608 resultados para Droplet-vitrification
The objectives were to evaluate the reexpansion blastocoele rate, post-thaw viability, and in vitro development of canine blastocysts cryopreserved by slow freezing in 1.0 m glycerol (GLY) or 1.5 m ethylene glycol (EG). Fifty-one in vivo-produced canine blastocysts were randomly allocated in two groups: GLY (n = 26) and EG (n = 25). After thawing, embryos from MO were immediately stained with the fluorescent probes propidium iodide and Hoechst 33 342 to evaluate cellular viability. Frozen-thawed embryos from M3 and M6 were cultured in SOFaa medium + 10% FCS at 38.5 degrees C under an atmosphere of 5% CO2 with maximum humidity, for 3 and 6 days, respectively, and similarly stained. The blastocoele reexpansion rate (24 h after in vitro culture) did not differ between GLY (76.5%) and EG (68.8%). Post-thaw viable cells rate were not significantly different between GLY and EG (66.5 +/- 4.8 and 57.3 +/- 4.8, respectively, mean +/- SEM), or among MO (62.3 +/- 5.7%), M3 (56.9 +/- 6.0%), and M6 (66.5 +/- 6.0%). In conclusion, canine blastocysts cryopreserved by slow freezing in 1.0 m glycerol or 1.5 m ethylene glycol, had satisfactory blastocoele reexpansion rates, similar post-thawing viability, and remained viable for up to 6 days of in vitro culture. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A scheme is presented in which an organic solvent environment in combination with surfactants is used to confine a natively unfolded protein inside an inverse microemulsion droplet. This type of confinement allows a study that provides unique insight into the dynamic structure of an unfolded, flexible protein which is still solvated and thus under near-physiological conditions. In a model system, the protein osteopontin (OPN) is used. It is a highly phosphorylated glycoprotein that is expressed in a wide range of cells and tissues for which limited structural analysis exists due to the high degree of flexibility and large number of post-translational modifications. OPN is implicated in tissue functions, such as inflammation and mineralisation. It also has a key function in tumour metastasis and progression. Circular dichroism measurements show that confinement enhances the secondary structural features of the protein. Small-angle X-ray scattering and dynamic light scattering show that OPN changes from being a flexible protein in aqueous solution to adopting a less flexible and more compact structure inside the microemulsion droplets. This novel approach for confining proteins while they are still hydrated may aid in studying the structure of a wide range of natively unfolded proteins.
Babassu is considered one of the greatest native resources in the world and its oil is used in body and hair formulations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the short-term stability in oil-in-water (O/W) nanoemulsions containing babassu oil prepared by emulsification phase inversion submitted to the centrifugation, thermal stress, and heating/cooling cycle tests. The formulations showed no change compared to the droplet size, polydispersity index, pH, and electrical conductivity values after thermal stress and heating/cooling cycle tests. Based on these results, the nanoemulsions obtained can be considered as promising disperse systems for pharmaceutical and cosmetic applications.
This work evaluates the spatial distribution of normalised rates of droplet breakage and droplet coalescence in liquidliquid dispersions maintained in agitated tanks at operation conditions normally used to perform suspension polymerisation reactions. Particularly, simulations are performed with multiphase computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models to represent the flow field in liquidliquid styrene suspension polymerisation reactors for the first time. CFD tools are used first to compute the spatial distribution of the turbulent energy dissipation rates (e) inside the reaction vessel; afterwards, normalised rates of droplet breakage and particle coalescence are computed as functions of e. Surprisingly, multiphase simulations showed that the rates of energy dissipation can be very high near the free vortex surfaces, which has been completely neglected in previous works. The obtained results indicate the existence of extremely large energy dissipation gradients inside the vessel, so that particle breakage occurs primarily in very small regions that surround the impeller and the free vortex surface, while particle coalescence takes place in the liquid bulk. As a consequence, particle breakage should be regarded as an independent source term or a boundary phenomenon. Based on the obtained results, it can be very difficult to justify the use of isotropic assumptions to formulate particle population balances in similar systems, even when multiple compartment models are used to describe the fluid dynamic behaviour of the agitated vessel. (C) 2011 Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering
Objective: To compare the polymerization status of mouse oocyte spindles exposed to various temperatures at various stages of meiosis. Design: Experimental animal study. Setting: University animal laboratory. Animal(s): CF1 mice. Intervention(s): Immature oocytes matured to metaphase I (MI), telophase I (TI), and metaphase II (MII) were incubated at 37 degrees C (control), room temperature (RT), or 4 degrees C for 0, 10, 30, and 60 minutes. Spindle analysis subsequently was performed using polarized field microscopy and immunocytochemistry. Spindles of TI and MII oocytes that underwent vitrification and warming were analyzed also by immunocytochemistry. Main Outcome Measure(s): Detection of polymerized meiotic spindles. Result(s): At RT, and after 60 minutes at 4 degrees C, a significant time-dependent decrease in the percentage of polymerized meiotic spindles was observed in MI and MII oocytes, but not in TI oocytes. The polymerization of TI spindles at 4 degrees C was similar to that of TI spindles at 4 degrees C that underwent vitrification and warming. Conclusion(s): Significant differences in the microtubule dynamics of MI, TI, and MII oocytes incubated at different temperatures were observed. In particular, meiotic spindles in TI oocytes exhibited less depolymerization than did metaphase spindles. (Fertil Steril (R) 2012; 97: 714-9. (C) 2012 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)
In this work poly(hydroxybutyrate/poly(vinyl butyral)- co-(vinyl alcohol)-co(vinyl acetate) (or ethylene propylene diene monomer rubber) blends were prepared by conventional processing techniques (extrusion and injection moulding). A droplet type morphology was obtained for P(3HB)/PVB blends whereas P(3HB)/EPDM blends presented some extent of co-continuous morphology. In addition, rubbery domains were much smaller in the case of PVB. These differences in morphology are discussed taking into account solubility parameters and rheological behaviours of each component. For both blends, the increase of elastomer ratio led to a decrease of Young's modulus but an increase in elongation at break and impact strength. The latter increased more in the case of P(3HB)/EPDM blends although the rubbery domains were larger. These results are explained in the light of the glass transition of the rubber and the presence of plasticizer in the case of PVB. The addition of elastomer also resulted in an increase of P(3HB) biodegradation rate, especially in the case of EPDM. It is assumed that, in this case, the size and morphology of the rubbery domains induce a geometrical modification of the erosion front which leads to an increase of the interface between P(3HB) phase and the degradation medium and consequently to an apparently faster biodegradation kinetics of PHB/rubber blends. Copyright (C) 2011 Society of Chemical Industry
In this letter, we describe a simple and effective technique to prevent evaporation in liquid-core photonic crystal fibers (PCFs). The technique consists of using a micropipette to deploy a micro-droplet of an ultraviolet curable polymer adhesive in both core inputs. After it is cured, the adhesive creates sealing polymer plugs with quite satisfactory insertion loss (overall optical transmission of about 15%). Processed fibers remained liquid-filled for at least six weeks. From a practical point of view, we conducted a supercontinuum generation experiment in a water-core PCF to demonstrate a 120-minute spectral width stability and the ability to withstand at least 3-mW average power at the sealed fiber input. Similar experiments carried out with nonsealed fibers produced supercontinuum spectra lasting no longer than 10 minutes, with average powers kept below 0.5 mW to avoid thermally induced evaporation.
A detailed numerical simulation of ethanol turbulent spray combustion on a rounded jet flame is pre- sented in this article. The focus is to propose a robust mathematical model with relatively low complexity sub- models to reproduce the main characteristics of the cou- pling between both phases, such as the turbulence modulation, turbulent droplets dissipation, and evaporative cooling effect. A RANS turbulent model is implemented. Special features of the model include an Eulerian– Lagrangian procedure under a fully two-way coupling and a modified flame sheet model with a joint mixture fraction– enthalpy b -PDF. Reasonable agreement between measured and computed mean profiles of temperature of the gas phase and droplet size distributions is achieved. Deviations found between measured and predicted mean velocity profiles are attributed to the turbulent combustion modeling adopted
[EN]Two cryopreservation methods, controlled cooling and encapsulation/vitrification, were studied in order to find an appropriate protocol to maintain microalgae cultures by exposing them to ultra-low temperatures (cryogenics). This study has shown that the most efficient cryopreserving method is the use of cryoprotectants, being Glycerol and DMSO the best options for this procedure, and dismissing the encapsulation/vitrification method due to the low effectiveness, which results in a low post-thaw viability rate and a higher demanding of labour and consumables.
