949 resultados para Supreme


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Contains business correspondence, accounts and documents relating to Jacob Franks of New York, his two sons, Moses and David, a nephew, Isaac, and a John Franks of Halifax, possibly a member of the family.


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The aim of this paper is to present the evolution of the Francovich doctrine within the European legal order. The first part deals with the gradual development of the ECJ's case law on State liability in damages for breach of EC law. Starting from the seminal Francovich and Brasserie du Pêcheur, the clarification of the criteria set by the Court is attempted with reference to subsequent case law, whereas issues concerning the extent and form of the compensation owned are also mentioned. The second part concerns one of the more recent developments in the field, namely State liability for breaches of Community law attributed to national judiciary. The Court's ruling in Köbler is examined in connection with two other recent judgments, namely Commission v. Italy of 2003 and Kühne & Heitz, as an attempt of the ECJ to reframe its relationships with national supreme courts and appropriate for itself the position of the Supreme Court in the European legal order. The implications on State liability claims by the ruling in Commission v. France of 1997 constitute the theme of the third part, where it is submitted that Member States can also be held liable for disregard of Community law by private individuals within their respected territories. To this extent, Schmidberger is viewed as a manifestation of this opinion, with fundamental rights acquiring a new dimension, being invoked by the States, contra the individuals as a shield to liability claims. Finally, the third part examines the relationship between the Francovich doctrine and the principle of legal certainty and concludes that the solutions employed by the ECJ have been both predictable and acceptable by the national legal orders. Keywords: State liability, damages, Francovich, Köbler, Schmidberger


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Civil War Hero Burials the funerals of the fallen White in Finland in 1918 This study focuses on the burial with honours of fallen White combatants during the Finnish Civil War of 1918, as well as on the reasons underpinning the practice. The main sources of the study included the archives of the White army, the Civil Guard organisation and the Church, as well as the newspapers. The genetic method of history research was used. Both the existing tradition of military burials and the ecclesiastical burial culture influenced the burials of those who fell during the Civil War. The first war hero funerals took place as early as the beginning of February 1918, and the first larger-scale collective funerals were organised in Laihia and Vaasa in the Ostrobothnia province, with the latter attended by the supreme civil and military leaders of White Finland. From early on, these funerals assumed their characteristic features, such as the lion flag a design for the Finnish national flag proposed immediately upon the declaration of the country s independence military parades, lines of honour guards, eulogies, salutes and common war hero graves. As a result of the general offensive begun in mid-March 1918, the numbers of the fallen multiplied, so special organisations were established to handle the burials of the fallen. At the same time, the war hero funerals became more frequent and diffused, and the numbers of the buried grew throughout the country. In early March, the advocates of the republican system of government published their appeal in the newspapers, requesting that collective graves for those who fell in the war prepared in every locality. They motivated their request by stating that it was the funerals in particular that had inspired many men to join the ranks voluntarily in the first place, and that the large collective soldiers graves increased the numbers of those who answered the call and left for the front. The Civil Guard organisation arranged the burials of war heroes. The clergy contributed by officiating the religious service and by clearly aligning themselves with the Whites in their eulogies. The teachings of the Lutheran Church suggest that they found the Whites to be the temporal authority instituted by God, and therefore authorised raising the sword against the Reds. Speaking at the funerals with great pomp and sentimental power, the leaders of the Civil Guard and the exponents of the learned classes instigated their audiences against the Reds. The funeral speeches idealised the war hero s death by recalling military history since the times of ancient Greece. Being of the emblematic colour of the Whites, the white coffin assumed a particular importance connected to ideas of biblical purity and innocence. By the end of May 1918, almost 3,300 Whites were buried in the soldiers graves prepared by the burial organisation in some 400 localities. Only about 200 men remained missing in action or unidentified. The largest common graves accommodated over 60 fallen combatants. Thus, the traditions of the 1918 Civil War directly influenced war hero burial practices, which continued into the Finnish Winter War of 1939.


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In common law jurisdictions such as England, Australia, Canada and New Zealand good faith in contracting has long been recognised in specific areas of the law such as insurance law and franchising, and more recently the implied duties of good faith and mutual trust and convenience in employment contracts have generated a considerable volume of case law. Outside of these areas of law that may be characterised as being strongly‘relational’ in character,the courts in common law jurisdictions have been reluctant to embrace a more universal application of good faith in contracting and performance. However increasingly there are cases which support the proposition that there is a common law duty of good faith of general application to all commercial contracts. Most important in this context is the recent decision of the Supreme Court of Canada in Bhasin v Hrynew.1 However, this matter is by no means resolved in all common law jurisdictions. This article looks at the recent case law and literature and at various legislative incursions including statutes, codes of conduct and regulations impacting good faith in commercial dealings.


