526 resultados para centrifugal compressor


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In order to propose a role for internucleosomal high mobility group proteins (HMGs), and HI histone variants study of their levels and synthesis in a system of development and differentiation--rat spermatogenesis--was undertaken. HMG1, 2, 14, and 17 were isolated from rat testes and found to be very similar to calf thymus HMGs. Testis levels of HMGs, relative to DNA, were equivalent to other rat tissues for HMG1 (13 ug/mg DNA), HMG14 (2 ug/mg DNA), and HMG17 (5 ug/mg DNA). HMG2 levels were different among rat tissues, with three groups observed: (1) nonproliferating tissues (1-5 ug/mg DNA); (2) proliferating tissues (8-13 ug/mg DNA); and (3) the testis (32 ug/mg DNA). Other species (toad, opposum, mouse, dog, and monkey) showed the same testis-specific increase of HMG2. Populations of purified testis cell types were separated by centrifugal elutriation and density gradient centrifugation from adult and immature rat testes. Pachytene spermatocytes and early spermatids (56 and 47 ug/mg DNA, respectively) caused the testis-specific increase of HMG2 levels. Cell types preceding pachytenes (types A and B spermatogonia, mixtures of spermatogonia and early primary spermatocytes, and early pachytenes contained HMG2 levels similar to proliferating tissues (12 ug/mg DNA). Late spermatids did not contain HMGs. Somatic Sertoli and Leydig cells (2 ug/mg DNA) exhibited HMG2 levels similar to nonproliferating tissues. HMGs synthesized in spermatogonia and spermatocytes had similar specific activities, but early spermatids did not synthesize HMGs. Germ cells also contained an HMG2 species (on acid-urea gels) not found in somatic tissues. Other investigators have shown that HMGs may be associated with transcriptional or replicative processes. Thus, it is proposed that HMG2 plays a role in modulatable gene expression, while HMG1 is associated with housekeeping functions.^ HI histone variants were also studied throughout spermatogenesis. The minor somatic variant, HIa, is the predominant variant in spermatogonia and early primary spermatocytes. In early pachytenes, the testis-specific variant, HIt, is first synthesized and appears, largely replacing somatic variants HIbcd and e by late pachytene stage. Early spermatids contain the same HI composition as pachytenes, but do not synthesize HI histones. HI('0) is present in low amounts in all germ cells. These results suggest that expression of HI variants is developmentally controlled.^


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Second Edition. Pp.5-61 General Surgical Necessities, Gauze, Antiseptic Sundries, Surgical Sundries, Rubber Bandages, Catheters, Bougies, Splints, Tents, Emergency Bags, Surgeon's Needles, Operating Instruments, Amputating, Forceps, Aspiration, Cases, Catheters and Directors, Pocket Case Instruments, Dissecting and Post-Mortem Pp.62-118 General Operating - Osteotomy, Mastoid, Trephining, Eye Instruments, Aural, Nasal, Mouth and Throat, Tooth Forceps, Laryngoscopic Sets, Hydraulic Air Compressor, Variocele, Genito Urinary Pp. 119-167 Genito Urinary-Lithotrity, Alimentary, Anal and Rectal, Gynaecological, Pessaries, Microscopes, Syringes Pp.168-205 Chemical Apparatus and Glassware, Physician's Cabinets, Office Furniture, Operating Chairs and Tables, Hospital Beds, Cautery, Electrolytic, Batteries Pp.206-246 Cases, Varicose, Braces, Abdominal Supporters, Trusses, Invalid Chairs and Supplies, Sterilizers, Saddle-Bags, Deformity Apparatus Advertisements: Bandages, Abdominal Supporters, Rubber Supplies, Bags, Batteries, Cotton, Microscopes, Hypodermic Tablets, Atomizers, Furniture, Sterilizers, Syringes


