896 resultados para lung non small cell cancer
Most human genes undergo alternative splicing and loss of splicing fidelity is associated with disease. Epigenetic silencing of hMLH 1 via promoter cytosine methylation is causally linked to a subset of sporadic non-polyposis colon cancer and is reversible by 5-aza-2' -deoxycytidine treatment. Here I investigated changes in hMLHI mRNA splicing profiles in normal fibroblasts and colon cancer-derived human cell lines. I established the types and frequencies of hMLHI mRNA transcripts generated under baseline conditions, after hydrogen peroxide induced oxidative stress, and in acutely 5-aza-2' -deoxycytidine-treated and stably derepressed cancer cell lines. I found that hMLHI is extensively spliced under all conditions including baseline (50% splice variants), the splice variant distribution changes in response to oxidative stress, and certain splice variants are sensitive to 5- aza-2' -deoxycytidine treatment: Splice variant diversity and frequency of exon 17 skipping correlates with the level of hMLHI promoter methylation suggesting a link between promoter methylation and mRNA splicing.
Despite being considered a disease of smokers, approximately 10-15% of lung cancer cases occur in never-smokers. Lung cancer risk prediction models have demonstrated excellent ability to discriminate cases from non-cases, and have been shown to be more efficient at selecting individuals for future screening than current criteria. Existing models have primarily been developed in populations of smokers, thus there was a need to develop an accurate model in never-smokers. This study focused on developing and validating a model using never-smokers from the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial. Cox regression analysis, with six-year follow-up, was used for model building. Predictors included: age, body mass index, education level, personal history of cancer, family history of lung cancer, previous chest X-ray, and secondhand smoke exposure. This model achieved fair discrimination (optimism corrected c-statistic = 0.6645) and good calibration. This represents an improvement on existing neversmoker models, but is not suitable for individual-level risk prediction.
Les facteurs d’ADP-ribosylation (ARFs) sont des petites GTPases impliquées dans le transport vésiculaire, la synthèse des lipides membranaires et la réorganisation du cytosquelette d’actine. Les isoformes 1 (ARF1) et 6 (ARF6) sont les plus étudiées. ARF1 est connue pour être distribuée à l’appareil de Golgi, alors qu’ARF6 est confinée principalement à la membrane plasmique. Récemment, il a été démontré qu’ARF6 est hautement exprimée et activée dans plusieurs cellules de cancer du sein invasif et que celle-ci contrôle les processus de migration et d’invasion. Cependant, le rôle d’ARF1 dans ces processus biologiques impliqués dans la formation de métastases du cancer du sein demeure méconnu. Dans la présente étude, nous avons utilisé comme modèle d’étude pour ARF1 les MDA-MB-231, une lignée de cellules invasives du cancer du sein exprimant de haut niveau de récepteurs au facteur de croissance épidermique (EGFR). Afin d’évaluer le rôle d’ARF1 dans la migration, dans la transition épithéliale mésenchymateuse (EMT) et dans la prolifération cellulaire, nous avons procédé à deux types d’approches expérimentales, soit l’inhibition de l’expression endogène d’ARF1 par l’interférence à l’ARN de même que la surexpression de formes mutantes dominante négative (ARF1T31N) et constitutivement active d’ARF1 (ARF1Q71L), qui miment les formes inactive et active de la GTPase, respectivement. De manière intéressante, la suppression d’ARF1 et la surexpression de la forme inactive d’ARF1 induisent l’arrêt de la migration et de la prolifération des MDA-MB-231 de manière dépendante à l’activation de l’EGFR et ce, en bloquant l’activation de la voie PI3Kinase. De plus, nous démontrons qu’ARF1, de même que les ARF GEFs Cytohésine-1 et Cytohésine-2, contribuent au phénotype invasif des cellules tumorales de cancer du sein. Dans les mêmes approches expérimentales, nous montrons que l’inactivation d’ARF1 dans les MDA-MB-231 déclenche un arrêt de croissance irréversible associé à l’induction de la sénescence et ce, en régulant la fonction de la protéine du rétinoblastome pRb. Enfin, cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence le rôle physiologique d’ARF1 dans les processus de migration et de prolifération cellulaire, deux événements biologiques responsables de la progression du cancer du sein.
