899 resultados para VETERINARY SURGERY
One of the major concerns of scoliotic patients undergoing spinal correction surgery is the trunk's external appearance after the surgery. This paper presents a novel incremental approach for simulating postoperative trunk shape in scoliosis surgery. Preoperative and postoperative trunk shapes data were obtained using three-dimensional medical imaging techniques for seven patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Results of qualitative and quantitative evaluations, based on the comparison of the simulated and actual postoperative trunk surfaces, showed an adequate accuracy of the method. Our approach provides a candidate simulation tool to be used in a clinical environment for the surgery planning process.
Persistence of external trunk asymmetry after scoliosis surgical treatment is frequent and difficult to predict by clinicians. This is a significant problem considering that correction of the apparent deformity is a major factor of satisfaction for the patients. A simulation of the correction on the external appearance would allow the clinician to illustrate to the patient the potential result of the surgery and would help in deciding on a surgical strategy that could most improve his/her appearance. We describe a method to predict the scoliotic trunk shape after a spine surgical intervention. The capability of our method was evaluated using real data of scoliotic patients. Results of the qualitative evaluation were very promising and a quantitative evaluation based on the comparison of the simulated and the actual postoperative trunk surface showed an adequate accuracy for clinical assessment. The required short simulation time also makes our approach an eligible candidate for a clinical environment demanding interactive simulations.
Study Design Retrospective study of surgical outcome. Objectives To evaluate quantitatively the changes in trunk surface deformities after scoliosis spinal surgery in Lenke 1A adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) patients and to compare it with changes in spinal measurements. Summary of Background Data Most studies documenting scoliosis surgical outcome used either radiographs to evaluate changes in the spinal curve or questionnaires to assess patients health-related quality of life. Because improving trunk appearance is a major reason for patients and their parents to seek treatment, this study focuses on postoperative changes in trunk surface deformities. Recently, a novel approach to quantify trunk deformities in a reliable, automatic, and noninvasive way has been proposed. Methods Forty-nine adolescents with Lenke 1A idiopathic scoliosis treated surgically were included. The back surface rotation and trunk lateral shift were computed on trunk surface acquisitions before and at least 6 months after surgery. We analyzed the effect of age, height, weight, curve severity, and flexibility before surgery, length of follow-up, and the surgical technique. For 25 patients with available three-dimensional (3D) spinal reconstructions, we compared changes in trunk deformities with changes in two-dimensional (2D) and 3D spinal measurements. Results The mean correction rates for the back surface rotation and the trunk lateral shift are 18% and 50%, respectively. Only the surgical technique had a significant effect on the correction rate of the back surface rotation. Direct vertebral derotation and reduction by spine translation provide a better correction of the rib hump (22% and 31% respectively) than the classic rod rotation technique (8%). The reductions of the lumbar Cobb angle and the apical vertebrae transverse rotation explain, respectively, up to 17% and 16% the reduction of the back surface rotation. Conclusions Current surgical techniques perform well in realigning the trunk; however, the correction of the deformity in the transverse plane proves to be more challenging. More analysis on the positive effect of vertebral derotation on the rib hump correction is needed. Level of evidence III.
Improving the appearance of the trunk is an important goal of scoliosis surgical treatment, mainly in patients' eyes. Unfortunately, existing methods for assessing postoperative trunk appearance are rather subjective as they rely on a qualitative evaluation of the trunk shape. In this paper, an objective method is proposed to quantify the changes in trunk shape after surgery. Using a non-invasive optical system, the whole trunk surface is acquired and reconstructed in 3D. Trunk shape is described by two functional measurements spanning the trunk length: the lateral deviation and the axial rotation. To measure the pre and postoperative differences, a correction rate is computed for both measurements. On a cohort of 36 scoliosis patients with the same spinal curve type who underwent the same surgical approach, surgery achieved a very good correction of the lateral trunk deviation (median correction of 76%) and a poor to moderate correction of the back axial rotation (median correction of 19%). These results demonstrate that after surgery, patients are still confronted with residual trunk deformity, mainly a persisting hump on the back. That can be explained by the fact that current scoliosis assessment and treatment planning are based solely on radiographic measures of the spinal deformity and do not take trunk deformity into consideration. It is believed that with our novel quantitative trunk shape descriptor, clinicians and surgeons can now objectively assess trunk deformity and postoperative shape and propose new treatment strategies that could better address patients' concern about their appearance. © (2013) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Pedicle screw insertion technique has made revolution in the surgical treatment of spinal fractures and spinal disorders. Although X- ray fluoroscopy based navigation is popular, there is risk of prolonged exposure to X- ray radiation. Systems that have lower radiation risk are generally quite expensive. The position and orientation of the drill is clinically very important in pedicle screw fixation. In this paper, the position and orientation of the marker on the drill is determined using pattern recognition based methods, using geometric features, obtained from the input video sequence taken from CCD camera. A search is then performed on the video frames after preprocessing, to obtain the exact position and orientation of the drill. An animated graphics, showing the instantaneous position and orientation of the drill is then overlaid on the processed video for real time drill control and navigation
