957 resultados para Bid Auctions
As Leis de Potência, LP, (Power Laws, em inglês), Leis de Pareto ou Leis de Zipf são distribuições estatísticas, com inúmeras aplicações práticas, em sistemas naturais e artificiais. Alguns exemplos são a variação dos rendimentos pessoais ou de empresas, a ocorrência de palavras em textos, as repetições de sons ou conjuntos de sons em composições musicais, o número de vítimas em guerras ou outros cataclismos, a magnitude de tremores de terra, o número de vendas de livros ou CD’s na internet, o número de sítios mais acedidos na Internet, entre muitos outros. Vilfredo Pareto (1897-1906) afirma, no manual de economia política “Cours d’Economie Politique”, que grande parte da economia mundial segue uma determinada distribuição, em que 20% da população reúne 80% da riqueza total do país, estando, assim uma pequena fração da sociedade a controlar a maior fatia do dinheiro. Isto resume o comportamento de uma variável que segue uma distribuição de Pareto (ou Lei de Potência). Neste trabalho pretende-se estudar em pormenor a aplicação das leis de potência a fenómenos da internet, como sendo o número de sítios mais visitados, o número de links existentes em determinado sítio, a distribuição de nós numa rede da internet, o número livros vendidos e as vendas em leilões online. Os resultados obtidos permitem-nos concluir que todos os dados estudados são bem aproximados, numa escala logarítmica, por uma reta com declive negativo, seguindo, assim, uma distribuição de Pareto. O desenvolvimento e crescimento da Web, tem proporcionado um aumento do número dos utilizadores, conteúdos e dos sítios. Grande parte dos exemplos presentes neste trabalho serão alvo de novos estudos e de novas conclusões. O fato da internet ter um papel preponderante nas sociedades modernas, faz com que esteja em constante evolução e cada vez mais seja possível apresentar fenómenos na internet associados Lei de Potência.
Dissertação apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de mestre em Matemática e Aplicações - Ramo Actuariado, Estatística e Investigação Operacional
This paper proposes an implementation, based on a multi-agent system, of a management system for automated negotiation of electricity allocation for charging electric vehicles (EVs) and simulates its performance. The widespread existence of charging infrastructures capable of autonomous operation is recognised as a major driver towards the mass adoption of EVs by mobility consumers. Eventually, conflicting requirements from both power grid and EV owners require automated middleman aggregator agents to intermediate all operations, for example, bidding and negotiation, between these parts. Multi-agent systems are designed to provide distributed, modular, coordinated and collaborative management systems; therefore, they seem suitable to address the management of such complex charging infrastructures. Our solution consists in the implementation of virtual agents to be integrated into the management software of a charging infrastructure. We start by modelling the multi-agent architecture using a federated, hierarchical layers setup and as well as the agents' behaviours and interactions. Each of these layers comprises several components, for example, data bases, decision-making and auction mechanisms. The implementation of multi-agent platform and auctions rules, and of models for battery dynamics, is also addressed. Four scenarios were predefined to assess the management system performance under real usage conditions, considering different types of profiles for EVs owners', different infrastructure configurations and usage and different loads on the utility grid (where real data from the concession holder of the Portuguese electricity transmission grid is used). Simulations carried with the four scenarios validate the performance of the modelled system while complying with all the requirements. Although all of these have been performed for one charging station alone, a multi-agent design may in the future be used for the higher level problem of distributing energy among charging stations. Copyright (c) 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Comunicação apresentada na "Second Biennial Conference of the Standing Group on Regulation and Governance do ECPR Regulation & Governance, com o tema: (Re)Regulation in the Wake of Neoliberalism’ Consequences of Three Decades of Privatization and Market Liberalization, realizada na Universidade de Utrecht, the Netherlands, de 5 a 7 de Junho de 2008.
Bartonellosis or Carrion's disease is endemic in some regions of Peru, classically found in the inter-Andean valleys located between 500 and 3200 meters above sea level. We report the case of a 43 year-old male patient, farmer, who was born in the Pichanaki district (Chanchamayo, Junin), located in the High Forest of Peru. He presented with disseminated, raised, erythematous cutaneous lesions, some of which bled. The distribution of these lesions included the nasal mucosa and penile region. Additionally subcutaneous nodules were distributed over the trunk and extremities. Hematologic exams showed a moderate anemia. Serologic studies for HIV and Treponema pallidum were negative. The histopathologic results of two biopsies were compatible with Peruvian wart. Oral treatment with ciprofloxacin (500 mg BID) was begun. Over 10 days, the patient showed clinical improvement. This is the first report of a confirmed case of bartonellosis in the eruptive phase originating from the Peruvian High Forest, showing the geographical expansion of the Carrion's disease.