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Human peripheral blood monocytes (HPBM) were isolated by centrifugal elutriation from mononuclear cell enriched fractions after routine plateletapheresis and the relationship between maturation of HPBM to macrophage-like cells and activation for tumoricidal activity determined. HPBM were cultured for various times in RPMI 1640 supplemented with 5% pooled human AB serum and cytotoxicity to $\sp{125}$IUDR labeled A375M, a human melanoma cell line, and TNF-$\alpha$ release determined by cytolysis of actinomycin D treated L929 cells. Freshly isolated HPBM or those exposed to recombinant IFN-$\gamma$(1.0 U/ml) were not cytolytic and did not release TNF-$\alpha$ into culture supernatants. Exposure to bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 1.0 $\upsilon$g/ml) stimulated cytolytic activity and release of TNF-$\alpha$. Maximal release of TNF-$\alpha$ protein occurred at 8 hrs and returned to baseline by 72 hrs. Expression of TNF-$\alpha$ protein was determined by Western blotting. Neither freshly isolated nor IFN-$\gamma$ treated HPBM expressed TNF protein at any time during in vitro culture. LPS treated HPBM maximally expressed the 17KD TNF-$\alpha$ protein at 8 hrs, and protein was not detected after 36 hrs of in vitro culture. Expression of TNF-$\alpha$ mRNA was determined by Northern blotting. Freshly isolated HPBM express TNF-$\alpha$ mRNA which decays to basal levels by 6 hrs of in vitro culture. IFN-$\gamma$ treatment maintains TNF-$\alpha$ mRNA expression for up to 48 hrs of culture, after which it is undetectable. LPS induces TNF-$\alpha$ mRNA after 30 minutes of exposure with maximal accumulation occurring between 4 to 8 hrs. TNF mRNA was not detected in control HPBM at any time after 6 hrs or IFN-$\gamma$ treated HPBM after 48 hrs of in vitro culture. A pulse of LPS the last 24 hrs of in vitro culture induces the accumulation of TNF-$\alpha$ mRNA in HPBM cultured for 3, 5, and 7 days, with the magnitude of induction decreasing approximately 10 fold between 3 and 7 days. Induction of TNF-$\alpha$ mRNA occurred in the absence of detectable TNF-$\alpha$ protein or supernatant activity. Maturation of HPBM to macrophage-like cells controls competence for activation, magnitude and duration of the activation response. ^


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The use of smokeless tobacco products is undergoing an alarming resurgence in the United States. Several national surveys have reported a higher prevalence of use among those employed in blue-collar occupations. National objectives now target this group for health promotion programs which reduce the health risks associated with tobacco use.^ Drawn from a larger data set measuring health behaviors, this cross-sectional study tested the applicability of two related theories, the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) and the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), to smokeless tobacco (SLT) cessation in a blue-collar population of gas pipeline workers. In order to understand the determinants of SLT cessation, measures were obtained of demographic and normative characteristics of the population and specific constructs. Attitude toward the act of quitting (AACT) and subjective norm (SN) are constructs common to both models, perceived behavioral control (PBC) is unique to the TPB, and the number of past quit attempts is not contained in either model. In addition, a self-reported measure was taken of SLT use at two-month follow-up.^ The study population was comprised of all male SLT users who were field employees in a large gas pipeline company with gas compressor stations extending from Texas to the Canadian border. At baseline, 199 employees responded to the SLT portion of the survey, 118 completed some portion of the two-month follow-up, and 101 could be matched across time.^ As hypothesized, significant correlations were found between constructs antecedent to AACT and SN, although crossover effects occurred. Significant differences were found between SLT cessation intenders and non-intenders with regard to their personal and normative beliefs about quitting as well as their outcome expectancies and motivation to comply with others' beliefs. These differences occurred in the expected direction, with the mean intender score consistently higher than that of the non-intender.^ Contrary to hypothesis, AACT predicted intention to quit but SN did not. However, confirmatory of the TPB, PBC, operationalized as self-efficacy, independently contributed to the prediction of intention. Statistically significant relationships were not found between intention, perceived behavioral control, their interactive effects, and use behavior at two-month follow-up. The introduction of number of quit attempts into the logistic regression model resulted in insignificant findings for independent and interactive effects.^ The findings from this study are discussed in relation to their implications for program development and practice, especially within the worksite. In order to confirm and extend the findings of this investigation, recommendations for future research are also discussed. ^


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A spring-mounted rasp bar sheller for com is described herein. The sheller comprises a plurality of spaced apart rasp bars mounted on a combine or sheller cylinder. Each of the rasp bars has studs secured thereto which extend therefrom through the cylinder backing plates. Springs are mounted on the studs behind the backing plates for yieldably urging the rasp bar inwardly towards the backing plate. Centrifugal force causes the rasp bar to move out radially towards the concave as the cylinder is rotated. During shelling, impact forces on the rasp bars deflect them radially inwardly. Filler plates are also disclosed for preventing the com from becoming lodged between the backing plate and the rasp bars.


