940 resultados para Interviews


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This exploratory study investigated factors associated with the wish to hasten death among a sample of terminally ill cancer patients. Semi-structured interviews conducted on a total of 72 hospice and home palliative care patients were subjected to qualitative analysis using QSR-NUDIST. The main themes to emerge suggested that patients with a high wish to hasten death had greater concerns with physical symptoms and psychological suffering, perceived themselves to be more of a burden to others, and experienced higher levels of demoralization, while also reporting less confidence in symptom control, fewer social supports, less satisfaction with life experiences and fewer religious beliefs when compared with patients who had a moderate or no wish to hasten death. The implications of these findings will be discussed.


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Study objective: To assess the representativeness of survey participants by systematically comparing volunteers in a national health and sexuality survey with the Australian population in terms of self reported health status (including the SF-36) and a wide range of demographic characteristics. Design: A cross sectional sample of Australian residents were compared with demographic data from the 1996 Australian census and health data from the 1995 National Health Survey. Setting: The Australian population. Participants: A stratified random sample of adults aged 18-59 years drawn from the Australian electoral roll, a compulsory register of voters. Interviews were completed with 1784 people, representing 40% of those initially selected (58% of those for whom a valid telephone number could be located). Main results: Participants were of similar age and sex to the national population. Consistent with prior research, respondents had higher socioeconomic status, more education, were more likely to be employed, and less likely to be immigrants. The prevalence estimates, means, and variances of self reported mental and physical health measures (for example, SF-36 subscales, women's health indicators, current smoking status) were similar to population norms. Conclusions: These findings considerably strengthen inferences about the representativeness of data on health status from volunteer samples used in health and sexuality surveys.


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Purpose: This study aimed to identify the constituents and conceptual characteristics of the quality of life (QOL) of Chinese elderly stroke survivors. living in the community in Hong Kong. Method: A triangulated approach was used to identify the QOL components for this population. This process involved a comparison of QOL components gathered from three different methods, namely, focus group interviews, review of the literature and the contents of the generic Hong Kong Chinese version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale (CWHOQOL-HK). Five health professionals were involved in the comparison process. A percentage of inter-judge agreement was used to determine the reliability of the comparisons made between the judges. Results: This study identified 36 components considered to contribute to the QOL of Chinese elderly stroke survivors in Hona Kong. The conceptual characteristics of their QOL generally concurred with those identified in the literature. Conclusion: Both similarities and differences were found in the QOL components identified in this study when compared to those identified in studies of Western populations who are elderly and had a stroke. The contents of the CWHOQOL-HK scale were found to lack adequacy in representing the QOL of Chinese elderly stroke survivors in Hong Kong. Recommendations are given, based on the findings of this study, to overcome this limitation for its application as a QOL measure for this population.


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Children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) experience difficulty participating in the typical activities of childhood and are known to have a more sedentary pattern of activities than their peers. Little research has been done to investigate the impact of these deficits on the lives of children with DCD and the importance of their participation in the typical activities of childhood. This qualitative study explored the impact of the disorder and the importance of participation for children with DCD from the perspective of the parent. Twelve in-depth interviews were conducted with parents of children with DCD who attended a university clinic specializing in using the Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance (COOP) approach, a cognitive-based intervention. Findings revealed that incompetence in everyday activities had serious negative effects for the children. Conversely, intervention that was focused on enablement at the activity and participation level had a significant positive impact on the children's quality of life. Emerging themes highlighted the notion that performance competency played an important role in being accepted by peers and being able to be part of the group. As well, parents reported that successful participation built confidence in their children and allowed them to try other new activities. The World Health Organization's International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health provides a unique framework for analyzing and understanding the impact of the physical disability on the lives of families with children with DCD. Results illustrate how intervention that focuses on enabling children to choose their own functional goals in the area of physical activity has important implications for enabling participation and building the social networks of children with DCD. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This article, which is part of a larger historical study of infant-feeding advice received by mothers in Queensland, Australia, identifies and examines print materials that were used by mothers, or that influenced other texts, during the postwar period from 1945 to 1965. The texts are described within the context of their environmental influences and the medical knowledge and research of the time to assess what effect, if any, these latter materials had on the established system of infant-feeding advice. Two innovations that were employed are the use of interviews to identify the most-used texts and the comparison of popular advice books with medical journal material.


