801 resultados para Trauma symptoms
Background: Since barrier protection measures to avoid contact with allergens are being increasingly developed, we assessed the clinical efficacy and tolerability of a topical nasal microemulsion made of glycerol esters in patients with allergic rhinitis. Methods: Randomized, controlled, double-blind, parallel group, multicentre, multinational clinical trial in which adult patients with allergic rhinitis or rhinoconjunctivitis due to sensitization to birch, grass or olive tree pollens received treatment with topical microemulsion or placebo during the pollen seasons. Efficacy variables included scores in the mini-RQLQ questionnaire, number and severity of nasal, ocular and lung signs and symptoms, need for symptomatic medications and patients" satisfaction with treatment. Adverse events were also recorded. Results: Demographic characteristics were homogeneous between groups and mini-RQLQ scores did not differ significantly at baseline (visit 1). From symptoms recorded in the diary cards, the ME group showed statistically significant better scores for nasal congestion (0.72 vs. 1.01; p = 0.017) and mean total nasal symptoms (0.7 vs. 0.9; p = 0.045). At visit 2 (pollen season), lower values were observed in the mini-RQLQ in the ME group, although there were no statistically significant differences between groups in both full analysis set (FAS) and patients completing treatment (PPS) populations. The results obtained in the nasal symptoms domain of the mini-RQLQ at visit 2 showed the highest difference (−0.43; 95% CI: -0.88 to 0.02) for the ME group in the FAS population. The topical microemulsion was safe and well tolerated and no major discomforts were observed. Satisfaction rating with the treatment was similar between the groups. Conclusions: The topical application of the microemulsion is a feasible and safe therapy in the prevention of allergic symptoms, particularly nasal congestion.
Tausta: Polyneuropatia (PNP) on ääreishermoston sairaus, joka aiheuttaa laaja-alaisia, yleensä symmetrisiä vaurioita ääreishermostossa. PNP:aan johtavia syitä on satoja. Tavoitteet: Löytää parhaat neurofysiologiset menetelmät uremian, myelooman hoidossa käytettävän talidomidin sekä Fabryn taudin aiheuttaman PNP:n diagnosoimiseksi. Fabryn taudissa tutkin lisäksi ohutsäieneuropatian aiheuttamia neuropatologisia löydöksiä iholta otetusta koepalasta. Tutkimuksissa kartoitettiin lisäksi PNP:n aiheuttamien subjektiivisten oireiden korrelaatio neurofysiologisten ja neuropatologisten löydösten kanssa. Munuaisten vajaatoimintaa sairastavilla potilailla tavoitteena oli tutkia dialyysihoidon tehon vaikutusta autonomisen hermoston toimintaan sekä yhden dialyysikerran vaikutusta neurofysiologisiin löydöksiin. Aineisto ja menetelmät: I: Tutkittiin 21 uremiapotilaan sensoristen ja motoristen hermojen vasteet, värinä- sekä lämpötuntokynnykset ennen ja jälkeen hemodialyysin. Subjektiiviset PNP oireet kartoitettiin PNP oireita kysyvillä kaavakkeella. II:12 talidomidi hoitoa saavaa myeloomapotilasta, tutkimuksen menetelmät olivat samat kuin tutkimuksessa I. III: 12 Fabryn tautia sairastavaa potilasta, edellä mainittujen neurofysiologisten tutkimusten lisäksi potilailta otettiin ihobiopsia säären alueelta. Ihobiopsiasta laskettiin ohuiden hermosyiden määrä koepalan värjäyksen jälkeen. Subjektiiviset PNP oireet kartoitettiin kyselykaavakkeella. Sydämen sykevaihtelu tutkittiin levossa taajuustason analyysillä. IV: 32 uremiapotilaan autonomisen hermoston toimintaa tutkittiin sydämen sykevaihtelun aikatason analysillä, paksujen myelinoituneiden säikeiden toimintaa tutkittiin perifeeristen sensoristen hermojen mittauksilla toistetusti noin 2.9 vuoden aikana. Tulokset: Ureemisen PNP:n diagnostiikassa herkimmät tutkimukset ovat F-aaltojen parametrit alaraajojen motorisista hermoista, värinätuntokynnys alaraajoista sekä suralishermon amplitudi. Positiiviset PNP