In this paper the effectiveness of a novel method of computer assisted pedicle screw insertion was studied using testing of hypothesis procedure with a sample size of 48. Pattern recognition based on geometric features of markers on the drill has been performed on real time optical video obtained from orthogonally placed CCD cameras. The study reveals the exactness of the calculated position of the drill using navigation based on CT image of the vertebra and real time optical video of the drill. The significance value is 0.424 at 95% confidence level which indicates good precision with a standard mean error of only 0.00724. The virtual vision method is less hazardous to both patient and the surgeon
Cross-cultural studies on eating behaviors and related constructs can identify cultural and social factors that contribute to eating disorder symptomatology. Eating disorders (EDs) are a major cause for concern in the U.S., and recent studies in Colombia have shown growing rates among their female population. In addition, cosmetic surgery procedures have been increasing rapidly in both the U.S. and Colombia, and preliminary research suggests a positive relation between disordered eating and endorsement of plastic surgery. In samples of college women from Colombia and the U.S., we investigated patterns of association between disordered eating variables and cosmetic surgery acceptance. Our approach utilized separate analyses for various subcomponents of disordered eating (to determine their unique associations with cosmetic surgery acceptance) while adjusting for potentially relevant covariates and examining cross-cultural patterns. Participants were students at an urban, public college in the U.S. (n=163) and an urban, private college in Colombia (n=179). Overall, our findings suggested that participants from Colombia with greater disordered eating were more likely to endorse cosmetic surgery for social reasons, while those from the U.S. were more likely to consider undergoing cosmetic surgery for personal reasons. Differing findings between the two samples may be due to cultural and social factors, which we delineate. These findings also have potential implications for presurgical counseling of cosmetic surgery candidates.
Los traumatismos por accidentes de tránsito, constituyen un problema de salud pública, a nivel mundial. Las lesiones más frecuentes son las fracturas de extremidades (84.3%). Las fracturas tienen un elevado riesgo de presentar infecciones, secuelas e incapacidades permanentes. Objetivo : Determinar si los factores asociados con la patología (lugar de fractura, clasificación de fractura, comorbilidades del paciente) y/o los factores relacionados con la atención médica (uso de profilaxis antibiótica diferente al protocolo institucional, tiempo prolongado para remisión, demoras en manejo quirúrgico) se asocian a mayor probabilidad de presentar infección de fracturas abiertas, en población mayor a 15 años, atendidos por accidente de tránsito, en una clínica de Bogotá de tercer nivel especializada en atención de SOAT, durante el período Octubre de 2012 a Octubre de 2013. Metodología: Estudio de casos y controles no apareado, relación 1:3, conformado por 43 casos (fracturas abiertas infectadas) y 129 controles (fracturas abiertas no infectadas). Resultados: La edad media de los casos fue de 39.42 +/- 16.82 años (med=36 años) y la edad media de los controles fue de 33.15 +/- 11.78 años (med=30 años). El 83.7% de los casos y el 78.3% de los controles corresponden al sexo masculino. Predominaron los accidentes en motocicleta en el 81.4% de los casos y el 86% de los controles. En el análisis bivariado se encuentra que la edad mayor a 50 años (p=0.042), una clasificación de la fractura grado IIIB o IIIC (p=0.02), cumplimiento del protocolo antibiótico institucional según el grado de fractura (p=0.014) y un tiempo mayor a 24 horas desde el momento del accidente al centro especializado en trauma (p=0.035) se asociaron significativamente con infección de la fractura abierta. En el análisis multivariado se encuentra únicamente que la clasificación de la fractura grado IIIB o IIIC se asocia con infección de la fractura OR 2.6 IC95% (1.187 – 5.781) (p=0.017). La duración de hospitalización fue mayor en los casos (32.37+/- 22.92 días, med=26 días) que en los controles (8.81 +/- 7.52 días, med=6 días) (p<0.001). El promedio de lavados quirúrgicos fue mayor en los casos (4.85±4.1, med=4.0) que en el grupo control (1.94±1.26, med=2) (p<0.001). Conclusiones: La infección posterior a una fractura abierta, implica costos elevados de atención con hospitalizaciones prolongadas y mayor frecuencia de intervenciones quirúrgicas como se evidencia en el presente estudio. Se debe fortalecer el sistema de remisión y contra remisión para acortar los tiempos de inicio de manejo especializado de los pacientes con fracturas abiertas. Se debe incentivar dentro de las instituciones, el cumplimiento de protocolos de profilaxis antibiótica según el grado de la fractura para disminuir el riesgo de complicación infecciosa.
