974 resultados para Jansénisme. 1731, dossier Flaucques
(4 p.)
Antônio Galvão, filho de Duarte Galvão, excedeu em fama e imaginação a se pai e a seu avô, Rui Galvão. Nasceu na Índia Oriental, em 1490, e morreu em 1557.
[ES] Los movimientos migratorios forman parte de la historia universal. La población inmigrante, igual que el resto de la población, puede sufrir malnutrición. Los indicadores de la nutrición en inmigrantes son los mismos que en los autóctonos. La valoración nutricional debe realizarse de forma sistematica, mediante antropometría, historia clínica y dietética, etc. Se puede realizar de forma objetiva o subjetiva.
785p. -- De forma paralela al proceso de investigación para esta Tesis el investigador llevó a cabo un documental de 80 minutos de duración, titulado "Oteiza y el Centro Cultural Alhóndiga. Proyecto estético para Bilbao". Este documental está elaborado a partir de las entrevistas arriba señaladas, así como de material audiovisual inédito sobre este proyecto. El documental está expuesto de forma permanente en el Museo Jorge Oteiza (Alzuza, Navarra)
Esta tese tem como propósito analisar as relações político-diplomáticas entre Portugal e a Santa Sé na primeira metade do século XVIII, tendo como principal problemática o corte das relações diplomáticas entre as duas cortes -, ocorrido entre 1728-1731. O episódio resultou, no nível mais imediato, da recusa de Roma em conceder paridade a Portugal diante das outras cortes europeias, negando a ascensão do núncio apostólico Vicente Bichi, ao título de cardeal. Tal política inseria-se em uma linguagem diplomática tradicional, para a qual Roma permanecia o centro da cristandade e distribuidora de privilégios. A opção de D. João V em manter-se fiel a uma linguagem tradicional não o impediu de se apropriar e de utilizar uma linguagem moderna, expressão compartilhada pelos loci de poder setecentistas, representados pelas monarquias que se consolidavam na França, na Inglaterra, na Áustria, na Prússia e até na Rússia, operando a partir de uma razão de Estado, a linguagem diplomática moderna, que configurou o tabuleiro político europeu entre os congressos de Utrecht e de Viena. Linguagem esta que fora traduzida pelos embaixadores ou chefes de missão portugueses, o que permitiu a participação de Portugal nas grandes decisões do período e consolidou a política de privilégio de D. João V, consagrando o monarca Fidelíssimo e, consequentemente, o reino português numa Europa em transformação.
Homenaje a Ignacio Barandiarán Maestu / coord. por Javier Fernández Eraso, Juan Santos Yanguas.
Dossier monográfico: Puesta en escena y escenarios en la diplomacia del mundo romano
Dossier monográfico: Puesta en escena y escenarios en la diplomacia del mundo romano
Introducción a las contribuciones presentadas al curso "Conflictos, treguas y amnistías en el mundo antiguo", desarrollado en agosto de 1999 en el marco de los XVIII Cursos de Verano de la UPV/EHU en Donostia.
As the earth’s resources continue to face increasing pressure from a variety of human and natural causes, protection of the environment and biodiversity is a matter of contemporary concern, The conservation of coastal and marine resources, in particular, has become a priority for countries around the world. In this context, marine protected areas (MPAs) are being widely promoted as one of the most effective tools for the conservation of coastal and marine resources. Most MPAs are located in coastal areas of great biodiversity, and hence their development has direct impacts on the lives and livelihoods of coastal communities, especially small-scale and traditional fishing communities. Typically, they are the ones who have to bear the costs of conservation practices–lost livelihood options, expulsion from traditional fishing grounds and living spaces, and violation of human/community rights, to name a few. The articles in this dossier, drawn chronologically from the pages of Samudra Report, the triannual publication of ICSF, draw attention to these issues. They show that conservation and livelihoods are closely intertwined, and that top-down, non-participatory models of conservation can be counter-productive. Despite being poor and powerless, fishing and coastal communities can be powerful allies in conservation efforts, given their longstanding dependence on natural resources and their traditional ecological knowledge systems. As the examples in this dossier reveal, it is possible for fishing communities to protect and conserve the environment, while continuing with sustainable fishing operations. Clearly, only an integrated approach to fisheries management and conservation will prove successful. This dossier will be useful for policymakers, social scientists, non-governmental organizations and others interested in fisheries, conservation, communities and livelihoods.
根据对18个国家和地区120个标本馆收藏的15,ooo余份八角科和五昧予属植物标本的研究,结合野外调查、采集、引种和对生长发育的观察,配合形态学、解剖学、孢粉学.细胞学等方面的实验研究,参考植物地理学,古植物学等方面的资料对世界范围的八角科和五味子属作了分类学修订。 将八角科分为1属、2亚属(八角亚属内分2组,八角组内分2系,八角茴香亚属内含5个替代种群)34种3亚种和1变种,32个种、亚种或变种的名称被作为新异名;编排有属下分类检索表;描述了每个种的性状特征、物侯期,生态习性及其与近缘种的关系,绘出了分布图和形态线描图。 将五昧子属分为2组(五昧子组内分3系)12种,40个种、亚种或变种的名称被作为新异名;编排有分类检索表;描述了每个种的性状特征,物侯期,生态习性和经济用途,绘出了形态线描图。 在现存被子植物木本多心皮类中,通过比较和分析,提出:八角目与木兰目的关系密切,八角目比木兰目进化;在八角目中,八角科比五味子科原始;在五味子科中,五味子属比南五味子属进化。 根据分类学证据,结合古植物学、古气候学和古地理学资荆,分析和推论了八角科的起源时间与地点,说明了它的迁移与扩散途径,分布中心,多样化中心和分布类型,解释了现代分布格局形成的原因。
Rhythmic and discrete arm movements occur ubiquitously in everyday life, and there is a debate as to whether these two classes of movements arise from the same or different underlying neural mechanisms. Here we examine interference in a motor-learning paradigm to test whether rhythmic and discrete movements employ at least partially separate neural representations. Subjects were required to make circular movements of their right hand while they were exposed to a velocity-dependent force field that perturbed the circularity of the movement path. The direction of the force-field perturbation reversed at the end of each block of 20 revolutions. When subjects made only rhythmic or only discrete circular movements, interference was observed when switching between the two opposing force fields. However, when subjects alternated between blocks of rhythmic and discrete movements, such that each was uniquely associated with one of the perturbation directions, interference was significantly reduced. Only in this case did subjects learn to corepresent the two opposing perturbations, suggesting that different neural resources were employed for the two movement types. Our results provide further evidence that rhythmic and discrete movements employ at least partially separate control mechanisms in the motor system.