Lipolysis and oxidation of lipids in foods are the major biochemical and chemical processes that cause food quality deterioration, leading to the characteristic, unpalatable odour and flavour called rancidity. In addition to unpalatability, rancidity may give rise to toxic levels of certain compounds like aldehydes, hydroperoxides, epoxides and cholesterol oxidation products. In this PhD study chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques were employed to determine the degree of lipid oxidation in different animal products and its relationship with technological parameters like feeding fat sources, packaging, processing and storage conditions. To achieve this goal capillary gas chromatography (CGC) was employed not only to determine the fatty acids profile but also, after solid phase extraction, the amount of sterols (cholesterol and phytosterols) and cholesterol oxidation products (COPs). To determine hydroperoxides, primary products of oxidation and quantify secondary products UV/VIS absorbance spectroscopy was applied. Beef and pork meat in this study were analysed. In actual fact, lipid oxidation is a major deterioration reaction in meat, meat products and results in adverse changes in the colour, flavour, texture of meat and develops different compounds which should be a risk to human health as oxysterols. On beef and pork meat, a study of lipid fraction during storage was carried out to evaluate its shelf-life and some nutritional features life saturated/unsaturated fatty acids ratio and sterols content, in according to the interest that has been growing around functional food in the last years. The last part of this research was focused on the study of lipid oxidation in emulsions. In oil-in-water emulsions antioxidant activity of 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DOPC) was evaluated. The rates of lipid oxidation of 1.0% stripped soybean oil-in-water emulsions with DOPC were followed by monitoring lipid hydroperoxide and hexanal as indicators of primary and secondary oxidation products and the droplet surface charge or zeta potential (ζ) of the emulsions with varying concentrations of DOPC were tested. This manuscript reports the main results obtained in the three activities briefly summarized as follows: 1. study on effects of feeding composition on the photoxidative stability of lipids from beef meat, evaluated during storage under commercial retail conditions; 2. evaluation of effects of diets and storage conditions on the oxidative stability of pork meat lipids; 3. study on oxidative behavior of DOPC in stripped soybean oil-in-water emulsions stabilized by nonionic surfactant.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde am System Polyethylenoxid / Polypropylenoxid (PEO / PPO) der Einfluß von Copolymeren auf die Grenzflächenspannung Sigma von Homopolymerblends untersucht. Als Additive dienten Triblockcopolymere EO-block-PO-block-EO bzw. PO-block-EO-block-PO, Diblockcopolymere S-block-EO sowie statistische Copolymere EO-ran-PO. Die Additive wurden so ausgewählt, daß sich Paare von Additiven jeweils in genau einer Eigenschaft (Zusammensetzung, Kettenlänge, Blockanordnung) unterscheiden, in allen anderen Parametern jedoch vergleichbar sind. Die Grenzflächenspannung wurde experimentell mit Hilfe der Pendant-Drop-Methode in Abhängigkeit von der Temperatur ermittelt, wobei das Polymer mit der höheren Dichte, PEO, die Tropfenphase und PPO die Matrixphase bildet. Das Additiv wurde bei Messung der Grenzflächenspannung der ternären Systeme in unterschiedlichen Konzentrationen entweder einer oder beiden Homopolymerphasen zugegeben. Die Konzentrationsabhängigkeit von Sigma lässt sich sowohl mit dem Modell von Tang und Huang als auch mit einem Langmuir-analogen Ansatz gut beschreiben.Um den Zusammenhang zwischen sigma und dem Phasenverhalten zu untersuchen, wurden für einige der ternären Systeme Trübungskurven bei 100°C aufgenommen. Der Vergleich zwischen den Phasendiagrammen und den korrespondierenden Werten von sigma weist darauf hin, dass ein Additiv sigma gerade dann wirksam reduziert, wenn es einem Homopolymer zugefügt wird, mit dem es nur begrenzt verträglich ist, da dann die Triebkraft zur Anlagerung an der Grenzfläche besonders ausgeprägt ist. Das bereits bekannte Phänomen, wonach der Wert der Grenzflächenspannung davon abhängig sein kann, in welcher der Phasen das Additiv zu Beginn der Messung vorliegt, wurde ausführlich untersucht. Es wird angenommen, dass das System nicht in jedem Fall das thermodynamische Gleichgewicht erlangt und der beobachtete Effekt auf das Erreichen stationärer Zustände