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El presente estudio se interroga sobre la paradoja que plantea la representación de la guerra en el espacio escénico. Espacio bélico y espacio escénico son difícilmente reconciliables dadas sus características intrínsecas (entre otras, la tendencia centrífuga del primero y la centrípeta del segundo). Para salvar esta paradoja, los dramaturgos han desarrollado estrategias poético -retóricas como el uso de la metáfora, la metonimia y el fuera de escena. Por otra parte, el escenario a la vez que se instituye como espacio de una representación, se comunica con un espacio exterior que está más allá, pero que no se manifiesta siempre necesariamente. En virtud de esta vinculación, la representación de la guerra es atravesada por una serie de mediaciones. En primer lugar, la circulación de aquello que "flota" entre el escenario y el afuera del escenario, que los tropos (metáfora, metonimia) permiten recuperar al menos virtualmente. En segundo, el vestigio del episodio guerrero, inscrito en la Historia, que, en tanto vestigio, oscila entre la presencia y la ausencia. Finalmente, las restricciones del teatro mismo y sus principios éticos y estéticos, que trasforman la guerra en sus modos de manifestación espontáneos. El presente trabajo analiza la articulación de estas instancias en obras de Esquilo, Shakespeare y Genêt.


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Los objetivos principales del presente trabajo fueron: a) Estudiar cuál es el uso adecuado de las distintas herramientas para mejorar la mineralización del rastrojo de la cosecha de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) bajo siembra directa y b) Determinar, para períodos cortos, la cantidad de rastrojo depositado superficialmente y su tiempo de mineralización al utilizar las distintas técnicas de manejo del mismo. Los tratamientos fueron: cosechadora con desparramador deflector (T1DD), cosechadora sin desparramador triturador (T2SDT), cosechadora con desparramador centrífugo de caucho (T3DC) y cosechadora con desparramador metálico (T4DM). Alternativas implementadas: a) desmalezado b) rolo cuchilla y c) quemado de rastrojo. En las primeras dos alternativas, se aplicaron tres dosis de urea. Los resultados principales fueron: a) La T2SDT produjo, una mayor deposición de material en el centro de la máquina (21680 kg ha-1), b) la distribución de rastrojo de la (T3DC) fue más uniforme que para los otros tratamientos. Las principales conclusiones fueron: 1) Los desparramadores centrífugos de caucho y metálico produjeron mejor distribución del material, 2) El uso de desmalezadora o rolo cuchilla sobre rastrojo de los tratamientos T3DC y T4DM aceleró la mineralización de los mismos. 3) Las dosis de urea causó poco incremento en la mineralización del rastrojo.


