606 resultados para Aniso-accommodation
Benidorm es un caso singular entre las ciudades costeras del Mediterráneo. Una ciudad que durante un cuarto de siglo se convierte en un laboratorio de pruebas para el urbanismo de la arquitectura que emana del movimiento moderno y del urbanismo de los CIAM a través de unos experimentos cuyos resultados no eran ni esperables ni imaginables. El resultado: una ciudad vertical turística de rascacielos dominada por hoteles y apartamentos. Un valor seguro que afianza el buen funcionamiento de esta gran máquina urbana del turismo de masas mediante sus alojamientos, muy en particular los hoteles. El presente artículo pretende analizar la aparición de estas diferentes tipologías arquitectónicas propias del turismo de pequeña escala en su evolución desde el bloque prismático exento horizontal hasta la torre prismática aislada y en altura a través de la evolución y transformación de la normativa urbanística, como un paso decisivo en la generación de Benidorm como la ciudad vertical de rascacielos y como modelo del urbanismo moderno para el turismo de masas.
En 1933, por iniciativa municipal y con el apoyo del Gobierno, con la intención de captar un turismo extranjero y nacional de élite generando una nueva ‘industria’, se convoca el concurso de anteproyectos para la construcción de una ciudad satélite (a modo de ciudad jardín) para destinarla a ciudad de vacaciones en la Playa de San Juan (cvPSJ), Alicante, al que se presentan tres propuestas. Aquí se estudia el anteproyecto ganador (de P. Muguruza), que resulta pionero por las técnicas urbanísticas empleadas (información y zonificación), por la aplicación de la fotografía para la inserción de arquitecturas y equipamientos y por la sensibilidad desplegada en la protección del patrimonio cultural (medioambiental e histórico). Los referentes para este macro complejo turístico (de casi 10 km2), coetáneo a la Ciutat del Repós i Vacances (CRV) de Castelldefels, no proceden tanto de Europa como de EUA. Se realiza un análisis pormenorizado de la ordenación urbanística en atención a cómo el territorio existente la condiciona y se entrelaza con estrategias de promoción turística, donde se combinan la tríada: hotel, deporte y naturaleza (alojamiento, ocio y salud). Pero toda la ciudad está enfocada a un turismo burgués, para el que se prevé una arquitectura comercial que pronto envejecería en su repertorio. Veinticinco años después, en 1958, cuando las condiciones económicas y sociales fueron favorables al desarrollo de la zona, el mundo sería ya otro y el proyecto quedó obsoleto.
Our study examines asymmetric rivalry within and between strategic groups defined according to the size of their members. We hypothesize that, owing to several forms of group-level effects, including switching costs and efficiency, strategic groups comprising large firms expect to experience a large amount of retaliation from firms within their group and accommodation from the group comprising smaller firms. Small firms, on the other hand, expect to experience a small amount of retaliation from the group comprising large firms and no reaction from the other firms in their group. We estimate the effect of group-level strategic interactions on firm performance. Our analysis reveals that the rivalry behavior within and between groups is asymmetric, which supports the dominant-fringe relation between firms, as described in our hypothesis.
Purpose: To analyze the diagnostic criteria used in the scientific literature published in the past 25 years for accommodative and nonstrabismic binocular dysfunctions and to explore if the epidemiological analysis of diagnostic validity has been used to propose which clinical criteria should be used for diagnostic purposes. Methods: We carried out a systematic review of papers on accommodative and non-strabic binocular disorders published from 1986 to 2012 analysing the MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsycINFO and FRANCIS databases. We admitted original articles about diagnosis of these anomalies in any population. We identified 839 articles and 12 studies were included. The quality of included articles was assessed using the QUADAS-2 tool. Results: The review shows a wide range of clinical signs and cut-off points between authors. Only 3 studies (regarding accommodative anomalies) assessed diagnostic accuracy of clinical signs. Their results suggest using the accommodative amplitude and monocular accommodative facility for diagnosing accommodative insufficiency and a high positive relative accommodation for accommodative excess. The remaining 9 articles did not analyze diagnostic accuracy, assessing a diagnosis with the criteria the authors considered. We also found differences between studies in the way of considering patients’ symptomatology. 3 studies of 12 analyzed, performed a validation of a symptom survey used for convergence insufficiency. Conclusions: Scientific literature reveals differences between authors according to diagnostic criteria for accommodative and nonstrabismic binocular dysfunctions. Diagnostic accuracy studies show that there is only certain evidence for accommodative conditions. For binocular anomalies there is only evidence about a validated questionnaire for convergence insufficiency with no data of diagnostic accuracy.
