457 resultados para NAD


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Objective- This study investigated whether differences exist in atherogen-induced migratory behaviors and basal antioxidant enzyme capacity of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) from human coronary (CA) and internal mammary (IMA) arteries. Methods- Migration experiments were performed using the Dunn chemotaxis chamber. The prooxidant [NAD(P)H oxidase] and antioxidant [NOS, superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase] enzyme activities were determined by specific assays. Results- Chemotaxis experiments revealed that while both sets of VSMC migrated towards platelet-derived growth factor-BB (1-50 ng/ml) and angiotensin II (1-50 nM), neither oxidized-LDL (ox-LDL, 25-100 �g/ml) nor native LDL (100 �g/ml) affected chemotaxis in IMA VSMC. However, high dose ox-LDL produced significant chemotaxis in CA VSMC that was inhibited by pravastatin (100 nM), mevastatin (10 nM), losartan (10 nM), enalapril (1 �M), and MnTBAP (a free radical scavenger, 50��M). Microinjection experiments with isoprenoids i.e. geranylgeranylpyrophosphate (GGPP) and farnesylpyrophosphate (FPP) showed distinct involvement of small GTPases in atherogen-induced VSMC migration. Significant increases in antioxidant enzyme activities and nitrite production along with marked decreases in NAD(P)H oxidase activity and O2 .- levels were determined in IMA versus CA VSMC. Conclusions- Enhanced intrinsic antioxidant capacity may confer on IMA VSMC resistance to migration against atherogenic agents. Drugs that regulate ox-LDL or angiotensin II levels also exert antimigratory effects.


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Objective: Excess levels of free radicals such as nitric oxide (NO) and superoxide anion (O2-)are associated with the pathogenesis of endothelial cell dysfunction in diabetes mellitus. This study was designed to investigate the underlying causes of oxidative stress in coronary microvascular endothelial cells (CMEC) exposed to hyperglycaemia. Methods: CMEC were cultured under normal (5.5 mmol/L) or high glucose (22 mmol/L)concentrations for 7 days. The activity and expression (protein level) of eNOS, iNOS, NAD(P)H oxidase and antioxidant enzymes, namely, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase and glutahione peroxidase (GPx) were investigated by specific activity assays and Western analyses,respectively while the effects of hyperglycaemia on nitrite and O2 - generation were investigated by Griess reaction and cytochrome C reduction assay, respectively. Results: Hyperglycaemia did not alter eNOS or iNOS protein expressions and overall nitrite generation, an index of NO production. However, it significantly reduced the levels of intracellular antioxidant glutathione by 50% (p<0.05) and increased the protein expressions and/or activities of p22-phox, a membrane-bound component of pro-oxidant NAD(P)H oxidase and antioxidant enzymes (p<0.05). Free radical-scavengers, namely, Tiron and MPG (0.1-1 mol/L) reduced hyperglycaemia-induced antioxidant enzyme activity and increased glutathione and nitrite generation to the levels observed in CMEC cultured in normoglycaemic medium (p<0.01). The differences in enzyme activity and expressions were independent of the increased osmolarity generated by high glucose levels as investigated by using equimolar concentrations of mannitol in parallel experiments. Conclusions: These results suggest that hyperglycaemia-induced oxidative stress may arise in CMEC as a result of enhanced prooxidant enzyme activity and diminished generation of 3 antioxidant glutathione. By increasing the antioxidant enzyme capacity CMEC may protect themselves against free radical-induced cell damage in diabetic conditions. The definitive version is available at http://www.blackwell-synergy.com


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Wydział Studiów Edukacyjnych: Zakład Edukacji Wielokulturowej i Badań Nad Nierównościami Społecznymi


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Wydział Nauk Społecznych: Instytut Kulturoznawstwa


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The article reflects on a pilot teacher training programme in Tanzania, where videos are used for implementing new teaching methods, but also for initiating a discourse about corporal punishment. The culture of instruction in Tanzania is strictly based on a teacher-centred approach which leaves all activity to the teacher and turns students into passive listeners. In most cases, teachers deal with up to 80 students in one classroom. Therefore, discipline is an important matter of instruction and many teachers still use corporal punishment that is widely accepted in Tanzania. The launched training programme has the aim of implementing learner-centred teaching methods without using corporal punishment and offers Tanzanian teachers the possibility to participate in a workshop that connects these methods with subject-related topics. In the English teaching workshop, the facilitator used filmed English lessons from a German school to discuss with the participants both the application of learner-centred methods and the absence of corporal punishment. The use of these German videos shows advantages but also limitations that are strongly related to the European versus African setting. The article discusses these dimensions on the basis of data that are generated by ethnographical observation and audiotranscripts of the piloted workshop.


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Celem niniejszego tekstu jest pokazanie, w jaki sposób Batesonowskie pojęcie „metakomunikacji” jest użytecznym punktem wyjścia do analiz prowadzonych nad sposobem uprawiania komunikologii historycznej . Podejmując się analiz z zakresu historii idei komunikacji oraz filozofii komunikacji, natrafiamy na istotny problem badawczy: w jaki sposób można analizować przeszłe sposoby myślenia i komunikowania o komunikacji, jeśli komunikacja jest nieustannym procesem odnoszącym się do samego siebie. Okazuje się, że metodologiczne wyzwanie stojące przed badaczami, którzy piszą historię komunikacji w ramach dyscypliny określanej mianem komunikologii historycznej, może być wsparte rozważaniami Gregorego Batesona na temat procesu metakomunikacji. Dlatego w dalszej części niniejszego tekstu pokazuję, w jaki sposób, korzystając z ustaleń Batesona, rozwijam pojęcie metakomunikacji i aplikuję na gruncie komunikologii historycznej. Myśl Batesona jest niezwykle użyteczna do rozważań metodologicznych i może stanowić punkt wyjścia do budowania nowych narzędzi filozoficznych służących analizowaniu zmian społecznych.