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Se evalúa con indicadores de gobernanza urbana la sostenibilidad de las formas de hacer ciudad hibrida compleja del gobierno de la gestión visible (GGV). Argumenta que el GGV hace ciudad para legitimarse por desempeño y fortalecer la gobernanza local, en un contexto de mutaciones múltiples y radicales que tienden a diluir y centralizar el poder local y fractalizar la ciudad, profundizando la segregación sociopolítica-territorial y la ingobernabilidad genética de la ciudad hibrida, poniendo en riesgo el Estado federal descentralizado, el derecho a la ciudad, al gobierno local y la gobernanza urbana y multinivel (hipótesis). La estrategia de evaluación de gobernanza innovadora (EEG+i) diseñada para evaluar la relación entre las formas de hacer ciudad hibrida (variables espaciales) y gobernanza (variable a-espacial) es transversal, multidimensional y se construye desde la complejidad, el análisis de escenarios, formulación de constructos, modelos e indicadores de gobernanza, entretejiendo tres campos de conocimiento, gobierno, ciudad y sostenibilidad, en cuatro fases. La Fase 1, contextualiza la gobernanza en la dramática del siglo XXI. La Fase 2, desarrolla la fundamentación teórico-práctica, nuevos conceptos y un abordaje analítico propio ‘genética territorial’, para analizar y comprehender la complejidad de la ciudad hibrida de países en desarrollo, tejiendo ontogenética territorial y el carácter autopoiético del gen informal. En la Fase 3, se caracterizan las formas de hacer ciudad desde la genética del territorio, se formulan modelos e indicadores de gobernanza con los que se evalúan, aplicando un delphi y cuestionarios, los genes tipológicos-formas de hacer ciudad y validan las conclusiones. En la Fase 4, se correlacionan los resultados de los instrumentos aplicados con la praxis urbana del GGV, durante cuatro periodos de gobierno (1996-2010). Concluyendo que, la estrategia de evaluación comprobó las hipótesis y demostró la correlación transversal y multinivel existente entre, las mutaciones en curso que contradicen el modelo de gobernanza constitucional, el paisaje de gobernanza latinoamericano y venezolano, la praxis de los regímenes híbridos ricos en recursos naturales, las perspectivas de desarrollo globales y se expresa sociopolíticamente en déficit de gobernanza, Estado de derecho y cohesión-capital social y, espaciolocalmente, en la ciudad hibrida dispersa y diluida (compleja) y en el gobierno del poder diluido centralizado. La confrontación de flujos de poder centrípetos y centrífugos en la ciudad profundiza la fragmentación socioespacial y política y el deterioro de la calidad de vida, incrementando las protestas ciudadanas e ingobernabilidad que obstaculiza la superación de la pobreza y gobernanza urbana y multinivel. La evaluación de la praxis urbana del GGV evidenció que la correlación entre gobernanza, la producción de genes formales y la ciudad por iniciativa privada tiende a ser positiva y entre gobernanza, genes y producción de ciudad informal negativa, por el carácter autopoiético-autogobernable del gen informal y de los nuevos gobiernos sublocales que dificulta gobernar en gobernanza. La praxis del GGV es contraria al modelo de gobernanza formulado y la disolución centralizada del gobierno local y de la ciudad hibrida-dispersa es socio-espacial y políticamente insostenible. Se proponen estrategias y tácticas de gobernanza multinivel para recuperar la cohesión social y de planificación de la gestión innovadora (EG [PG] +i) para orquestar, desde el Consejo Local de Gobernanza (CLG) y con la participación de los espacios y gobiernos sublocales, un proyecto de ciudad compartido y sostenible. ABSTRACT The sustainability of the forms of making the hybrid-complex city by the visible management government (VMG) is evaluated using urban governance indicators. Argues that the VMG builds city to legitimate itself by performance and to strengthen local governance in a context of multiple and radical mutations that tend to dilute and centralize local power and fractalize the city, deepening the socio-spatial and political segregation, the genetic ingovernability of the hybrid city and placing the decentralized federal State, the right to city, local government and urban governance at risk (hypothesis). The innovative governance evaluation strategy (GES+i) designed to assess the relationship between the forms of making the hybrid city (spatial variables) and governance (a-spatial variable) is transversal, multidimensional; is constructed from complexity, scenario analysis, the formulation of concepts, models and governance indicators, weaving three fields of knowledge, government, city and sustainability in four phases. Phase 1, contextualizes governance in the dramatic of the twenty-first century. Phase 2, develops the theoretical and practical foundations, new concepts and a proper analytical approach to comprehend the complexity of the hybrid city from developing countries, weaving territorial ontogenetic with the autopiethic character of the informal city gen. In Phase 3, the ways of making city are characterized from the genetics of territory; governance indicators and models are formulated to evaluate, using delphi and questionnaires, the ways of making city and validate the conclusions. In Phase 4, the results of the instruments applied are correlated with the urban praxis of the VMG during the four periods of government analyzed (1996-2010). Concluding that, the evaluation strategy proved the hypothesis and showed the transversal and multilevel correlation between, mutations that contradict the constitutional governance model, the governance landscape of Latinamerica and the country, the praxis of the hybrid regimes rich in natural resources, the perspectives of the glocal economy and expresses socio-politically the governance and rule of law and social capital-cohesion deficit and spatial-temporarily the hybrid disperse and diluted city (complex) and the diluted-centralized local government. The confrontation of flows of power centripetal and centrifugal in the city deepens the socio-spatial and political fragmentation and deterioration of the quality of life, increasing citizens' protests and ingovernability which hinders poverty eradication and, multilevel and urban governance. The evaluation of the VMG urban praxis showed the correlation between governance, the production of formal genes and city by private initiative tended to be positive and, between informal genes-city production and governance negative, due to its autopiethic-self governable character that hinders governance. The urban praxis of the VMG contradicts the formulated governance model and thecentralized dissolution of the local government and hybrid city are socio-spatial and politically unsustainable. Multiscale governance strategies are proposed to recreate social cohesion and a management planning innovative method (EG [PG] + i) to orchestrate, from the Local Governance Council (LGC) and with the participation of sublocal governments and spaces, a shared and sustainable city project.


