991 resultados para electronic financial administration


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Sucrose has been shown to attenuate the behavioural response to painful procedures in human infants undergoing circumcision or blood collection via heelstick. Sucrose has also been found to have a behaviour-modifying effect in neonatal rats exposed to a hot plate. The effect was abolished in neonatal rats by injection of the opioid antagonist naltrexone, suggesting that it was mediated by endogenous opioids. In this experiment, the behaviour of 571 newborn Large White x Landrace hybrid piglets in a specific-pathogen-free piggery of the University of Queensland was recorded during and after the routine management practices of tail docking, ear notching and teeth clipping. Piglets were randomly assigned to receive 1.0 ml of a 12% sucrose solution (treatment group) or a placebo (1.0 ml of air) administered via syringe in the mouth, 60 s before commencement of one of the management procedures. Behaviours were recorded at the time of the procedure, and then 2 min after completion of the procedure. Piglets that received the sucrose solution did not behave significantly differently from piglets receiving the placebo. Regardless of whether sucrose or placebo was administered, piglets undergoing the routine management procedures showed significantly greater behavioural responses than piglets undergoing no procedure. It was concluded that under commercial conditions, a 12% sucrose solution administered I min prior to surgery was not effective in decreasing the behavioural indicators of distress in piglets undergoing routine management procedures, Further research into methods of minimising distress caused to piglets by these procedures is recommended.


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Background The ability of T cells, acting independently of antibodies, to control malaria parasite growth in people has not been defined. If such cell-mediated immunity was shown to be effective, an additional vaccine strategy could be pursued. Our aim was to ascertain whether or not development of cell-mediated immunity to Plasmodium falciparum blood-stage infection could be induced in human beings by exposure to malaria parasites in very low density. Methods We enrolled five volunteers from the staff at our research institute who had never had malaria. We used a cryopreserved inoculum of red cells infected with P falciparum strain 3D7 to give them repeated subclinical infections of malaria that we then cured early with drugs, to induce cell-mediated immune responses. We tested for development of immunity by measurement of parasite concentrations in the blood of volunteers by PCR of the multicopy gene STEVOR and by following up the volunteers clinically, and by measuring antibody and cellular immune responses to the parasite. Findings After challenge and a extended period without drug cure, volunteers were protected against malaria as indicated by absence of parasites or parasite DNA in the blood, and absence of clinical symptoms. Immunity was characterised by absence of detectable antibodies that bind the parasite or infected red cells, but by the presence of a proliferative T-cell response, involving CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, a cytokine response, consisting of interferon gamma but not interleukin 4 or interleukin 10, induction of high concentrations of nitric oxide synthase activity in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, and a drop in the number of peripheral natural killer T cells. Interpretation People can be protected against the erythrocytic stage of malaria by a strong cell-mediated immune response, in the absence of detectable parasite-specific antibodies, suggesting an additional strategy for development of a malaria vaccine.


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Background and Objectives We have undertaken the first clinical trial involving the administration of alpha-GalactosylCeramine (alpha-GalCer)-pulsed dendritic cells (DCs) to human subjects, to determine safety, optimal dose, optimal administration route and immunological effects. Materials and Methods Subjects (n = 4) with metastatic malignancy received two infusions of alpha-GalCer-pulsed DCs intravenously, and two infusions intradermally. The percentages of Valpha24 Vbeta11 NKT cells in peripheral blood (PB) were determined by three-colour flow cytometry and the PB NKT cell numbers were calculated using the total number of PB lymphocytes/ml determined by automated full-blood counts. Results No serious treatment related adverse events were observed during the study period. Administration of alpha-GalCer-pulsed DCs in vivo can significantly (P < 0.03) increase PB Valpha24(+) Vbeta11(+) NKT cell numbers above pretreatment baseline levels after the transient fall in the NKT numbers within 48 h. Conclusions Administration of alpha-GalCer-pulsed DCs is well tolerated, modulates PB Valpha24(+) Vbeta11(+) NKT cells and may have a role in the therapy of malignancies sensitive to activities of Valpha24(+) Vbeta11(+) NKT cells, or for autoimmune diseases.


