770 resultados para clusterizing of learning activities


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This article introduces the Evaluation Framework EFI for the Impact Measurement of learning, education and training: The Evaluation Framework for Impact Measurement was developed for specifying the evaluation phase and its objectives and tasks within the IDEAL Reference Model for the introduction and optimization of quality development within learning, education and training. First, a description of the Evaluation Framework for Impact Measurement will be provided, followed by a brief overview of the IDEAL Reference Model. Finally, an example for the implementation of the Evaluation Framework for Impact Measurement within the ARISTOTELE project is presented.


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Stealthy attackers move patiently through computer networks - taking days, weeks or months to accomplish their objectives in order to avoid detection. As networks scale up in size and speed, monitoring for such attack attempts is increasingly a challenge. This paper presents an efficient monitoring technique for stealthy attacks. It investigates the feasibility of proposed method under number of different test cases and examines how design of the network affects the detection. A methodological way for tracing anonymous stealthy activities to their approximate sources is also presented. The Bayesian fusion along with traffic sampling is employed as a data reduction method. The proposed method has the ability to monitor stealthy activities using 10-20% size sampling rates without degrading the quality of detection.


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Computers have invaded our offices, our homes, cars and coffee-pots; they have become ubiquitous. However, the advance of computing technologies is associated with an increasing lack of “visibility” of the underlying software and hardware technologies. While we use and accept the computer, we neither know its history nor functionality. In this paper, we argue that this is not a healthy situation. Also, recruitment onto UK Computing degree courses is steadily falling; these courses are appearing less attractive to school-leavers. This may be associated with the increasing ubiquity. In this paper we reflect on an MSc. module of instruction, Concepts and Philosophy of Computing, and a BSc. module Computer Games Development developed at the University of Worcester which address these issues. We propose that the elements of these modules form a necessary part of the education of all citizens, and we suggest how this may be realized. We also suggest how to re-enthuse our youth about computing as a discipline and halt the drop in recruitment.


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Computers have invaded our offices, our homes, cars and coffee-pots; they have become ubiquitous. However, the advance of computing technologies is associated with an increasing lack of “visibility” of the underlying software and hardware technologies. While we use and accept the computer, we neither know its history nor functionality. In this paper, we argue that this is not a healthy situation. Also, recruitment onto UK Computing degree courses is steadily falling; these courses are appearing less attractive to school-leavers. This may be associated with the increasing ubiquity. In this paper we reflect on an MSc. module of instruction, Concepts and Philosophy of Computing, and a BSc. module Computer Games Development developed at the University of Worcester which address these issues. We propose that the elements of these modules form a necessary part of the education of all citizens, and we suggest how this may be realized. We also suggest how to re-enthuse our youth about computing as a discipline and halt the drop in recruitment.


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The distance learning program "School Management" supports decision makers at the school and ministerial levels in the shaping of formal and informal learning processes at different levels in schools and curricula in Eritrea. This paper examines how the distance learning program is interconnected to educational system development. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Design of geotechnical systems is often challenging as it requires the understanding of complex soil behaviour and its influence on field-scale performance of geo-structures. To advance the scientific knowledge and the technological development in geotechnical engineering, a Scottish academic community, named Scottish Universities Geotechnics Network (SUGN), was established in 2001, composing of eight higher education institutions. The network gathers geotechnics researchers, including experimentalists as well as centrifuge, constitutive, and numerical modellers, to generate multiple synergies for building larger collaboration and wider research dissemination in and beyond Scotland. The paper will highlight the research excellence and leading work undertaken in SUGN emphasising some of the contribution to the geotechnical research community and some of the significant research outcomes.


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Over the years, degradation of the lakeshore resources has been going on due to human induced activities. Human activities notably house construction, fish smoking, boat construction and cooking at the landings impact the tree and forest cover along the lakeshore and Islands. The survey was conducted in ten districts surrounding Lake Victoria and the landings sampled were selected with the help of the District Fisheries Officers. Data was obtained from selected fishermen and Key informants at these landing sites. The study examined the extent of knowledge on importance, utilization, threats and conservation of trees/forests at the landings. Results showed that the fishers (98%) were aware of the benefits derived from the trees/forests. According to the respondents, the most commonly used tree species for boat construction were Mvule (40%), Mkibu (20%), Musizi (17%) and Mpewere (11 %). This was mainly because these trees were durable. For house construction, Nsambya (25%), Musizi (24%) and other materials (12%) were the most commonly used. For other activities like fish smoking and cooking at the landing, the Fisherfolk used any type of tree species readily available at the landings. As regards the status of the trees at the landings, most of the respondents (72%) J agreed that due to some fishery related activities some tree species had reduced more than others in the vicinity of most landings. Most respondents said that the, most reduced tree species around the landings were Mvule (36%) and Musizi (22%). Among the fishery related activities that had a significant impact on the trees/forests, construction of houses (44%) and boats (22%) emerged uppermost. Other activities such as fish smoking (14%) and cooking (12%) had the least impact on trees/forests. Generally, there was extensive reduction of trees at the landings. Therefore there was need to regulate cutting of trees and to have specific programmes targeting afforestation at and around fish landings.


