998 resultados para Áuas contaminadas - Gerenciamento
a geração de indicadores quantitativos e qualitativos para analisar as ações presentes na ciência não pode representar a dimensão exata de toda atividade científica, até porque há relações e procedimentos que não comportam avaliações por parâmetros matemáticos. ao tempo em que se estimula seu uso, as críticas a respeito de sua utilização crescem, sob argumentos variados: não refletem a qualidade dos documentos; cada artigo contribui de maneira diferente para o progresso da ciência; e os estilos e as categorias se diversificam segundo as disciplinas. formação de disciplinas encarregadas de analisar as iniciativas de difusão e de divulgação dos resultados de pesquisa. Indicadores que representam os mecanismos de comunicação entre universidades, institutos de pesquisa, comunidades científicas e pesquisadores. A atenção, antes concentrada na medição de insumos, com destaque para a formação dos pesquisadores, se desloca, mais e mais, para os indicadores alusivos aos resultados.
Os projetos de revitalização urbana são realizações do poder público a partir da identificação de áreas degradadas ou que necessitam de projetos especiais. Para a sua execução, o governo precisa desenvolver uma estrutura gerencial especialmente organizada para este fim. Atualmente ainda não existe uma estrutura de gerenciamento sólida o suficiente para ser utilizada como modelo e replicada em diferentes áreas ou escalas no país. Esta carência está se tornando mais visível em consequência do aumento das parcerias entre o poder público e empresas privadas, viabilizando muitos destes projetos no Brasil mas que, em contrapartida, pressionam o governo a se movimentar para estabelecer uma estrutura eficiente a fim de executá-los no mesmo ritmo que as empresas privadas impõem no desenvolvimento de empreendimentos próprios. Assim, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo reconhecer os principais elementos que compõem a estrutura de gerenciamento de um projeto público de revitalização urbana, levantando informações através da literatura, de três projetos de revitalização urbana já realizados no Brasil e no exterior, procurando extrair as boas práticas1 , e propondo por fim, uma estrutura que permita servir como direcionamento para gerenciadoras ou partes interessadas, com a possibilidade de replicação em diferentes escalas de projetos urbanos. Os resultados encontrados foram separados pelo presente autor em seis fases que, entendem-se relevantes para o planejamento macro da estrutura do ciclo de vida dos projetos de revitalização urbana, sendo estes: (i) Fase de Iniciação, (ii) Fase de Formulação, (iii) Fase de Planejamento e Estrutura, (iv) Fase de Execução, (v) Fase de Monitoramento e Controle e (vi) Fase de Encerramento. O presente artigo é parte de uma pesquisa mais abrangente e detalhada que constitui uma dissertação de mestrado em andamento no programa de Pós-Graduação de Engenharia Civil da Escola Politécnica da USP.
[ES] En el presente trabajo se ha comparado la eficiencia de los tratamientos biológicos y fotocatalíticos en la depuración de aguas contaminadas con dos pesticidas: Pirimetanil y Triadimenol, ampliamente utilizados como fungicidas sistémicos en la lucha contra plagas de hongos en los cultivos de tomate de la isla de Gran Canaria. Ambos compuestos son considerados tóxicos para organismos acuáticos, hecho que justifica la necesidad de estudiar un tratamiento efectivo de depuración de aguas residuales que los contengan, antes de proceder a su vertido. Paralelamente, se ha llevado a cabo el mismo estudio con otro contaminante orgánico: Resorcinol, con mayor biodegradabilidad que los pesticidas estudiados. Los resultados obtenidos en el presente trabajo indican que las aguas contaminadas con ambos pesticidas deben ser tratadas mediante procesos fotocatalíticos, mientras que, en el caso de Resorcinol, el tratamiento debe ser mediante procesos de depuración biológicos.
Programa de doctorado: Oceanografía
Constraints are widely present in the flight control problems: actuators saturations or flight envelope limitations are only some examples of that. The ability of Model Predictive Control (MPC) of dealing with the constraints joined with the increased computational power of modern calculators makes this approach attractive also for fast dynamics systems such as agile air vehicles. This PhD thesis presents the results, achieved at the Aerospace Engineering Department of the University of Bologna in collaboration with the Dutch National Aerospace Laboratories (NLR), concerning the development of a model predictive control system for small scale rotorcraft UAS. Several different predictive architectures have been evaluated and tested by means of simulation, as a result of this analysis the most promising one has been used to implement three different control systems: a Stability and Control Augmentation System, a trajectory tracking and a path following system. The systems have been compared with a corresponding baseline controller and showed several advantages in terms of performance, stability and robustness.
