando-se menor enduração na criança VIH positiva. Pretendeu-se com este estudo identificar e analisar os critérios clínicos, radiológicos e bacteriológicos das crianças observadas por Tuberculose no Hospital de Cumura entre Janeiro de 2011 e Abril de 2014 e propor estratégias para aumento da efectividade diagnóstica.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the results of the laparoscopic technique in the treatment of adrenal pheochromocytoma. METHOD: Ten patients, 7 men and 3 women, between 10 and 67 years of age (mean 48) with pheochromocytoma underwent transperitoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomy and were evaluated retrospectively, based on clinical, laboratory, and pathological diagnosis. In all cases there was a solid unilateral adrenal tumor, 5 on the left side and 5 on the right side, whose greater diameter varied from 7 to 80 mm (mean 32). Nine of the 10 patients were chronically hypertensive or had already had hypertensive crises. One patient was normotensive, but presented metabolic alterations suggestive of adrenergic hyperfunction. RESULTS: No deaths occurred in this series. There were two (20%) conversions to open surgery, one due to venous bleeding and one due to the difficulty of dissection behind the vena cava in a patient presenting a partially retro-caval tumor. Surgical time in the 8 non-converted cases ranged from 70 to 215 minutes (mean 136). One patient (10%) received blood transfusion, and another (10%) presented two complications - acute renal failure and a subcutaneous infection. Both had been converted to open surgery. None of the non-converted cases was transfused or presented complications. Hospital discharge occurred between the 2nd and 11th post-operative day (mean 3). The pathological exam of the surgical specimens confirmed the diagnoses of pheochromocytoma in all 10 cases, one of them associated with an aldosterone-producing cortical tumor. CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopic adrenalectomy for selected patients presenting pheochromocytoma is feasible and provides good results.


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The incidence of vasal injury during inguinal herniorrhaphy is estimated at 0.5%. We sought to assess the patency rates and long-term fertility outcome after microsurgical repair of vasal obstruction related to prior inguinal herniorrhaphy. METHODS: Twenty procedures were performed on 13 men diagnosed with infertility and vasal injury secondary to previous inguinal herniorrhaphy. Eight of these men had undergone bilateral and 5 unilateral inguinal herniorrhaphy. Twelve procedures were vasovasostomies, 3 were crossover vasovasostomies, 2 were vasoepididymostomies, and 3 were crossover vasoepididymostomies. Eight patients were azoospermic, 2 were severely oligospermic (<1 M/mL), 1 was oligospermic, and 2 were asthenospermic. Patency data was obtained on all 13 patients, and pregnancy data was available for 10 couples (77%), with a mean follow-up of 69.5 months. RESULTS: The overall patency rate was 65%. In the vasovasostomy group, the patency rate was 60% (9/15), and in the vasoepididymostomy group it was 80% (4/5). Among the azoospermic patients, 13 procedures were performed. The patency rate was 42.9% for the vasovasostomy (3/7), and 100% for the vasoepididymostomy procedure (4/4). The overall pregnancy rate was 40%. Of the men who underwent vasoepididymostomy, 80% (4/5) established a pregnancy. CONCLUSIONS: Microsurgical vasovasostomy after inguinal vas injury results in a reasonable patency rate but a lower pregnancy rate than that after vasectomy reversal. When microsurgical vasoepididymostomy was possible, it resulted in high patency and pregnancy rate. Crossover vasoepididymostomy, when appropriate, can be a useful alternative to inguinal vasovasostomy.