470 resultados para Maturité projective


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The study of sexual maturation and spawning in the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) is part of a vast research programme that endeavours to understand the causes of mortality that occur sporadically during the spring and summer seasons in the Marennes-Oléron Bay. Thermal and diet conditioning were used to obtain oysters at each stage of maturity simultaneously. Using the measured rates of clearance, consumption, absorption and respiration provided estimates of growth potential and gave the energetic budget of oysters at different stages of sexual maturity. Physiological responses were similar for males and females. Filtration decreased from 2.4 to 2.6 l.h (-1) to 1.8 l.h (-1) with increasing maturity. Weight gain was associated with gonad development and did not appear to have an effect on the clearance rate. Oysters 2.5 years old showed a negative energy budget (-15 J h (-1)) at later maturity stages. This deficit was confirmed (90 J.h (-1)) in oysters 1.5 years old at the same stage of maturity. On the contrary, immature oysters, in the early stages of maturity or post-spawning, had a growth potential of 110 to 170 J.h (-1). The energy deficit observed at later stages of maturity was primarily due to absorption, which decreased sharply during peak gametogenesis. Using measured respiration rates, an allometric relationship specific to gonad growth was determined with a coefficient of 0.574. Low physiological performance of oysters, observed at later stages of sexual maturity, must be taken into account in research on the factors responsible for spring and summer mortalities affecting oyster farms in Marennes-Oléron.


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A Geometria Projetiva é o ramo da matemática que estuda as propriedades geométricas invariantes de uma projeção. Ela surge no século XVII da tentativa de compreender matematicamente as técnicas de desenho em perspectiva empregadas pelos artistas da Renascença. Por outro lado, a Geometria Descritiva também se utiliza de projeções para representar objetos tridimensional em um plano bidimensional. Desta forma, a Geometria Projetiva dialoga com o desenho artístico através das regras de perspectiva, e com o desenho técnico através da Geometria Descritiva. A partir das relações entre estes três campos do conhecimento, elaboramos uma proposta didática para o ensino da Geometria Projetiva a alunos do 9 ∘ ano do ensino fundamental. Este trabalho apresenta esta proposta e busca embasá-la matematicamente, relacionando-a aos principais fundamentos da Geometria Projetiva.


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Nell’ambito del Programma Nazionale per la raccolta dati alieutici (PNDA), ai sensi dei regolamenti CE Reg. 1543/2000; Reg. CE 1639/2001; Reg. CE 1581/2004, il modulo I “Altri campionamenti biologici”, ha l’obiettivo di acquisire informazioni riguardanti i principali parametri biologici del pescato commerciale. Più precisamente, tali informazioni riguardano la relazione lunghezza-peso; la crescita e la relazione lunghezza-maturità.


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Nell’ambito del Programma Nazionale per la raccolta dati alieutici (PNDA), ai sensi dei regolamenti CE Reg. 1543/2000; Reg. CE 1639/2001; Reg. CE 1581/2004, il Modulo I “Altri campionamenti biologici”, ha l’obiettivo di acquisire informazioni riguardanti i principali parametri biologici del pescato commerciale. Più precisamente, tali informazioni riguardano la relazione lunghezza-peso, il rapporto sessi complessivo e per classi di lunghezza, la crescita e la relazione lunghezza-maturità.


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We present a generalization of the complete intersection in products of projective space (CICY) construction of Calabi–Yau manifolds. CICY three-folds and four-folds have been studied extensively in the physics literature. Their utility stems from the fact that they can be simply described in terms of a ‘configuration matrix’, a matrix of integers from which many of the details of the geometries can be easily extracted. The generalization we present is to allow negative integers in the configuration matrices which were previously taken to have positive semi-definite entries. This broadening of the complete intersection construction leads to a larger class of Calabi–Yau manifolds than that considered in previous work, which nevertheless enjoys much of the same degree of calculational control. These new Calabi–Yau manifolds are complete intersections in (not necessarily Fano) ambient spaces with an effective anticanonical class. We find examples with topology distinct from any that has appeared in the literature to date. The new manifolds thus obtained have many interesting features. For example, they can have smaller Hodge numbers than ordinary CICYs and lead to many examples with elliptic and K3-fibration structures relevant to F-theory and string dualities.