One of the most interesting challenge of the next years will be the Air Space Systems automation. This process will involve different aspects as the Air Traffic Management, the Aircrafts and Airport Operations and the Guidance and Navigation Systems. The use of UAS (Uninhabited Aerial System) for civil mission will be one of the most important steps in this automation process. In civil air space, Air Traffic Controllers (ATC) manage the air traffic ensuring that a minimum separation between the controlled aircrafts is always provided. For this purpose ATCs use several operative avoidance techniques like holding patterns or rerouting. The use of UAS in these context will require the definition of strategies for a common management of piloted and piloted air traffic that allow the UAS to self separate. As a first employment in civil air space we consider a UAS surveillance mission that consists in departing from a ground base, taking pictures over a set of mission targets and coming back to the same ground base. During all mission a set of piloted aircrafts fly in the same airspace and thus the UAS has to self separate using the ATC avoidance as anticipated. We consider two objective, the first consists in the minimization of the air traffic impact over the mission, the second consists in the minimization of the impact of the mission over the air traffic. A particular version of the well known Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) called Time-Dependant-TSP has been studied to deal with traffic problems in big urban areas. Its basic idea consists in a cost of the route between two clients depending on the period of the day in which it is crossed. Our thesis supports that such idea can be applied to the air traffic too using a convenient time horizon compatible with aircrafts operations. The cost of a UAS sub-route will depend on the air traffic that it will meet starting such route in a specific moment and consequently on the avoidance maneuver that it will use to avoid that conflict. The conflict avoidance is a topic that has been hardly developed in past years using different approaches. In this thesis we purpose a new approach based on the use of ATC operative techniques that makes it possible both to model the UAS problem using a TDTSP framework both to use an Air Traffic Management perspective. Starting from this kind of mission, the problem of the UAS insertion in civil air space is formalized as the UAS Routing Problem (URP). For this reason we introduce a new structure called Conflict Graph that makes it possible to model the avoidance maneuvers and to define the arc cost function of the departing time. Two Integer Linear Programming formulations of the problem are proposed. The first is based on a TDTSP formulation that, unfortunately, is weaker then the TSP formulation. Thus a new formulation based on a TSP variation that uses specific penalty to model the holdings is proposed. Different algorithms are presented: exact algorithms, simple heuristics used as Upper Bounds on the number of time steps used, and metaheuristic algorithms as Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing. Finally an air traffic scenario has been simulated using real air traffic data in order to test our algorithms. Graphic Tools have been used to represent the Milano Linate air space and its air traffic during different days. Such data have been provided by ENAV S.p.A (Italian Agency for Air Navigation Services).
In the framework of an international collaboration with South Africa CSIR, the structural design, manufacturing and testing of the new wing for the Modular UAS in composite materials has been performed.
Background and objective: Autoaggressive nail disorders span a wide range of clinical changes, but they often remain undiagnosed. This article is intended to help the practitioner to make the correct diagnosis and institute an accepted treatment. Material and method: The patient charts of 1800 patients seen by the author between the years 2000-2011 in 6 different European countries were evaluated using photographs of finger and toenails. Results: The most common condition is onycholysis induced by overzealous manicure. The habit tic of maniacally pushing back the proximal nail fold of one or both thumb nails is frequent and often misdiagnosed. Heller’s median canaliform dystrophy is probably also due to a similar injury mechanism. Onychophagia is relatively com- mon and seen both in children and adults. Onychotillomania is less frequent and almost exclusively seen in adults. Onychotemnomania is even less frequent. Onychoteiromania is sowhere between the latter two habits. Onychodaknomania is exceptional and usually a sign of an underlying psychiatric disorder. There was no substantial difference in the prevalence of these conditions among the different countries visited. Conclusions: Auto aggressive nail injury is common, but often difficult to diagnose. Patient care requires not only an in-depth knowledge of virtually all nail diseases, but also a cautious and empathic patient examination and treatment
La visión por computador es una parte de la inteligencia artificial que tiene una aplicación industrial muy amplia, desde la detección de piezas defectuosas al control de movimientos de los robots para la fabricación de piezas. En el ámbito aeronáutico, la visión por computador es una herramienta de ayuda a la navegación, pudiendo usarse como complemento al sistema de navegación inercial, como complemento a un sistema de posicionamiento como el GPS, o como sistema de navegación visual autónomo.Este proyecto establece una primera aproximación a los sistemas de visión articial y sus aplicaciones en aeronaves no tripuladas. La aplicación que se desarrollará será la de apoyo al sistema de navegación, mediante una herramienta que a través de las imágenes capturadas por una cámara embarcada, dé la orden al autopiloto para posicionar el aparato frente la pista en la maniobra de aterrizaje.Para poder realizar ese cometido, hay que estudiar las posibilidades y los desarrollos que el mercado ofrece en este campo, así como los esfuerzos investigadores de los diferentes centros de investigación, donde se publican multitud soluciones de visión por computador para la navegación de diferentes vehículos no tripulados, en diferentes entornos. Ese estudio llevará a cabo el proceso de la aplicación de un sistema de visión articial desde su inicio. Para ello, lo primero que se realizará será definir una solución viable dentro de las posibilidades que la literatura permita conocer. Además, se necesitará realizar un estudio de las necesidades del sistema, tanto de hardware como de software, y acudir al mercado para adquirir la opción más adecuada que satisfaga esas necesidades. El siguiente paso es el planteamiento y desarrollo de la aplicación, mediante la defnición de un algoritmo y un programa informático que aplique el algoritmo y analizar los resultados de los ensayos y las simulaciones de la solución. Además, se estudiará una propuesta de integración en una aeronave y la interfaz de la estación de tierra que debe controlar el proceso. Para finalizar, se exponen las conclusiones y los trabajos futuros para continuar la labor de desarrollo de este proyecto.