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The concentrations of six urinary monohydroxyl metabolites (OH-PAHs) of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, namely 1-hydroxynaphthalene, 1-hydroxyacenaphthene, 2-hydroxyfluorene, 1-hydroxyphenanthrene, 1-hydroxypyrene (1OHPy), and 3-hydroxybenzo[a]pyrene, were assessed in the post-shift urine of wildland firefighters involved in fire combat activities at six Portuguese fire corporations, and compared with those of non-exposed subjects. Overall, median levels of urinary individual and total OH-PAHs (ΣOH-PAHs) suggest an increased exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons during firefighting activities with ΣOH-PAH levels in exposed firefighters 1.7-35 times higher than in non-exposed ones. Urinary 1-hydroxynaphthalene and/or 1-hydroxyacenapthene were the predominant compounds, representing 63-98% of ΣOH-PAHs, followed by 2-hydroxyfluorene (1-17%), 1-hydroxyphenanthrene (1-13%), and 1OHPy (0.3-10%). A similar profile was observed when gender discrimination was considered. Participation in fire combat activities promoted an increase of the distribution percentage of 1-hydroxynaphthalene and 1-hydroxyacenaphthene, while contributions of 1-hydroxyphenanthrene and 1OHPy decreased. The detected urinary 1OHPy concentrations (1.73×10(-2) to 0.152μmol/mol creatinine in exposed subjects versus 1.21×10(-2) to 5.44×10(-2)μmol/mol creatinine in non-exposed individuals) were lower than the benchmark level (0.5μmol/mol creatinine) proposed by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. This compound, considered the biomarker of exposure to PAHs, was the less abundant one from the six analyzed biomarkers. Thus the inclusion of other metabolites, in addition to 1OHPy, in future studies is suggested to better estimate firefighters' occupational exposure to PAHs. Moreover, strong to moderate Spearman correlations were observed between individual compounds and ΣOH-PAHs corroborating the prevalence of an emission source.


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Presence and concentrations of radionuclides could be as a result of natural and human activities. This study examined the associations and differences among soil, sediment and water specific activities of long-lived radioactive element (LLRE). Gamma spectroscopy was used to measure the concentration of the LLRE along the Mini Okoro/Oginigba Creek, Port Harcourt. Specific activities of three selected LLRE were derived. Correlation analysis was carried out to examine associations among the specific activities across different substrates. A strong and a significant negative correlation exists between the specific activities of Water 40K and Soil 232Th (r =-0.721, p<0.05); Water 238U and Soil 238U (r = -0.717, p<0.05) and Water 40K and Sediment 238U (r=-0.69, p<0.05). Comparison using Mann-Whitney U test shows that, soil and sediment are similar in their specific activities with Z values of -0.408, -1.209 and -1.021 (p > 0.05) for 40K, 232Th and 238U respectively. The concentration of solid samples (soil and sediment) is different from the liquid (water) samples. These associations can be attributed to some specific underlying factors. And in other to understand them there is need for more studies.


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Early human development offers a unique perspective in investigating the potential cognitive and social implications of action and perception. Specifically, during infancy, action production and action perception undergo foundational developments. One essential component to examine developments in action processing is the analysis of others’ actions as meaningful and goal-directed. Little research, however, has examined the underlying neural systems that may be associated with emerging action and perception abilities, and infants’ learning of goal-directed actions. The current study examines the mu rhythm—a brain oscillation found in the electroencephalogram (EEG)—that has been associated with action and perception. Specifically, the present work investigates whether the mu signal is related to 9-month-olds’ learning of a novel goal-directed means-end task. The findings of this study demonstrate a relation between variations in mu rhythm activity and infants’ ability to learn a novel goal-directed means-end action task (compared to a visual pattern learning task used as a comparison task). Additionally, we examined the relations between standardized assessments of early motor competence, infants’ ability to learn a novel goal-directed task, and mu rhythm activity. We found that: 1a) mu rhythm activity during observation of a grasp uniquely predicted infants’ learning on the cane training task, 1b) mu rhythm activity during observation and execution of a grasp did not uniquely predict infants’ learning on the visual pattern learning task (comparison learning task), 2) infants’ motor competence did not predict infants’ learning on the cane training task, 3) mu rhythm activity during observation and execution was not related to infants’ measure of motor competence, and 4) mu rhythm activity did not predict infants’ learning on the cane task above and beyond infants’ motor competence. The results from this study demonstrate that mu rhythm activity is a sensitive measure to detect individual differences in infants’ action and perception abilities, specifically their learning of a novel goal-directed action.


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Este trabajo de investigación es sobre el uso de un folleto con actividades de expresión oral utilizados en una clase de Inglés de estudiantes de primer año del colegio "Integración Iberoamericano" y discute intereses de los estudiantes en desarrollo estas actividades para una interacción oral significativa entre (estudiantes y profesores) y (estudiantes-estudiantes). Además, este trabajo de investigacióntiene 5secciones: la primera secciónes una introducciónacerca de laimportancia de la comunicaciónen nuestra vidadiaria, la segunda secciónpresenta laliteratura, sección en la quese mencionandiferentesautores quepresentanalgunas perspectivassobreel desarrollo de comunicación oralen el EFL clase, así como en la tercera secciónse mencionala metodología utilizadadurante el desarrollodel trabajo de investigación. Por otra parte, en la cuarta secciónse presentaelanálisis de los datoscon los resultadosobtenidospor los participantesdespués de haber sido aplicado elfolleto conlasactividades de expresión oral, y, finalmente,en la quinta sección, se presentanlas conclusiones yrecomendacionesdespués de haberterminado el trabajo de investigación. Esimportante mencionarque el usode este folletoserá considerado como una opcióndiferente yuna metodología innovadoraque los futurosprofesores pueden utilizaren las clasescomo una herramientaútily significativa parael desarrollo deloshabilidades para hablar y una buena comunicación oral de los estudiantes.