611 resultados para daytime sleepiness


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Priestley and Taylor provided a practical formulation of the partitioning of net radiation between heat flux and evaporation contained within a parameter α. Their model (PTM) needs verification under a range of environmental conditions. Micrometeorological data sets collected over the Amazon forest at the Ducke Reserve site (2°57′S; 59°57′W) gave an opportunity to evaluate α. Evidence presented here and by others shows that there is pronounced diurnal variation in α, with minimum values around midday and maximum values in the morning and evening hours. During unstable and stable conditions in the daylight hours, the Bowen ratio (B) varied from 0.10 to 0.57 and -0.71 to -0.08, respectively, whereas α varied from 0.67 to 1.16 and 1.28 to 3.12, respectively. A mean value of α = 1.16±0.56 was obtained from daytime hourly values for two days. The daily data sets from three expeditions gave a mean of α = 1.03±0.13. This work confirms that α is a function of atmospheric stability over the Amazon forest. Thus the PTM should be applied with caution over time-intervals of one day or less because of the sensitivity to variation in α. The calculated values of α are in general agreement with those reported in literature. © 1991.


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Aim: To report a possible case of tremor fluoxetine-induced treated as Parkinson’s disease in an elderly female patient noncompliant with the pharmacotherapy, with uncontrolled hypertension and using fluoxetine to treat depression. Presentation of Case: Patient complained of sleepiness in the morning, agitation, anxiety, insomnia and mental confusion. Her greatest concern was about bilateral hand tremors which, in her view became, worse after biperiden was prescribed. Therefore, she stopped taking it. The initial medication was: omeprazole, losartan, biperiden, fluoxetine, atenolol + chlorthalidone, acetylsalicylic acid, atorvastatin and diazepam. Pharmacotherapeutic follow up was performed in order to check the necessity, safety and effectiveness of treatment. Discussion: During the analysis of pharmacotherapy, the patient showed uncontrolled blood pressure and had difficulty complying with the treatment. Thus, in view of the complaints expressed by the patient, our first hypothesis was a possible serotonin syndrome related to fluoxetine use. We proposed a change in the fluoxetine regime and discontinuation of biperiden. As tremors persisted, we suggested the replacement of fluoxetine by sertraline, since a possible tremor fluoxetine-induced could explain the complaint. This approach solved the drug-related problem identified. Conclusion: Tremors reported by the patient was identified as an iatrogenic event related to fluoxetine, which was solved by management of serotonin-reuptake inhibitors.


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The objective of the present study was to analyze diel variation in the abundance and size of the seabob shrimp Xiphopenaeus kroyeri in the Ubatuba region, state of São Paulo, during the year 2000. In each season of the year, collections were made in the day and at night on 9 transects at depths ranging from 2 to 40 m. The estimated shrimp amount was of 28,878 individuals. Although the catch rate was higher during the day (15,853 shrimp), this did not differ significantly from the catch at night (13,025). The catch rate was higher in daytime on most transects, but was higher at night at locations where fine and very fine sand predominated. The majority of juveniles were caught during the day. The mean size (CL) was 14.43 ± 4.02 mm for day and 14.82 ± 4.28 mm for night samples, and the difference was significant (Student’s t-test, df = 2, 429, t = 2.27, p = 0.02). The largest individuals were caught during the night. None of the three models that have been proposed in the literature to account for differences in the diurnal catch pattern of penaeid species can be applied to X. kroyeri. Our results provide evidence that sediment type not only influenced the catch rate in the analyzed periods, but also determined which models might fit the behavior of this species.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The aim of this study was to analyze the distribution and abundance of the fish fauna of Palmas bay on Anchieta Island in southeastern Brazil. Specimens were caught in the summer and winter of 1992, using an otter trawl at three locations in the bay. The specimens were caught in both the nighttime and daytime. Data on the water temperature and salinity were recorded for the characterization of the predominant water mass in the region, and sediment samples were taken for granulometric analysis. A total of 7 656 specimens (79 species), with a total weight of approximately 300 kg, were recorded. The most abundant species were Eucinostomus argenteus, Ctenosciaena gracilicirrhus, Haemulon steindachneri, Eucinostomus gula and Diapterus rhombeus, which together accounted for more than 73% of the sample. In general, the ecological indices showed no differences in the composition of species for the abiotic variables analyzed. The multivariate analysis showed that the variations in the distribution of the fish fauna were mainly associated with intra-annual differences in temperature and salinity, resulting from the presence of South Atlantic Central Water (SACW) in the area during the summer. The analysis also showed an association with the type of bottom and a lesser association with respect to the night/day periods.


