994 resultados para Silva, Luis Inácio Lula da - 1945 -


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Over the last decade, we have witnessed a growing number of academic researches that have Brazil and its position in the international system as an object of study, which debate is open, because there is no consensus of its role and intentions: if it is to promote the development and cooperation, or, after all, if it also has international political interests, like greater weight in the international system, greater decision capability, and others typically economics like how to gain market for its companies. Because of its geographical size, its growing economic importance, its visibility for the Brazil 2014 World Cup and the Rio 2016 Olympics, and the political demonstrations in the streets, it is hard to deny the attraction that Brazil is gaining every day. This work was created with several objectives that are tried to be answered along the writing of this thesis: a general objective that generates secondary ones and, at the same time, subsequent collateral objectives. Among the general objectives, we have the purpose of understanding and analyzing how the South-South Cooperation (SSC) is in the wider debate of the International Cooperation for Development (ICD). In this sense, it is necessary to point out the difficulty to trace clear lines of differentiation between the traditional North-South Cooperation (NSC) and the latest SSC. This is because, among other questions, there is not a definition until this moment shared by all the countries participating in it, as well as the lack of database that indicates precisely which are all the 'development partners' emerging. This thesis introduces the debate about international cooperation analyzing the challenges that it faces, the global changes that have come to transform the 'new architecture to development' and to analyze the gaps that Brazil can take with other emerging powers to improve the current and weakened assistance system...


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Esta pesquisa implica em uma abordagem interdisciplinar, pois analisa a pedagogia de um educador e um teólogo envolvendo assim diferentes áreas do conhecimento, tais como educação e teologia. Este estudo possibilita um aprofundamento dos conhecimentos pedagógicos e teológicos acerca da temática do amor, diálogo e revelação. O objetivo com esta pesquisa é de aprofundar a relação entre teologia e educação e educação e teologia identificando a contribuição de Paulo Freire e Juan Luis Segundo no aprofundamento do tema do amor e do diálogo. Paulo Freire acreditava que o mundo poderia ser transformado através da educação problematizadora dialógica. O diálogo se fundamenta em elementos constitutivos como fé, amor, humildade, confiança e esperança que também fazem parte da teologia cristã. Trabalha-se com a hipótese que Freire fundamentou sua pedagogia na teologia cristã para aprofundar a pedagogia dialógica. No pensamento de Juan Luis Segundo a revelação é um processo pedagógico de aprender a aprender a ser humano. Trabalha-se com a hipótese que Juan Luis Segundo fundamentou sua teologia também na educação. Desta forma há a possibilidade de comparação entre os autores.(AU)


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Quando olhamos o histórico da Escola Bíblica Dominical (EBD) no Brasil, com exceção do material produzido e trazido por missionários estadunidenses, até muito recentemente, apenas um brasileiro batista, Lécio Dornas, produziu literatura que auxiliasse pastores, líderes e professores nesta difícil tarefa da docência cristã. Em sua trilogia: Socorro sou Professor da Escola Dominical de 1997, Vencendo os Inimigos da Escola Dominical de 1998 e A Nova EBD, A EBD de Sempre de 2001, Dornas introduz o docente a novas possibilidades na EBD. Todavia, em seus pressupostos pedagógicos e teológicos, a proposta de Dornas evidencia algumas limitações para a construção de uma práxis educacional dialógico-libertadora que responda às necessidades e desafios contemporâneos. O objetivo desta dissertação é oferecer uma leitura crítica dos pressupostos pedagógicos e teológicos da proposta de Lécio Dornas para a EBD da Igreja Batista a partir de Paulo Freire e Juan Luis Segundo. Ambos revelarão uma nova abordagem para a EBD que pretende constituir-se como práxis.


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No catolicismo popular, o devoto encontra formas próprias de manifestar a sua fé, distante muitas vezes da ortodoxia da Igreja. Os ex-votos são um exemplo claro dessa apropriação de alguns elementos da tradição católica e a sua aplicação no cotidiano religioso do fiel. A revista Ave Maria desde a sua origem no ano de 1898 incentivou os leitores a testemunharem os favores recebidos de Deus por intermédio de algum santo. Nasceu assim na revista o gênero graças alcançadas, que são cartas de fiéis manifestando milagres recebidos. Após o Concílio Vaticano II, final da década de 1960, a Igreja Católica, sobretudo da América Latina, tentou purificar a fé. As práticas devocionais, como a fé nos santos, as promessas e os ex-votos foram claramente combatidos. Neste período a revista Ave Maria suprime os ex-votos midiáticos impressos. A compreensão do processo comunicacional relacionado a este fato é o objetivo dessa pesquisa. A metodologia será composta de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental.