Rhinoscleroma is a rare infection in developed countries; although, it is reported with some frequency in poorer regions such as Central Africa, Central and South America, Eastern and Central Europe, Middle East, India and Indonesia. Nowadays, rhinoscleroma may be erroneously diagnosed as mucocutaneos leishmaniasis, leprosy, paracoccidioidomycosis, rhinosporidiasis, late syphilis, neoplasic diseases or other upper airway diseases. From 1996 to 2003, we diagnosed rhinoscleroma in eight patients attended in the Dermatologic and Transmitted Diseases service of "Cayetano Heredia" National Hospital, in Lima, Peru. The patients presented airway structural alterations producing nasopharyngeal, oropharyngeal and, in one patient, laryngeal stenosis. Biopsy samples revealed large vacuolated macrophages (Mikulicz cells) in all patients. Ciprofloxacin 500 mg bid for four to 12 weeks was used in seven patients and oxytetracycline 500 mg qid for six weeks in one patient. After follow-up for six to 12 months the patients did not show active infection or relapse, however, all of them presented some degree of upper airway stenosis. These cases are reported because of the difficulty diagnosing the disease and the success of antibiotic treatment.
We investigate whether the positive relation between accounting accruals and information asymmetry documented for U.S. stock markets also holds for European markets, considered as a whole and at the country level. This research is relevant because this relation is likely to be affected by differences in accounting standards used by companies for financial reporting, in the traditional use of the banking system or capital markets for firm financing, in legal systems and cultural environment. We find that in European stock markets discretionary accruals are positively related with the Corwin and Schultz high-low spread estimator used as a proxy for information asymmetry. Our results suggest that the earnings management component of accruals outweighs the informational component, but the significance of the relation varies across countries. Further, such association tends to be stronger for firms with the highest levels of positive discretionary accruals. Consistent with the evidence provided by the authors, our results also suggest that the high-low spread estimator is more efficient than the closing bid-ask spread when analysing the impact of information quality on information asymmetry.
The painting activity is one of the most complex and important activities in automobile manufacturing. The inherent complexity of the painting activity and the frequent need for repainting usually turn the painting process into a bottleneck in automobile assembly plants, which is reflected in higher operating costs and longer overall cycle times. One possible approach for optimizing the performance of the paint shop is to improve the efficiency of the color planning. This can be accomplished by evaluating the relative merits of a set of vehicle painting plans. Since this problem has a multicriteria nature, we resort to the multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) methodology to tackle it. A recent trend in the MCDA field is the development of hybrid approaches that are used to achieve operational synergies between different methods. Here we apply, for the first time, an integrated approach that combines the strengths of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and the Preference Ranking Organization METHod for Enrichment Evaluations (PROMETHEE), aided by Geometrical Analysis for Interactive Aid (GAIA), to the problem of assessing alternative vehicle painting plans. The management of the assembly plant found the results of value and is currently using them in order to schedule the painting activities such that an enhancement of the operational efficiency of the paint shop is obtained. This efficiency gain has allowed the management to bid for a new automobile model to be assembled at this specific plant.
A compreensão do conceito de OPA é essencial de forma a entender o funcionamento das combinações empresariais. Esta dissertação tem dois objetivos. O primeiro objetivo tem a finalidade de perceber quais as estratégias defensivas mais eficazes em contexto de OPA. Foi através de um inquérito realizado a 192 empresas envolvidas em situação de OPA entre os anos 1991 e 2014. Através dos resultados das 14 respostas destaca-se que a Recompra de Ações é a estratégia defensiva mais utilizada, tanto em situações de defesas pré-proposta e pós-proposta. A defesa consegue evitar o sucesso, da proposta efetuada pela empresa adquirente, em mais de metade das situações em que é utilizada, tendo sido classificada como muito eficaz. 5 das operações foram de cariz hostil e 7 delas eram expectáveis pela Gestão. Em nenhuma das operações se verificou contraoperação e as áreas mais prejudicadas, pela iniciativa de OPA, foram as respeitantes ao tempo, Time-consuming, e estratégicas. O segundo objetivo tenta perceber o comportamento dos retornos médios anormais das empresas envolvidas numa OPA em face do respetivo anúncio preliminar. Seguiram-se as metodologias de Ball & Brown (1968) e Beaver (1968). Identificaram-se 100 operações compreendidas entre os anos 2000 e 2014. Através do resultado das 12 operações analisadas confirma-se que as empresas-alvo apresentam um retorno médio anormal superior ao das empresas adquirentes e que têm a tendência de acumular retornos médios anormais positivos, pelo contrário as empresas adquirentes têm a tendência de acumular retornos médios anormais negativos. Globalmente, as empresas reagem fortemente ao anúncio preliminar e apresentam uma tendência de ganho nos períodos circundantes e não-circundantes.