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The subject matter of this study is the cultural knowledge concerning romantic male-female relationships in autobiographies written by so called ordinary Finnish men and women born between 1901 and 1965. The research data (98 autobiographies) is selected from two collections by the Finnish Literature Society s folklore archives in the early 1990 s. Autobiographies are cultural representations where negotiation of shared cultural models and personal meanings given to hetero-relationship is evident in an interesting manner. In this research I analyze autobiographies as a written folklore genre. Information concerning male-female relationships is being analyzed using theoretically informed close readings thematic analysis, intertextual reading and reflexive reading. Theoretical implications stem from cognitive anthropology (the idea of cultural models) and an adaptation of discourse theory inspired by Michel Foucault. The structure of the analysis follows the structure of the shared knowledge concerning romantic male-female relationship: the first phase of analysis presents the script of a hetero-relationship and then moves into the actual structure, the cultural model of a relationship. The components of the model of relationship are, as mentioned in the title of the research, woman, man, love and sex. The research shows that all the writers share this basic knowledge concerning a heterosexual relationship despite their age, background or gender. Also the conflicts described and experienced in the relationships of the writers were similar throughout the timespan of the early 1900 s to 1990 s: lack of love, inability to reconcile sexual desires, housework, sharing the responsibility of childcare and financial problems. The research claims that the conflicts in relationships are a major cause for the binary view on gender. When relationships are harmonious, there seems to be no need to see men and women as opposites. The research names five important discourses present in the meaning giving processes of autobiographers. In doing so, the stabile cultural model of male-female relationship widens to show the complexity and variation in data. In this way it is possible to detect some age and gender specific shifts and emphasis. The discourses give meaning to the components of the cultural model and determine the contents of womanhood, manhood, sexuality and love. The way these discourses are spread and their authority are different: the romantic discourse evident in the autobiographies appeal to the authority of love supreme love is the purpose of male-female relationship and it justifies sexuality. In this discourse sex can be the place for confluence of genders. The ideas of romantic love are widely spread in popular culture. Popular scientific discourse defines a relationship as a site to become a man and a woman either from a psychological or a biological point of view. Genders are seen as opposites. These ideas are often presented in media and their authority in science which is seen as infallible. The Christian discourse defines men and women: both should work for the benefit of the nuclear family under the undisputed authority of God. Marital love is based on Christian virtues and within marriage sexuality is acceptable. The discourse I ve named folk tradition defines women and men as guardians of home and offspring. The authority of folk tradition comes from universal truth based in experience and truths known to the mediators of this discourse grandparents, parents and other elders or peers. Societal discourse defines the hetero relationship as the mainstay of society. The authority in societal discourse stems from the laws and regulations that control relationship practices.


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Resumen: Este artículo analiza el fallo del 13 de marzo de 2012 de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación, en los autos “F., A. L. s/ medida autosatisfactiva”, en el cual el máximo tribunal argentino adoptó la interpretación amplia del Artículo 86, inciso 2, del Código Penal, a la luz de la “voluntad del legislador histórico”; teniendo en cuenta que la misma Corte la invoca en sus fundamentos para fallar a favor de la constitucionalidad del inciso referido. Se parte de entender el contexto histórico e ideológico de las primeras décadas del siglo XX, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional, del cual surge la influencia que tuvo la eugenesia en los ámbitos científicos, académicos y jurídicos. Teoría que tenía por objetivo la búsqueda del “perfeccionamiento” de la especie humana, lo que implicaba descartar a los seres humanos más débiles, imperfectos o defectuosos. Dentro de este contexto se impulsó la modificación del Código Penal, por lo que es central para entender la “voluntad del legislador histórico” el Informe de la Comisión de Códigos del Senado de la Nación, de 1920, que receptó claramente las ideas eugenésicas, siendo el Artículo 86, inc. 2, un claro ejemplo de ello. El mencionado informe demuestra que la verdadera motivación de los legisladores para incluir la no punibilidad del aborto en este inciso fue que no nacieran “seres anormales o degenerados”, no hay una sola mención a la situación de la mujer embarazada y de los perjuicios que un embarazo en estas condiciones le podrían acarrear.


