606 resultados para silence


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La ricerca pone al suo centro lo studio dell'opera architettonica di Emil Steffann (1899-1968) la cui produzione realizzata consta, nel breve arco temporale che va dal 1950 al 1968, del ragguardevole numero di trentanove chiese, rappresentando un caso emblematico di progettazione e costruzione di edifici per il culto cristiano in grado di raffigurarne concretamente i principi fondativi liturgici, estetici e morfologici. L'architettura di Steffann, profondamente ispirata dallo spirito religioso, legata a figure primigenie che plasmano lo stare-insieme della comunità nella qualità corporea della materia, dove la presenza liturgica e monumentale si esprime nel silenzio e nella disponibilità di uno spazio circoscritto dai muri e direzionato dalla luce, concorre a definire nell'oggettivo amore per il vero la percezione estetico-teologica e la poetica formativa che connaturano, a nostro parere, progetto e segno della chiesa. Il testo concretizza il primo studio monografico completo di questo corpus architettonico e si basa sulla ricognizione diretta delle opere di Steffann; ne è derivata una narrazione non conseguente a un ordine cronologico o di presupposta importanza degli edifici, bensì che ricerca ed evidenzia corrispondenze tra nodi di una rete ideativa la quale, con diversi gradi di finitezza, in punti non sempre omogenei del tempo e dello spazio, denota un'esperienza autentica del comporre e del costruire. Il racconto individua gli oggetti architettonici, ne discute la consistenza aprendosi a riferimenti altri (in particolare il pensiero ecclesiologico-liturgico di Romano Guardini e quello estetico-teologico di Hans Urs von Balthasar) in grado di illuminarne la genesi e la manifestazione, li lega infine in sequenze analogiche. Una serie di tavole fotografiche originali, parte ineludibile e integrante della ricerca, testimonia dello stato attuale dei luoghi, connotando ulteriormente l'aspetto info-rappresentativo della loro composizione architettonica. In chiusura, la sintesi architetturale vuole essere uno strumento di verifica e progetto, quindi di trasposizione futura, correlato all'elaborazione documentaria.


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Questa ricerca indaga la prospettiva investigativa di Carlos Martí Arís. È stato assunto il campo d’azione da lui prediletto, ovvero l’articolato rapporto che in architettura si instaura tra teoria e pratica, comprensivo delle svariate ricadute nel mondo dell’arte e della produzione umana in genere, che fanno del progetto architettonico un campo disciplinare complesso. La sua figura è però assunta in modo strumentale, come grimaldello per addentrarsi in un articolato ambito culturale, che se da un lato coincide con la sua città, Barcellona, dall’altro la trascende grazie a quei “ponti della conoscenza” che CMA interrottamente ha teso al suo intorno. Ci riferiamo alla sua costruzione teorica destinata a consolidare la storica reciprocità tra Italia e Spagna, le cui tematiche urbane e tipologiche ne sono la base, Milano e Barcellona ne sono gli estremi. Ci riferiamo al suo sguardo sull’esperienza del Movimento Moderno e il relativo tema della residenza. Ci riferiamo alla sua naturale vocazione al silenzio, che si oppone al fragoroso rumore della contemporaneità e affianca la discreta parola del mestiere: un modo per porsi all’ascolto. All’ascolto dell’altro e del mondo. Ci riferiamo, insomma, alla sua idea di architettura intesa come «territorio dissodato da tempi remoti»; come trama di corrispondenze sincroniche tra terre, tempi, fatti, uomini, vicini e lontani: condizione ideale per chi voglia disciogliere il proprio lavoro nei labirintici sentieri del mondo, indifferente al rischio di perdersi nell’oblio. Oggi, in cui il progetto architettonico risulta sempre più spesso veicolo di soggettive e arbitrarie sperimentazioni formali, la lezione di CMA indica una via d’uscita: un mo(n)do condiviso che all’arroganza opponga la discrezione, che persuada a celarsi nella tradizione e a porsi umilmente all’ombra dei maestri. Tradizione e Maestri, Eteronimi e Nomi, complementarità a cui CMA affida il suo progetto di anonimato, sovrapersonale e ostinatamente teso a rilevarne le relazioni inedite.