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Recently, a theoretical criterion to calculate the stability of an axial-flow compressor rotor has been presented in the scientific literature. This theoretical criterion was used for determining the locus of the stability line over the rotor map and for predicting the post-stall evolution of the constant-speed line of a rotor. The main objective of this paper is to improve the predictions of such a model. To do that, the paper proposes a different characterization of the characteristic azimuthal length and a calculation of the ratio of specific heats based on a polytropic exponent. Thanks to these new values, the model predicts two bifurcation points in the behaviour of the flow: the inception point of the instability and the surge point. Experimental data from a pure axial compressor are used to validate the model showing that the prediction of the flow coefficient at the surge point has an error inferior to 5%. For the rotor studied, the paper provides a quantitative and qualitative description of the inception of the instability and of the mechanism involved in the instable region of the compressor map. The paper also discusses the role of rotor efficiency in the position of the bifurcations and gives a sensitivity analysis of its position. Finally, it presents a discussion about how the model can explain the different behaviours exhibited by the same rotor when the flow coefficient is reduced


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Este proyecto supone la actualización y modernización de un compresor volumétrico alternativo que se encuentra en el Laboratorio de Máquinas y Motores Térmicos. Para ello, el primer paso ha sido realizar una serie de adaptaciones físicas y electrónicas de las señales que producen los distintos transductores del compresor. Estas adaptaciones han sido necesarias para que las señales pudiesen ser reconocidas por el microcontrolador Arduino. Éste es el encargado de comunicar las señales a LabVIEW 2012 con el que se ha creado un programa de lectura e interpretación de datos. Después de que las señales pasen por dicho programa se obtiene la fuerza que está realizando el motor que mueve el compresor, la presión en cámara del compresor y las revoluciones por minuto a las que gira el eje del motor y por tanto, el compresor. ABSTRACT This project has carried out the updating and modernization of an alternative volumetric compressor located at the Laboratory of Heat Engines. To do so, the first step was to perform a series of physical and electronic adaptations of the signals produced by the different transducers of the compressor. These adjustments were necessary so that the signals could be recognized by the Arduino microcontroller. This is responsible for communicating signals to LabVIEW 2012, used to set up the reading and interpreting data program. Once the signals have passed through the aforementioned program, we obtain the data of the force generated by the motor driving the compressor, the pressure in the compressor chamber and the revolutions per minute of the motor’s rotating shaft, and therefore, the compressor.


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Este proyecto se centra en actualizar, modernizar y recuperar un compresor volumétrico alternativo del Laboratorio de Motores y Máquinas Térmicas de la ETSII. Inicialmente se ha evaluado el estado de los sensores disponibles, y se han seleccionado los útiles. Más tarde, se han acondicionado los sensores para que aporten una señal que sea interpretable por el microcontrolador Arduino, que hace la función de tarjeta de adquisición de datos. Esto significa que las señales deben tener un voltaje de entre 0 y 5 voltios. Para continuar se desarrolló el software en el programa LabVIEW™ que nos permite tomar lecturas de todos los sensores simultáneamente. Para finalizar se calibraron los sensores y se comprobó el funcionamiento final del programa. Abstract This project is focused on actualize, modernize and recuperate an alternative volumetric compressor located at the Thermical Motors and Machines Laboratory of the ETSII. First, the sensors state has been evaluated in order to select the correct ones. Later, the sensors have been repaired and prepared to allow them to give an electrical signal between 0 and 5 volts, because these are the values that our microcontroller Arduino is able to read. Next, we have developed the needed software with the program LabVIEW™ that permits us to take the data from all the sensors at the same time. Finally, the sensors were calibrated and the program was tested.


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This work aims to contribute to a further understanding of the fundamentals of crystallographic slip and grain boundary sliding in the γ-TiAl Ti–45Al–2Nb–2Mn (at%)–0.8 vol%TiB2 intermetallic alloy, by means of in situ high-temperature tensile testing combined with electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). Several microstructures, containing different fractions and sizes of lamellar colonies and equiaxed γ-grains, were fabricated by either centrifugal casting or powder metallurgy, followed by heat treatment at 1300 °C and furnace cooling. in situ tensile and tensile-creep experiments were performed in a scanning electron microscope (SEM) at temperatures ranging from 580 °C to 700 °C. EBSD was carried out in selected regions before and after straining. Our results suggest that, during constant strain rate tests, true twin γ/γ interfaces are the weakest barriers to dislocations and, thus, that the relevant length scale might be influenced by the distance between non-true twin boundaries. Under creep conditions both grain/colony boundary sliding (G/CBS) and crystallographic slip are observed to contribute to deformation. The incidence of boundary sliding is particularly high in γ grains of duplex microstructures. The slip activity during creep deformation in different microstructures was evaluated by trace analysis. Special emphasis was placed in distinguishing the compliance of different slip events with the Schmid law with respect to the applied stress.


