627 resultados para Ectodomain Shedding


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prevalence of the urinary excretion of BKV and JCV in HIV-infected patients without neurological symptoms. METHODS: Urine samples from HIV-infected patients without neurological symptoms were tested for JC virus and BK virus by PCR. Samples were screened for the presence of polyomavirus with sets of primers complementary to the early region of JCV and BKV genome (AgT). The presence of JC virus or BK virus were confirmed by two other PCR assays using sets of primers complementary to the VP1 gene of each virus. Analysis of the data was performed by the Kruskal-Wallis test for numerical data and Pearson or Yates for categorical variables. RESULTS: A total of 75 patients were included in the study. The overall prevalence of polyomavirus DNA urinary shedding was 67/75 (89.3%). Only BKV DNA was detected in 14/75 (18.7%) urine samples, and only JCV DNA was detected in 11/75 (14.7%) samples. Both BKV and JCV DNA were present in 42/75 (56.0%) samples. CONCLUSION: In this study we found high rates of excretion of JCV, BKV, and simultaneous excretion in HIV+ patients. Also these results differ from the others available on the literature.


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We use the stacked gravitational lensingmass profile of four high-mass (M 1015M ) galaxy clusters around z≈0.3 from Umetsu et al. to fit density profiles of phenomenological [Navarro– Frenk–White (NFW), Einasto, S´ersic, Stadel, Baltz–Marshall–Oguri (BMO) and Hernquist] and theoretical (non-singular Isothermal Sphere, DARKexp and Kang & He) models of the dark matter distribution. We account for large-scale structure effects, including a two-halo term in the analysis.We find that the BMO model provides the best fit to the data as measured by the reduced χ2. It is followed by the Stadel profile, the generalized NFW profile with a free inner slope and by the Einasto profile. The NFW model provides the best fit if we neglect the two-halo term, in agreement with results from Umetsu et al. Among the theoretical profiles, the DARKexp model with a single form parameter has the best performance, very close to that of the BMO profile. This may indicate a connection between this theoretical model and the phenomenology of dark matter haloes, shedding light on the dynamical basis of empirical profiles which emerge from numerical simulations.


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Background. Brazil conducted mass immunization of women of childbearing age in 2001 and 2002. Surveillance was initiated for vaccination of women during pregnancy to monitor the effects of rubella vaccination on fetal outcomes. Methods. Women vaccinated while pregnant or prior to conception were reported to the surveillance system. Susceptibility to rubella infection was determined by anti-rubella immunoglobulin (Ig) M and IgG immunoassays. Susceptible women were observed through delivery. Live-born infants were tested for anti-rubella IgM antibody; IgM-seropositive newborns were tested for viral shedding and observed for 12 months for signs of congenital rubella syndrome. Incidence of congenital rubella infection was calculated using data from 7 states. Results. A total of 22 708 cases of rubella vaccination during pregnancy or prior to conception were reported nationwide, 20 536 (90%) of which were from 7 of 27 states in Brazil. Of these, 2332 women were susceptible to rubella infection at vaccination. Sixty-seven (4.1%) of 1647 newborns had rubella IgM antibody (incidence rate, 4.1 congenital infections per 100 susceptible women vaccinated during pregnancy [95% confidence interval, 3.2–5.1]). None of the infants infected with rubella vaccine virus was born with congenital rubella syndrome. Conclusions. As rubella elimination goals are adopted worldwide, evidence of rubella vaccine safety aids in planning and implementation of mass adult immunization.


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A comprehensive structural and vibrational study of the potential metal-protein attenuating compound 8-hydroxyquinoline-2-carboxaldehyde isonicotinoyl hydrazone is reported. X-ray diffraction data, as well as FT-IR and Raman frequencies, were compared with the respective theoretical values obtained from DFT calculations. Theory agrees well with experiment. In this context, an attempt of total assignment concerning the FT-IR and Raman spectra of the title compound was performed, shedding new light on previous partial assignments published elsewhere.