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Objectives: The use of noninvasive cortical electrical stimulation with weak currents has significantly increased in basic and clinical human studies. Initial, preliminary studies with this technique have shown encouraging results; however, the safety and tolerability of this method of brain stimulation have not been sufficiently explored yet. The purpose of our study was to assess the effects of direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC) stimulation at different intensities in order to measure their effects on cognition, mood, and electroencephalogram. Methods: Eighty-two healthy, right-handed subjects received active and sham stimulation in a randomized order. We conducted 164 ninety-minute sessions of electrical stimulation in 4 different protocols to assess safety of (1) anodal DC of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC); (2) cathodal DC of the DLPFC; (3) intermittent anodal DC of the DLPFC and; (4) AC on the zygomatic process. We used weak currents of 1 to 2 mA (for DC experiments) or 0.1 to 0.2 mA (for AC experiment). Results: We found no significant changes in electroencephalogram, cognition, mood, and pain between groups and a low prevalence of mild adverse effects (0.11% and 0.08% in the active and sham stimulation groups, respectively), mainly, sleepiness and mild headache that were equally distributed between groups. Conclusions: Here, we show no neurophysiological or behavioral signs that transcranial DC stimulation or AC stimulation with weak currents induce deleterious changes when comparing active and sham groups. This study provides therefore additional information for researchers and ethics committees, adding important results to the safety pool of studies assessing the effects of cortical stimulation using weak electrical currents. Further studies in patients with neuropsychiatric disorders are warranted.


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The main goal of this work is to describe the diurnal and seasonal variations of the radiation balance components at the surface in the city of So Paulo based on observations carried out during 2004. Monthly average hourly values indicate that the amplitudes of the diurnal cycles of net radiation (Q*), downwelling and upwelling shortwave radiation (SW(DW), SW(UP)), and longwave radiations (LW(DW), LW(UP)) in February were, respectively, 37%, 14%, 19%, 11%, and 5% larger than they were in August. The monthly average daily values indicate a variation of 60% for Q*, with a minimum in June and a maximum in December; 45% for SW(DW), with a minimum in May and a maximum in September; 50% for SW(UP), with a minimum in June and a maximum in September; 13% for LW(DW), with a minimum in July and a maximum in January; and 9% for LW(UP), with a minimum in July and a maximum in February. It was verified that the atmospheric broadband transmissivity varied from 0.36 to 0.57; the effective albedo of the surface varied from 0.08 to 0.10; and the atmospheric effective emissivity varied from 0.79 to 0.92. The surface effective emissivity remained approximately constant and equal to 0.96. The albedo and surface effective emissivity for So Paulo agreed with those reported for urban areas in Europe and North America cities. This indicates that material and geometric effects on albedo and surface emissivity in So Paulo are similar to ones observed in typical middle latitudes cities. On the other hand, it was found that So Paulo city induces an urban heat island with daytime maximum intensity varying from 2.6A degrees C in July (16:00 LT) to 5.5A degrees C in September (15:00 LT). The analysis of the radiometric properties carried out here indicate that this daytime maximum is a primary response to the seasonal variation of daily values of net solar radiation at the surface.


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The objective was to study the leaf temperature (LT) and leaf diffusive vapor conductance (gs) responses to temperature, humidity and incident flux density of photosynthetically active photons (PPFD) of tomato plants grown without water restriction in a plastic greenhouse in Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. The plants were grown in substrate and irrigated daily. The gs was measured using a steady-state null-balance porometer on the abaxial face of the leaves during the daytime. Both leaf surfaces were measured in one day. The PPFD and LT were measured using the porometer. Leaf temperature was determined using an infrared thermometer, and air temperature and humidity were measured using a thermohygrograph. The leaves on the upper layer of the plants had higher gs than the lower layer. The relationship between the gs and PPFD was different for the two layers in the plants. A consistent relationship between the gs and atmospheric water demand was observed only in the lower layer. The LT tended to be lower than the air temperature. The mean value for the gs was 2.88 times higher on the abaxial than adaxial leaf surface.