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Oggetto di questa tesi è l’analisi delle modalità di rappresentazione del trauma nel romanzo del Novecento e, in particolare, nelle opere di Samuel Beckett, Georges Perec e Agota Kristof. Fondamento dello studio sarà una disamina dei procedimenti linguistici e narrativi di rappresentazione del trauma nelle prose degli autori citati, al fine tracciare le linee di un’estetica in grado di descrivere le caratteristiche peculiari delle narrazioni in cui la dimensione antinarrativa della memoria traumatica assume il ruolo di principio estetico guida. L’analisi si soffermerà sulla cruciale relazione esistente, in tutti e tre gli autori, tra rappresentazione del trauma e sviluppo di strategie narrativi definibili come “denegative”. L’analisi dei testi letterari è condotta sulla base del corpus critico dei Trauma Studies, dell’ermeneutica della narrazione di stampo ricœuriano e della teoria del linguaggio psicoanalitica e affiancata, ove possibile, da uno studio filologico-genetico dei materiali d’autore. Alla luce di tali premesse, intendo rivalutare il carattere rappresentativo e testimoniale della letteratura del secolo scorso, in contrasto con la consuetudine a vedere nel romanzo novecentesco il trionfo dell’antimimesi e il declino del racconto. Dal momento che le narrazioni traumatiche si costruiscono intorno e attraverso i vuoti di linguaggio, la tesi è che siano proprio questi vuoti linguistici e narrativi (amnesie, acronie, afasie, lapsus, omissioni e mancanze ancora più sofisticate come nel caso di Perec) a rappresentare, in modo mimetico, la realtà apparentemente inaccessibile del trauma. Si tenterà di dimostrare come questi nuovi canoni di rappresentazione non denuncino l’impossibilità del racconto, bensì una sfida al silenzio, celata in più sottili e complesse convenzioni narrative, le quali mantengono un rapporto di filiazione indiretto − per una via che potremmo definire denegativa − con quelle del romanzo tradizionale.


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Il presente studio si propone di individuare i doveri e le responsabilità, di tipo risarcitorio, degli amministratori, in particolare degli amministratori della società che esercita attività di direzione e coordinamento, in una situazione di crisi o insolvenza nel gruppo, anche in un’ottica di “prevenzione”, e, più precisamente, il complesso di regole di corretta gestione societaria e imprenditoriale, con le quali il silenzio della legge fallimentare in tema di gruppi di società non può non confrontarsi. In particolare, si indagherà sulla possibilità di individuare nel nostro ordinamento giuridico, nel momento di emersione della crisi, doveri di comportamento in capo agli organi di governo della società o ente che esercita attività di direzione e coordinamento, al fine di fronteggiare la crisi, evitando il peggioramento della stessa, ovvero per un risanamento anticipato e, quindi, più suscettibile di esito positivo, nella prospettiva di tutela dei soci c.d. esterni e dei creditori delle società figlie e, nello stesso tempo, dei soci della capogruppo medesima e, quindi, in una prospettiva più ampia e articolata rispetto a una società individualmente considerata. L’oggetto dell’analisi viene introdotto mediante un inquadramento generale della disciplina in materia di gruppi di società presente nel nostro sistema normativo, con particolare riguardo alla disciplina dell’attività di direzione e coordinamento introdotta dal legislatore della riforma del diritto societario (d.lgs. 17 gennaio 2003, n. 6) con gli artt. 2497 ss. cod. civ.. Nella seconda parte verranno individuati e approfonditi i criteri e i principi dai quali ricavare le regole di governance nei gruppi di società e la relativa responsabilità degli amministratori nelle situazioni di crisi nel gruppo. Sulla scorta delle suddette argomentazioni, nell'ultima parte verranno individuate le regole di gestione nell'ambito del gruppo nel momento di “emersione” della crisi e, in particolare, i possibili “strumenti” che il nostro legislatore offre per fronteggiarla.


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La mia tesi si compone di tre capitoli e analizza il concetto giapponese di MA da diverse prospettive. Nel primo capitolo, “Il concetto giapponese di MA: un vuoto a rendere”, viene introdotta la tematica. Si procede dunque alla spiegazione della presenza di caratteri cinesi nella lingua giapponese e delle ragioni del dibattito nato tra gli studiosi in merito alla sua origine. Segue una panoramica sull’applicazione del MA ai vari ambiti della vita (architettura, cerimonia del the, arti visive, teatro, sport/arti marziali, dimensione quotidiana). Nel secondo capitolo “Speech is silver, silence is golden” il silenzio viene analizzato da un punto di vista culturale. A questo proposito viene presentato lo studio dell’antropologa Takie Sugiyama Lebra che ha individuato il silenzio come sintomo di onestà, espressione dell’applicazione della discrezione sociale, indice del grado di intimità tra le persone ed infine come forma di sfida e ribellione. Nel terzo ed ultimo capitolo, “Il silenzio è una cosa che suona per chi ascolta avidamente”, il silenzio viene invece analizzato da un punto di vista linguistico. Sulla base degli studi condotti da Yamada, Shigimetsu e Hosoda, la pausa viene dunque individuata come strumento per prendere la parola, feedback, modalità per cambiare eventualmente argomento ed infine come escamotage per evitare di dire di no.