zurückzuführen ist. Dieses Verhalten kann mit einem Modell beschrieben werden, in welches das Viskositätsverhältnis der Homopolymere sowie der Verteilungskoeffizient des Copolymers zwischen den Homopolymerphasen eingehen. Aus Löslichkeitsparametern wurde der binäre Wechselwirkungsparameter Chi PEO/PPO = 0.18 abgeschätzt und mit diesem die theoretischen Werte für sigma zwischen PEO und PPO nach den Modellen von Roe bzw. Helfand und Tagami berechnet. Der Vergleich mit den experimentellen Daten des binären Systems zeigt, dass beide Ansätze sigma-Werte liefern, die in der Größenordnung der experimentellen Daten liegen, hierbei erweist sich der Ansatz von Roe als besonders geeignet. Die Temperaturabhängigkeit der Grenzflächenspannung wird jedoch durch beide Ansätze unzutreffend wiedergegeben. Mit dem Modell von Helfand und Tagami wurden eine Grenzflächendicke von 7.9 à und das Dichteprofil der Grenzfläche berechnet. Für die Copolymere EO92PO56EO92 und S9EO22 (die Indices geben die Zahl der Monomereinheiten an) können die Grenzflächenüberschusskonzentrationen, die kritische Mizellenkonzentration sowie der einem Additivmolekül an der Grenzschicht zur Verfügung stehende Platz bestimmt werden.Der Vergleich unterschiedlicher Copolymere hinsichtlich ihrer Fähigkeit, sigma wirkungsvoll herabzusetzen, zeigt, dass im Fall von Triblockcopolymeren die Anordnung der Blöcke gegenüber der Zusammensetzung eine untergeordnete Rolle spielt. Mit zunehmender Kettenlänge nimmt die Effektivität als Compatibilizer sowohl bei Blockcopolymeren als auch bei statistischen Copolymeren zu.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Morphologie von zweiphasigen Polymermischungen unter Scherung in situ mit Hilfe einer Kombination aus optischer Scherzelle, Durchlichtmikroskop und computergestützten CCD-Kamera untersucht. Als Modellblends dienten die unverträglichen, bei Raumtemperatur flüssigen Polymersysteme Polyisobutylen (PIB)/Polydimethylsiloxan (PDMS) (I) und Poly(dimethyl-co-methylphenyl)siloxan/PDMS (II). Alle Komponenten verhalten sich bei den verwendeten Scherraten newtonisch.Eine der wichtigsten Einflussgrößen für die Blendmorphologie ist die Grenzflächenspannung gamma 12. Sie wurde für I und II mit Hilfe der Methode der Tropfenrelaxation (dynamisch) als Funktion der Zeit bestimmt. Diese Methode erlaubt die Messung von gamma 12 für Tropfen der Phase A in B sowie von Tropfen B in A. Bei der Methode des hängenden Tropfens (statisch) muss der Tropfen aus der Phase mit der höheren Dichte bestehen. Wo der Vergleich der beiden Methoden möglich ist, stimmen die Ergebnisse für beide Systeme sehr gut überein. Bei II sind die aus der Tropfenrelaxation erhaltenen gamma 12-Werte der beiden komplementären Zusammensetzungen im Rahmen des Fehlers gleich, bei I zeigt ein PIB-Tropfen in PDMS einen um 40 % niedrigeren Wert als ein PDMS-Tropfen in PIB, dies wird auf die Diffusion von kurzkettigen Anteilen des PDMS in die Grenzschicht zurückgeführt. Die Grenzflächenspannung hängt also unter Umständen auch bei binären Systemen deutlich von der Zusammensetzung ab.Für II wurde die Blendmorphologie über den gesamten Zusammensetzungsbereich untersucht. Die häufig beobachteten cokontinuierlichen Strukturen treten bei keiner Zusammensetzung auf. Die Phaseninversion erkennt man in einer sprunghaften Änderung der Tropfengröße zwischen phiPDMS <= 0,400 und 0,500; zudem lässt sich die Zeitabhängigkeit der Radien durch Auftragung gegen das Produkt aus der Deformation und dem Quadrat des Volumenbruchs der Tropfenphase für 0 <= phiPDMS <= 0,400 sowie 0,500 <= phiPDMS <= 1 normieren. Für I und II wurde die Morphologieentwicklung bei 25 °C nach Vorscherung bei 100 bzw. 50 s-1 und anschließendem Sprung der Scherrate auf deutlich niedrigere Werte als Funktion der Zeit verfolgt. Hierbei erhält man bei genügend langer Messdauer (mindestens 200 000-300 000 Schereinheiten) konstante Tropfengrößen. Zum einen handelt es sich dabei um pseudo-stationäre Werte, die nur durch Koaleszenz bestimmt sind, zum anderen um echte stationäre Radien, die durch gleichzeitig ablaufende Koaleszenz und Zerteilung entstehen. Für I liegen die stationären Mittelwerte auf der Zerteilungskurve, für II hingegen auf der Koaleszenzkurve.Der Einfluss eines grenzflächenwirksamen Additivs wurde anhand von I durch Zugabe des Blockcopolymer PIB-b-PDMS zu PIB untersucht. Der Vergleich des zeitlichen Verlaufs von gamma 12 mit der Morphologieentwicklung zeigt, dass das Additiv eine Stabilisierung der feinen Tropfen/Matrix-Struktur des Blends durch Hinderung der Koaleszenz und nicht durch Reduktion der Grenzflächenspannung bewirkt.