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Four glycoproteins (gD, gB, gH, and gL) are required for herpes simplex virus (HSV) entry into the cell and for cell-cell fusion in transfected cells. gD serves as the receptor-binding glycoprotein and as the trigger of fusion; the other three glycoproteins execute fusion between the viral envelope and the plasma or endocytic membranes. Little is known on the interaction of gD with gB, gH, and gL. Here, the interactions between herpes simplex virus gD and its nectin1 receptor or between gD, gB, and gH were analyzed by complementation of the N and C portions of split enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) fused to the glycoproteins. Split EGFP complementation was detected between proteins designated gDN + gHC, gDN + gBC, and gHN + gBC + wtgD, both in cells transfected with two or tree glycoproteins and in cells transfected with the four glycoproteins, commited to form syncytia. The in situ assay provides evidence that gD interacts with gH and gB independently one of the other. We further document the interaction between gH and gB. To elucidate which portions of the glycoproteins interact with each other we generated mutants of gD and gB. gD triggers fusion through a specialised domain, named pro-fusion domain (PFD), located C-terminally in the ectodomain. Here, we show that PFD is made of subdomains 1 and 2 (amino acids 260–285 and 285–310) and that each one partially contributed to herpes simplex virus infectivity. Chimeric gB molecules composed of HSV and human herpesvirus 8 (HHV8) sequences failed to reach the cell surface and to complement a gB defective virus. By means of pull down experiments we analyzed the interactions of HSV-HHV8 gB chimeras with gH or gD fused to the strep-tag. The gB sequence between aa residues 219-360 was identified as putative region of interaction with gH or critical to the interaction.