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In this paper, we present the results of a qualitative study of subordinate perceptions of leaders. The study represents a preliminary test of a model based on Affective Events Theory, which posits that leaders who are seen to be effective shape the affective events that determine employees' attitudes and behaviours in the workplace. Within this framework, we argue that effective leaders ameliorate employees' hassles by providing frequent, small emotional uplifts. The resulting positive affective states are then proposed to lead to more positive employee attitudes and behaviours, and more positive regard for the leader. Importantly, leaders who demonstrate these ameliorating behaviours are likely to require high levels of emotional intelligence, defined in terms of the ability to recognise, understand, and manage emotions in self and others. To investigate this model, we conducted interviews and focus groups with 10 leaders and 24 employees. Results confirmed that these processes do indeed exist in the workplace. In particular, leaders who were seen by employees to provide continuous small emotional uplifts were consistently held to be the most effective. Study participants were especially affected by negative events (or hassles). Leaders who failed to deal with hassles or, worse still, were the source of hassles, were consistently seen to be less effective. We conclude with a discussion of implications for practicing managers, and suggest that our exploratory findings provide justification for emotional intelligence training as a means to improve leader perceptions and effectiveness. [Abstract from author]


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Work-related falls continues to be one of the leading causes of fatalities in the Australian construction industry, and the failure to use fall protection equipment, such as fall-arrest harnesses and arresting devices, has been found to be a contributing factor. In an attempt to gain an understanding of the issues surrounding the use of fallarrest harness systems by construction workers a study involving semi-structured interviews of 15 male construction workers was carried out at three construction sites. The majority of interviewees commented that there was discomfort in wearing a fall-arrest harness; that there were a number of problems when anchored via an arresting device; and that using a fall-arrest system reduced productivity. Most of the interviewees considered that they needed safety precautions against falls, and they expressed the view that workers’ attitudes towards safety depended critically upon their supervisors’ attitude towards safety. It was also found that workers were not trained in rescue procedures. Interviewees expressed concern that retrieval of a suspended worker may not be carried out in time to prevent the onset of suspension trauma. A number of issues were identified which require further research, such as, investigation into suspension trauma, harness and arresting device design, training provided to workers, and the provision for rescues.


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The purpose of this study was to examine the development of six leader-athletes. In-depth qualitative interviews were used to explore the various activities that leader athletes engaged in from an early age as well as the roles and influences that peers, coaches, and parents played within these activities. Results indicated that leadership development in sport focused on developing four central components: high skill, strong work ethic, enriched cognitive sport knowledge, and good rapport with people. The types of activities engaged in throughout development as well as receiving feedback, acknowledgement, support, cognitive engagement, mature conversations with adults, and physical encounters with older peers are important social influences that can play an instrumental role in the formation of these four central tenets.


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The purpose of this study was to analyze the development of four 20 year-old elite hockey players through an in-depth examination of their sporting activities. The theoretical framework of deliberate practice (Ericsson, Krampe, & Tesch-Römer, 1993) and the notion of deliberate play (Côté, 1999) served as the theoretical foundations. Interviews were conducted to provide a longitudinal and detailed account of each participant's involvement in various sporting activities. The interviewer asked questions about the conditions and sporting activities for each year of development. The data obtained were validated through independent interviews conducted with three parents of three different athletes. The results were consistent with Côté's (1999) three stages of development in sport: the sampling (age 6-12), specializing (age 13-15), and investment (age 16+) years.


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Inagaki and Hatano (2002) have argued that young children initially understand biological phenomena in terms of vitalism, a mode of construal in which life or life-force is the central causal-explanatory concept. This study investigated the development of vitalistic reasoning in young children's concepts of life, the human body and death. Sixty preschool children between the ages of 3 years, 7 months and 5 years, 11 months participated. All children were initially given structured interviews to assess their knowledge of (1) human body function and (2) death. From this sample 40 children in the Training group were taught about the human body and how it functions to maintain life. The Control group (n = 20) received no training. All 60 children were subsequently reassessed on their knowledge of human body function and death. Results from the initial interviews indicated that young children who spontaneously appealed to vitalistic concepts in reasoning about human body functioning were also more sophisticated in their understanding of death. Results from the posttraining interviews showed that children readily learned to adopt a vitalistic approach to human body functioning, and that this learning coincided with significant development in their understanding of human body function, and of death. The overall pattern of results supports the claim that the acquisition of a vitalistic causal-explanatory framework serves to structure children's concepts and facilitates learning in the domain of biology. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.


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O objetivo deste artigo ?? compreender a percep????o dos gestores, que atuam com o planejamento estrat??gico de uma organiza????o p??blica, sobre o construto de comprometimento no trabalho, bem como a influ??ncia dessa percep????o em suas pr??ticas cotidianas de gest??o. Para tanto, realizou-se, inicialmente, pesquisa bibliogr??fica focando quest??es relacionadas ao sentido e natureza do construto, bem como sobre os estudos realizados sobre o tema do comprometimento no contexto da administra????o p??blica. Em seguida, foram coletados dados com gestores mediante entrevista com roteiro semiestruturado, os quais foram analisados por meio da t??cnica de an??lise de conte??do. As evid??ncias indicam que os gestores associam o v??nculo ao trabalho a quest??es atitudinais e de inten????es comportamentais e que suas pr??ticas cotidianas s??o influenciadas pela percep????o de comprometimento dos indiv??duos, admitindo que as decis??es tomadas, motivadas por essa percep????o, podem trazer consequ??ncias negativas tanto para a organiza????o quanto para o indiv??duo.