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As esplenopatias são doenças comuns em canídeos que tanto podem estar associadas com doenças benignas com excelente prognóstico, como doenças com alto grau de malignidade com elevada taxa de mortalidade. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi caracterizar a população de canídeos esplenectomizados num hospital de referência na área da grande Lisboa. A população foi constituída por 73 indivíduos da espécie Canis familiaris sujeitos a esplenectomia total ou parcial. A população foi analisada e distribuída segundo vários parâmetros, como o a raça, o sexo, a idade, o diagnóstico pré-cirúrgico, o diagnóstico histopatológico, o hematócrito pré cirúrgico e por fim a sobrevida. Da análise total de canídeos, observou-se que, a maioria dos canídeos esplenectomizados eram do género masculino, de raça indeterminada e com uma média de 10 anos de idade. Constatou-se que cerca de metade dos canídeos esplenectomizados sobreviveram após um ano da cirurgia e que o diagnóstico histopatológico mais comum foi o hemangiossarcoma, seguido do hematoma esplénico. Através dos testes estatísticos conclui-se que o hematócrito não apresenta qualquer relação com a sobrevida dos animais, embora possa estar relacionado com o diagnóstico histopatológico. Este estudo visou ainda uma caracterização detalhada dos canídeos diagnosticados com hemangiossarcoma. Os animais mais afectados nesta amostra, eram do género masculino com 9anos de idade e eram da raça Boxer e Labrador. Confirmou-se ainda que esta é uma doença com mau prognóstico, apresentando uma taxa de mortalidade de 80%.
Objectivos: Neste estudo retrospectivo pretendeu-se determinar o impacto da tomografia computorizada na sobrevivência pós-cirúrgica do cão com carcinoma espinocelular na cavidade oral, comparativamente à radiografia. Enfatizando desta forma, a sua importância no diagnóstico, no planeamento cirúrgico e prognóstico. O segundo objectivo consistiu em determinar as características tomográficas dos carcinomas espinocelulares da cavidade oral em cães. Material e Métodos: Foram analisados 7 canídeos com diagnóstico de carcinoma espinocelular. Os critérios de inclusão foram: cães com carcinoma espinocelular diagnosticado por biópsia, exame imagiológico complementar (radiografia simples ou tomografia computorizada), elegibilidade para cirurgia, execução de tratamento cirúrgico e acompanhamento pós-cirúrgico durante 2 anos. Foi registada a idade, o sexo, a raça, a localização anatómica, o estadiamento T e N, as características radiográficas e tomográficas dos tumores, o tempo de recorrência e por fim o tempo de sobrevivência global descrito nos registos consultados. Procedeu-se também ao registo das variáveis das imagens radiográficas e tomográficas obtidas: definição das margens neoplásicas, presença ou ausência de reacção perióstea e de destruição de osso cortical adjacente, presença de deslocação dentária e de reabsorção dentária e densidade óssea local. Resultados: Nenhum dos meios imagiológicos permitiu uma visualização bem definida das margens neoplásicas. A nível da destruição de osso cortical adjacente, foi visível em 66,67% dos casos avaliados com radiografia e em todos os casos que foram avaliados com tomografia computorizada (100%). Foi visível reacção perióstea em 33,33% dos canídeos avaliados por radiografia e em nenhum dos avaliados por tomografia (0%). A densidade óssea local estava diminuída em todos os casos avaliados por radiografia simples ou por tomografia. A nível de reabsorção dentária estava presente em 33,33% dos avaliados por radiografia e em 25% dos avaliados por tomografia. Foi possível visualizar deslocação dentária em 66,67% dos avaliados por radiografia e em todos os avaliados por tomografia (100%). A nível de percentagem de casos com recorrência local, nenhum caso avaliado com radiografia recorreu e apenas 1 caso avaliado por tomografia recorreu em 289 dias. O tempo médio de sobrevivência foi superior no grupo dos avaliados com radiografia (1091,7 dias) relativamente ao grupo avaliado por tomografia (404 dias). Ao fim de 2 anos, 66,67% dos casos avaliados por radiografia estavam vivos e somente 25% dos casos avaliados com tomografia sobreviveram. Discussão/conclusão: Não foi possível determinar o impacto real dos dois meios de diagnóstico no prognóstico pós-cirúrgico do carcinoma espinocelular oral no cão, devido à reduzida amostra e aos tumores com pior prognóstico (por localização e estadiamento) terem sido remetidos para tomografia.