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This study aims at analysing Brian O'Nolans literary production in the light of a reconsideration of the role played by his two most famous pseudonyms ,Flann Brien and Myles na Gopaleen, behind which he was active both as a novelist and as a journalist. We tried to establish a new kind of relationship between them and their empirical author following recent cultural and scientific surveys in the field of Humour Studies, Psychology, and Sociology: taking as a starting point the appreciation of the comic attitude in nature and in cultural history, we progressed through a short history of laughter and derision, followed by an overview on humour theories. After having established such a frame, we considered an integration of scientific studies in the field of laughter and humour as a base for our study scheme, in order to come to a definition of the comic author as a recognised, powerful and authoritative social figure who acts as a critic of conventions. The history of laughter and comic we briefly summarized, based on the one related by the French scholar Georges Minois in his work (Minois 2004), has been taken into account in the view that humorous attitude is one of man’s characteristic traits always present and witnessed throughout the ages, though subject in most cases to repression by cultural and political conservative power. This sort of Super-Ego notwithstanding, or perhaps because of that, comic impulse proved irreducible exactly in its influence on the current cultural debates. Basing mainly on Robert R. Provine’s (Provine 2001), Fabio Ceccarelli’s (Ceccarelli 1988), Arthur Koestler’s (Koestler 1975) and Peter L. Berger’s (Berger 1995) scientific essays on the actual occurrence of laughter and smile in complex social situations, we underlined the many evidences for how the use of comic, humour and wit (in a Freudian sense) could be best comprehended if seen as a common mind process designed for the improvement of knowledge, in which we traced a strict relation with the play-element the Dutch historian Huizinga highlighted in his famous essay, Homo Ludens (Huizinga 1955). We considered comic and humour/wit as different sides of the same coin, and showed how the demonstrations scientists provided on this particular subject are not conclusive, given that the mental processes could not still be irrefutably shown to be separated as regards graduations in comic expression and reception: in fact, different outputs in expressions might lead back to one and the same production process, following the general ‘Economy Rule’ of evolution; man is the only animal who lies, meaning with this that one feeling is not necessarily biuniquely associated with one and the same outward display, so human expressions are not validation proofs for feelings. Considering societies, we found that in nature they are all organized in more or less the same way, that is, in élites who govern over a community who, in turn, recognizes them as legitimate delegates for that task; we inferred from this the epistemological possibility for the existence of an added ruling figure alongside those political and religious: this figure being the comic, who is the person in charge of expressing true feelings towards given subjects of contention. Any community owns one, and his very peculiar status is validated by the fact that his place is within the community, living in it and speaking to it, but at the same time is outside it in the sense that his action focuses mainly on shedding light on ideas and objects placed out-side the boundaries of social convention: taboos, fears, sacred objects and finally culture are the favourite targets of the comic person’s arrow. This is the reason for the word a(rche)typical as applied to the comic figure in society: atypical in a sense, because unconventional and disrespectful of traditions, critical and never at ease with unblinkered respect of canons; archetypical, because the “village fool”, buffoon, jester or anyone in any kind of society who plays such roles, is an archetype in the Jungian sense, i.e. a personification of an irreducible side of human nature that everybody instinctively knows: a beginner of a tradition, the perfect type, what is most conventional of all and therefore the exact opposite of an atypical. There is an intrinsic necessity, we think, of such figures in societies, just like politicians and priests, who should play an elitist role in order to guide and rule not for their own benefit but for the good of the community. We are not naïve and do know that actual owners of power always tend to keep it indefinitely: the ‘social comic’ as a role of power has nonetheless the distinctive feature of being the only job whose tension is not towards stability. It has got in itself the rewarding permission of contradiction, for the very reason we exposed before that the comic must cast an eye both inside and outside society and his vision may be perforce not consistent, then it is satisfactory for the popularity that gives amongst readers and audience. Finally, the difference between governors, priests and comic figures is the seriousness of the first two (fundamentally monologic) and the merry contradiction of the third (essentially dialogic). MPs, mayors, bishops and pastors should always console, comfort and soothe popular mood in respect of the public convention; the comic has the opposite task of provoking, urging and irritating, accomplishing at the same time a sort of control of the soothing powers of society, keepers of the righteousness. In this view, the comic person assumes a paramount importance in the counterbalancing of power administration, whether in form of acting in public places or in written pieces which could circulate for private reading. At this point comes into question our Irish writer Brian O'Nolan(1911-1966), real name that stood behind the more famous masks of Flann O'Brien, novelist, author of At Swim-Two-Birds (1939), The Hard Life (1961), The Dalkey Archive (1964) and, posthumously, The Third Policeman (1967); and of Myles na Gopaleen, journalist, keeper for more than 25 years of the Cruiskeen Lawn column on The Irish Times (1940-1966), and author of the famous book-parody in Irish An Béal Bocht (1941), later translated in English as The Poor Mouth (1973). Brian O'Nolan, professional senior civil servant of the Republic, has never seen recognized his authorship in literary studies, since all of them concentrated on his alter egos Flann, Myles and some others he used for minor contributions. So far as we are concerned, we think this is the first study which places the real name in the title, this way acknowledging him an unity of intents that no-one before did. And this choice in titling is not a mere mark of distinction for the sake of it, but also a wilful sign of how his opus should now be reconsidered. In effect, the aim of this study is exactly that of demonstrating how the empirical author Brian