oireet uremiassa korreloivat värinätunto-kynnyksen sekä sensoristen hermojen neurografialöydösten kanssa. Neurofysiologisten tutkimusten ajankohdalla dialyysiajankohtaan nähden ei ole merkitystä. Talidomidi-PNP on pääasiassa sensorinen, mutta motoriset syyt ovat lievästi vaurioituneet. Talidomidi PNP:ssa subjektiiviset oireet korreloivat huonosti neurofysiologisten löydösten kanssa. Fabryn taudissa naisilla on oletettua enemmän ohutsäieneuropatian aiheuttamia oireita ja löydöksiä. Paksujen säikeiden löydöksiä ei tullut esiin. Ohutsäieneuropatian diagnostiikassa ihobiopsia ja kvantitatiiviset tuntokynnysmittaustestit täydentävät toisiaan. Tehokas dialyysi parantaa autonomisen hermoston toimintaa uremiapotilailla. Päätelmät: Erityyppisten polyneuropatioiden diagnostiikassa pitää etukäteen valita PNP tyypille oikeat tutkimusmenetelmät raskaiden tutkimuspatterien vähentämiseksi sekä diagnostiikan parantamiseksi. PNP:n aiheuttamat oireet ja kliiniset löydökset pitää aina tutkia, mutta yksin ne eivät ole herkkiä PNP:n diagnostiikassa.
As the title of the special issue indicates, controversy surrounds augmentation of brain cognition in humans. Lacking efficacious drugs for Alzheimer's disease (AD) and with many AD patients recruited for clinical trials that unfortunately do not provide the expected results, one wonders whether to test cognition enhancement strategies in individuals without symptoms of cognition decline. This opinion article presents the view that safe drugs and or dietary supplements should be tested worldwide in aged individuals under the control of a non-for-profit organization.
This paper reviews some of the most usual definitions of stress and trauma including the notion of accumulative trauma. Then, the Spanish version of the Cumulative Trauma Scale by Kira et al (2008) is presented. It has been developed by following a process of translation and by applying it to two small groups of subjects to test it for comprehension (pilot test).
Ewing sarcoma or primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) of bone is the second most common pediatric malignant bone tumor. The median age at diagnosis is 15 years and there is a male predilection of 1.5/1. The authors present the case of a 14-year-old boy with Ewing sarcoma situated on the left ninth rib which was being investigated for respiratory tract infection. Pleurisy is the most common misdiagnosis. Our case illustrates the importance of recognizing exceptional features when interpreting FDG PET or scintigraphy to prevent the misinterpretation of metastases as other etiologies, such as infection.
Seedlings of 41 different citrus species and varieties were massively colonized with the citrus brown aphid Toxoptera citricidus, obtained from Pêra sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) trees, presenting symptoms of the "Capão Bonito" complex of the Citrus tristeza virus (CTV). The objective was to evaluate resistance or tolerance of the varieties to that virus complex, but even after eight months of inoculation no stem pitting was observed in the plants. Otherwise, the presence of galls similar to those induced by the vein enation-woody gall disease was observed in 73% of the plants of Volkamer Palermo (Citrus volkameriana), 60% of the Volkamer Catania 2, 2% of the Rangpur Lime D.22.30 (Citrus limonia), 13% of the Volkamer Australian Red, the Rangpur Lime hybrid, the Orlando tangelo (Citrus reticulata x Citrus paradisi) and the Florida Rough lemon (C. jambhiri), and 7% of the Carrizo citrange (Poncirus trifoliata x Citrus sinensis). The highest incidence and the largest gall size were observed in the Palermo Volkamer showing that this clone would be the most suitable to be used as an indicator plant in biological indexing tests for the disease. There are no previous reports in the literature about the occurrence of woody galls in Orlando tangelo and Carrizo citrange.