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In this paper, a novel excitation-system ground-fault location method is described and tested in a 106 MVA synchronous machine. In this unit, numerous rotor ground-fault trips took place always about an hour after the synchronization to the network. However, when the field winding insulation was checked after the trips, there was no failure. The data indicated that the faults in the rotor were caused by centrifugal forces and temperature. Unexpectedly, by applying this new method, the failure was located in a cable between the excitation transformer and the automatic voltage regulator. In addition, several intentional ground faults were performed along the field winding with different fault resistance values, in order to test the accuracy of this method to locate defects in rotor windings of large generators. Therefore, this new on-line rotor ground-fault detection algorithm is tested in high-power synchronous generators with satisfactory results.


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In many applications (like social or sensor networks) the in- formation generated can be represented as a continuous stream of RDF items, where each item describes an application event (social network post, sensor measurement, etc). In this paper we focus on compressing RDF streams. In particular, we propose an approach for lossless RDF stream compression, named RDSZ (RDF Differential Stream compressor based on Zlib). This approach takes advantage of the structural similarities among items in a stream by combining a differential item encoding mechanism with the general purpose stream compressor Zlib. Empirical evaluation using several RDF stream datasets shows that this combi- nation produces gains in compression ratios with respect to using Zlib alone.


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Este proyecto consiste en el diseño e implementación de un procesador digital de efectos de audio en tiempo real orientado a instrumentos eléctricos tales como guitarras, bajos, teclados, etc. El procesador está basado en la tarjeta Raspberry Pi B+, ordenador de placa reducida de bajo coste, desarrollado en Reino unido y cuyo lanzamiento tuvo lugar en el año 2012. En primer lugar, ha sido necesario lograr que la tarjeta asuma la funcionalidad de un procesador de audio en tiempo real. Para ello se ha instalado un sistema operativo Linux orientado a Raspberry (Raspbian) y se ha hecho uso de Pure Data (Pd): lenguaje de programación gráfico que fue desarrollado en los años 90 por Miller Puckette con intención de ser enfocado a la creación de eventos multimedia y de música por computador. El papel que desempeña Pd es de capa intermedia entre el hardware y el software ya que se encarga de tomar bloques de N muestras del convertidor analógico/digital y encaminarlas a través del flujo de señal diseñado gráficamente. En segundo lugar, se han implementado diferentes efectos de audio de distintas características. Así pues, se encuentran efectos basados en retardos, filtros digitales y procesadores de dinámica. Concretamente, los efectos implementados son los siguientes: delay, flanger, vibrato, reverberador de Schroeder, filtros (paso bajo, paso alto y paso banda), ecualizador paramétrico y compresor y expansor de dinámica. Estos efectos han sido implementados en lenguaje C de acuerdo con la API de Pd. Con esto se ha conseguido obtener un objeto por cada efecto, el cual es “instanciado” en Pd pudiendo ejecutarlo en tiempo real. En este proyecto se expone la problemática que supone cada paso del diseño proponiendo soluciones válidas. Además se incluye una guía paso a paso para configurar la tarjeta y lograr realizar un bypass de señal y un efecto simple partiendo desde cero. ABSTRACT. This project involves the design and implementation of a digital real-time audio processor for electrical instruments (guitars, basses, keyboards, etc.). The processor is based on the Raspberry Pi B + card: low cost computer, developed in UK in 2012. First, it was necessary to make the cards assume the functionality of a real time audio processor. A Linux operating system called Raspberry (Raspbian) was installed. In this Project is used Pure Data (Pd): a graphical programming language developed in the 90s by Miller Puckette intending to be focused on creating multimedia and computer music events. The role of Pd is an intermediate layer between the hardware and the software. It is responsible for taking blocks of N samples of the analog/digital converter and route it through the signal flow. Secondly, it is necessary to implemented the different audio effects. There are delays based effects, digital filter and dynamics effects. Specifically, the implemented effects are: delay, flanger, vibrato, Schroeder reverb, filters (lowpass, highpass and bandpass), parametric equalizer and compressor and expander dynamics. These effects have been implemented in C language according to the Pd API. As a result, it has been obtained an object for each effect, which is instantiated in Pd. In this Project, the problems of every step are exposed with his corresponding solution. It is inlcuded a step-by-step guide to configure the card and achieve perform a bypass signal process and a simple effect.