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The discrepancies between social and biological timing are reflected in shift workers' well-being. The aim of this study was to verify the association between job satisfaction and chronotype among day and night nursing personnel. Several variables, including seniority at the hospital and, in the same shift, sleep duration, quality of sleep, sleepiness and willingness to change sleep timing were also analyzed. Chronotype was calculated by using the morningness-eveningness questionnaire. We studied 514 nursing professionals from a public university hospital. Among the day workers, the higher the morningness, the more the workers were satisfied with their job. In contrast, among night workers, job satisfaction was associated with sleep quality and seniority at the hospital but not with chronotype. Our results suggest that an agreement between work schedule and chronotype may help to increase job satisfaction among diurnal workers.


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Background: Medical education can affect medical students' physical and mental health as well as their quality of life. The aim of this study was to assess medical students' perceptions of their quality of life and its relationship with medical education. Methods: First-to sixth-year students from six Brazilian medical schools were interviewed using focus groups to explore what medical student's lives are like, factors related to increases and decreases of their quality of life during medical school, and how they deal with the difficulties in their training. Results: Students reported a variety of difficulties and crises during medical school. Factors that were reported to decrease their quality of life included competition, unprepared teachers, excessive activities, and medical school schedules that demanded exclusive dedication. Contact with pain, death and suffering and harsh social realities influence their quality of life, as well as frustrations with the program and insecurity regarding their professional future. The scarcity of time for studying, leisure activities, relationships, and rest was considered the main factor of influence. Among factors that increase quality of life are good teachers, classes with good didactic approaches, active learning methodologies, contact with patients, and efficient time management. Students also reported that meaningful relationships with family members, friends, or teachers increase their quality of life. Conclusion: Quality of teachers, curricula, healthy lifestyles related to eating habits, sleep, and physical activity modify medical students' quality of life. Lack of time due to medical school obligations was a major impact factor. Students affirm their quality of life is influenced by their medical school experiences, but they also reframe their difficulties, herein represented by their poor quality of life, understood as necessary and inherent to the process of becoming doctors.


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We evaluated how the mild stress-induced increase in endogenous corticosterone affected the pineal gland in Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus). The animals were maintained under constant light for 1 day, instead of a cycle of 14:10-h, to increase the circulating corticosterone levels during the daytime. The nuclear translocation of nuclear factor kappa B (NFKB), which is the pivotal transcription factor for stress and injury, presented a daily rhythm in normal animals. NFKB nuclear content increased linearly from the onset of light [Zeitgeber Time 0 (ZT0)] until ZT11 and decreased after ZT12 when the plasma corticosterone peak was detected in normal animals. However, the 24-h profiles of the two curves were different, and they did not clearly support an exclusive relationship between corticosterone levels and NFKB content. Therefore, we tested the effect of increased endogenous corticosterone through inducing mild stress by maintaining daytime illumination for one night. This stressful condition, which increased daytime corticosterone levels, resulted in a daytime decrease in NFKB nuclear content, and this was inhibited by mifepristone. Overall, this study shows that NFKB has a daily rhythm in Syrian hamster pineal glands and, by increasing endogenous corticosterone with a stressful condition, NFKB activity is regulated. Therefore, this study suggests that the pineal gland in the Syrian hamster is a sensor of stressful conditions.