O'Nolan was the real Deus in machina, the master of puppets who skilfully directed all of his identities in planned directions, so as to completely fulfil the role of the comic figure we explained before. Flann O'Brien and Myles na Gopaleen were personae and not persons, but the impression one gets from the critical studies on them is the exact opposite. Literary consideration, that came only after O'Nolans death, began with Anne Clissmann’s work, Flann O'Brien: A Critical Introduction to His Writings (Clissmann 1975), while the most recent book is Keith Donohue’s The Irish Anatomist: A Study of Flann O'Brien (Donohue 2002); passing through M.Keith Booker’s Flann O'Brien, Bakhtin and Menippean Satire (Booker 1995), Keith Hopper’s Flann O'Brien: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Post-Modernist (Hopper 1995) and Monique Gallagher’s Flann O'Brien, Myles et les autres (Gallagher 1998). There have also been a couple of biographies, which incidentally somehow try to explain critical points his literary production, while many critical studies do the same on the opposite side, trying to found critical points of view on the author’s restless life and habits. At this stage, we attempted to merge into O'Nolan's corpus the journalistic articles he wrote, more than 4,200, for roughly two million words in the 26-year-old running of the column. To justify this, we appealed to several considerations about the figure O'Nolan used as writer: Myles na Gopaleen (later simplified in na Gopaleen), who was the equivalent of the street artist or storyteller, speaking to his imaginary public and trying to involve it in his stories, quarrels and debates of all kinds. First of all, he relied much on language for the reactions he would obtain, playing on, and with, words so as to ironically unmask untrue relationships between words and things. Secondly, he pushed to the limit the convention of addressing to spectators and listeners usually employed in live performing, stretching its role in the written discourse to come to a greater effect of involvement of readers. Lastly, he profited much from what we labelled his “specific weight”, i.e. the potential influence in society given by his recognised authority in determined matters, a position from which he could launch deeper attacks on conventional beliefs, so complying with the duty of a comic we hypothesised before: that of criticising society even in threat of losing the benefits the post guarantees. That seemingly masochistic tendency has its rationale. Every representative has many privileges on the assumption that he, or she, has great responsibilities in administrating. The higher those responsibilities are, the higher is the reward but also the severer is the punishment for the misfits done while in charge. But we all know that not everybody accepts the rules and many try to use their power for their personal benefit and do not want to undergo law’s penalties. The comic, showing in this case more civic sense than others, helped very much in this by the non-accessibility to the use of public force, finds in the role of the scapegoat the right accomplishment of his task, accepting the punishment when his breaking of the conventions is too stark to be forgiven. As Ceccarelli demonstrated, the role of the object of laughter (comic, ridicule) has its very own positive side: there is freedom of expression for the person, and at the same time integration in the society, even though at low levels. Then the banishment of a ‘social’ comic can never get to total extirpation from society, revealing how the scope of the comic lies on an entirely fictional layer, bearing no relation with facts, nor real consequences in terms of physical health. Myles na Gopaleen, mastering these three characteristics we postulated in the highest way, can be considered an author worth noting; and the oeuvre he wrote, the whole collection of Cruiskeen Lawn articles, is rightfully a novel because respects the canons of it especially regarding the authorial figure and his relationship with the readers. In addition, his work can be studied even if we cannot conduct our research on the whole of it, this proceeding being justified exactly because of the resemblances to the real figure of the storyteller: its ‘chapters’ —the daily articles— had a format that even the distracted reader could follow, even one who did not read each and every article before. So we can critically consider also a good part of them, as collected in the seven volumes published so far, with the addition of some others outside the collections, because completeness in this case is not at all a guarantee of a better precision in the assessment; on the contrary: examination of the totality of articles might let us consider him as a person and not a persona. Once cleared these points, we proceeded further in considering tout court the works of Brian O'Nolan as the works of a unique author, rather than complicating the references with many names which are none other than well-wrought sides of the same personality. By putting O'Nolan as the correct object of our research, empirical author of the works of the personae Flann O'Brien and Myles na Gopaleen, there comes out a clearer literary landscape: the comic author Brian O'Nolan, self-conscious of his paramount role in society as both a guide and a scourge, in a word as an a(rche)typical, intentionally chose to differentiate his personalities so as to create different perspectives in different fields of knowledge by using, in addition, different means of communication: novels and journalism. We finally compared the newly assessed author Brian O'Nolan with other great Irish comic writers in English, such as James Joyce (the one everybody named as the master in the field), Samuel Beckett, and Jonathan Swift. This comparison showed once more how O'Nolan is in no way inferior to these authors who, greatly celebrated by critics, have nonetheless failed to achieve that great public recognition O’Nolan received alias Myles, awarded by the daily audience he reached and influenced with his Cruiskeen Lawn column. For this reason, we believe him to be representative of the comic figure’s function as a social regulator and as a builder of solidarity, such as that Raymond Williams spoke of in his work (Williams 1982), with in mind the aim of building a ‘culture in common’. There is no way for a ‘culture in common’ to be acquired if we do not accept the fact that even the most functional society rests on conventions, and in a world more and more ‘connected’ we need someone to help everybody negotiate with different cultures and persons. The comic gives us a worldly perspective which is at the same time comfortable and distressing but in the end not harmful as the one furnished by politicians could be: he lets us peep into parallel worlds without moving too far from our armchair and, as a consequence, is the one who does his best for the improvement of our understanding of things.


