456 resultados para Sanctions.


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Chaque année, des adolescents québécois sont soumis à des sanctions judiciaires en raison de leurs actes de délinquance (Association des centres jeunesse du Québec, 2015). Plusieurs recherches récentes indiquent que ces jeunes sont plus à risque de répondre aux critères diagnostiques d’au moins un trouble mental que les adolescents de la population générale (Fazel, Doll, & Langstrom, 2008; Vermeiren, 2003). Les jeunes contrevenants sont également plus nombreux à présenter des symptômes et des troubles intériorisés (Abram et al., 2014; Skowyra & Cocozza, 2007; Teplin et al., 2006), soit des comportements anxieux, dépressifs, de retrait et des plaintes somatiques (Achenbach & McConaughy, 1992). Cette thèse contribue aux connaissances quant aux symptômes et aux troubles intériorisés chez les jeunes contrevenants en traitant de deux sujets peu étudiés : les problèmes intériorisés des jeunes contrevenants associés aux gangs de rue et l’identification de ces problèmes par les intervenants travaillant auprès d’eux. Le premier article composant la thèse présente une étude descriptive où le nombre de symptômes et de troubles intériorisés a été comparé entre des jeunes contrevenants révélant être ou avoir été associés aux gangs de rue (n = 62) et des jeunes contrevenants n’ayant pas révélé une telle association (n = 41). Les symptômes et les troubles intériorisés ont été mesurés à l’aide d’un questionnaire et d’une entrevue diagnostique semi-structurée. Les résultats indiquent que les jeunes associés aux gangs présentent davantage de symptômes de dépression-anxiété et sont plus nombreux à répondre aux critères diagnostiques d’au moins un trouble anxieux que ceux qui n’y sont pas associés. De plus, près de la moitié des participants, associés ou non aux gangs de rue, répondent aux critères diagnostiques d’au moins un trouble intériorisé. Cette forte prévalence de troubles intériorisés soulève l’importance que ceux-ci soient dépistés par les intervenants travaillant auprès des jeunes contrevenants. En effet, considérant que les troubles mentaux non traités entrainent de la souffrance, nuisent au fonctionnement et sont liés à des taux de tentatives de suicide, d’arrestations et de récidive plus élevés (Abram et al., 2014; Cottle, Lee, & Heilbrun, 2001; Hoeve, McReynolds, & Wasserman, 2013; Schonfeld et al., 1997), leur identification s’avère primordiale afin qu’ils puissent bénéficier des services dont ils auraient besoin. Le deuxième article de cette thèse est une étude exploratoire où sont recensés les symptômes et les troubles intériorisés mentionnés par les intervenants au rapport prédécisionnel (RPD) de 22 participants. La concordance entre ces symptômes et troubles intériorisés et ceux autorapportés par les jeunes contrevenants par un questionnaire et une entrevue semi-structurée est ensuite évaluée. Plusieurs symptômes et troubles intériorisés seraient « sous-identifiés » dans le RPD des jeunes contrevenants en comparaison de ce qui est révélé par les participants. Les résultats de ces deux études laissent croire qu’il serait pertinent d’offrir de la formation aux intervenants quant aux symptômes et aux troubles intériorisés chez les adolescents, d’implanter une procédure de dépistage systématique des troubles mentaux, et d’inclure les symptômes et les troubles intériorisés dans les programmes de prévention et de traitement offerts aux jeunes contrevenants.