Pig meat quality is determined by several parameters, such as lipid content, tenderness, water-holding capacity, pH, color and flavor, that affect consumers’ acceptance and technological properties of meat. Carcass quality parameters are important for the production of fresh and dry-cure high-quality products, in particular the fat deposition and the lean cut yield. The identification of genes and markers associated with meat and carcass quality traits is of prime interest, for the possibility of improving the traits by marker-assisted selection (MAS) schemes. Therefore, the aim of this thesis was to investigate seven candidate genes for meat and carcass quality traits in pigs. In particular, we focused on genes belonging to the family of the lipid droplet coat proteins perilipins (PLIN1 and PLIN2) and to the calpain/calpastatin system (CAST, CAPN1, CAPN3, CAPNS1) and on the gene encoding for PPARg-coactivator 1A (PPARGC1A). In general, the candidate genes investigation included the protein localization, the detection of polymorphisms, the association analysis with meat and carcass traits and the analysis of the expression level, in order to assess the involvement of the gene in pork quality. Some of the analyzed genes showed effects on various pork traits that are subject to selection in genetic improvement programs, suggesting a possible involvement of the genes in controlling the traits variability. In particular, significant association results have been obtained for PLIN2, CAST and PPARGC1A genes, that are worthwhile of further validation. The obtained results contribute to a better understanding of biological mechanisms important for pig production as well as for a possible use of pig as animal model for studies regarding obesity in humans.
In this thesis, we have presented the preparation of highly crosslinked spherical photoreactive colloidal particles of radius about 10 nm based on the monomer trimethoxysilane. These particles are labeled chemically with two different dye systems (coumarin, cinnamate) which are known to show reversible photodimerization. By analyzing the change in particle size upon UV irradiation with dynamic light scattering, we could demonstrate that the partially reversible photoreaction in principle can be utilized to control increase and decrease of colloidal clusters. Here, selection of the appropriate wavelengths during the irradiation employing suitable optical filters proved to be very important. Next, we showed how photocrosslinking of our nanoparticles within the micrometer-sized thin oil shell of water-oil-water emulsion droplets leads to a new species of optically addressable microcontainers. The inner water droplet of these emulsions may contain drugs, dyes or other water-soluble components, leading to filled containers. Thickness, mechanical stability and light resistance of the container walls can be controlled in a simple way by the amount and adjustable photoreactivity (= No. of labels/particle) of the nanoparticles. Importantly, the chemical bonds between the nanoparticles constituting the microcapsule shell can be cleaved photochemically by irradiation with uv light. An additional major advantage is that filling our microcapsules with water-soluble substrate molecules is extremely simple using a solution of the guest molecules as inner water phase of the W/O/W-emulsion. This optically controlled destruction of our microcontainers thus opens up a pathway to controlled release of the enclosed components as illustrated by the example of enclosed cyclodextrin molecules.
The present PhD thesis summarizes two examples of research in microfluidics. Both times water was the subject of interest, once in the liquid state (droplets adsorbed on chemically functionalized surfaces), the other time in the solid state (ice snowflakes and their fractal behaviour). The first problem deals with a slipping nano-droplet of water adsorbed on a surface with photo-switchable wettability characteristics. Main focus was on identifying the underlying driving forces and mechanical principles at the molecular level of detail. Molecular Dynamics simulation was employed as investigative tool owing to its record of successfully describing the microscopic behaviour of liquids at interfaces. To reproduce the specialized surface on which a water droplet can effectively “walk”, a new implicit surface potential was developed. Applying this new method the experimentally observed droplet slippage could be reproduced successfully. Next the movement of the droplet was analyzed at various conditions emphasizing on the behaviour of the water molecules in contact with the surface. The main objective was to identify driving forces and molecular mechanisms underlying the slippage process. The second part of this thesis is concerned with theoretical studies of snowflake melting. In the present work snowflakes are represented by filled von Koch-like fractals of mesoscopic beads. A new algorithm has been developed from scratch to simulate the thermal collapse of fractal structures based on Monte Carlo and Random Walk Simulations (MCRWS). The developed method was applied and compared to Molecular Dynamics simulations regarding the melting of ice snowflake crystals and new parameters were derived from this comparison. Bigger snow-fractals were then studied looking at the time evolution at different temperatures again making use of the developed MCRWS method. This was accompanied by an in-depth analysis of fractal properties (border length and gyration radius) in order to shed light on the dynamics of the melting process.