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Resumen: El artículo considera los derechos y deberes de médicos y pacientes, especialmente luego de la sanción de la ley 26.529, destacando sus temas relevantes, aquellos que habían dado lugar a distintas interpretaciones tanto en la jurisprudencia, como en la doctrina. Se tratan, así, la historia clínica y el consentimiento informado, precisándose sus conceptos, formas, funciones e interpretaciones. Similar atención merecen las directivas anticipadas de salud, el “testamento vital”, las posibilidades del médico y sus posibles objeciones de conciencia. De igual modo la autonomía de la voluntad del paciente, su libertad y responsabilidad. Se considera la eutanasia, precisándose que no es un derecho del paciente. Se estudia el secreto profesional del médico, a la luz de las contradictorias normas legales vigentes y jurisprudencia consecuente, para detenerse en la más reciente decisión de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación en su actual composición. Finalmente se precisan los conceptos de las responsabilidades de médicos y órganos sanitarios, con la posibilidad de su aseguramiento y el conflicto de algunas de las coberturas que se otorgan en plaza, como la conocida claims made.


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El 19 de noviembre de 2015 se realizó en la Facultad de Derecho de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina un workshop organizado por la Cátedra Internacional Ley Natural y Persona Humana de esa Facultad, sobre el tema “De F.A.L. a M.A.D.: el derecho a la vida en la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación”. El encuentro fue coordinado por el Prof. Carlos Gabriel Maino y comenzó con una bienvenida a cargo del Decano, Dr. Daniel Herrera. Luego expuso el Dr. Alfonso Santiago, Profesor de la Universidad Austral, quien desarrolló tres temas: a) la protección constitucional y convencional del derecho a la vida; b) la jurisprudencia previa de la Corte Suprema; c) los casos “F.A.L.” y “M.A.D.”. Respecto a la protección constitucional y convencional del derecho a la vida, Santiago se refirió a la importancia del art. 29 de la Constitución Nacional. También señaló la protección expresa que surge del art. 4º de la Convención Americana de Derechos Humanos y del art. 6º de la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño. Resaltó la claridad y fuerza de los textos convencionales, especialmente en cuanto prohíben que un ser humano sea privado de la vida arbitrariamente. También destacó la mención al carácter intrínseco del derecho a la vida y a la obligación del Estado de protegerlo en la máxima medida posible...


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Résumé: Le défi vital que la Révélation pose à la philosophie légitime la question de leurs rapports possibles. La raison considère d’abord l’absence de rapport en distinguant radicalement ce qui relève de chacune. Mais l’élan fondamental orienté vers le divin qui anime cette faculté, la rend naturellement théologique. Pour éviter le scepticisme, incompatible avec son dynamisme naturel, la raison finit par dévaloriser la Révélation. Cette attitude signifie l’unicité de l’autorité théologique de la raison, alors naturellement divine. Développée à partir du XVIIIème siècle, elle culmine avec l’homme démiurgique des XIX et XXème siècles. Mais, ne pouvant justifier l’universalité de ses élaborations idéologiques, la raison hésite entre le scepticisme ou le totalitarisme, deux renoncements à l’exercice philosophique. L’acceptation du soutien lumineux de la Révélation, qui suppose l’humble reconnaissance des limites de la raison, ne nuit pas à cet exercice, mais le féconde, et, seule, en permet l’épanouissement. Eclairée par la Révélation, la philosophie contribue au bonheur suprême des hommes, qui demeure son intention fondamentale.


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Resumen: Análisis crítico de algunos aspectos del fallo de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación dictado en la causa “F., A. s/ medida autosatisfactiva”, en el que el Tribunal convalida el aborto practicado dos años atrás en la Provincia de Chubut y exhorta a las a las autoridades nacionales, provinciales y de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, a implementar y hacer operativos protocolos hospitalarios para la concreta atención de los abortos que denomina como “no punibles” y para la asistencia integral de toda víctima de violencia sexual; y, dirigiéndose al Poder Judicial nacional y a los poderes judiciales provinciales y de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, les requirió a abstenerse de judicializar el acceso a los abortos no punibles “previstos legalmente”.


