40 resultados para somnolence
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Anestesiologia - FMB
Introduction: This paper examines the various factors that contribute to the occurrence of sleep alterations during peri and post climacteric and thus produce significant imperil to women's quality of life. Among the probable causes of insomnia or sleep disorders associated to climacteric stand out the occurrence of vasomotor symptoms, depressive state and respiratory distress during sleep, such as sleep apnea, along with chronic pain, although psychosocial factors related to the climacteric bear major influence on such clinical status. Method: The bibliographic analysis was carried out using several electronic data base namely: Cochrane, Medline, Embase, Bni Plus, Biological Abstracts, Psycinfo, Web Of Science, Sigle, Dissertation Abstracts and ZETOC published in English, Spanish and Poruguese. The key terms used were: sleep, REM sleep, slow wave sleep polysomnography; electroencephalogram; sleep disturbances; disturbances of sleep onset and maintenance; excessive somnolence disturbances; climacteric; menopause; depression; neurobiology; biologic models; circadian rhythm; mental health and epidemiology. Case studies and letters to the editor were excluded. The summaries of the identified studies found in the data base were analyzed and assessed, and the data analyzed separately according to the subjective or objective criteria for data collection. Results: The climacteric transition constitutes a period of major risk for the development of depressive, vasomotor and insomnia symptoms although not caused solely by hypoestrogenism. The diagnostic methods used in the study of sleep disorders range from subjective assessment by means of response to specific questionnaires to the objective analysis of actigraphic or polissonographic daytime and nocturnal reports. Polissonographic studies of the whole night, performed at the laboratory, are the golden method of choice for diagnostic of sleep disorders. Studies point to the high prevalence of sleep disorders in the climacteric, especially insomnia, apnea and periodic movement of legs and also to the fact that this phase of life presents decrease in the quality of sleep. Women in peri and post climacteric show higher sleep latency and difficulty in its maintenance and refer being less satisfied with its quality even when compared to those who are not climacteric. Exception made to the vasomotor symptomatology, the other climacteric complaints such as mood disturbances, libido alterations, cognitive deficit, articular pain and sleep disorders are markedly associated to psychosocial factors, lifestyle and especially to women's perception of what the climacteric means to their lives. Conclusion: The analysis of the available studies revealed a proneness to deterioration of quality of life of climacteric women markedly in the sleep disturbances, depressed mood and anxiety domains and should not to be basically attributed to the climacteric. It is necessary that the professionals consider the need of assessment of such pathologies as complex phenomena and the literature lacks studies contemplating such dimensions.
Visual symptoms are common in PD and PD dementia and include difficulty reading, double vision, illusions, feelings of presence and passage, and complex visual hallucinations. Despite the established prognostic implications of complex visual hallucinations, the interaction between cognitive decline, visual impairment, and other visual symptoms remains poorly understood. Our aim was to characterize the spectrum of visual symptomatology in PD and examine clinical predictors for their occurrence. Sixty-four subjects with PD, 26 with PD dementia, and 32 age-matched controls were assessed for visual symptoms, cognitive impairment, and ocular pathology. Complex visual hallucinations were common in PD (17%) and PD dementia (89%). Dementia subjects reported illusions (65%) and presence (62%) more frequently than PD or control subjects, but the frequency of passage hallucinations in PD and PD dementia groups was equivalent (48% versus 69%, respectively; P = 0.102). Visual acuity and contrast sensitivity was impaired in parkinsonian subjects, with disease severity and age emerging as the key predictors. Regression analysis identified a variety of factors independently predictive of complex visual hallucinations (e.g., dementia, visual acuity, and depression), illusions (e.g., excessive daytime somnolence and disease severity), and presence (e.g., rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder and excessive daytime somnolence). Our results demonstrate that different "hallucinatory" experiences in PD do not necessarily share common disease predictors and may, therefore, be driven by different pathophysiological mechanisms. If confirmed, such a finding will have important implications for future studies of visual symptoms and cognitive decline in PD and PD dementia.
RATIONALE: Olanzapine is an atypical antipsychotic drug with a more favourable safety profile than typical antipsychotics with a hitherto unknown topographic quantitative electroencephalogram (QEEG) profile. OBJECTIVES: We investigated electrical brain activity (QEEG and cognitive event related potentials, ERPs) in healthy subjects who received olanzapine. METHODS: Vigilance-controlled, 19-channel EEG and ERP in an auditory odd-ball paradigm were recorded before and 3 h, 6 h and 9 h after administration of either a single dose of placebo or olanzapine (2.5 mg and 5 mg) in ten healthy subjects. QEEG was analysed by spectral analysis and evaluated in nine frequency bands. For the P300 component in the odd-ball ERP, the amplitude and latency was analysed. Statistical effects were tested using a repeated-measurement analysis of variance. RESULTS: For the interaction between time and treatment, significant effects were observed for theta, alpha-2, beta-2 and beta-4 frequency bands. The amplitude of the activity in the theta band increased most significantly 6 h after the 5-mg administration of olanzapine. A pronounced decrease of the alpha-2 activity especially 9 h after 5 mg olanzapine administration could be observed. In most beta frequency bands, and most significantly in the beta-4 band, a dose-dependent decrease of the activity beginning 6 h after drug administration was demonstrated. Topographic effects could be observed for the beta-2 band (occipital decrease) and a tendency for the alpha-2 band (frontal increase and occipital decrease), both indicating a frontal shift of brain electrical activity. There were no significant changes in P300 amplitude or latency after drug administration. Conclusion: QEEG alterations after olanzapine administration were similar to EEG effects gained by other atypical antipsychotic drugs, such as clozapine. The increase of theta activity is comparable to the frequency distribution observed for thymoleptics or antipsychotics for which treatment-emergent somnolence is commonly observed, whereas the decrease of beta activity observed after olanzapine administration is not characteristic for these drugs. There were no clear signs for an increased cerebral excitability after a single-dose administration of 2.5 mg and 5 mg olanzapine in healthy controls.
