992 resultados para Efficient estimation
Interaction effects are usually modeled by means of moderated regression analysis. Structural equation models with non-linear constraints make it possible to estimate interaction effects while correcting formeasurement error. From the various specifications, Jöreskog and Yang's(1996, 1998), likely the most parsimonious, has been chosen and further simplified. Up to now, only direct effects have been specified, thus wasting much of the capability of the structural equation approach. This paper presents and discusses an extension of Jöreskog and Yang's specification that can handle direct, indirect and interaction effects simultaneously. The model is illustrated by a study of the effects of an interactive style of use of budgets on both company innovation and performance
The estimation of camera egomotion is a well established problem in computer vision. Many approaches have been proposed based on both the discrete and the differential epipolar constraint. The discrete case is mainly used in self-calibrated stereoscopic systems, whereas the differential case deals with a unique moving camera. The article surveys several methods for mobile robot egomotion estimation covering more than 0.5 million samples using synthetic data. Results from real data are also given
The purpose of this paper is to propose a Neural-Q_learning approach designed for online learning of simple and reactive robot behaviors. In this approach, the Q_function is generalized by a multi-layer neural network allowing the use of continuous states and actions. The algorithm uses a database of the most recent learning samples to accelerate and guarantee the convergence. Each Neural-Q_learning function represents an independent, reactive and adaptive behavior which maps sensorial states to robot control actions. A group of these behaviors constitutes a reactive control scheme designed to fulfill simple missions. The paper centers on the description of the Neural-Q_learning based behaviors showing their performance with an underwater robot in a target following task. Real experiments demonstrate the convergence and stability of the learning system, pointing out its suitability for online robot learning. Advantages and limitations are discussed
We present a computer vision system that associates omnidirectional vision with structured light with the aim of obtaining depth information for a 360 degrees field of view. The approach proposed in this article combines an omnidirectional camera with a panoramic laser projector. The article shows how the sensor is modelled and its accuracy is proved by means of experimental results. The proposed sensor provides useful information for robot navigation applications, pipe inspection, 3D scene modelling etc
Epipolar geometry is a key point in computer vision and the fundamental matrix estimation is the only way to compute it. This article surveys several methods of fundamental matrix estimation which have been classified into linear methods, iterative methods and robust methods. All of these methods have been programmed and their accuracy analysed using real images. A summary, accompanied with experimental results, is given
In networks with small buffers, such as optical packet switching based networks, the convolution approach is presented as one of the most accurate method used for the connection admission control. Admission control and resource management have been addressed in other works oriented to bursty traffic and ATM. This paper focuses on heterogeneous traffic in OPS based networks. Using heterogeneous traffic and bufferless networks the enhanced convolution approach is a good solution. However, both methods (CA and ECA) present a high computational cost for high number of connections. Two new mechanisms (UMCA and ISCA) based on Monte Carlo method are proposed to overcome this drawback. Simulation results show that our proposals achieve lower computational cost compared to enhanced convolution approach with an small stochastic error in the probability estimation
Over the past decade, significant interest has been expressed in relating the spatial statistics of surface-based reflection ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data to those of the imaged subsurface volume. A primary motivation for this work is that changes in the radar wave velocity, which largely control the character of the observed data, are expected to be related to corresponding changes in subsurface water content. Although previous work has indeed indicated that the spatial statistics of GPR images are linked to those of the water content distribution of the probed region, a viable method for quantitatively analyzing the GPR data and solving the corresponding inverse problem has not yet been presented. Here we address this issue by first deriving a relationship between the 2-D autocorrelation of a water content distribution and that of the corresponding GPR reflection image. We then show how a Bayesian inversion strategy based on Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling can be used to estimate the posterior distribution of subsurface correlation model parameters that are consistent with the GPR data. Our results indicate that if the underlying assumptions are valid and we possess adequate prior knowledge regarding the water content distribution, in particular its vertical variability, this methodology allows not only for the reliable recovery of lateral correlation model parameters but also for estimates of parameter uncertainties. In the case where prior knowledge regarding the vertical variability of water content is not available, the results show that the methodology still reliably recovers the aspect ratio of the heterogeneity.
CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells (Treg) play an important role in the induction and maintenance of immune tolerance. Although adoptive transfer of bulk populations of Treg can prevent or treat T cell-mediated inflammatory diseases and transplant allograft rejection in animal models, optimal Treg immunotherapy in humans would ideally use antigen-specific rather than polyclonal Treg for greater specificity of regulation and avoidance of general suppression. However, no robust approaches have been reported for the generation of human antigen-specific Treg at a practical scale for clinical use. Here, we report a simple and cost-effective novel method to rapidly induce and expand large numbers of functional human alloantigen-specific Treg from antigenically naive precursors in vitro using allogeneic nontransformed B cells as stimulators. By this approach naive CD4(+)CD25(-) T cells could be expanded 8-fold into alloantigen-specific Treg after 3 weeks of culture without any exogenous cytokines. The induced alloantigen-specific Treg were CD45RO(+)CCR7(-) memory cells, and had a CD4(high), CD25(+), Foxp3(+), and CD62L (L-selectin)(+) phenotype. Although these CD4(high)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) alloantigen-specific Treg had no cytotoxic capacity, their suppressive function was cell-cell contact dependent and partially relied on cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen-4 expression. This approach may accelerate the clinical application of Treg-based immunotherapy in transplantation and autoimmune diseases.
En aquest treball, es proposa un nou mètode per estimar en temps real la qualitat del producte final en processos per lot. Aquest mètode permet reduir el temps necessari per obtenir els resultats de qualitat de les anàlisi de laboratori. S'utiliza un model de anàlisi de componentes principals (PCA) construït amb dades històriques en condicions normals de funcionament per discernir si un lot finalizat és normal o no. Es calcula una signatura de falla pels lots anormals i es passa a través d'un model de classificació per la seva estimació. L'estudi proposa un mètode per utilitzar la informació de les gràfiques de contribució basat en les signatures de falla, on els indicadors representen el comportament de les variables al llarg del procés en les diferentes etapes. Un conjunt de dades compost per la signatura de falla dels lots anormals històrics es construeix per cercar els patrons i entrenar els models de classifcació per estimar els resultas dels lots futurs. La metodologia proposada s'ha aplicat a un reactor seqüencial per lots (SBR). Diversos algoritmes de classificació es proven per demostrar les possibilitats de la metodologia proposada.
A novel procedure is presented describing the induction of antigen-specific cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) in vivo, that uses as immunogen syngeneic Concanavalin A stimulated spleen cells expressing H-2Kd (Kd) molecules photocrosslinked with a photoreactive peptide derivative. The Kd restricted Plasmodium berghei circumsporozoite (PbCS) peptide 253-260 (YIPSAEKI) was conjugated with photoreactive iodo-4-azidosalicylic acid (IASA) at the NH2-terminus and with 4-azidobenzoic acid (ABA) at the TCR contact residue Lys259 to make IASA-YIPSAEK(ABA)I. Selective photoactivation of the IASA group allowed specific photoaffinity labeling of cell-associated Kd molecules. Optimal peptide derivative binding to Kd molecules of concanavalin A stimulated spleen cells was obtained upon 4-6 h incubation at 26 degrees C in the presence of human beta 2 microglobulin. Photocrosslinking prevented the rapid dissociation of cell-associated Kd-peptide derivative complexes at 37 degrees C. The photoaffinity labeled cells were injected i.p. into syngeneic recipients. After 10 days, the peritoneal exudate lymphocytes were harvested and in vitro stimulated with peptide derivative pulsed P815 mastocytoma cells. The resulting bulk cultures displayed high cytolytic activity that was specific for IASA-YIPSAEK(ABA)I and YIPSAEK(ABA)I. In contrast, peritoneal exudate lymphocytes from mice inoculated with concanavalin A blasts that were pulsed, but not photocrosslinked, with IASA-YIPSAEK(ABA)I expressed only marginal levels of IASA-YIPSAEK(ABA)I-specific cytolytic activity. This immunization strategy, using neither adjuvants nor potentially hazardous transfected/transformed cells, is safe and should be universally applicable.