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A Administração Financeira surge no início do século XIX juntamente com o movimento de consolidação das grandes empresas e a formação dos mercados nacionais americano enquanto que no Brasil os primeiros estudos ocorrem a partir da segunda metade do século XX. Desde entãoo país conseguiu consolidar alguns centros de excelência em pesquisa, formar grupo significativo de pesquisadores seniores e expandir as áreas de pesquisa no campo, contudo, ainda são poucos os trabalhos que buscam retratar as características da produtividade científica em Finanças. Buscando contribuir para a melhor compreensão do comportamento produtivo dessa área a presente pesquisa estuda sua produção científica, materializada na forma de artigos digitais, publicados em 24 conceituados periódicos nacionais classificados nos estratos Qualis/CAPES A2, B1 e B2 da Área de Administração, Ciências Contábeis e Turismo. Para tanto são aplicadas a Lei de Bradford, Lei do Elitismo de Price e Lei de Lotka. Pela Lei de Bradford são identificadas três zonas de produtividade sendo o núcleo formado por três revistas, estando uma delas classificada no estrato Qualis/CAPES B2, o que evidencia a limitação de um recorte tendo como único critério a classificação Qualis/CAPES. Para a Lei do Elitismo de Price, seja pela contagem direta ou completa, não identificamos comportamento de uma elite semelhante ao apontado pela teoria e que conta com grande número de autores com apenas uma publicação.Aplicando-se o modelo do Poder Inverso Generalizado, calculado por Mínimos Quadrados Ordinários (MQO), verificamos que produtividade dos pesquisadores, quando feita pela contagem direta, se adequa àquela definida pela Lei de Lotka ao nível de α = 0,01 de significância, contudo, pela contagem completa não podemos confirmar a hipótese de homogeneidade das distribuições, além do fato de que nas duas contagens a produtividade analisada pelo parâmetro n é maior que 2 e, portanto, a produtividade do pesquisadores de finanças é menor que a defendida pela teoria.


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A presente pesquisa analisou a posição e ação política nas Assembleias de Deus do Brasil nos períodos 1930-1945 e 1978-1988. Defendemos a tese de que desde 1930 há no interior do pentecostalismo brasileiro posições e intervenções no mundo da política. Tanto no período de 1930-1945 como o de 1978-1988 nossas análises serão realizadas a partir das temporalidades discutidas por Giorgio Agamben: chronos, aiôn e kairos. No que diz respeito ao primeiro período 1930-1945, as pesquisas quase sempre vinculam o discurso escatológico do pentecostalismo a processos de alienação e não envolvimento com a política partidária. Entretanto, acredita-se que as narrativas escatológicas não foram causa de certo afastamento da esfera pública brasileira, mas sim efeito de processos de exclusão aos quais homens e mulheres de pertença pentecostal estiveram circunscritos. Doutrinas como a escatologia e a pneumatologia foram potencializadoras de processos que aqui denominamos de biopotência. Já no segundo período, de 1978-1988, a posição e a ação política que predominaram no pentecostalismo estiveram relacionadas com a biopolítica. Chamamos de capítulo intermedário ou de transição o período correspondente às datas 1946-1977. Nele descreveremos e analisaremos personalidades pentecostais de destaque no campo da política brasileira. Metodologicamente, fizemos nossa análise a partir de artigos publicados no órgão oficial de comunicação da denominação religiosa em questão, o jornal Mensageiro da Paz. Esse periódico circula desde 1930. Além dos artigos, destacamos também as autoras e os autores, todas elas e todos eles figuras de destaque no assembleianismo. Ao longo da pesquisa questionamos a ideia do apoliticismo pentecostal. Defendemos a tese de que desde 1930, que é o início de nossa pesquisa, há posição e ação política nas Assembleias de Deus. Como resultado disso, questionamos a ideia do apoliticismo pentecostal. Nossa hipótese é de que no período 1930-1945 o pentecostalismo foi um polo de biopotência. Se a biopolítica é o poder sobre a vida, a biopotência é o poder da vida. Doutrinas como a escatologia e pneumatologia contribuíram para que nos espaços marginais onde se reuniam os pentecostais fossem criados novos modelos de sociabilidade e de cooperação; eram também espaços de criação de outras narrativas e de crítica a modelos hegemônicos e excludentes. O pentecostalismo foi um movimento que promoveu a dignidade humana de sujeitos subalternos.