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A cocaína é uma droga com ação estimulante no sistema nervoso central, extraída e refinada a partir da planta de coca (Erythroxylum coca). É característica por induzir o consumidor a um estado de hipervigilância reduzindo ao mesmo tempo, o cansaço e a fadiga. Este pó branco, cristalino, de sabor amargo, possui também um efeito anestésico local e vasoconstritor. As formas de apresentação mais comuns da droga são o cloridrato de cocaína e a cocaína crack. Esta droga destaca-se por ser o estimulante mais consumido na Europa com cerca de 3,4 milhões de consumidores estimados no ano de 2014. A prevalência do consumo desta droga em Portugal aumentou 0,3% de 2001, para 2012 na população geral (15-64 anos). Os estudos mais recentes em populações escolares (entre 2010 e 2011) evidenciaram, de um modo geral, o aumento da prevalência de consumo nesta população. Os efeitos adversos resultantes, tanto a nível físico como psíquico, são vários, sendo as manifestações orofaciais as que mais interferem na Qualidade de vida do toxicómano. As manifestações mais frequentes são as perfurações do septo nasal e palatino, bruxismo, gengivite, erosão dentária, xerostomia, cárie, lesões brancas atípicas e cefaleias em salva, tendo o Médico Dentista um papel importante no diagnóstico e tratamento destas lesões. A legislação, ao nível Europeu, sobre drogas procura uma uniformização das medidas aplicadas nos países membros, baseando-se no equilíbrio entre as sanções e o tratamento. Apesar das convenções das Nações Unidas sobre drogas limitarem o consumo de estupefacientes e substâncias psicotrópicas exclusivamente para fins médicos e científicos, cabe aos países signatários a liberdade de decisão das políticas a adoptar em matérias de infrações penais como a posse e o consumo ilegal.


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[...] La nécessité de voir la supervision dans son ensemble ne fait aucun doute, toutefois pour éviter de s'égarer dans cet immense labyrinthe qu'elle représente, nous nous concentrerons sur le problème de la supervision lié aux résistances des enseignants à son implantation. L'objectif général de la recherche sera d'identifier un certain nombre de résistances ou de forces restrictives qui bloquent les différentes démarches de cet ordre. Nous nous attacherons aussi à déterminer les causes potentielles qui engendrent ces résistances à l'aide de certaines des questions suivantes: Pourquoi les enseignants craignent-ils la supervision? Ont-ils peur d'être jugés inaptes ou inefficaces? Se sentent-ils déficients au plan de leur formation? Refusent-ils systématiquement tout changement d'ordre pédagogique? La classe leur appartient-elle en exclusivité? Craignent-ils des sanctions administratives?


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Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de licenciada em Criminologia


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L'État est une organisation qui revendique et réussit généralement à faire respecter un monopole ultime de la force sur un territoire donné. Un tel monopole se traduit par l’imposition de sanctions à quiconque utilise la force sans une permission spécifique ou générale du monopoleur. Certes, il y a des conditions d'existence de l’État que cette définition ne saisit pas -une certaine reconnaissance de sa légitimité, par exemple-; elle ne réussit pas la tâche difficile de formuler des conditions suffisantes de l'existence de l’État. Mais elle se rapproche suffisamment de l’acception ordinaire du terme et elle nous servira assez bien pour que l'on s’en satisfasse. La revendication et l'exercice habituel d’un monopole ultime de la force constituent certainement, à tout le moins, des conditions nécessaires de l’existence de l'État. En plus de sa compatibilité avec ce que l'usage général perçoit comme le plus petit commun dénominateur, l'expérience historique ou la nature de l'État, cette définition offre l'avantage important de ne rien présumer de la question de l'État, de son fonctionnement de sa finalité, de son utilité et de sa moralité, bref de sa justification. C'est une pétition de principe trop courante que d'inclure dans la définition de l'État les fondements de sa justification. Tel qu’il est vécu, l’État, et surtout l'État démocratique moderne, ressemble fort à un rituel, un ensemble d'actions, de gestes et d'incantations que l’on répète sans effet et dont la véritable valeur réside dans leur répétition même. On chante l’hymne national; on vote tous les deux , quatre ou sept ans; les projets de loi présentés par la majorité parlementaire sont votés en première, deuxième et troisième lecture; on répète que l'État c'est nous. Ces rites ne sont pas nécessairement inoffensifs : les dieux ont toujours aimé les sacrifices. Mais l'une des fonctions sociales du rite, suggère Kenneth Boulding, est de contrer la frustration agressive que les problèmes insolubles engendrent chez les hommes, en leur fournissant un placebo pour solution. Ainsi agiraient les rituels sociaux , la magie, les cérémonies religieuses et les techniques comptables mêmes. Ajoutons le rituel étatique, qui répond au problème redoutable de légitimer une organisation qui prétend employer la force pour imposer l'harmonie. […]