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Máster Universitario en Sistemas Inteligentes y Aplicaciones Numéricas en Ingeniería (SIANI)


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Nowadays licensing practices have increased in importance and relevance driving the widespread diffusion of markets for technologies. Firms are shifting from a tactical to a strategic attitude towards licensing, addressing both business and corporate level objectives. The Open Innovation Paradigm has been embraced. Firms rely more and more on collaboration and external sourcing of knowledge. This new model of innovation requires firms to leverage on external technologies to unlock the potential of firms’ internal innovative efforts. In this context, firms’ competitive advantage depends both on their ability to recognize available opportunities inside and outside their boundaries and on their readiness to exploit them in order to fuel their innovation process dynamically. Licensing is one of the ways available to firm to ripe the advantages associated to an open attitude in technology strategy. From the licensee’s point view this implies challenging the so-called not-invented-here syndrome, affecting the more traditional firms that emphasize the myth of internal research and development supremacy. This also entails understanding the so-called cognitive constraints affecting the perfect functioning of markets for technologies that are associated to the costs for the assimilation, integration and exploitation of external knowledge by recipient firms. My thesis aimed at shedding light on new interesting issues associated to in-licensing activities that have been neglected by the literature on licensing and markets for technologies. The reason for this gap is associated to the “perspective bias” affecting the works within this stream of research. With very few notable exceptions, they have been generally concerned with the investigation of the so-called licensing dilemma of the licensor – whether to license out or to internally exploit the in-house developed technologies, while neglecting the licensee’s perspective. In my opinion, this has left rooms for improving the understanding of the determinants and conditions affecting licensing-in practices. From the licensee’s viewpoint, the licensing strategy deals with the search, integration, assimilation, exploitation of external technologies. As such it lies at the very hearth of firm’s technology strategy. Improving our understanding of this strategy is thus required to assess the full implications of in-licensing decisions as they shape firms’ innovation patterns and technological capabilities evolution. It also allow for understanding the so-called cognitive constraints associated to the not-invented-here syndrome. In recognition of that, the aim of my work is to contribute to the theoretical and empirical literature explaining the determinants of the licensee’s behavior, by providing a comprehensive theoretical framework as well as ad-hoc conceptual tools to understand and overcome frictions and to ease the achievement of satisfactory technology transfer agreements in the marketplace. Aiming at this, I investigate licensing-in in three different fashions developed in three research papers. In the first work, I investigate the links between licensing and the patterns of firms’ technological search diversification according to the framework of references of the Search literature, Resource-based Theory and the theory of general purpose technologies. In the second paper - that continues where the first one left off – I analyze the new concept of learning-bylicensing, in terms of development of new knowledge inside the licensee firms (e.g. new patents) some years after the acquisition of the license, according to the Dynamic Capabilities perspective. Finally, in the third study, Ideal with the determinants of the remuneration structure of patent licenses (form and amount), and in particular on the role of the upfront fee from the licensee’s perspective. Aiming at this, I combine the insights of two theoretical approaches: agency and real options theory.


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Herpes simplex virus entry into cells requires a multipartite fusion apparatus made of gD, gB and heterodimer gH/gL. gD serves as receptor-binding glycoprotein and trigger of fusion; its ectodomain is organized in a N-terminal domain carrying the receptor-binding sites, and a C-terminal domain carrying the profusion domain, required for fusion but not receptor-binding. gB and gH/gL execute fusion. To understand how the four glycoproteins cross-talk to each other we searched for biochemical defined complexes in infected and transfected cells, and in virions. We report that gD formed complexes with gB in absence of gH/gL, and with gH/gL in absence of gB. Complexes with similar composition were formed in infected and transfected cells. They were also present in virions prior to entry, and did not increase at virus fusion with cell. A panel of gD mutants enabled the preliminary location of part of the binding site in gD to gB to the aa 240-260 portion and downstream, with T306P307 as critical residues, and of the binding site to gH/gL at aa 260-310 portion, with P291P292 as critical residues. The results indicate that gD carries composite independent binding sites for gB and gH/gL, both of which partly located in the profusion domain. The second part of the project dealt with rational design of peptides inhibiting virus entry has been performed. Considering gB and gD, the crystal structure is known, so we designed peptides that dock in the structure or prevent the adoption of the final conformation of target molecule. Considering the other glycoproteins, of which the structure is not known, peptide libraries were analyzed. Among several peptides, some were identified as active, designed on glycoprotein B. Two of them were further analyzed. We identified peptide residues fundamental for the inhibiting activity, suggesting a possible mechanism of action. Furthermore, changing the flexibility of peptides, an increased activity was observed,with an EC50 under 10μM. New approaches will try to demonstrate the direct interaction between these peptides and the target glycoprotein B.