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L’objectif de cet essai est d’élaborer des suggestions pour l’application de pratiques volontaires de responsabilité sociale des organisations au sein d’une équipe sportive professionnelle de baseball de Trois-Rivières. Cet essai s’appuie sur une définition de la responsabilité sociale des organisations qui comprend quatre dimensions telles que la santé et la sécurité, l’éthique et la gouvernance, l’environnement et la relation avec la communauté. Dans le cadre des organisations sportives, l’application de la responsabilité sociale diffère, car elle peut être véhiculée par les ligues, les équipes ainsi que les athlètes. En ce sens, la nécessité d’outiller ce milieu pour permettre l’implantation et l’amélioration continue de pratiques responsables doit d’abord s’effectuer par l’identification des enjeux sectoriels. Suite à l’analyse des pratiques intégrant la responsabilité sociale de seize organisations sportives de différents domaines comme le hockey, le football, le soccer, le baseball et le basket-ball ainsi qu’une entrevue avec un athlète professionnel, huit enjeux sectoriels sont ressortis. Ceux-ci sont: la santé et la sécurité, les comportements éthiques, la réduction des impacts environnementaux générés lors des parties, la gouvernance axée sur la responsabilité sociale des organisations, la sensibilisation des parties prenantes, la protection de la biodiversité et de la nature, la promotion du sport, de l’éducation et de la santé et finalement, le soutien aux associations caritatives et aux groupes sociaux vulnérables. Cette analyse ainsi que l’étude des normes ISO 26 000 et BNQ 21 000 ont permis de créer une grille de maturité des pratiques de responsabilité sociale des organisations, dans le but de parvenir à un niveau jugé optimal. Cette grille est basée selon quatre niveaux d’avancement de pratiques responsables qui permettent de positionner les pratiques des Aigles de Trois-Rivières, une équipe de baseball évoluant dans une ligue professionnelle indépendante. Les conclusions de l’analyse des pratiques de cette équipe mettent en évidence leur positionnement caractérisé comme « stable ». Ainsi, plusieurs pistes de solutions découlent de cette analyse autour des dimensions telles que la gestion des matières résiduelles, la divulgation d’information RSE sur le site Internet, les déplacements des partisans, la sensibilisation des parties prenantes, les mesures préventives des blessures, l’opération du stade ainsi que les achats responsables.


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L’écologie industrielle et territoriale constituant un pilier de l’économie circulaire est de plus en plus déployée dans le monde pour prévenir les pollutions industrielles et éradiquer la raréfaction des ressources. L’objectif de l’essai est de trouver des solutions possibles pour promouvoir ce concept au Viêt Nam afin de relever les défis environnementaux pour aboutir aux objectifs de la croissance verte d’ici 2035. Pour l’atteindre, les trois objectifs secondaires sont la justification de l’applicabilité du concept proposé dans les pays en développement, le diagnostic des barrières de déploiement de ce concept au Viêt Nam et l’analyse des bonnes pratiques réalisées au Québec et en Chine. Un changement de paradigme dans les politiques publiques qui touchent la rationalité économique est incontournable pour faciliter la mise en œuvre de l’écologie industrielle. Les pays en développement ont entrepris certaines démarches de développement durable comme la responsabilité sociale des organisations selon ISO 26 000, l’Agenda 21 local et, très timidement, l’approche de The Natural Step. Le Viêt Nam connaît, depuis les trente dernières années, une industrialisation rapide. La croissance économique est un avantage mobilisant, pourtant les externalités industrielles représentent une des menaces importantes pour ce pays du Sud. Le secteur industriel a contribué au tiers du revenu de ce pays. Les 299 zones industrielles ont été mises en service pour accroître les valeurs ajoutées industrielles. Ce pays de l’Asie du Sud-Est fait face à des risques environnementaux comme l’augmentation des déchets industriels, le doublement de consommation d’énergie et l’augmentation d’un facteur six des émissions de CO2. Le diagnostic sur les sept barrières de création d’une symbiose industrielle démontre la maturité du Viêt Nam au deuxième niveau de déploiement de l’écologie industrielle. Cela signifie que les efforts initiaux ont été bien mobilisés. Cependant, les incitatives économiques et la participation publique sont plus préoccupantes. La méthodologie de création d’une symbiose industrielle au Québec se caractérise par une approche volontaire ainsi que l’acceptabilité sociale. À l’opposé, les outils juridiques constituent un des principaux facteurs de succès de la mise en œuvre de l’économie circulaire en Chine. Les recommandations pour l’implantation de l’écologie industrielle au Viêt Nam sont formulées en compilant les deux approches réglementaires et volontaires. L’adoption de la pensée écosystémique dans les politiques de développement durable, le renforcement de l’information, sensibilisation et éducation, la communication sur les bénéfices de l’écologie industrielle et territoriale auprès des intervenants, la création d’un centre de recherche et développement, la restructuration législative, l’adoption de la gouvernance participative et l’internalisation des externalités par l’écofiscalité doivent se combiner pour faciliter la transformation des zones industrielles vers les parcs éco-industriels au Viêt Nam.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto Universitário