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Celem artykułu jest prezentacja myśli politycznej Ruchu Społeczeństwa Alternatywnego. W artytkule prezentowana jest diagnoza stanu sytuacji społeczenej w Polsce pierwszej połowy lat 80 prezentowana na łamach "Homka", propozycje programowe RSA oraz dyskuja nad metodami i strategią działania politycznego.


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Apesar de ser um micronutriente essencial aos organismos, o cobre (Cu) é tóxico quando presente em elevadas concentrações na água. O mecanismo pelo qual este metal exerce sua toxicidade em invertebrados marinhos ainda não está bem estabelecido. Dentre os diversos efeitos relatados, observa-se uma redução do consumo de oxigênio corporal e tecidual no marisco Mesodesma mactroides exposto (96 h) ao Cu (150 µg L-1 ) em água do mar (salinidade 30). Portanto, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os efeitos desta exposição ao Cu no metabolismo energético em teciduais do marisco M. mactroides. Os conteúdos de ATP e coenzimas (NAD+ e NADH) nas brânquias, glândula digestiva e músculo pedal não foram alterados pela exposição ao Cu, indicando que estes tecidos mantiveram suas capacidades de produção aeróbica de energia. Porém, foi observada uma redução no conteúdo hemolinfático de ATP. Quanto ao conteúdo de proteínas, houve um aumento na glândula digestiva, que pode estar associado à maior oxidação de proteínas já relatada para esse tecido após exposição ao Cu. Os conteúdos de lipídios, glicogênio e glicose permaneceram inalterados em todos os tecidos analisados, exceto no músculo pedal, onde foi observada uma redução no conteúdo de glicose. Por isso, os conteúdos de piruvato e lactato também foram analisados no músculo pedal e na hemolinfa. Em ambos tecidos, foi observado um aumento do conteúdo de lactato, sem alteração no conteúdo de piruvato. Portanto, os resultados do presente estudo sugerem que os tecidos de M. mactroides utilizam a anaerobiose para obtenção de energia durante a exposição ao Cu, conforme demonstrado no músculo pedal e hemolinfa. Apesar disso, a hemolinfa não é capaz de manter o nível de ATP nas condições experimentais testadas. 


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Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa


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Instytucja mężów zaufania, często określana mianem „niemych obserwatorów wyborów”, traktowana jest z dużym dystansem i budzi wśród przedstawicieli doktryny prawa konstytucyjnego, jak również świata polityki, wiele wątpliwości. Zadaniem mężów zaufania jest reprezentowanie podczas wyborów interesu kandydata, bądź listy kandydatów, przed komisją wyborczą i czuwanie nad prawidłowym przebiegiem czynności wyborczych, w tym przede wszystkim zliczaniem głosów i ustalaniem wyników wyborów. Ma zatem istotne znaczenie dla zapewnienia rzetelności i uczciwości procedur wyborczych, jak również poszanowania podstawowych zasad prawa wyborczego, w szczególności zasady powszechności i wolności wyborów oraz tajności głosowania. Niestety w Kodeksie wyborczym uregulowana jest stosunkowo fragmentarycznie, zaś jej dookreślenie znajduje się w wytycznych Państwowej Komisji Wyborczej. Przed wyborami pojawiają się również różne (opracowywane najczęściej przez partie polityczne) instrukcje, określane także mianem vademecum, czy poradniki dla mężów zaufania, których treść może budzić wątpliwości. Wywołuje to potrzebę debaty przedstawicieli doktryny i polityków nad funkcjami i konstrukcją prawną instytucji mężów zaufania w polskim prawie wyborczym, jak i stosownymi jego zmianami.


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Wydział Historyczny


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Aims: Hyperglycaemia (HG), in stroke patients, is associated with worse neurological outcome by compromising endothelial cell function and the blood–brain barrier (BBB) integrity. We have studied the contribution of HG-mediated generation of oxidative stress to these pathologies and examined whether antioxidants as well as normalization of glucose levels following hyperglycaemic insult reverse these phenomena. Methods: Human brain microvascular endothelial cell (HBMEC) and human astrocyte co-cultures were used to simulate the human BBB. The integrity of the BBB was measured by transendothelial electrical resistance using STX electrodes and an EVOM resistance meter, while enzyme activities were measured by specific spectrophotometric assays. Results: After 5 days of hyperglycaemic insult, there was a significant increase in BBB permeability that was reversed by glucose normalization. Co-treatment of cells with HG and a number of antioxidants including vitamin C, free radical scavengers and antioxidant enzymes including catalase and superoxide dismutase mimetics attenuated the detrimental effects of HG. Inhibition of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38MAPK) and protein kinase C but not phosphoinositide 3 kinase (PI3 kinase) also reversed HG-induced BBB hyperpermeability. In HBMEC, HG enhanced pro-oxidant (NAD(P)H oxidase) enzyme activity and expression that were normalized by reverting to normoglycaemia. Conclusions: HG impairs brain microvascular endothelial function through involvements of oxidative stress and several signal transduction pathways.