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Analisa a interdependência, com ênfase no aspecto temporal, entre o processo legislativo ordinário, bicameral, produtor de normas permanentes, com prazos impróprios, em que se avalia o mérito e o processo orçamentário, congressual, prazos constitucionais, expedito e conciso. São usados como exemplos o PL 7749/10, que fixa o subsídio dos Ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal por ato administrativo autorizado na LDO, e o entendimento comum de considerar-se como lacuna da Proposta Orçamentária da União para 2011, PL 59/10-CN, Lei 12.381/11, conforme Nota Técnica CONOF/CD nº 13/2010, a ausência de valores referentes a proposições em tramitação no processo legislativo bicameral, produtor de cogência normativa sob a forma de despesas obrigatórias continuadas.


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Analisa questões sobre a judicialização dos conflitos e o ativismo judicial, bem como aspectos referentes à Proposta de Emenda Constitucional (PEC 33/2011) que visa alterar dispositivos do texto magno a fim de aumentar ou criar o controle do Legislativo sobre algumas das decisões do Supremo Tribunal Federal.


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Analisa a questão da politização do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) diante do mecanismo de escolha de seus ministros. Examina os tribunais constitucionais de quatro países do mundo - Estados Unidos, Alemanha, Portugal e Chile - e, bem assim, o mecanismo de escolha de seus membros.


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Questão de grande relevância, nos dias atuais, no âmbito da Ciência Política, diz respeito às decisões políticas tomadas pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal, o que se denomina ativismo judicial. O termo ativismo judicial indica que a Corte está deixando de se restringir à atividade interpretativa, para estabelecer novas condutas, criando direito novo. A tendência tem sido a de levar as questões políticas para serem debatidas no âmbito judicial, de forma que assuntos políticos passam a ser exteriorizados como jurídicos. Em todos esses temas, devemos ter em conta que o balizamento tanto da atividade política como da atuação jurídica é a Constituição. Todavia, o que se tem observado é que Supremo passou a adotar uma nova postura interpretativa, de modo a permitir que, por via hermenêutica, torne-se possível corrigir a lei, modificá-la ou mesmo criar direito novo onde a lei nada especifica, além de permitir a criação de normas de caráter constitucional por decisão judicial. Três casos importantes ilustram bem esse cenário: a verticalização das coligações, a instalação obrigatória de comissões parlamentares de inquérito e a perda de mandato decorrente da troca de partido. Por serem temas de cunho eminentemente político, as decisões judiciais proferidas nessas matérias enquadram-se bem no campo do ativismo judicial, daí por que foram escolhidos como estudos de caso. O objetivo da tese é identificar as causas dessa nova postura do Supremo Tribunal Federal, tendo em vista que ela rompe com o entendimento adotado na jurisprudência anterior, em que essas mesmas matérias eram consideradas estritamente políticas e, portanto, fora da competência decisória da Corte.


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Analisa o Projeto de Lei nº 6.002/1990 e apensos, que pretendem disciplinar o processo e julgamento do mandado de injunção individual e coletivo. A abordagem e o desenvolvimento da pesquisa serão realizados no contexto da judicialização da política ou do ativismo judicial, questionando-se qual será a efetividade dos limites/parâmetros impostos ao Supremo Tribunal Federal, acaso o Projeto de Lei nº 6.002/1990 e apensos, se transformem em norma jurídica. Tem-se como hipótese compreender se o pretenso disciplinamento limitará o ativismo judicial que retira o protagonismo do Poder Legislativo e o seu papel preponderante de poder legiferante. Os objetivos específicos da pesquisa são examinar a extensão e os efeitos das decisões do Supremo Tribunal Federal no julgamento de alguns mandados de injunção; avaliar se a conduta omissiva do Poder Legislativo causa prejuízos à sua própria imagem e se essa omissão inviabiliza o exercício de direitos, liberdades e prerrogativas constitucionais. A metodologia do trabalho será balizada na análise sistemática dos Mandados de Injunção números 107/1989-DF, 631/2000-MS, 670/2002-ES, 708/2004-DF, 712/2004-PA, 721/2005- DF, 758/2007-DF, 786/2007-DF e 795/2007-DF; na análise do Projeto de Lei nº 6.002/1990 e apensos; na Constituição Federal. O trabalho terá como principais referenciais teóricos e conceituais fontes e bibliografia apropriadas, a exemplo dos doutrinadores Alexandre de Moraes, Cândido Rangel Dinamarco, José Afonso da Silva, José Joaquim Gomes Canotilho,Luís Roberto Barroso e Manoel Gonçalves Ferreira Filho.