A 32-year-old female, was diagnosed in 2004 with a C1 HIV1 infection, using zidovudine/lamivudine 300/150 mg BID and lopinavir/ritonavir 400/100 mg BID, in addition to prophylaxis with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole 800/160 mg QD, but no prophylaxis with macrolide antibiotics. The patient presented with a severe headache and was prescribed two capsules of the anti-migraine drug Ormigrein™, which contained ergotamine tartrate 1 mg, caffeine 100 mg, paracetamol 220 mg, hyoscyamine sulfate 87.5 mcg, and atropine sulfate 12.5 mcg. Afterwards she was prescribed one capsule of Ormigrein every 30 minutes for a total of six capsules a day. The patient took the medication as prescribed but developed a pain in her left ankle three days later, which evolved to the need for amputation.
Budesonide (800 mg bid, for 2 months) was administered to 12 asthmatic children (mean age, 11.293.3 years) with lung hyperinflation (TGV]130% predicted and:or RV]140% predicted) in a randomised, placebo controlled, double blind, crossover study. Body plethysmography (panting frequency controlled at 1·s 1) was performed at the beginning, 2 months afterwards (before crossover) and at the end of the study. Budesonide significantly reduced TGV (2.3590.90 l BTPS or 126924% predicted) compared with placebo (2.5491.08 l BTPS, P 0.014 or 140921% predicted, PB0.05). In addition, budesonide significantly increased mean specific conductance (0.0690.02 cm H2O 1 l s 1 to 0.0790.01 cm H2O 1 l s 1, PB0.05). It was concluded that budesonide reduced lung hyperinflation most likely by decreasing airway inflammation.
Although the standard of care for cow’s milk (CM) allergy is strict food avoidance, oral immunotherapy (OIT) is being widely investigated as an alternative management option in certain cases. Immediate adverse reactions to OIT have been described, but its long-term effects are much less often reported. We present the case of a girl diagnosed with IgE-mediated CM allergy that was proposed for our CM OIT protocol at the age of 3 years. The first sessions (dose escalation up to 5 ml) were well tolerated, however eight hours after her daily morning dose of 5ml CM the child developed late episodes of vomiting. No other symptoms, particularly immediately after CM ingestion, were reported. These episodes became progressively worse and on the third day she presented mild dehydration and blood eosinophilia. After OIT interruption, a progressive clinical improvement was observed. An esophageal endoscopy was performed, showing signs of eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) with peak 20 eosinophils/hpf. After treatment with topical swallowed fluticasone (500 mcg bid) and a CM-free diet for 4 months, the child was asymptomatic and endoscopy and biopsy findings were normal. The long-term effects of milk OIT are still in part unknown. We hypothesize that eosinophilic esophagitis may have been a consequence of OIT in this case. The findings seem to indicate that food allergy may play a role in the pathogenesis of esophageal eosinophilia and stress the importance of a well programmed long-term follow-up of patients that have undergone milk OIT.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Despite the growing relevance of co-creating customer communities only little scientific evidence is available on their impact on transactional behavior of participants. Previous research has mostly used self-reported data or distinguished only between during and pre-community phases obtaining mixed results. However, the author proposes that co-creating community activity takes place in five distinguishable phases and changes in transactional behavior are limited to certain phases. Using 33 months of transactional data of a Dutch online auction provider a study was conducted covering all five phases of the community co-creation process from community planning over community set-up, co-development and co-testing to post-launch. The overall results indicate mixed effects of community participation on the different transactional variables during the co-creation process. Community participation had positive effects on auctions listing behavior at the community set-up, co-development and post-launch phases, whereby the number of auctions listed peaked during the community set-up phase. These results suggest that the impact on transactional behavior differs between co-creation phases and different psychological mechanism limited to certain phases might trigger the respective changes.