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Tumor necrosis factor related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) and agonistic anti-DR4/TRAIL-R1 and anti-DR5/TRAIL-R2 antibodies are currently under clinical investigation for treatment of different malignancies. TRAIL activates DR4 and DR5 and thereby triggers apoptotic and non-apoptotic signaling pathways, but possible different roles of DR4 or DR5 in these responses has poorly been addressed so far. In the present work, we analyzed cell viability, DISC formation as well as IL-8 and NF-kappaB activation side by side in responses to TRAIL and agonistic antibodies against DR4 (mapatumumab) and against DR5 (lexatumumab) in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cells. We found that all three reagents are able to activate cell death and pro-inflammatory signaling. Death-inducing signaling complex (DISC) analysis revealed that mapatumumab and lexatumumab induce formation of homocomplexes of either DR4 or DR5, whereas TRAIL additionally stimulated the formation of heterocomplexes of both receptors. Notably, blocking of receptors using DR4- and DR5-specific Fab fragments indicated that TRAIL exerted its function predominantly via DR4. Interestingly, inhibition of PKC by Goe6983 enabled DR5 to trigger apoptotic signaling in response to TRAIL and also strongly enhanced lexatumumab-mediated cell death. Our results suggest the existence of mechanisms that silence DR5 for TRAIL- but not for agonistic-antibody treatment.


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Music consists of sound sequences that require integration over time. As we become familiar with music, associations between notes, melodies, and entire symphonic movements become stronger and more complex. These associations can become so tight that, for example, hearing the end of one album track can elicit a robust image of the upcoming track while anticipating it in total silence. Here, we study this predictive “anticipatory imagery” at various stages throughout learning and investigate activity changes in corresponding neural structures using functional magnetic resonance imaging. Anticipatory imagery (in silence) for highly familiar naturalistic music was accompanied by pronounced activity in rostral prefrontal cortex (PFC) and premotor areas. Examining changes in the neural bases of anticipatory imagery during two stages of learning conditional associations between simple melodies, however, demonstrates the importance of fronto-striatal connections, consistent with a role of the basal ganglia in “training” frontal cortex (Pasupathy and Miller, 2005). Another striking change in neural resources during learning was a shift between caudal PFC earlier to rostral PFC later in learning. Our findings regarding musical anticipation and sound sequence learning are highly compatible with studies of motor sequence learning, suggesting common predictive mechanisms in both domains.


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Drawing on ethnographic research and employing a micro-historical approach that recognizes not only the transnational but also the culturally specific manifestations of modernity, this article centers on the efforts of a young woman to negotiate shifting and conflicting discourses about what a good life might consist of for a highly educated and high caste Hindu woman living at the margins of a nonetheless globalized world. Newly imaginable worlds in contemporary Mithila,South Asia, structure feeling and action in particularly gendered and classed ways, even as the capacity of individuals to actualize those worlds and the “modern” selves envisioned within them are constrained by both overt and subtle means. In the context of shifting cultural anchors, new practices of silence, literacy, and even behaviors interpreted as “mental illness” may become tactics in an individual’s negotiation of conflicting self-representations. The confluence of forces at play in contemporary Mithila, moreover, is creating new structures of feeling that may begin to reverse long-standing locally held assumptions about strong solidarities between natal families and daughters, on the one hand, and weak solidarities between affinal families and new daughters-in-law, on the other.