Objective: To evaluate two cases of intermittent exotropia (IX(T)) treated by vision therapy the efficacy of the treatment by complementing the clinical examination with a 3-D video-oculography to register and to evidence the potential applicability of this technology for such purpose. Methods: We report the binocular alignment changes occurring after vision therapy in a woman of 36 years with an IX(T) of 25 prism diopters (Δ) at far and 18 Δ at near and a child of 10 years with 8 Δ of IX(T) in primary position associated to 6 Δ of left eye hypotropia. Both patients presented good visual acuity with correction in both eyes. Instability of ocular deviation was evident by VOG analysis, revealing also the presence of vertical and torsional components. Binocular vision therapy was prescribed and performed including different types of vergence, accommodation, and consciousness of diplopia training. Results: After therapy, excellent ranges of fusional vergence and a “to-the-nose” near point of convergence were obtained. The 3-D VOG examination (Sensoro Motoric Instruments, Teltow, Germany) confirmed the compensation of the deviation with a high level of stability of binocular alignment. Significant improvement could be observed after therapy in the vertical and torsional components that were found to become more stable. Patients were very satisfied with the outcome obtained by vision therapy. Conclusion: 3D-VOG is a useful technique for providing an objective register of the compensation of the ocular deviation and the stability of the binocular alignment achieved after vision therapy in cases of IX(T), providing a detailed analysis of vertical and torsional improvements.
Objetivo: Evaluar la eficacia del tratamiento en 3 casos de exotropia intermitente (XT(i)) mediante ejercicios de terapia visual, completando la exploración clínica con Videooculografia-30 y evidenciar la potencial aplicabilidad de esta tecnología para dicho propósito. Métodos: Exponemos los cambios ocurridos tras ejercicios de terapia visual en una mujer de 36 años con XT(i) de -25 dioptrías prismáticas (dp) de lejos y 18 dp de cerca; Un niño de 10 años de edad con 8 dp de XT(i) en posición primaria, asociados a +6 dp de hipotropia izquierda; y un hombre de 63 años con XT(i) de 6 dp en posición primaria asociada a +7 dp de hipertropia derecha. Todos los pacientes presentaron buena agudeza visual corregida en ambos ojos. La inestabilidad de la desviación ocular se evidenció mediante análisis de VOG-30, revelando la presencia de components verticales y torsionales. Se realizaron ejercicios de terapia visual, incluyendo diferentes tipos de ejercicios de vergencias, acomodación y percepción de la diplopía. Resultados: Tras la terapia visual se obtuvieron excelentes rangos de vergencias fusionales y de punto próximo de convergencia («hasta la nariz»). El examen mediante VOG-3D (Sensoro Motoric lnstruments, Teltow, Germany) confirmó la compensación de la desviación con estabilidad del alineamiento ocular. Se observó una significativa mejora después de la terapia en los components verticals y torsionales, lo cuales se hicieron más estables. Los pacientes se mostraron muy satisfechos de los resultados obtenidos. Conclusión: La VOG-3D es una técnica útil para dotamos de un método objetivo de registro de la compensación y estabilidad de la desviación ocular después de realizar ejercicios de terapia visual en casos de XT(i), ofreciéndonos un detallado análisis de la mejoría de los components verticales y torsionales.
The current tendency to undertake more trips, but of shorter duration, throughout the year, has meant that the tourist industry has started to show greater interest in attracting those market segments that opt for more prolonged stays, as they are especially profitable. One of these segments is that of seniors. Given the aging demographic of the population worldwide, which is particularly noticeable in Spain, the object of this study is to identify the variables that determine the length of stay of Spanish seniors at their destination. The Negative Binomial model was adapted to the context of length of stay by Spanish seniors and the determinant factors identified were: age, travel purpose, climate, type of accommodation, group size, trip type and the activities carried out at the destination. This study is a contribution to this field from an empirical point of view, given the scarcity of studies of this type and their eminently descriptive character; as well as from a practical level, with interesting implications for the sector.
Presbyopia is an age-related physiological condition that causes a gradual loss in the ability to focus on near objects, secondary to changes in zonular fibers, ciliary muscle and crystalline lens. Different surgical approaches are being pursued to surgically compensate presbyopia, such as corneal techniques or implantation of multifocal intraocular lenses (IOLs); however, their inability to restore accommodation has led to the development of single-optic positional accommodative IOLs. The axial shift, with the contraction of the ciliary muscle, of these IOLs increases the refractive power of the eye, improving the level of uncorrected near vision. Single-optic positional accommodative IOLs present few disturbances and larger ocular aberrations that improve near vision. However, reduced amplitudes of accommodation are obtained, little IOL shifts are measured and overall visual outcomes are limited.