During surveys undertaken from 1998 to 2003 in the major vegetable growing areas of the city of São Paulo green belt, lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and endive (Cichorium endivia) plants were observed, which showed chlorotic thickening of foliar veins, defective growth and, in some cases, failure to form complete heads. Biological and serological [DAS-Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (Elisa)] tests together with electron microscope observations, revealed the presence of Lettuce big-vein virus and Mirafiori lettuce virus, in these plants both responsible for the lettuce big-vein syndrome.
A Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, ao cumprir as prerrogativas da universidade quanto ao ensino, pesquisa e prestação de serviços à comunidade, tem desenvolvido programas direcionados à graduação e à coletividade, abrangendo diversos aspectos do trauma e das doenças cardiovasculares. Respeitando protocolos internacionais, cursos teórico-práticos são organizados e ministrados por instrutores reconhecidos pela American Heart Association e American College of Surgeons. A comparação entre pré e pós-testes demonstrou resultado melhor quando os alunos eram profissionais da área da saúde, o que foi atribuído a seu melhor preparo em relação à comunidade leiga. Entretanto, como a finalidade era a capacitação de todos, profissionais da saúde ou não, uma reavaliação da metodologia tornou-se necessária, salientando-se como principal preocupação uma duração maior das atividades práticas e maior possibilidade de discussões.
OBJECTIVES: 1 - Verify the prevalence of depressive symptoms in first to fourth-year medical students using the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). 2 - Establish correlations between target factors and higher or lower BDI scores. 3 - Investigate the relationship between the prevalence of depressive symptoms and the demand for psychological care offered by the Centro Universitário Lusíada. METHOD: Cross-sectional study of 290 first to fourth-year medical students; implementation of the BDI, socio-demographic survey, and evaluation of satisfaction with progress. RESULTS: The study sample was 59% female and 41% male. Mean BDI was 6.3 (SD 5.8). Overall prevalence of depressive symptoms was 23.1%. The following associations were statistically significant (p<0.05): among students for whom the course failed to meet original expectations, who were dissatisfied with the course, or who came from the interior of the State (20.5%, 12.5%, and 24.4% of the total sample, respectively), for 40%, 36.1% and 36.4%, respectively, the BDI was consistent with some degree of depression. CONCLUSION: The study showed that there is higher prevalence of depressive symptoms in medical students than in the general population
The broad interest of this intervention study is in two worldwide remarkable diseases, myocardial infarction and depression. The purpose of the 18-month follow-up study was to evaluate the outcomes of interpersonal counselling implemented by a psychiatric nurse, and to examine the recovery experienced by the patients after myocardial infarction. The interpersonal counseling consisted of a short-term (max 6 sessions) depression-focused intervention modified for myocardial infarction patients. The main principle of interpersonal counselling is that depressive symptoms relate to interpersonal relations. The measured outcomes of the intervention consisted of changes in depressive symptoms and distress, health-related quality of life and the use of health care services. The data consisted of 103 patients with acute myocardial infarction and with sufficient knowledge of Finnish language, and they were randomized into intervention group (n=51) and control group (n=52) with standard care. Depressive symptoms were measured using Beck Depression Inventory, and distress using Symptom Checklist-25. The instrument to measure health-related quality of life was EuroQol-5 Dimensions. All instruments were used at three measurements: in hospital, at 6 months and at 18 months after hospital discharge. The Use of Health Care Services questionnaire was used during the 6- and 18-month period after hospital discharge. In addition, satisfaction with the intervention and with information received from the health-care professional was evaluated during the follow-up. To examine recovery, the patients kept diaries during a 6-month period and they were interviewed at 18 months after myocardial infarction. The number of patients with depressive symptoms decreased significantly more in the intervention group compared with the control group during 18 months of follow-up. Distress decreased significantly more among patients under 60 years in the intervention group than in the control group, but the difference was not significant between the groups. No differences in the changes of health-related quality of life were found between the groups during follow-up. However, in the group of patients under 60 years, the improvement of health-related quality of life in the intervention was significantly better in the intervention group compared with the control group during the follow-up. During the follow-up period, there was even a decline in the use of somatic specialized health care services in the intervention group and among intervention patients who had no other long-term disease. Considering recovery experienced by the patients, main categories including many supporting and inhibiting factors and subcategories were identified: clinical and physical, psychological, social, functional and professional category. No differences between the groups were found in satisfaction with information received from the professionals. The brief and easy-to-learn intervention, with which the patients were satisfied, seems to decrease depressive symptoms after myocardial infarction. Interpersonal counselling seems to be beneficial especially with younger patients. These results justify adopting depression screening and interpersonal counselling as part of routine care after myocardial infarction. The first stage evaluation of the use of health care services is interesting, and calls for more studies. From the perspective of individual patients, recovery after myocardial infarction seems to consist of many supporting and inhibiting factors. This is something that is important to take into account in developing nursing practice. The results indicate a need for further studies in outcomes of interpersonal counselling and recovery experienced by the patients after myocardial infarction. In addition, the results encourage widening the research perspective to nursing administration and educational level.