Systems integration is the origin of most major difficulties found in the engineering design of aeronautical vehicles. The whole design team must assure that each subsystem accomplishes its particular goals and that, together with the rest of the systems, they all meet the general aircraft requirements.Design and building of UAS is a field of actuation to which leading Universities, research Centers and Aeronautical designers have dedicated a lot of effort. In recent years, a team of students, lecturers and professors at the Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica Aeronáutica (EUITA) have been working on the design and building of a UAS for civil observation. The design of multi-mission Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) has seen a rapid progress in the last years. A wide variety of designs and applications, some of them really ingenious, have been proposed. The project, which has been going on as a teamwork experience for the last ten years, consists of the design and building of a UAV, and its peculiarity is that it has been carried out entirely by undergraduate students, as part of their Final Research Project. The students face a challenge that includes all the features and stages of an authentic engineering project. We present the current moment of evolution in the process, together with a description of the main difficulties the project has undergone, as a global experience in engineering design and development.
The range for airframe configurations available for UAS is as diverse as those used for manned aircraft and more since the commercial risk in trying unorthodox solutions is less for the UAS manufacturer. This is principally because the UAS airframes are usually much smaller than the manned aircraft and operators are less likely to have a bias against unconventional configurations. One of these unconventional configurations is the box-wing, which is an unconventional solution for the design of the new UAS generation. The existence of two wings separated in different planes that are, however, significantly close together, means that the aerodynamic analysis by theoretical or computational methods is a difficult task, due to the considerable interference existing. Considering the fact that the flight of most UAS takes place at low Reynolds numbers, it is necessary to study the aerodynamics of the box wing configuration by testing different models in a wind tunnel to be able to obtain reasonable results. In the present work, the study is enhanced by varying not only the sweepback angles of the two wings, but also their position along the models’ fuselage. Certain models have shown being more efficient than others, pointing out that certain relative positions of wing exists that can improve the aerodynamics efficiency of the box wing configuration.
Tras el accidente de Fukushima, se han puesto en marcha una serie de actividades de caracterización y descontaminación de las zonas contaminadas alrededor de la central, destinadas a facilitar su habitabilidad. A partir de la experiencia de Japón, que el ponente conoce de cerca como miembro de la red europea NERIS-TP y tras participar en una reciente misión a Fukushima, en este curso se abordaron las técnicas más actuales que se utilizan para diseñar y proponer estrategias de cara a la recuperación de grades superficies contaminadas.
This work aims to develop a novel Cross-Entropy (CE) optimization-based fuzzy controller for Unmanned Aerial Monocular Vision-IMU System (UAMVIS) to solve the seeand- avoid problem using its accurate autonomous localization information. The function of this fuzzy controller is regulating the heading of this system to avoid the obstacle, e.g. wall. In the Matlab Simulink-based training stages, the Scaling Factor (SF) is adjusted according to the specified task firstly, and then the Membership Function (MF) is tuned based on the optimized Scaling Factor to further improve the collison avoidance performance. After obtained the optimal SF and MF, 64% of rules has been reduced (from 125 rules to 45 rules), and a large number of real flight tests with a quadcopter have been done. The experimental results show that this approach precisely navigates the system to avoid the obstacle. To our best knowledge, this is the first work to present the optimized fuzzy controller for UAMVIS using Cross-Entropy method in Scaling Factors and Membership Functions optimization.