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Este estudo investiga a intera????o dos humanos com os computadores pessoais. A partir dos inc??modos produzidos por esses encontros, na primeira parte estuda-se a produ????o da m??quina ???amig??vel??? ??? que insinua compara????es com a mente humana ??? e seus fortes efeitos nas transforma????es culturais do final do s??culo XX. Na segunda parte do trabalho, a partir de entrevistas de trabalhadores falando sobre sua aprendizagem b??sica do uso de computadores pessoais, faz-se uma an??lise das principais concep????es sobre a rela????o homem-t??cnica que est??o influenciando a intera????o humano-computador. Com isso fica evidenciado o papel do computador na crise do sujeito moderno, e afirma-se a necessidade de se pensar a subjetividade para al??m da cl??ssica divis??o sujeito-objeto, homem m??quina, natureza-artif??cio... o que aponta para a id??ia de acoplamentos flex??veis entre humanos e computadores e pede por uma no????o de aprendizagem que acolha a cria????o de problemas como seu aspecto mais rico.


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O presente artigo tem por objetivo demonstrar como um processo de implementa????o se modifica e ?? adaptado ao longo do tempo, podendo conduzir a um redesenho da pol??tica p??blica. Utiliza-se como estudo de caso o programa Cultura Viva. A pesquisa em que se baseia o artigo foi realizada por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com gestores do programa Cultura Viva e gestores de pontos de cultura, bem como por meio de um survey com os pontos de cultura do Estado de S??o Paulo e seus Munic??pios. Os resultados revelam que a implementa????o do programa alterou os crit??rios estabelecidos no processo de formula????o e incluiu novos instrumentos de gest??o, redesenhando assim a pol??tica p??blica


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O presente artigo pretende tecer algumas considera????es a respeito dos discursos e pr??ticas da ??rea da sa??de do trabalhador em rela????o aos trabalhadores dos servi??os p??blicos. Na primeira parte, demarca a constru????o do campo da Sa??de do Trabalhador enquanto pol??tica p??blica no Brasil, identificando como as Confer??ncias Nacionais de Sa??de do Trabalhador trataram o tema da sa??de do servidor p??blico. Em seguida, analisa entrevistas realizadas com profissionais da Per??cia M??dica de um estado brasileiro. Ao final, conclui que a????es voltadas ?? aten????o da sa??de do servidor p??blico n??o integram uma pol??tica p??blica, mas ficam ?? merc?? dos diferentes governos, sendo que os enunciados sobre a sa??de do trabalhador t??m uma fr??gil penetra????o em um campo ainda hegem??nico da medicina do trabalho. A sa??de do servidor p??blico n??o tem merecido investimento, apenas controle, em conson??ncia com um longo hist??rico de desvaloriza????o do setor p??blico.


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O presente trabalho representa uma tentativa de avaliar se o Conselho Nacional de Juventude da Secretaria Geral da Presid??ncia da Rep??blica pode ser entendido como uma rede de pol??ticas p??blicas, conforme a vis??o de Bonafont (2004). Para realizar essa avalia????o optou-se, inicialmente, pela abordagem da an??lise de redes de pol??ticas p??blicas qualitativa e por alguns itens avaliativos. Assim, foram realizadas entrevistas, al??m de pesquisas documentais em livros, boletins informativos, documentos oficiais, s??tios eletr??nicos e outras fontes de informa????es que auxiliaram a montar o hist??rico do Conselho, mapear as suas caracter??sticas, a estrutura, a forma de atua????o e a rela????o entre seus atores. O estudo mostra que, apesar do aumento de capital social trazido pela cria????o de um espa??o p??blico de discuss??o de pol??ticas p??blicas de juventude, o Conselho ainda n??o pode ser considerado uma rede de pol??ticas p??blicas. Identificou-se, principalmente, falta de consenso sobre o tema, aus??ncia de elabora????o de diretrizes sobre as pol??ticas p??blicas de juventude, bem como a inexist??ncia de um conceito ??nico de juventude compartilhado entre seus integrantes. Entretanto, vislumbram-se possibilidades concretas de surgimento de tal estrutura caso alguns requisitos, discutidos no artigo, estejam presentes em futuras realiza????es desse ??rg??o.