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This research aims to analyze the punitive pathway taken by youth for committing acts of offense in Fortaleza, capital city of Ceará, in Brazil. Therefore, we focus the analysis in institutions that mark the beginning of punitive “institutionalization” of youth in the city, such as the Child and Adolescent Specialized Police Precinct, the Luis Barros Montenegro Shelter Unit, the Public Prosecutor’s Office for Childhood and Youth, and the Child and Youth Court. Ethnography and semi-structured interviews were used as methodological tools to approach the research subjects and relevant places for the research, seeking to highlight their punitive perspective. As a result, we find that the punishment and control imposed in such loci are an extension of the punishment and control used against these same youths in society. Considering that the analyzed institutions exist in society and are composed by its members, they do not surpass the perspective of repression, control and punishment carried out towards a segment of the population, especially towards those that Souza (2011; 2012) called “subcitizens”.


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This study aims to contribute with evidence to reinforce or not the thesis of a possible deindustrialization of the Brazilian economy, with emphasis on period after 1995. The debate began in the late 80s, however, recently the industry deceleration gained strength in discussions academic. Between the main theses in this debate is the new-development that believes in precocious deindustrialization caused primarily by overvaluation exchange rate. However, part of heterodoxy believes the industry downturn is more related to the rate of investment than the exchange rate. Nevertheless, according to the orthodox thesis the loss of competitiveness due to the high cost of production may have caused the de-industrialization in Brazil. On the other hand, part of Orthodoxy does not believe that the country is deindustrializing it, but is occurring convergence of Brazilian industry the world average. Thus, in an attempt to shed light on this debate, this study intends to identify the reasons for the deceleration of the Brazilian industry, emphasizing aspects underexplored in the literature and define whether or not the country suffers a process of deindustrialization. When analyzing various indicators, especially the quantum level we find strong indications that the deceleration of the Brazilian industry can be characterized as a deindustrialization, though still insufficient to qualify as precocious, given the loss of share in physical production in total output and the share of primary goods in the export basket


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The Brazilian Northeast has been a constant subject for journalists of one of the world's leading media companies - The New York Times - between 1933 and 1945. This time, the US government implemented a new foreign policy for Latin America - known as the Good Neighbor Policy. It preached, various points including more respect and attention to the countries south of U.S. borders. Because of her geostrategic importance, Brazil was one of the countries that received the most attention of the bureaucracy and American press. This study investigates the multiple Northeast representations formulated in The New York Times' pages when the Americans were spotlight is on the region. It delineates similarities and differences between the NYT, the press and the governments of the United States and Brazil from the ways of conceiving this particular part of Brazil. Through the analysis of texts, photographs and maps, it is dedicated to establish connections between spaces, press and politics of the 1930s and 1940s. These decades there were relevant changes in the political landscape of both countries that permeated the news, reports and articles of NYT. Circumstances such as the 1935 armed uprisings - known as Communist Conspiracy - the installation and operation of the New State, and especially the Brazilian and US participation in World War II and the bilateral negotiations on the installation of US bases in Brazil were cardinal for the various Northeast images that circulated in the publication. The region was repeatedly subject of correspondent of the New York newspaper in Brazil, Frank M. Garcia, but also present on matters of professionals responsible for various sections: review of books, publishing, tourism, foreign affairs, etc. Along the investigated period, the visions of the region made in the articles published in the newspaper that suffered major metamorphoses. Starting with Northeast of the drought, famine and death recurrent in Brazilian literature to the most dangerous point for hemispheric defense, passing through representations of the American West lawless nineteenth century and the Latin America marked by the dominance of exotic nature and stagnation, a space to be transformed by the US technical knowledge.


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The formulation of public policies, particularly those relating to social housing – SH -, follow a dialectical process of construction, which are involved in the figures of the State and tha Market.The combination of the State and Market remains in constant tension and struggle for power, which provides beyond products (policies, programs and projects), periods of crises and disruptions that can give rise to new institutional arrangements. It is possible to verify a change in the relationship between the State and the Market in the formulation of public policies of SH financing, justified by the context of the Brazilian economy growth, especially after 2003, year that began the first Lula Federal Government , and through the international financial crisis (in 2008). Thus, the State and the Real Estate Market has been undergoing a process of redefinition of their interrelations, articulating new arrangements, new scales of action and new logics of financial valorization of urban space. This peculiarity demanded the rapid thinning of speech and the proposals in the reformulation of housing policies, with the primary result within the pre-existing Growth Acceleration Program – PAC -, the release of My House , My Life – PMCMV -, established by Law 1.977 of the year 2009. Given the above, this research has as study object the relationship between financing public policies of SH, promoted by the State, and behavior of Formal Housing Market. It is believed that the established roles for each agent in the new housing finance model introduced with the PMCMV, have been adapted according to the needs of each location to make this a workable policy. It remains to identify the nature of these adaptations, in other words, what has changed in the performance of each agent involved in this process. Knowing that private capital remains where there is more chance of profit, we tend to believe that most of the adjustments were made on scale of State action. The recommendation of easing urban legislation taken by PMCMV points to how the State has been making these changes in activity to implement the production of social housing by this program. We conclude that in the change for PMCMV, the direct relationship for construction and housing projects financing began to be made between the Caixa Econômica Federal bank and the builders. The city was liberated from the direct interlocutor role between all actors involved in the production of SH and could concentrate on negotiating with the parties, focused on the effectiveness of SH public policies proposed by PMCMV. This ability and willingness for dialogue and negotiation of municipal government (represented by their managers), undoubtedly, represents a key factor for rapprochement between State and Real Estate Market in the City of Parnamirim.