Resulte incuestionable que, en la actualidad, el Turismo constituye un complejo fenómeno con perfiles complejos y heterogéneos dentro del cual son abordados ámbitos muy diversos (económico, jurídico, político, cultural…). De forma inicial, dentro de la pluralidad de las relaciones que circunscriben el mismo, presentan especial transcendencia las conectadas, en mayor o menor grado, con la gestión y el alojamiento turístico. Lo que hace medio siglo resultaba inimaginable o, casi extravagante, constituye hoy una circunstancia común y frecuente en el escenario propuesto, de forma particular, dentro del complejo y escasamente analizado ámbito de la gestión hotelera. Al hilo de lo expresado, en este trabajo se analizará, partiendo del supuesto de que la colaboración interempresarial en el sector turístico puede sustentarse en capital o en relaciones contractuales, sus esenciales trazos conformadores (gestor hotelero y titular del hotel gestionado) sobre los cuales poder elaborar un concepto ordenado y de subsunción del mismo como paso previo para la fijación de su régimen jurídico básico. Con idéntico tenor, se discutirá la posibilidad de integración del hotel determinado en las grandes cadenas hoteleras, la utilización de su know-how estandarizado y marca propia. Finalmente, será estudiada su incidencia en las grandes cadenas hoteleras al objeto de valorar su expansión tanto desde un punto de vista nacional como internacional.
This article describes the process of self-determination and the creation of a territorial autonomy of the Gagauz people in the Republic of Moldova. It also analyses the situation in the autonomy after the change of government in Chisinau in 2009 and evaluates the current status of accommodation of the Gagauz’ interests in the country. Aspects of state-building and the influence of external actors are explored as well. Gagauzia (Gagauz Yeri) is one of the first post-Soviet autonomies. Since its establishment in 1994, no violent conflict has taken place there. However, the Gagauz language and culture remain relatively unprotected, and incentives as well as support for the integration of the Gagauz are low. The article outlines the potential for future disputes between the central government and local authorities, due to continuous attempts to limit Gagauzia’s self-governance and conflicting interpretations of how the autonomy should work. Furthermore, struggles between Gagauz political leaders and other local realities hamper the successful realization of Gagauz Yeri. With respect to Moldova’s efforts to resolve the Transnistrian conflict and to integrate with the European Union, compromises and cooperation through an ongoing dialogue between the centre and autonomy are clearly due. Resolving the remaining stumbling blocks could make Gagauzia a living, rather than symbolic autonomy.
Tese de mestrado integrado em Engenharia da Energia e do Ambiente, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2016
A thorough literature review has shown that although there are many theories to explain international trade, researchers are unanimous in affirming that hotel chains' internationalisation is influenced by pull factors, related to specific characteristics of the host country (contextual and transactional environment), and by push factors, related to specific characteristics of the companies and of their home country. This chapter aims to identify which factors influence hotel chains choosing a destination to invest over another. With this purpose, a theoretical model, that included six pull factors related to the contextual environment and five factors linked to the tourism industry, was developed. This model was validated through questionnaire surveys applied to foreign investors running accommodation units in mainland Portugal. Fifty three questionnaires were considered valid, representing 64% of the universe of foreign investors in Portugal (accommodation sector).
O objetivo deste trabalho é saber se o direito indigenista, como denominarei o direito estatal que diz respeito aos povos indígenas, reconhece a legitimidade do direito indígena, como denominarei o direito produzido pelos povos indígenas, nas experiências colombiana, boliviana e brasileira. A escolha da Bolívia se justifica pelo fato de as Constituições recentes deste país e do Equador serem consideradas um novo marco do constitucionalismo pluralista ao refundarem suas ordens buscando superar a ausência indígena constituinte. Já a Colômbia se destaca entre os países que, sob a influência recente do Convênio 169, incorporaram expressamente o pluralismo jurídico em suas Constituições. A jurisprudência produzida pela Corte Constitucional do país a respeito do direito indígena é considerada exemplar e inspiradora dos desenvolvimentos mais recentes na Bolívia. O trabalho está voltado para dois aspectos do tema: a autonomia jurisdicional, ou a capacidade para julgar conflitos conforme as normas e procedimentos próprios, e os mecanismos de controle de tais decisões. A metodologia do trabalho abrange revisão bibliográfica, seleção e análise documental de decisões judiciais e textos legais. Argumento que a acomodação de autonomias políticas e ordens jurídicas de diferentes culturas depende da criação de meta-instituições e metarregras que solucionem conflitos e promovam a coordenação entre os direitos, permitindo que os grupos se relacionem de maneira equitativa, controlem a dinâmica de suas identidades culturais e se sintam parte de uma mesma comunidade política. A prática das instituições brasileiras, no entanto, está muito mais voltada a aplicar o direito estatal aos índios do que a exercer controle sobre o direito indígena, o que indica que o paradigma da assimilação prevalece sobre eventuais concepções multiculturais de Estado e sociedade, ainda que o direito legislado apresente regras que reconhecem o pluralismo jurídico. Em outras palavras, as instituições estatais enxergam os indígenas como pessoas que percorrem o caminho da incapacidade jurídica à capacidade plena à medida em que se familiarizam com a cultura dominante, e não como pessoas que podem transitar entre diferentes ordens jurídicas. Por outro lado, a experiência recente de países latino-americanos que se abriram ao pluralismo jurídico mostra um caminho difícil e repleto de questões em aberto. As que mais se destacam são a possibilidade de violações de direitos humanos por autoridades indígenas e a tensão entre centralização política e autonomia política. Em relação ao primeiro caso, o aspecto crucial é saber quem deve julgar as violações e sob quais critérios, além de evitar decisões culturalmente enviesadas. Já o segundo caso depende da superação de traços autoritários relacionados ao governo central e da predominância das estruturas estatais já consolidadas, tanto no nível central quanto no nível local, sobre as instituições mantidas pelos povos indígenas. Ainda há um descompasso entre o discurso constitucional de igualdade entre as ordens jurídicas e a prática de subordinação das ordens indígenas às instâncias estatais.