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Esta dissertação apresenta a modelagem de uma ferramenta baseada em SMA para a simulação da produção e gestão social de um ecossistema urbano, a organização social do Projeto da Horta San Jeronimo(SJVG), localizado no Parque San Jeronimo Sevilha, Espanha, que e coordenado pela confederação Ecologistas en Accion . Estes processos sociais observados no projeto do SJVG são caracterizados pela ocorrência de uma serie de interações e trocas sociais entre os participantes. Além disso, os comportamentos periódicos, interações e comunicações são regulados pelo Regimento de Normas Internas, estabelecidos pela comunidade em assembleia, sob a supervisão e coordenação da confederação EA. O SMA foi concebido como um sistema JaCaMo multidimensional, composto por cinco dimensões integradas: a população de agentes, os artefatos normativos (a organização), os artefatos físicos (o ambiente dos agentes), artefatos de comunicação (o conjunto de interações) e os artefatos normativos (política normativa interna). A ferramenta utilizada no projeto e o framework JaCaMo, uma vez que apresenta suporte de alto nível e modularidade para o desenvolvimento das três primeiras dimensões acima mencionadas. Mesmo tendo enfrentado alguns problemas importantes que surgiram adotando o framework JaCaMo para desenvolvimento do Projeto SJVG-SMA, como: (i) a impossibilidade de especificação da periodicidade no modelo MOISE, (II) a impossibilidade de definir normas, seus atributos básicos (nome, periodicidade, papel a que se aplica) e as sanções, e (III) a inexistência de uma infraestrutura modular para a definição de interações através da comunicação, foi possível adotar soluções modulares interessantes para manter a ideia de um SMA de 5 dimensões, desenvolvidos na plataforma JaCaMo. As soluções apresentadas neste trabalho são baseadas principalmente no âmbito do Cartago, apontando também para a integração de artefatos organizacionais, normativos, físicos e de comunicação.


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In economics of information theory, credence products are those whose quality is difficult or impossible for consumers to assess, even after they have consumed the product (Darby & Karni, 1973). This dissertation is focused on the content, consumer perception, and power of online reviews for credence services. Economics of information theory has long assumed, without empirical confirmation, that consumers will discount the credibility of claims about credence quality attributes. The same theories predict that because credence services are by definition obscure to the consumer, reviews of credence services are incapable of signaling quality. Our research aims to question these assumptions. In the first essay we examine how the content and structure of online reviews of credence services systematically differ from the content and structure of reviews of experience services and how consumers judge these differences. We have found that online reviews of credence services have either less important or less credible content than reviews of experience services and that consumers do discount the credibility of credence claims. However, while consumers rationally discount the credibility of simple credence claims in a review, more complex argument structure and the inclusion of evidence attenuate this effect. In the second essay we ask, “Can online reviews predict the worst doctors?” We examine the power of online reviews to detect low quality, as measured by state medical board sanctions. We find that online reviews are somewhat predictive of a doctor’s suitability to practice medicine; however, not all the data are useful. Numerical or star ratings provide the strongest quality signal; user-submitted text provides some signal but is subsumed almost completely by ratings. Of the ratings variables in our dataset, we find that punctuality, rather than knowledge, is the strongest predictor of medical board sanctions. These results challenge the definition of credence products, which is a long-standing construct in economics of information theory. Our results also have implications for online review users, review platforms, and for the use of predictive modeling in the context of information systems research.