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The electronic journals correspond publishing channels and dissemination of scientific information. Through them, users can spread their studies as well as developing new researches. One of the systems used for creation and e-journals management is the Electronic System for Journal Publishing (SEER), used in the construction of periodic portals, as well as the creation of magazines in isolation. In this purport, it is believed that the management systems and creation of e-journals should be developed (internally and externally) according to the needs of its users. In the case of internal development, some of these processes refer to the copyright registration and submission of articles, which, in turn, are relevant tasks in the editorial process. Thus, the proposed study, thematic Usability of scientific journals, aims to analyze the usability of the copyright registration process and submission of articles in the Electronic System for Journal Publishing through BiblioCanto magazine, part of the Electronic Journals Portal of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). For the realization of the research, two valuation techniques were used: the Usability Test with a total of twenty participants and the Cooperative Evaluation, with the same number of participants separated in four categories considered target audience of that magazine, namely: undergraduate students, graduate students, teachers and librarians. The results indicated that the two analyzed processes (copyright registration and submission of articles) need improvement. In the case of the registration process, the following needs are: signalizing of the conducting registration ambient; description and exclusion of requested information on the registration form. In the process of article submission, it is emphasized improvement of aspects: the early steps to submission, signaling of required fields, concise description of the steps, minimization and review of the steps. To this end, it is believed that in general idea the SEER partially meets the needs of its users regarding the usability of such software.


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The electronic journals correspond publishing channels and dissemination of scientific information. Through them, users can spread their studies as well as developing new researches. One of the systems used for creation and e-journals management is the Electronic System for Journal Publishing (SEER), used in the construction of periodic portals, as well as the creation of magazines in isolation. In this purport, it is believed that the management systems and creation of e-journals should be developed (internally and externally) according to the needs of its users. In the case of internal development, some of these processes refer to the copyright registration and submission of articles, which, in turn, are relevant tasks in the editorial process. Thus, the proposed study, thematic Usability of scientific journals, aims to analyze the usability of the copyright registration process and submission of articles in the Electronic System for Journal Publishing through BiblioCanto magazine, part of the Electronic Journals Portal of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). For the realization of the research, two valuation techniques were used: the Usability Test with a total of twenty participants and the Cooperative Evaluation, with the same number of participants separated in four categories considered target audience of that magazine, namely: undergraduate students, graduate students, teachers and librarians. The results indicated that the two analyzed processes (copyright registration and submission of articles) need improvement. In the case of the registration process, the following needs are: signalizing of the conducting registration ambient; description and exclusion of requested information on the registration form. In the process of article submission, it is emphasized improvement of aspects: the early steps to submission, signaling of required fields, concise description of the steps, minimization and review of the steps. To this end, it is believed that in general idea the SEER partially meets the needs of its users regarding the usability of such software.


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The bioleaching of chalcopyrite has not been applied on a commercial scale due to the low process efficiency, so this process has been extensively studied in recent years. The bioleaching of chalcopyrite tailings becomes even more difficult by the presence of higher amounts of impurities, among them are the carbonates. The presence of carbonates in the ore promotes the increase in pH of the solution and may inhibit the development of bioleaching. Therefore, this research aims to apply the acid treatment for optimization of bioleaching process, in order to recover the lost copper throughout the process besides reducing the content of this toxic metal in the tailings pond. The removal and recovery of toxic metals is very important in protecting the environment and human health. The bioleaching experiments were performed in two stages, the first made up using the pre-treated tailing with sulfuric acid in bioleaching, and the second was made using the tailing without treatment with sulfuric acid addition at the beginning of bioleaching. The acid treatment was carried out in bioreactors with three different volumes of H2SO4 96% and a control experiment. All bioleaching experiments were performed in triplicate over a control, without addition of inoculum. The results showed that acid treatment was effective in removal of carbonates and managed to promote a good performance in the bioleaching of chalcopyrite in both steps studied, it is demonstrated that circa 47% copper recovery can be achieved.