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The velocity and mixing field of two turbulent jets configurations have been experimentally characterized by means of cold- and hot-wire anemometry in order to investigate the effects of the initial conditions on the flow development. In particular, experiments have been focused on the effect of the separation wall between the two streams on the flow field. The results of the experiments have pointed out that the wake behind a thick wall separating wall has a strong influence on the flow field evolution. For instance, for nearly unitary velocity ratios, a clear vortex shedding from the wall is observable. This phenomenon enhances the mixing between the inner and outer shear layer. This enhancement in the fluctuating activity is a consequence of a local absolute instability of the flow which, for a small range of velocity ratios, behaves as an hydrodynamic oscillator with no sensibility to external perturbations. It has been suggested indeed that this absolute instability can be used as a passive method to control the flow evolution. Finally, acoustic excitation has been applied to the near field in order to verify whether or not the observed vortex shedding behind the separating wall is due to a global oscillating mode as predicted by the theory. A new scaling relationship has been also proposed to determine the preferred frequency for nearly unitary velocity ratios. The proposed law takes into account both the Reynolds number and the velocity ratio dependence of this frequency and, therefore, improves all the previously proposed relationships.


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Eine funktionell und strukturell diverse Gruppe von Transmembranproteinen wie beispielsweise Mediatoren und deren Rezeptoren können proteolytisch gespalten werden. Dieser Prozess wird als Shedding bezeichnet. Kürzlich konnte die proteolytische Aktivität identifiziert werden, die für die Prozessierung von proTNFa verantwortlich ist. Sie wurde TACE (TNF Alpha Converting Enzyme) genannt. In Experimenten mit TACE-/- Fibroblasten konnte ich herausfinden, dass das durch PMA induzierte Shedding des IL-6Rs stark reduziert war. Eine basale hydroxamatsensitive Freisetzung des IL-6Rs konnte allerdings noch detektiert werden. Um Unterschiede im Shedding von IL-6R und proTNFa zu untersuchen, generierte ich chimäre Proteine aus diesen beiden Proteinen, bei denen die Spaltstellenregionen gegeneinander vertauscht worden waren. TNFa Chimären zeigten nur sehr geringes Shedding. Im Gegensatz dazu wurden IL-6R Chimären, die die proTNFa Spaltstelle enthielten spontan gespalten. Die PMA-Induzierbarkeit war verloren gegangen. Daraufhin wurden verschiedene Chimären des unspaltbaren Proteins gp130 und der Spaltstellenpeptide aus TNFa, TGFa und IL-6R generiert. Hierbei wurde ein kurzes membranproximales Peptid aus gp130 gegen die Spaltstellen ausgetauscht. Diese Peptide übertrugen sowohl spontane ale auch PMA-induzierte Spaltbarkeit auf gp130. Um die minimalen Bedingungen für Shedding zu untersuchen, setzte ich verkürzte IL-6R Spaltstellenpeptide in gp130 ein. Die resultierenden Chimären waren empfänglich für reguliertes Shedding. Überaschenderweise konnten auch spaltbare Chimären durch das Ersetzen der membrannahem Region von gp130 durch die entsprechende Region aus dem ebenfalls nicht spaltbaren LIFR generiert werden.