La captación de glucosa y su conversión en lactato juega un papel fundamental en el metabolismo tumoral, independientemente de la concentración de oxígeno presente en el tejido (efecto Warburg). Sin embrago, dicha captación varía de un tipo tumoral a otro, y dentro del mismo tumor, situación que podría depender de las características microambientales tumorales (fluctuaciones de oxígeno, presencia de otros tipos celulares) y de factores estresores asociados a los tratamientos. Se estudió el efecto de la hipoxia-reoxigenación (HR) y las radiaciones ionizantes (RI) sobre la captación de glucosa, en cultivos de líneas tumorales MCF-7 y HT-29, cultivadas de forma aislada o en cocultivo con la línea celular EAhy296. Se encontró que la captación de glucosa en HR es diferente para lo descrito en condiciones de hipoxia permanente y que es modificada en el cocultivo. Se identificaron poblaciones celulares dentro de la misma línea celular, de alta y baja captación de glucosa, lo que implicaría una simbiosis metabólica de la célula como respuesta adaptativa a las condiciones tumorales. Se evaluó la expresión de NRF2 y la translocación nuclear de NRF2 y HIF1a, como vías de respuesta a estrés celular e hipoxia. La translocación nuclear de las proteínas evaluadas explicaría el comportamiento metabólico de las células tumorales de seno, pero no de colon, por lo cual deben existir otras vías metabólicas implicadas. Las diferencias en el comportamiento de las células tumorales en HR en relación con hipoxia permitirá realizar planeaciones dosimétricas más dinámicas, que reevalúen las condiciones de oxigenación tumoral constantemente.
El marcaje de proteínas con ubiquitina, conocido como ubiquitinación, cumple diferentes funciones que incluyen la regulación de varios procesos celulares, tales como: la degradación de proteínas por medio del proteosoma, la reparación del ADN, la señalización mediada por receptores de membrana, y la endocitosis, entre otras (1). Las moléculas de ubiquitina pueden ser removidas de sus sustratos gracias a la acción de un gran grupo de proteasas, llamadas enzimas deubiquitinizantes (DUBs) (2). Las DUBs son esenciales para la manutención de la homeostasis de la ubiquitina y para la regulación del estado de ubiquitinación de diferentes sustratos. El gran número y la diversidad de DUBs descritas refleja tanto su especificidad como su utilización para regular un amplio espectro de sustratos y vías celulares. Aunque muchas DUBs han sido estudiadas a profundidad, actualmente se desconocen los sustratos y las funciones biológicas de la mayoría de ellas. En este trabajo se investigaron las funciones de las DUBs: USP19, USP4 y UCH-L1. Utilizando varias técnicas de biología molecular y celular se encontró que: i) USP19 es regulada por las ubiquitin ligasas SIAH1 y SIAH2 ii) USP19 es importante para regular HIF-1α, un factor de transcripción clave en la respuesta celular a hipoxia, iii) USP4 interactúa con el proteosoma, iv) La quimera mCherry-UCH-L1 reproduce parcialmente los fenotipos que nuestro grupo ha descrito previamente al usar otros constructos de la misma enzima, y v) UCH-L1 promueve la internalización de la bacteria Yersinia pseudotuberculosis.
ANTECEDENTES: El aislamiento de células fetales libres o ADN fetal en sangre materna abre una ventana de posibilidades diagnósticas no invasivas para patologías monogénicas y cromosómicas, además de permitir la identificación del sexo y del RH fetal. Actualmente existen múltiples estudios que evalúan la eficacia de estos métodos, mostrando resultados costo-efectivos y de menor riesgo que el estándar de oro. Este trabajo describe la evidencia encontrada acerca del diagnóstico prenatal no invasivo luego de realizar una revisión sistemática de la literatura. OBJETIVOS: El objetivo de este estudio fue reunir la evidencia que cumpla con los criterios de búsqueda, en el tema del diagnóstico fetal no invasivo por células fetales libres en sangre materna para determinar su utilidad diagnóstica. MÉTODOS: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura con el fin de determinar si el diagnóstico prenatal no invasivo por células fetales libres en sangre materna es efectivo como método de diagnóstico. RESULTADOS: Se encontraron 5,893 artículos que cumplían con los criterios de búsqueda; 67 cumplieron los criterios de inclusión: 49.3% (33/67) correspondieron a estudios de corte transversal, 38,8% (26/67) a estudios de cohortes y el 11.9% (8/67) a estudios casos y controles. Se obtuvieron resultados de sensibilidad, especificidad y tipo de prueba. CONCLUSIÓN: En la presente revisión sistemática, se evidencia como el diagnóstico prenatal no invasivo es una técnica feasible, reproducible y sensible para el diagnóstico fetal, evitando el riesgo de un diagnóstico invasivo.