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Edges are important cues defining coherent auditory objects. As a model of auditory edges, sound on- and offset are particularly suitable to study their neural underpinnings because they contrast a specific physical input against no physical input. Change from silence to sound, that is onset, has extensively been studied and elicits transient neural responses bilaterally in auditory cortex. However, neural activity associated with sound onset is not only related to edge detection but also to novel afferent inputs. Edges at the change from sound to silence, that is offset, are not confounded by novel physical input and thus allow to examine neural activity associated with sound edges per se. In the first experiment, we used silent acquisition functional magnetic resonance imaging and found that the offset of pulsed sound activates planum temporale, superior temporal sulcus and planum polare of the right hemisphere. In the planum temporale and the superior temporal sulcus, offset response amplitudes were related to the pulse repetition rate of the preceding stimulation. In the second experiment, we found that these offset-responsive regions were also activated by single sound pulses, onset of sound pulse sequences and single sound pulse omissions within sound pulse sequences. However, they were not active during sustained sound presentation. Thus, our data show that circumscribed areas in right temporal cortex are specifically involved in identifying auditory edges. This operation is crucial for translating acoustic signal time series into coherent auditory objects.


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Neural correlates of electroencephalographic (EEG) alpha rhythm are poorly understood. Here, we related EEG alpha rhythm in awake humans to blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) signal change determined by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Topographical EEG was recorded simultaneously with fMRI during an open versus closed eyes and an auditory stimulation versus silence condition. EEG was separated into spatial components of maximal temporal independence using independent component analysis. Alpha component amplitudes and stimulus conditions served as general linear model regressors of the fMRI signal time course. In both paradigms, EEG alpha component amplitudes were associated with BOLD signal decreases in occipital areas, but not in thalamus, when a standard BOLD response curve (maximum effect at approximately 6 s) was assumed. The part of the alpha regressor independent of the protocol condition, however, revealed significant positive thalamic and mesencephalic correlations with a mean time delay of approximately 2.5 s between EEG and BOLD signals. The inverse relationship between EEG alpha amplitude and BOLD signals in primary and secondary visual areas suggests that widespread thalamocortical synchronization is associated with decreased brain metabolism. While the temporal relationship of this association is consistent with metabolic changes occurring simultaneously with changes in the alpha rhythm, sites in the medial thalamus and in the anterior midbrain were found to correlate with short time lag. Assuming a canonical hemodynamic response function, this finding is indicative of activity preceding the actual EEG change by some seconds.


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Open-ended interviews of 90 min length of 38 patients were analyzed with respect to speech stylistics, shown by Schucker and Jacobs to differentiate individuals with type A personality features from those with type B. In our patients, Type A/B had been assessed by the Bortner Personality Inventory. The stylistics studied were: repeated words swallowed words, interruptions, simultaneous speech, silence latency (between question and answer) (SL), speed of speech, uneven speed of speech (USS), explosive words (PW), uneven speech volume (USV), and speech volume. Correlations between both raters for all speech categories were high. Positive correlations between extent of type A and SL (r = 0.33; p = 0.022), USS (r = 0.51; p = 0.002), PW (r = 0.46; p = 0.003) and USV (r = 0.39; p = 0.012) were found. Our results indicate that the speech in nonstress open-ended interviews of type A individuals tends to show a higher emotional tension (positive correlations for USS PW and USV) and is more controlled in conversation (positive correlation for SL).


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MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are an abundant class of non-coding RNAs that are believed to be important in many biological processes through regulation of gene expression. The precise molecular function of miRNAs in mammals is largely unknown and a better understanding will require loss-of-function studies in vivo. Here we show that a novel class of chemically engineered oligonucleotides, termed 'antagomirs', are efficient and specific silencers of endogenous miRNAs in mice. Intravenous administration of antagomirs against miR-16, miR-122, miR-192 and miR-194 resulted in a marked reduction of corresponding miRNA levels in liver, lung, kidney, heart, intestine, fat, skin, bone marrow, muscle, ovaries and adrenals. The silencing of endogenous miRNAs by this novel method is specific, efficient and long-lasting. The biological significance of silencing miRNAs with the use of antagomirs was studied for miR-122, an abundant liver-specific miRNA. Gene expression and bioinformatic analysis of messenger RNA from antagomir-treated animals revealed that the 3' untranslated regions of upregulated genes are strongly enriched in miR-122 recognition motifs, whereas downregulated genes are depleted in these motifs. Analysis of the functional annotation of downregulated genes specifically predicted that cholesterol biosynthesis genes would be affected by miR-122, and plasma cholesterol measurements showed reduced levels in antagomir-122-treated mice. Our findings show that antagomirs are powerful tools to silence specific miRNAs in vivo and may represent a therapeutic strategy for silencing miRNAs in disease.