Triassic turbidites of the Nanpanjiang basin of south China represent the most expansive and voluminous siliciclastic turbidite accumulation in south China. The Nanpanjiang basin occurs at a critical junction between the southern margin of the south China plate and the Indochina, Siamo and Sibumasu plates to the south and southwest. The Triassic Yangtze carbonate shelf and isolated carbonated platforms in the basin have been extensively studied, but silicilastic turbidites in the basin have received relatively little attention. Deciphering the facies, paleocurrent indicators and provenance of the Triassic turbidites is important for several reasons: it promises to help resolve the timing of plate collisions along suture zones bordering the basin to the south and southwest, it will enable evaluation of which suture zones and Precambrian massifs were source areas, and it will allow an evaluation of the impact of the siliciclastic flux on carbonate platform evolution within the basin. Turbidites in the basin include the Early Triassic Shipao Formation and the Middle-Late Triassic Baifeng, Xinyuan, Lanmu Bianyang and Laishike formations. Each ranges upward of 700 m and the thickest is nearly 3 km. The turbidites contain very-fine sand in the northern part of the basin whereas the central and southern parts of the basin also commonly contain fine and rarely medium sand size. Coarser sand sizes occur where paleocurrents are from the south, and in this area some turbidites exhibit complete bouma sequences with graded A divisions. Successions contain numerous alternations between mud-rich and sand-rich intervals with thickness trends corresponding to proximal/ distal fan components. Spectacularly preserved sedimentary structures enable robust evaluation of turbidite systems and paleocurrent analyses. Analysis of paleocurrent measurements indicates two major directions of sediment fill. The northern part of the basin was sourced primarily by the Jiangnan massif in the northeast, and the central and southern parts of the basin were sourced primarily from suture zones and the Yunkai massif to the south and southeast respectively. Sandstones of the Lower Triassic Shipao Fm. have volcaniclastic composition including embayed quartz and glass shards. Middle Triassic sandstones are moderately mature, matrix-rich, lithic wackes. The average QFL ratio from all point count samples is 54.1/18.1/27.8% and the QmFLt ratio is 37.8/ 18.1/ 44.1%. Lithic fragments are dominantly claystone and siltstone clasts and metasedimentary clasts such as quartz mica tectonite. Volcanic lithics are rare. Most samples fall in the recycled orogen field of QmFLt plots, indicating a relatively quartz and lithic rich composition consistent with derivation from Precambrian massifs such as the Jiangnan, and Yunkai. A few samples from the southwest part of the basin fall into the dissected arc field, indicating a somewhat more lithic and feldspar-rich composition consistent with derivation from a suture zone Analysis of detrial zircon populations from 17 samples collected across the basin indicate: (1) Several samples contain zircons with concordant ages greater than 3000 Ma, (2) there are widespread peaks across the basin at 1800 Ma and 2500, (3) a widespread 900 Ma population, (3) a widespread population of zircons at 440 Ma, and (5) a larger population of younger zircons about 250 Ma in the southwestern part which is replaced to the north and northwest by a somewhat older population around 260-290 Ma. The 900 Ma provenance fits derivation from the Jiangnan Massif, the 2500, 1800, and 440 Ma provenance fits the Yunkai massif, and the 250 Ma is consistent with convergence and arc development in suture zones bordering the basin on the south or southwest. Early siliciclastic turbidite flux, proximal to source areas impacted carbonate platform evolution by infilling the basin, reducing accommodation space, stabilizing carbonate platform margins and promoting margin progradation. Late arrival, in areas far from source areas caused margin aggradation over a starved basin, development of high relief aggradational escarpments and unstable scalloped margins.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.