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto Universitário


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção do grau de Mestre na especialidade de clínica


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica


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In the semi-arid zones of Uganda, pearl millet ( Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) is mainly grown for food and income; but rust (Puccinia substriata var indica (L.) R. Br.) is the main foliar constraint lowering yield. The objective of the study was to genetically improve grain yield and rust resistance of two locally adapted populations (Lam and Omoda), through two cycles of modified phenotypic S1 progeny recurrent selection. Treatments included three cycles of two locally adapted pearl millet populations, evaluated at three locations. Significant net genetic gain for grain yield (72 and 36%) were achieved in Lam and Omoda populations, respectively. This led to grain yield of 1,047 from 611 kg ha-1 in Lam population and 943 from 693 kg ha-1 in Omoda population. Significant improvement in rust resistance was achieved in the two populations, with a net genetic gain of -55 and -71% in Lam and Omoda populations, respectively. Rust severity reduced from 30 to 14% in Lam population and from 57 to 17% in Omoda population. Net positive genetic gains of 68 and 8% were also achieved for 1000-grain weight in Lam and Omoda, respectively. Traits with a net negative genetic gain in both populations were days to 50% flowering, days to 50% anthesis, days to 50% physiological maturity, flower-anthesis interval, plant height and leaf area.


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Brazil is a country that is characterized by its low consumption of fish. With consumption records of 10.6 kg/ inhabitant/ year, it is lower than the recommended by the UN, that is 12 kg/ inhabitant/ year. The regular consumption of fish provides health gain for people and their introduction into the school feeding is an important strategy for the insertion of this food consumption habits in a population. In this context, the objective of this study was to understand the perception of fish with children from the public school system through the technical Projective Mapping (MP) and Association of Words (AP); and evaluate the acceptability of fish derivative in school meals. In the first instance with the intention to better understand the perception of children from different ages about the fish-based products, Projective Mapping techniques were applied through the use of food figures and word association. A total of 149 children from three public schools from Pato Branco, Paraná State, Brazil, took part in this study. Three groups of children aged 5-6, 7-8 and 9-10 years old were interviewed individually by six monitors experienced in applied sensory methods. Ten figures with healthy foods drawings (sushi, salad, fruit, fish, chicken), and less healthy foods (pizza, pudding, cake, hamburger, fries) were distributed to the children, who were asked to paste the figures in A3 sheet, so that the products they considered similar stayed near each other, and the ones considered very different stayed apart. After this, the children described the images and the image groups (Ultra Flash Profile). The results revealed that the MP technique was easily operated and understood by all the children and the use of images made its implementation easier. The results analysis also revealed different perceptions came from children from different ages and hedonic perceptions regarding the fish-based products had a greater weight in the percentage from older children. AP technique proved to be an important tool to understand the perception of fish by children, and strengthened the results previously obtained by the MP. In a second step it was evaluated the acceptance of fish burger (tilapia) in school meals. For this task, the school cooks were trained to prepare the hamburgers. For the evaluation of acceptance, the hedonic scale was used with 5 facial ratings (1 = disliked very much to 5 = liked a lot). Students from both genders, between 5 to 10 years old (n = 142) proved the burgers at lunchtime, representing the protein portion of the meal. The tilapia derivative products shown to be foods with important nutritional value and low calorie value. For the application of the multinomial logistic regression analysis there was no significant effect from the age and gender variation in the acceptance by children. However, statistical significance was determined in the interaction between these two variables. With 87 % acceptance rate there was potential for consumption of fish burgers in school meals.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica


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In this paper, we show that if X is a smooth variety of general type of dimension m≥3 for which the canonical map induces a triple cover onto Y, where Y is a projective bundle over P1 or onto a projective space or onto a quadric hypersurface, embedded by a complete linear series (except Q3 embedded in P4), then the general deformation of the canonical morphism of X is again canonical and induces a triple cover. The extremal case when Y is embedded as a variety of minimal degree is of interest, due to its appearance in numerous situations. For instance, by looking at threefolds Y of minimal degree we find components of the moduli of threefolds X of general type with KX3=3pg−9,KX3≠6, whose general members correspond to canonical triple covers. Our results are especially interesting as well because they have no lower dimensional analogues.