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The present research aims at shedding light on the demanding puzzle characterizing the issue of child undernutrition in India. Indeed, the so called ‘Indian development paradox’ identifies the phenomenon according to which higher level of income per capita is recorded alongside a lethargic reduction in the proportion of underweight children aged below three years. Thus, in the time period occurring from 2000 to 2005, real Gross Domestic Production per capita has annually grown at 5.4%, whereas the proportion of children who are underweight has declined from 47% to 46%, a mere one point percent. Such trend opens up the space for discussing the traditionally assumed linkage between income-poverty and undernutrition as well as food intervention as the main focus of policies designed to fight child hunger. Also, it unlocks doors for evaluating the role of an alternative economic approach aiming at explaining undernutrition, such as the Capability Approach. The Capability Approach argues for widening the informational basis to account not only for resources, but also for variables related to liberties, opportunities and autonomy in pursuing what individuals value.The econometric analysis highlights the relevance of including behavioral factors when explaining child undernutrition. In particular, the ability of the mother to move freely in the community without the need of asking permission to her husband or mother-in-law is statistically significant when included in the model, which accounts also for confounding traditional variables, such as economic wealth and food security. Also, focusing on agency, results indicates the necessity of measuring autonomy in different domains and the need of improving the measurement scale for agency data, especially with regards the domain of household duties. Finally, future research is required to investigate policy venues for increasing agency in women and in the communities they live in as viable strategy for reducing the plague of child undernutrition in India.


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Traditionally Poverty has been measured by a unique indicator, income, assuming this was the most relevant dimension of poverty. Sen’s approach has dramatically changed this idea shedding light over the existence of many more dimensions and over the multifaceted nature of poverty; poverty cannot be represented by a unique indicator that only can evaluate a specific aspect of poverty. This thesis tracks an ideal path along with the evolution of the poverty analysis. Starting from the unidimensional analysis based on income and consumptions, this research enter the world of multidimensional analysis. After reviewing the principal approaches, the Foster and Alkire method is critically analyzed and implemented over data from Kenya. A step further is moved in the third part of the thesis, introducing a new approach to multidimensional poverty assessment: the resilience analysis.


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Cryptosporidium parvum ist ein intrazellulärer protozoischer Darmparasit (Apikomplexa), der weltweit zu den bedeutendsten Erregern von Diarrhöen beim Menschen und einer Reihe von Nutztieren zählt. Vor allem immunkompromittierte Personen wie zum Beispiel AIDS-Patienten erleiden schwere, chronische bis lebensbedrohende Erkrankungen. Da nach wie vor keine effektive Therapie gegen eine Kryptosporidiose in Form eines spezifisch wirkenden Chemotherapeutikums oder einer Vakzine existiert, ist es notwendig, die Immunantwort des Wirtes gegen den Parasiten und dessen Bindung, Invasion und die intrazelluläre Entwicklung in den Epithelzellen eingehend zu studieren, um neue Ansatzpunkte zu entwickeln. Wohingegen Menschen zeitlebens suszeptibel für eine Infektion mit C. parvum sind, entwickeln Mäuse eine natürliche Resistenz und können als adulte Tiere nicht mehr infiziert werden. Daher sind Mausmodelle der Kryptosporidiose auf neonatale oder immunsupprimierte und immundefiziente adulte Mäuse beschränkt. Bei der Überwindung einer C. parvum-Infektion sind Effektoren der natürlichen und adaptiven Immunität beteiligt. Die zentrale Rolle spielen CD4+-T-Zellen, sowie Interferon-gamma und Interleukin-12. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden Infektionen in IFN-gamma (GKO)- und IL-12 p40 (IL12KO)-Knockout-Mäusen (C57BL/6) etabliert, für die bereits gezeigt wurde, dass sie eine Suszeptibilität gegenüber einer Erstinfektion besitzen. Erstmals wurden die beiden Infektionsmodelle parallel unter denselben Bedingungen analysiert, um Rückschlüsse auf die Funktion und die Bedeutung der beiden Th1-Zytokine IFN-gamma und IL-12 bei der Auseinandersetzung mit dem Parasiten und der Überwindung einer Infektion ziehen zu können. Es wurden deutliche Unterschiede im Infektionsverlauf, bei der Höhe und Dauer der Parasitenausscheidung und der induzierten systemischen und mukosalen Antikörperantwort beobachtet. Zum ersten Mal konnte gezeigt werden, dass neben IL12KO auch GKO in der Lage sind, eine erste Infektion zu überwinden und eine Resistenz gegenüber einer erneuten Konfrontation mit dem Parasiten zu entwickeln. Alle Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die Etablierung einer protektiven Immunität gegen eine Kryptosporidiose generell unabhängig von der Anwesenheit der Zytokine IFN-gamma und IL-12 ist, der Verlust von IFN-gamma jedoch schwerer wiegt. Bei GKO-Mäusen persistierte der Parasit in Form einer niedriggradigen chronischen Infektion. Die beiden Infektionsmodelle stellten sich als ideales System für die Etablierung einer effektiven Immunisierungsstrategie heraus. Intranasale Immunisierungen, welche neben einer systemischen auch eine mukosale Immunantwort induzieren können, schienen einen richtigen Ansatz darzustellen. Intraperitoneale und subkutane Immunisierungen führten zwar zur Ausbildung einer starken spezifischen IgG-Antwort im Serum, diese war jedoch nicht in der Lage, einen Schutz vor einer Infektion zu vermitteln. Neben den in vivo Untersuchungen wurde des Weiteren auch die intrazelluläre Entwicklung von C. parvum in einem in vitro Kultursystem verfolgt. Zum ersten Mal wurde die Genexpression von vier Oberflächenproteinen der invasiven Zoitenstadien und eines Oozystenwandproteins parallel durch RT-PCR analysiert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass alle untersuchten Gene während der intrazellulären Entwicklung differentiell exprimiert werden, was eine unterschiedliche Funktion der Proteine während des Entwicklungszyklus nahe legt. Das Expressionsmuster der verschiedenen Gene charakterisiert bestimmte Abschnitte innerhalb des Entwicklungszyklus. Dabei wurden Marker für die Invasion (CP17) sowie für die asexuelle (GP900) und sexuelle Replikation (COWP) identifiziert.