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The fact that there is a complex and bidirectional communication between the immune and nervous systems has been well demonstrated. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a component of gram-negative bacteria, is widely used to systematically stimulate the immune system and generate profound physiological and behavioural changes, also known as sickness behaviour (e.g. anhedonia, lethargy, loss of appetite, anxiety, sleepiness). Different ethological tools have been used to analyse the behavioural modifications induced by LPS; however, many researchers analysed only individual tests, a single LPS dose or a unique ethological parameter, thus leading to disagreements regarding the data. In the present study, we investigated the effects of different doses of LPS (10, 50, 200 and 500 mu g/kg, i.p.) in young male Wistar rats (weighing 180200 g; 89 weeks old) on the ethological and spatiotemporal parameters of the elevated plus maze, light-dark box, elevated T maze, open-field tests and emission of ultrasound vocalizations. There was a dose-dependent increase in anxiety-like behaviours caused by LPS, forming an inverted U curve peaked at LPS 200 mu g/kg dose. However, these anxiety-like behaviours were detected only by complementary ethological analysis (stretching, grooming, immobility responses and alarm calls), and these reactions seem to be a very sensitive tool in assessing the first signs of sickness behaviour. In summary, the present work clearly showed that there are resting and alertness reactions induced by opposite neuroimmune mechanisms (neuroimmune bias) that could lead to anxiety behaviours, suggesting that misunderstanding data could occur when only few ethological variables or single doses of LPS are analysed. Finally, it is hypothesized that this bias is an evolutionary tool that increases animals security while the body recovers from a systemic infection.


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We measured the mixing ratios of NO, NO2, O-3, and volatile organic carbon as well as the aerosol light-scattering coefficient on a boat platform cruising on rivers downwind of the city of Manaus (Amazonas State, Brazil) in July 2001 (Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia-Cooperative LBA Airborne Regional Experiment-2001). The dispersion and impact of the Manaus plume was investigated by a combined analysis of ground-based (boat platform) and airborne trace gas and aerosol measurements as well as by meteorological measurements complemented by dispersion calculations (Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory model). For the cases with the least anthropogenic influence (including a location in a so far unexplored region similar to 150 km west of Manaus on the Rio Manacapuru), the aerosol scattering coefficient, sigma(s), was below 11 Mm(-1), NOx mixing ratios remained below 0.6 ppb, daytime O-3 mixing ratios were mostly below 20 ppb and maximal isoprene mixing ratios were about 3 ppb in the afternoon. The photostationary state (PSS) was not established for these cases, as indicated by values of the Leighton ratio, Phi, well above unity. Due to the influence of river breeze systems and other thermally driven mesoscale circulations, a change of the synoptic wind direction from east-northeast to south-southeast in the afternoon often caused a substantial increase of ss and trace gas mixing ratios (about threefold for sigma(s), fivefold for NOx, and twofold for O-3), which was associated with the arrival of the Manaus pollution plume at the boat location. The ratio F reached unity within its uncertainty range at NOx mixing ratios of about 3 ppb, indicating "steady-state" conditions in cases when radiation variations, dry deposition, emissions, and reactions mostly involving peroxy radicals (XO2) played a minor role. The median midday/afternoon XO2 mixing ratios estimated using the PSS method range from 90 to 120 parts per trillion (ppt) for the remote cases (sigma(s) < 11 Mm(-1) and NOx < 0.6 ppb), while for the polluted cases our estimates are 15 to 60 ppt. These values are within the range of XO2 estimated by an atmospheric chemistry box model (Chemistry As A Box model Application-Module Efficiently Calculating the Chemistry of the Atmosphere (CAABA/MECCA)-3.0).


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The concept of need for recovery from work (NFR) was deduced from the effort recuperation model. In this model work produces costs in terms of effort during the working day. When there is enough time and possibilities to recuperate, a worker will arrive at the next working day with no residual symptoms of previous effort. NFR evaluates work characteristics such as psychosocial demands, professional work hours or schedules. However, sleep may be an important part of the recovery process. The aim of the study was to test the association between sleep-related complaints and NFR. A cross-sectional study was carried out at three hospitals. All females nursing professionals engaged in assistance to patients were invited to participate (N=1,307). Participants answered a questionnaire that included four sleep-related complaints (insomnia, unsatisfactory sleep, sleepiness during work hours and insufficient sleep), work characteristics and NRF scale. Binomial logistic regression analysis showed that all sleep-related complaints are associated with a high need for recovery from work. Those who reported insufficient sleep showed a greater chance of high need for recovery; OR=2.730 (CI 95% 2.074-3.593). These results corroborate the hypothesis that sleep is an important aspect of the recovery process and, therefore, should be thoroughly investigated.