Cell migration is a highly coordinated process and any aberration in the regulatory mechanisms could result in pathological conditions such as cancer. The ability of cancer cells to disseminate to distant sites within the body has made it difficult to treat. Cancer cells also exhibit plasticity that makes them able to interconvert from an elongated, mesenchymal morphology to an amoeboid blebbing form under different physiological conditions. Blebs are spherical membrane protrusions formed by actomyosin-mediated contractility of cortical actin resulting in increased hydrostatic pressure and subsequent detachment of the membrane from the cortex. Tumour cells use blebbing as an alternative mode of migration by squeezing through preexisting gaps in the ECM, and bleb formation is believed to be mediated by the Rho-ROCK signaling pathway. However, the involvement of transmembrane water and ion channels in cell blebbing has not been examined. In the present study, the role of the transmembrane water channels, aquaporins, transmembrane ion transporters and lipid signaling enzymes in the regulation of blebbing was investigated. Using 3D matrigel matrix as an in vitro model to mimic normal extracellular matrix, and a combination of confocal and time-lapse microscopy, it was found that AQP1 knockdown by siRNA ablated blebbing of HT1080 and ACHN cells, and overexpression of AQP1-GFP not only significantly increased bleb size with a corresponding decrease in bleb numbers, but also induced bleb formation in non-blebbing cell lines. Importantly, AQP1 overexpression reduces bleb lifespan due to faster bleb retraction. This novel finding of AQP1-facilitated bleb retraction requires the activity of the Na+/H+ pump as inhibition of the ion transporter, which was found localized to intracellular vesicles, blocked bleb retraction in both cell lines. This study also demonstrated that a differential regulation of cell blebbing by AQP isoforms exists as knockdown of AQP5 had no effect on bleb formation. Data from this study also demonstrates that the lipid signaling PLD2 signals through PA in the LPA-LPAR-Rho-ROCK axis to positively regulate bleb formation in both cell lines. Taken together, this work provides a novel role of AQP1 and Na+/H+ pump in regulation of cell blebbing, and this could be exploited in the development of new therapy to treat cancer.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The wild-type cholecystokinin type 2 (CCK(2)) receptor is expressed in many gastrointestinal and lung tumours. A splice variant of the CCK(2) receptor with retention of intron 4 (CCK(2)Ri4sv) showing constitutive activity associated with increased tumour growth was described in few colorectal, pancreatic and gastric cancers. Given the potential functional and clinical importance of this spliceoform, its occurrence was quantitatively characterized in a broad collection of 81 gastrointestinal and lung tumours, including insulinomas, ileal carcinoids, gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST), gastric, colorectal and pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas, cholangiocellular and hepatocellular carcinomas, small cell lung cancers (SCLC), non-SCLC (nSCLC) and bronchopulmonary carcinoids, as well as 21 samples of corresponding normal tissues. These samples were assessed for transcript expression of total CCK(2) receptor, wild-type CCK(2) receptor and CCK(2)Ri4sv with end-point and real-time RT-PCR, and for total CCK(2) receptor protein expression on the basis of receptor binding with in vitro receptor autoradiography. Wild-type CCK(2) receptor transcripts were found in the vast majority of tumours and normal tissues. CCK(2)Ri4sv mRNA expression was present predominantly in insulinomas (incidence 100%), GIST (100%) and SCLC (67%), but rarely in pancreatic, colorectal and gastric carcinomas and nSCLC. It was not found in wild-type CCK(2) receptor negative tumours or any normal tissues tested. CCK(2)Ri4sv transcript levels in individual tumours were low, ranging from 0.02% to 0.14% of total CCK(2) receptor transcripts. In conclusion, the CCK(2)Ri4sv is a marker of specific gastrointestinal and lung tumours. With its high selectivity for and high incidence in SCLC and GIST, it may represent an attractive clinical target.