O tratamento dos ferimentos de hipofaringe ainda é controvertido na literatura. A maior parte dos autores acredita que o tratamento preferencial consiste na exploração cirúrgica imediata, com reparo primário da lesão e drenagem ou somente a drenagem, e que o tratamento conservador estaria indicado em casos selecionados. Entre 157 ferimentos cervicais penetrantes, num período de quatro anos, encontramos sete (4,4%) casos de perfuração de hipofaringe. Destes, seis (85,7%) foram tratados cirurgicamente, cinco (71 ,4%) com sutura primária e drenagem. A taxa de mortalidade foi nula e a morbidade foi de 28,6%, sendo de 11,2 dias o tempo médio de internação.
Os exames complementares são realizados rotineiramente no pré-operatório de procedimentos cirúrgicos médios e grandes. Entretanto, a sua utilidade é questionável, uma vez que muitos deles são normais ou seus resultados são previsíveis. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a real utilidade da propedêutica complementar pré-operatória na prevenção de complicações cirúrgicas. Foram revistos 117 prontuários de pacientes submetidos a operações por traumas abdominais (66,6%) e/ou torácicos (33,4%) de grande porte, no Setor de Urgência do Hospital João XXIII de Belo Horizonte, no período de 1985- 1995. Avaliaram-se os exames complementares pré-operatórios e sua relação com eventuais complicações cirúrgicas. A idade dos 76 homens e 4l mulheres variou entre 20 e 79 anos. Os 49,2% dos exames laboratoriais alterados corresponderam a achados previsíveis pelo exame clínico. Somente 1,6% das anormalidades nesses exames foram relacionadas com complicações pós-operatórias. Nenhuma das 70,4% radiografias alteradas correlacionaram-se com complicações pós-operatórias. As complicações pós-operatórias mais freqüentes foram abscesso de parede, parada cardiorrespiratória e pneumonia. Nenhuma complicação poderia ter sido prevenida pelos exames complementares pré-operatórios. Os resultados obtidos nos exames complementares pré-operatórios não influenciaram as condutas, e as alterações encontradas não foram relacionadas às complicações cirúrgicas em serviço de urgência.
No período de cinco anos, 87 doentes com trauma pancreático foram tratados por pancreatectomia corpo-caudal em cinco serviços de emergência. A idade variou de 7 a 64 anos (média de 28), sendo que 73 (84%) eram do sexo masculino. O principal mecanismo de trauma foi o ferimento penetrante em 72,5%, com ferimentos por projéteis de arma de fogo em 3/4 dos casos. Lesões associadas ocorreram em 96% dos doentes. A extensão da ressecção pancreática correspondeu de 30% a 70%, em 62% dos casos. O baço foi preservado em 45,6% dos 57 doentes que se apresentaram sem lesão esplênica. A taxa de complicações foi de 40,2%, sendo a fístula pancreática e a pancreatite pós-operatória as mais freqüentes. A mortalidade total foi de 12 doentes (13,7%). As conclusões deste estudo foram as seguintes: a) há relação nas taxas de morbidade com o mecanismo de lesão; b) a morbidade é mais freqüente em doentes com trauma fechado; c) não há diferença na incidência de complicações com o método de fechamento do pâncreas remanescente nem com a extensão da ressecção; d) não há relação da mortalidade com o mecanismo de trauma; e) há uma tendência no aumento da taxa de mortalidade no trauma fechado com presença de lesões associadas.