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The general goal of this study was to analyze the relations between the agents’ social capital and joint actions developed by the Cluster of wine produced at the high altitudes of Santa Catarina. This group is made up of 43 agents: one governing agent, 26 support agents and 16 winemakers. This descriptive and exploratory study uses data from qualitative and quantitative approaches. During the exploratory phase, a documental analysis was carried out, as well as semi-structured interviews. The data collection tool used to gather information concerning the social capital and joint actions was the semi-structured questionnaire, and this data gathering was conducted through field research using a structured interview with the selected agents from November 16 to November 26, 2015. The results of this study show a good social capital, which reflects on the joint actions done by the agents. Among the variables of social capital, trust shows a great level among the Cluster agents, followed by good levels concerning commitment and involvement, information share, rules and sanctions, horizontality and authority and improvement. As a result, it has created a nice level of involvement and effectiveness of joint actions, highlighting events organization, joint participation at fairs and events, marketing campaigns, development of products and processes, and human resources improvement. There is a small group of agents who show a strong social capital and a proper environment to expand this capital throughout the network. However, the evaluation concerning reciprocity and density represents only one third of the possibilities of this group, and it happens especially because of the geographical distance between the agents who are part of the Cluster. The main limitation of this study was the trouble trying to map the whole agent group before applying the questionnaires and identifying the responsible people in each of the support agents to inform everything correctly. It is suggested that these questionnaires be carried out with other Clusters as well as in the future in order to have a temporal assessment of this study.


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The goal was to understand, document and module how information is currently flown internally in the largest dairy organization in Finland. The organization has undergone radical changes in the past years due to economic sanctions between European Union and Russia. Therefore, organization’s ultimate goal would be to continue its growth through managing its sales process more efficiently. The thesis consists of a literature review and an empirical part. The literature review consists of knowledge management and process modeling theories. First, the knowledge management discusses how data, information and knowledge are exchanged in the process. Knowledge management models and processes are describing how knowledge is created, exchanged and can be managed in an organization. Secondly, the process modeling is responsible for visualizing information flow through discussion of modeling approaches and presenting different methods and techniques. Finally, process’ documentation procedure was presented. In the end, a constructive research approach was used in order to identify process’ related problems and bottlenecks. Therefore, possible solutions were presented based on this approach. The empirical part of the study is based on 37 interviews, organization’s internal data sources and theoretical framework. The acquired data and information were used to document and to module the sales process in question with a flowchart diagram. Results are conducted through construction of the flowchart diagram and analysis of the documentation. In fact, answers to research questions are derived from empirical and theoretical parts. In the end, 14 problems and two bottlenecks were identified in the process. The most important problems are related to approach and/or standardization for information sharing, insufficient information technology tool utilization and lack of systematization of documentation. The bottlenecks are caused by the alarming amount of changes to files after their deadlines.


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Le Myanmar traverse un processus de libéralisation politique qui a été entamé par le haut. Le régime militaire a tenu des élections générales en 2010, lesquelles ont placé au pouvoir un nouveau gouvernement composé à la fois de civils et de militaires. Depuis, la majorité des sanctions imposées par plusieurs États occidentaux au Myanmar ont été levées, et on observe une diversification des relations internationales du pays. Imbriqué à la sphère d’influence chinoise depuis quelques années, celui-ci rétablit des contacts diplomatiques et économiques avec l’Occident. Peu de chercheurs ont tenté d’expliquer les causes de cette transition politique, et le lien entre libéralisation politique et diversification des relations internationales n’a pas encore été expliqué. Ce mémoire propose de le faire en utilisant un modèle théorique issu de deux types de littérature, celle sur la culture stratégique et celle sur les transitions politiques. Il suggère que la libéralisation politique du Myanmar s’explique par les luttes d’influences au sein du régime entre deux sous-cultures stratégiques, les hardliners et les softliners. L’application des normes favorisées par les hardliners ayant échoué dans l’atteinte des objectifs stratégiques du régime, les softliners ont pu imposer leurs propres préférences normatives. Il propose également que la libéralisation politique était une étape nécessaire pour que le gouvernement birman puisse diversifier ses relations internationales.