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La tesi è organizzata in 4 capitoli: -nel primo vengono brevemente riferite le patologie associate all’infezione da PCV2 con particolare riferimento all’iter diagnostico ed al ruolo rivestito dall’esame istologico e dalla identificazione dell’agente eziologico in situ contestualmente alle lesioni istologiche; -nel secondo viene presentato un iter diagnostico originale da applicare in condizioni di campo, qualora si voglia accertare la presenza del PCV2 nei tessuti dei prodotti di natimortalità/aborto del suino. In specifico si riferisce all’applicazione del protocollo in 2 aziende ed i risultati vengono analizzati per una revisione critica del protocollo impiegato; -nel terzo vengono presentati i risultati di un protocollo di infezione con PCV2 per via genitale tramite seme infetto. Scrofe convenzionali sono state sincronizzate per l’estro e fecondate con un’unica dose di seme PCV2 negativo alla PCR (gruppo controlli) o sperimentalmente esposto al PCV2 (gruppo infette). I risultati vengono analizzati in funzione delle ripercussioni che l’infezione precoce in gravidanza può produrre sulla scrofa (mancata gravidanza, ritorno in calore), sui feti e sugli invogli fetali. Viene stabilito il ruolo protettivo degli anticorpi circolanti al momento dell’infezione, stante l’evenienza che un basso titolo anticorpale si associa a viremia prolungata e maggiore numero di feti positivi al virus; -nel quarto viene presentato un esperimento sovrapponibile a quello riferito nel capitolo 3, però con la presenza anche di un gruppo di soggetti convenzionali vaccinati ed infettati con PCV2 durante la fecondazione artificiale usando seme sperimentalmente esposto al virus. Nella discussione dei risultati vengono enfatizzati 2 aspetti importanti nell’epidemiologia dell’infezione da PCV2: la eliminazione di virus è fortemente ridotta dalla vaccinazione, con conseguenze verosimilmente positive sulla circolazione del virus negli effettivi dell’allevamento; l’esposizione uterina è protetta dalla vaccinazione, stante la bassa percentuale di placente infette nel gruppo dei soggetti vaccinati rispetto a quelli non vaccinati e nei controlli.