Spontaneous metastases in small cell lung cancer (SCLC) occur regularly in patients but seldom if any in conventional xenograft mouse models. To overcome this problem, SCLC cells were grafted subcutaneously onto pore forming protein and recombination activating gene 2 double knock out (pfp/rag2) mice and in severe combined immunodeficient (scid) mice. Primary tumours grew well in both mouse strains, while metastases occurred frequently in the pfp/rag2 mice and infrequently in scid mice. Hence NK cells, which are inactive in pfp/rag2 mice, play an important role in SCLC metastasis formation in xenograft models. This observation is in agreement with clinical studies, where a high NK cell number in the blood is correlated with a better prognosis of the patient.
OBJECT: Cell therapy has shown preclinical promise in the treatment of many diseases, and its application is being translated to the clinical arena. Intravenous mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) therapy has been shown to improve functional recovery after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Herein, the authors report on their attempts to reproduce such observations, including detailed characterizations of the MSC population, non-bromodeoxyuridine-based cell labeling, macroscopic and microscopic cell tracking, quantification of cells traversing the pulmonary microvasculature, and well-validated measurement of motor and cognitive function recovery. METHODS: Rat MSCs were isolated, expanded in vitro, immunophenotyped, and labeled. Four million MSCs were intravenously infused into Sprague-Dawley rats 24 hours after receiving a moderate, unilateral controlled cortical impact TBI. Infrared macroscopic cell tracking was used to identify cell distribution. Immunohistochemical analysis of brain and lung tissues 48 hours and 2 weeks postinfusion revealed transplanted cells in these locations, and these cells were quantified. Intraarterial blood sampling and flow cytometry were used to quantify the number of transplanted cells reaching the arterial circulation. Motor and cognitive behavioral testing was performed to evaluate functional recovery. RESULTS: At 48 hours post-MSC infusion, the majority of cells were localized to the lungs. Between 1.5 and 3.7% of the infused cells were estimated to traverse the lungs and reach the arterial circulation, 0.295% reached the carotid artery, and a very small percentage reached the cerebral parenchyma (0.0005%) and remained there. Almost no cells were identified in the brain tissue at 2 weeks postinfusion. No motor or cognitive functional improvements in recovery were identified. CONCLUSIONS: The intravenous infusion of MSCs appeared neither to result in significant acute or prolonged cerebral engraftment of cells nor to modify the recovery of motor or cognitive function. Less than 4% of the infused cells were likely to traverse the pulmonary microvasculature and reach the arterial circulation, a phenomenon termed the "pulmonary first-pass effect," which may limit the efficacy of this therapeutic approach. The data in this study contradict the findings of previous reports and highlight the potential shortcomings of acute, single-dose, intravenous MSC therapy for TBI.
The extracellular milieu is rich in growth factors that drive tumor progression,but the mechanisms that govern tumor cell sensitivity to those ligands have notbeen fully defined. In this study, we address this question in mice that developmetastatic lung adenocarcinomas through the suppression of the microRNA-200 (miR-200) family. Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAF) enhance tumorgrowth and invasion by secreting VEGF-A that binds to VEGFR1, a processrequired for tumor growth and metastasis in mice and correlated with a poorprognosis in lung adenocarcinoma patients. In this study, we discovered thatmiR-200 blocked CAF-induced tumor cell invasion by directly targetingVEGFR1 in tumor cells. In the context of previous studies, our findings suggestthat the miR-200 family is a point of convergence for diverse biologic processesthat regulate tumor cell proliferation, invasion, and metastasis; its target genesixdrive epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (ZEB1 and ZEB2) and promotesensitivity to a potent tumor growth factor emanating from the microenvironment(VEGFR1). Clinical trials should focus not only on the role of VEGFR1 inangiogenesis but also on the expression and activation of VEGFR1 in tumorcells by stromal sources of VEGF-A in the tumor microenvironment as a targetfor metastasis prevention.
Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is a rare but very aggressive form of locally advanced breast cancer (1-6% of total breast cancer patients in United States), with a 5-year overall survival rate of only 40.5%, compared with 85% of the non-IBC patients. So far, a unique molecular signature for IBC able to explain the dramatic differences in the tumor biology between IBC and non-IBC has not been identified. As immune cells in the tumor microenvironment plays an important role in regulating tumor progression, we hypothesized that tumor-associated dendritic cells (TADC) may be responsible for regulating the development of the aggressive characteristics of IBC. MiRNAs can be released into the extracellular space and mediate the intercellular communication by regulating target gene expression beyond their cells of origin. We hypothesized that miRNAs released by IBC cells can induce an increased activation status, secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and migration ability of TADC. In an in vitro model of IBC tumor microenvironment, we found that the co-cultured of the IBC cell line SUM-149 with immature dendritic cells (iDCSUM-149) induced a higher degree of activation and maturation of iDCSUM-149 upon stimulation with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) compared with iDCs co-cultured with the non-IBC cell line SUM-159 (iDCSUM-159), resulting in: increased expression of the costimulatory and activation markers; higher production of pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-a, IL-6); and 3) higher migratory ability. These differences were due to the exosome-mediated transfer of miR-19a and miR-146a from SUM-149 and SUM-159, respectively, to iDCs, causing the downregulation of the miR-19a target genes PTEN, SOCS-1 and the miR-146a target genes IRAK1, TRAF6. PTEN, SOCS-1 and IRAK1, TRAF6 are important negative and positive regulator of cytokine- and TLR-mediated activation/maturation signaling pathway in DCs. Increased levels of IL-6 induced the upregulation of miR-19a synthesis in SUM-149 cells that was associated with the induction of CD44+CD24-ALDH1+ cancer stem cells (CSCs) with epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) characteristics. In conclusion, in IBC tumor microenvironment IL-6/miR-19a axis can represent a self-sustaining loop able to maintain a pro-inflammatory status of DCs, leading to the development of tumor cells with high metastatic potential (EMT CSCs) responsible of the poor prognosis in IBC patients.
The transactivation activity of the p53 tumor suppressor protein is critical for regulating cell growth and apoptosis. We describe the identification of a transcription factor that is functionally similar to p53 and contains the same DNA binding and transcription activities specific for the p53 responsive DNA element (p53RE). This protein was highly purified through chromatography from HeLa cell extracts. The purified protein was able to bind specifically to the p53RE derived from a p21waf1 promoter and to stimulate p53RE-dependent transcription but not basal transcription in vitro. Its DNA-binding activity was inhibited by the wild type but not mutant p53RE-containing DNA oligomers. Also, this p53RE-binding activity was found in human p53 null Saos-2 osteosarcoma and H1299 small cell lung carcinoma cells. Interestingly, this activity exhibited a p53RE sequence preference that was distinct from the p53 protein. The activity is neither p53 nor p73, because anti-p53 or anti-73 antibodies were unable to detect this purified protein nor were the antibodies able to alter the p53-like activity, the p53RE-protein complex. These results demonstrate that, besides p73, an additional p53-like protein exists in cells, which is named NBP for non-p53, p53RE binding protein.
Merkel-cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare form of skin cancer of neuroendocrine origin that has been described as the most aggressive cutaneous malignancy. The cell of origin is thought to be the Merkel cell or skin-pressure receptor. It has the propensity for dermal-lymphatic invasion, and nodal and haematogenous spread. Factors that have been implicated in its cause include exposure to sunlight and immunosuppression. The tumour has many similarities to small-cell carcinoma of the lung, with intrinsic sensitivity to ionising radiation and chemotherapy, and an aggressive metastatic potential. The best treatment outcomes can be achieved with early diagnosis and the integration of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. The treatment challenges for the clinician are often enormous because many of the patients are elderly and because lesions occur in difficult sites such as the head and neck region and the lower leg.