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Przedmiotem artykułu jest problem ochrony prawa do prywatności w polskim procesie karnym w kontekście relacjonowania przebiegu rozprawy głównej przez media. Analizie zostały poddane zarówno warunki dopuszczalności relacjonowania rozprawy, przedmiot ingerencji, jak i podmioty, których prawo do prywatności może być naruszone w toku relacjonowania rozprawy głównej przez media. Prawo do prywatności jest współcześnie chronione nie tylko przez normy prawa cywilnego, ale również przez prawo konstytucyjne, stąd obowiązek przestrzegania i poszanowania prawa do prywatności ciąży także na organach prowadzących postępowanie karne. Jak wynika z zamieszonych w artykule rozważań, możliwe jest pogodzenie pozornie sprzecznych celów procesu karnego z koniecznością poszanowania prawa do prywatności, a sfera prywatna jednostek podlega ochronie również w procesie karnym. Wśród zagrożeń dla efektywnej ochrony prawa od prywatności należy jednak wskazać brak sankcji za złamanie zakazu publikacji danych osobowych czy wizerunku, którego nie przewidują ani normy prawa karnego ani prawa prasowego.


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The present article is about a particular form of sexual activity on the Internet: cybersex in chatrooms-in Portuguese by Portuguese people. This study aims to identify the reasons for engaging in cybersex on chats and the behavioral domains that characterize this activity. To carry out the study, we developed a self-report questionnaire that we made available on a website. The sample was collected online (n = 400) through the Portuguese Internet Relay Chat. Factor analyses revealed seven domain structures: (a) social skills, (b) preference for cybersex, (c) filter for a later date, (d) sex by phone, (e) fantasies, (f) using masks, and (g) impact on real relationships. We found a huge variety of sexual attitudes and behaviors connected to cybersex in chatrooms and the existence of two major trends: (a) people that use these chats as a starting place for offline relationships (online anonymity prevents the fear of rejection and social sanctions in real life), and (b) people who want and prefer online sex without any interest in further real contacts.


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Mestrado em Economia Internacional e Estudos Europeus


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Networks of trade union activists working as part of the global union movement have played a central role in political change in Myanmar. In response to trade union advocacy, compliance with International Labour Organization (ILO) standards was made a key condition for the lifting of sanctions on Myanmar, leading the current civilian government to pass revised labour laws allowing the formation of independent trade unions. Union activists have taken advantage of this new freedom, with a rapid growth in registration of local union organizations since 2011. Based on recent fieldwork in Myanmar, including interviews with union leaders and ILO officials, this paper presents an empirical analysis of political relationships formed by local and international union organizations in the context of multi-level political change. In this case study of translating international norms into domestic political change, local and international trade union networks are shown to have a significant impact on achieving compliance with international labour standards.


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The principle of legality has evolved into a clear and entrenchedjurisprudential mechanism for protecting common law rights and freedoms. It operates as a shield to preserve the scope of application of fundamental rights and fre edoms. In recent years it has been increasingly applied by the courts to limit the scope of legislative provisions which potentially impinge on human rights and fundamental freedoms. Yet there is one domain where the principle of legality is conspicuously absent: sentencing. Ostensibly, this is paradoxical. Sentencing is the realm where the legalsystem operates in its most coercive manner against individuals. In thisarticle, we argue that logically the principle of legality has an importantrole in the sentencing system given the incursions by criminal sanctionsinto a number of basic rights, including the right to liberty, the freedom ofassociation and the deprivation of property. By way of illustration, we setout how the principle of legality should apply to the interpretation of keystatutory provisions. To this end, we argue that the objectives of generaldeterrence and specifi c deterrence should have less impact in sentencing. It is also suggested that judges should be more reluctant to send offenders with dependants to terms of imprisonment. Injecting the principle of legality into sentencing law and practice would result in the reduction in severity of a large number of sanctions, thereby reducing the frequency and extent to which the fundamental rights of offenders are violated. The methodology set out in this article can be applied to alter the operation of a number of legislative sentencing objectives and rules.