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The central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) is activated robustly by an immune challenge such as the systemic administration of the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta). Because IL-1beta is not believed to cross the blood-brain barrier in any significant amount, it is likely that IL-1beta elicits CeA cell recruitment by means of activation of afferents to the CeA. However, although many studies have investigated the origins of afferent inputs to the CeA, we do not know which of these also respond to IL-1beta. Therefore, to identify candidate neurons responsible for the recruitment of CeA cells by an immune challenge, we iontophoretically deposited a retrograde tracer, cholera toxin b-subunit (CTb), into the CeA of rats 7 days before systemic delivery of IL-1beta (1 mug/kg, i.a.). By using combined immunohistochemistry, we then quantified the number of Fos-positive CTb cells in six major regions known to innervate the CeA. These included the medial prefrontal cortex, paraventricular thalamus (PVT), ventral tegmental area, parabrachial nucleus (PB), nucleus tractus solitarius, and ventrolateral medulla. Our results show that after deposit of CTb into the CeA, the majority of double-labeled cells were located in the PB and the PVT, suggesting that CeA cell activation by systemic IL-1beta is likely to arise predominantly from cell bodies located in these regions. These findings may have significant implications in determining the central pathways involved in generating acute central responses to a systemic immune challenge. J. Comp. Neurol. 452:288-296, 2002. (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Electronic energy transfer (EET) rate constants between a naphthalene donor and anthracene acceptor in [ZnL4a](ClO4)(2) and [ZnL4b](ClO4)(2) were determined by time-resolved fluorescence where L-4a and L-4b are the trans and cis isomers of 6-((anthracen-9-yl-methyl)amino)-6,13-dimethyl-13-((naphthalen-1-yl-methyl)amino)-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane, respectively. These isomers differ in the relative disposition of the appended chromophores with respect to the macrocyclic plane. The trans isomer has an energy transfer rate constant (k(EET)) of 8.7 x 10(8) s(-1), whereas that of the cis isomer is significantly faster (2.3 x 10(9) s(-1)). Molecular modeling was used to determine the likely distribution of conformations in CH3CN solution for these complexes in an attempt to identify any distance or orientation dependency that may account for the differing rate constants observed. The calculated conformational distributions together with analysis by H-1 NMR for the [ZnL4a](2+) trans complex in the common trans-III N-based isomer gave a calculated Forster rate constant close to that observed experimentally. For the [ZnL4b](2+) cis complex, the experimentally determined rate constant may be attributed to a combination of trans-Ill and trans-I N-based isomeric forms of the complex in solution.


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Plus d???une vingtaine d???ann??es d???existence d??di??es ?? la mission de d??velopper les comp??tences des fonctionnaires pour augmenter la capacit?? de l?????tat dans la gestion des politiques publiques fait de l???ENAP un mod??le dans le domaine de la formation. Rattach??e au Minist??re du Plan, du Budget et de la Gestion, l?????cole, d??s sa cr??ation en 1986, a re??ue 245 mille fonctionnaires de tout le pays. En 2007, 26 mille fonctionnaires de l???administration f??d??rale ont attendu un de nos 60 stages offerts.


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Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar o papel do Estado na formula????o do planejamento no Brasil a partir dos anos 30, per??odo que deu origem ??s primeiras iniciativas de planejamento, at?? os anos 80, momento em que se inicia a decad??ncia do planejamento governamental no pa??s. Optou-se por uma retrospectiva hist??rica que levantasse os principais aspectos inerentes ao planejamento como instrumento do desenvolvimento econ??mico deste per??odo, verificando as principais mudan??as ocorridas na sociedade. O artigo n??o pretende dar conta de todas as dimens??es e complexidades do tema nem esgotar o assunto, que ?? pol??mico e envolve muitas articula????es te??ricas com outras ??reas, como administra????o p??blica, economia e ci??ncia pol??tica. Desse modo, o artigo aponta na dire????o de que este balan??o de an??lises das experi??ncias de planejamento no Brasil demonstrou grandes avan??os econ??mico-financeiros e alguns fracassos de coordena????o e articula????o com outras esferas, como a executiva e a financeira. Assim, desde os anos 80, em detrimento da crise do Estado, o planejamento entra em decl??nio nas agendas governamentais, impossibilitado, por quest??es de ordem financeira, de realizar suas fun????es de racionaliza????o e efici??ncia econ??mica. Dessa forma, o Estado, nesse contexto, sempre representou, de forma geral, as diversas articula????es de interesses capitaneados pelo planejamento como instrumento de interven????o e controle social no Brasil.


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Quais as funcionalidades necess??rias aos sistemas de compras eletr??nicas no ambiente da administra????o p??blica? Que par??metros s??o relevantes para a an??lise e a avalia????o desses sistemas? O trabalho aborda a aplica????o da tecnologia da informa????o ??s compras governamentais, focalizando o caso do Sistema Integrado de Administra????o de Servi??os Gerais (Siasg) e seu portal na Internet, o Comprasnet, desenvolvido pela Administra????o P??blica Federal brasileira. Contextualiza a emerg??ncia do com??rcio eletr??nico e sua aplica????o ?? administra????o p??blica. Sistematiza as fases e os procedimentos do processo de compras e contrata????es na administra????o p??blica brasileira, indicando os componentes e as funcionalidades que devem compor os sistemas de compras eletr??nicas governamentais. Prop??e par??metros de an??lise para a avalia????o desses sistemas: abrang??ncia, inser????o e impacto na transforma????o da gest??o. A aplica????o desses par??metros ao estudo de caso evidencia que o Siasg/Comprasnet apresenta abrang??ncia ainda incompleta, inser????o consolidada e impacto transformador mais acentuado sobre as compras realizadas por meio de modalidades de licita????o eletr??nicas.


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O presente artigo analisa a pol??tica de reforma administrativa durante os primeiros anos da administra????o Menem, tendo como pano de fundo as medidas de ajuste defendidas pelas institui????es financeiras internacionais em busca da estabiliza????o econ??mica e da reforma do aparelho estatal. Enfoca particularmente a administra????o central do Poder Executivo constitu??da pelos minist??rios e seus ??rg??os descentralizados. Os autores abordam ao lado das medidas concretas adotadas, o jogo pol??tico entre os v??rios atores envolvidos, destacando a hipertrofia da a????o do Executivo como uma das caracter??sticas fundamentais da reforma argentina.