During the last decade the interest on space-borne Synthetic Aperture Radars (SAR) for remote sensing applications has grown as testified by the number of recent and forthcoming missions as TerraSAR-X, RADARSAT-2, COSMO-kyMed, TanDEM-X and the Spanish SEOSAR/PAZ. In this sense, this thesis proposes to study and analyze the performance of the state-of-the-Art space-borne SAR systems, with modes able to provide Moving Target Indication capabilities (MTI), i.e. moving object detection and estimation. The research will focus on the MTI processing techniques as well as the architecture and/ or configuration of the SAR instrument, setting the limitations of the current systems with MTI capabilities, and proposing efficient solutions for the future missions. Two European projects, to which the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya provides support, are an excellent framework for the research activities suggested in this thesis. NEWA project proposes a potential European space-borne radar system with MTI capabilities in order to fulfill the upcoming European security policies. This thesis will critically review the state-of-the-Art MTI processing techniques as well as the readiness and maturity level of the developed capabilities. For each one of the techniques a performance analysis will be carried out based on the available technologies, deriving a roadmap and identifying the different technological gaps. In line with this study a simulator tool will be developed in order to validate and evaluate different MTI techniques in the basis of a flexible space-borne radar configuration. The calibration of a SAR system is mandatory for the accurate formation of the SAR images and turns to be critical in the advanced operation modes as MTI. In this sense, the SEOSAR/PAZ project proposes the study and estimation of the radiometric budget. This thesis will also focus on an exhaustive analysis of the radiometric budget considering the current calibration concepts and their possible limitations. In the framework of this project a key point will be the study of the Dual Receive Antenna (DRA) mode, which provides MTI capabilities to the mission. An additional aspect under study is the applicability of the Digital Beamforming on multichannel and/or multistatic radar platforms, which conform potential solutions for the NEWA project with the aim to fully exploit its capability jointly with MTI techniques.
Decreasing perinatal morbidity and mortality is one of the main goals of obstetrics. Prognosis of preterm births depends on gestational age and birthweight. Multidisciplinary management is discussed with the parents according to these two parameters. In other circumstances, a suspected macrosomy will influence the management of the last weeks of pregnancy. Induction of labor or Cesarean delivery will be considered to avoid shoulder dystocia, brachial plexus injury or perinatal asphyxia. Birthweight needs to be estimated with accuracy, and this article describes the efficiency of various ultrasound weight estimation formulae for small and large fetuses.
A ubiquitous assessment of swimming velocity (main metric of the performance) is essential for the coach to provide a tailored feedback to the trainee. We present a probabilistic framework for the data-driven estimation of the swimming velocity at every cycle using a low-cost wearable inertial measurement unit (IMU). The statistical validation of the method on 15 swimmers shows that an average relative error of 0.1 ± 9.6% and high correlation with the tethered reference system (rX,Y=0.91 ) is achievable. Besides, a simple tool to analyze the influence of sacrum kinematics on the performance is provided.
Chromatin remodeling and histone modification are essential for eukaryotic transcription regulation, but little is known about chromatin-modifying activities acting on RNA polymerase III (Pol III)-transcribed genes. The human U6 small nuclear RNA promoter, located 5' of the transcription start site, consists of a core region directing basal transcription and an activating region that recruits the transcription factors Oct-1 and Staf (ZNF143). Oct-1 activates transcription in part by helping recruit core binding factors, but nothing is known about the mechanisms of transcription activation by Staf. We show that Staf activates U6 transcription from a preassembled chromatin template in vitro and associates with several proteins linked to chromatin modification, among them chromodomain-helicase-DNA binding protein 8 (CHD8). CHD8 binds to histone H3 di- and trimethylated on lysine 4. It resides on the human U6 promoter as well as the mRNA IRF3 promoter in vivo and contributes to efficient transcription from both these promoters. Thus, Pol III transcription from type 3 promoters uses some of the same factors used for chromatin remodeling at Pol II promoters.