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MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are an abundant class of 20-23-nt long regulators of gene expression. The study of miRNA function in mice and potential therapeutic approaches largely depend on modified oligonucleotides. We recently demonstrated silencing miRNA function in mice using chemically modified and cholesterol-conjugated RNAs termed 'antagomirs'. Here, we further characterize the properties and function of antagomirs in mice. We demonstrate that antagomirs harbor optimized phosphorothioate modifications, require >19-nt length for highest efficiency and can discriminate between single nucleotide mismatches of the targeted miRNA. Degradation of different chemically protected miRNA/antagomir duplexes in mouse livers and localization of antagomirs in a cytosolic compartment that is distinct from processing (P)-bodies indicates a degradation mechanism independent of the RNA interference (RNAi) pathway. Finally, we show that antagomirs, although incapable of silencing miRNAs in the central nervous system (CNS) when injected systemically, efficiently target miRNAs when injected locally into the mouse cortex. Our data further validate the effectiveness of antagomirs in vivo and should facilitate future studies to silence miRNAs for functional analysis and in clinically relevant settings.


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In a recent policy document of the organized employers in the care and welfare sector in The Netherlands (the MO Group), directors and board members of care and welfare institutions present themselves as "social entrepreneurs", managing their institutions as look-a like commercial companies. They are hardly criticized and there is not any countervailing power of significance. The workers are focusing on their own specialized professional fields and divided as a whole. Many government officials are in favour or do not bother. The relatively small number of intellectual workers in Dutch care and welfare are fragmented and pragmatic. From a democratic point of view this is a worrying situation. From a professional point of view the purpose and functions of professional care and welfare work are at stake. The penetration of market mechanisms and the take-over by commercially orientated managers result from unquestioned adaptation of Anglo-Saxon policy in The Netherlands in the 1990's, following the crisis of the Welfare State in the late 1980's. The polder country is now confronted fully with the pressure and negative effects of unbalanced powers in the institutions, i.e. Managerialism. After years of silence, the two principal authentic critics of Dutch care and welfare, Harry Kunneman and Andries Baart, are no longer voices crying in the wilderness, but are getting a response from a growing number of worried workers and intellectuals. Kunneman and Baart warn against the restriction of professional space and the loss of normative values and standards in the profession. They are right. It is high time to make room for criticism and to start a debate about the future of the social professions in The Netherlands, better: in Europe. Research, discussion and action have to prove how worrying the everyday situation of professional workers is, what goals have to be set and what strategy to be chosen.


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After 20 years of silence, two recent references from the Czech Republic (Bezpečnostní softwarová asociace, Case C-393/09) and from the English High Court (SAS Institute, Case C-406/10) touch upon several questions that are fundamental for the extent of copyright protection for software under the Computer Program Directive 91/25 (now 2009/24) and the Information Society Directive 2001/29. In Case C-393/09, the European Court of Justice held that “the object of the protection conferred by that directive is the expression in any form of a computer program which permits reproduction in different computer languages, such as the source code and the object code.” As “any form of expression of a computer program must be protected from the moment when its reproduction would engender the reproduction of the computer program itself, thus enabling the computer to perform its task,” a graphical user interface (GUI) is not protected under the Computer Program Directive, as it does “not enable the reproduction of that computer program, but merely constitutes one element of that program by means of which users make use of the features of that program.” While the definition of computer program and the exclusion of GUIs mirror earlier jurisprudence in the Member States and therefore do not come as a surprise, the main significance of Case C-393/09 lies in its interpretation of the Information Society Directive. In confirming that a GUI “can, as a work, be protected by copyright if it is its author’s own intellectual creation,” the ECJ continues the Europeanization of the definition of “work” which began in Infopaq (Case C-5/08). Moreover, the Court elaborated this concept further by excluding expressions from copyright protection which are dictated by their technical function. Even more importantly, the ECJ held that a television broadcasting of a GUI does not constitute a communication to the public, as the individuals cannot have access to the “essential element characterising the interface,” i.e., the interaction with the user. The exclusion of elements dictated by technical functions from copyright protection and the interpretation of the right of communication to the public with reference to the “essential element characterising” the work may be seen as welcome limitations of copyright protection in the interest of a free public domain which were not yet apparent in Infopaq. While Case C-393/09 has given a first definition of the computer program, the pending reference in Case C-406/10 is likely to clarify the scope of protection against nonliteral copying, namely in how far the protection extends beyond the text of the source code to the design of a computer program and where the limits of protection lie as regards the functionality of a program and mere “principles and ideas.” In light of the travaux préparatoires, it is submitted that the ECJ is also likely to grant protection for the design of a computer program, while excluding both the functionality and underlying principles and ideas from protection under the European copyright directives.