OBJECTIVES Cognitive fluctuation (CF) is a common feature of dementia and a core diagnostic symptom for dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). CF remains difficult to accurately and reliably detect clinically. This study aimed to develop a psychometric test that could be used by clinicians to facilitate the identification of CF and improve the recognition and diagnosis of DLB and Parkinson disease, and to improve differential diagnosis of other dementias. METHODS We compiled a 17-item psychometric test for identifying CF and applied this measure in a cross-sectional design. Participants were recruited from the North East of England, and assessments were made in individuals' homes. We recruited people with four subtypes of dementia and a healthy comparison group, and all subjects were administered this pilot scale together with other standard ratings. The psychometric properties of the scale were examined with exploratory factor analysis. We also examined the ability of individual items to identify CF to discriminate between dementia subtypes. The sensitivity and specificity of discriminating items were explored along with validity and reliability analyses. RESULTS Participants comprised 32 comparison subjects, 30 people with Alzheimer disease, 30 with vascular dementia, 29 with DLB, and 32 with dementia associated with Parkinson disease. Four items significantly discriminated between dementia groups and showed good levels of sensitivity (range: 78.6%-80.3%) and specificity (range: 73.9%-79.3%). The scale had very good levels of test-retest (Cronbach's alpha: 0.82) and interrater (0.81) reliabilities. The four items loaded onto three different factors. These items were: 1) marked differences in functioning during the daytime; 2) daytime somnolence; 3) daytime drowsiness; and 4) altered levels of consciousness during the day. CONCLUSIONS We identified four items that provide valid, sensitive, and specific questions for reliably identifying CF and distinguishing the Lewy body dementias from other major causes of dementia (Alzheimer disease and vascular dementia).
A Síndrome da Apneia e Hipopneia Obstrutiva do Sono (SAHOS) é uma doença crónica, de carácter progressivo, que atinge cerca de 4% da população adulta. A obstrução parcial ou total das vias aéreas superiores durante o sono pode provocar quadros de hipopneia (uma redução do fluxo aéreo) ou apneia (cessação completa do fluxo aéreo). Os pacientes queixam-se de sonolência diurna excessiva, ronco durante a noite e além destes problemas sociais a preocupação pela redução de funções cognitivas que se podem desencadear, como memória, atenção, hipertensão pulmonar e insuficiência cardíaca. O Médico Dentista está habilitado para avaliar o espaço aéreo oro e nasofaringeo e diagnosticar, além da necessidade de correções dentárias, a presença de obstruções das Vias Aereas Superiores (VAS) orientando assim o seu tratamento. Além do exame clínico, o diagnóstico de distúrbios respiratórios do sono é baseado na história clínica, exame físico e confirmado através da polissonografia e da análise cefalométrica. Esta tem sido considerada como um método importante no diagnóstico, fornecendo características craniofaciais que permitem verificar a existência de pré-disposição de SAHOS. As avaliações com cefalometrias obtidas em telerradiografias em norma lateral é um recurso essencial para realizar o diagnóstico de distúrbios respiratórios do sono, desde que o profissional tenha domínio da técnica e da sua interpretação. Estes distúrbios são caracterizados por diferentes graus de diminuição do espaço das vias aéreas superiores, causado por factores anatómicos e funcionais, que podem ser analisados pelo profissional. A intervenção precoce torna-se crucial, pela diminuição da morbilidade, melhores resultados no tratamento, diminuição de gastos nos serviços de saúde e melhor qualidade de vida do paciente. O presente trabalho teve por objectivo realizar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a importância da avaliação das vias aéreas superiores através da análise de grandezas cefalométricas obtidas de telerradiografias em norma lateral como padrão de diagnóstico para a identificação de distúrbios respiratórios do sono.
All antiepileptic medications have potential side-effects. Some are rather specific like diplopia for carbamazepin or lamotrigin, whereas others are not, like fatigue or unsteadiness. Most are dose- related and can therefore be alleviated by dose reduction (e.g. somnolence or tremor) but a few are idiosyncratic (e.g. rash) and require cessation of the causative agent. Some can be detected and followed-up on a clinical basis but others necessitate specific examinations.
Introducción: El uso de solventes orgánicos es muy frecuente en diferentes industrias y sectores económicos a nivel mundial, estos generan una importante exposición ocupacional asociándose con efectos mutagénicos, carcinógenos, teratogénicos y otros trastornos principalmente de tipo neurológico y de conducta. Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre la presencia de biomarcadores de dosis interna para solventes orgánicos y la existencia de síntomas neurológicos y de conducta en pintores de carros de la ciudad de Bogotá. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio de corte transversal una muestra de 122 individuos, 62 expuestos y 60 en el grupo control. Se incluyeron variables sociodemográficas, ocupacionales, clínicas y los resultados de biomarcadores en orina para benceno, tolueno y xileno (ácido S-fenilmercapturico, ácido hipúrico y orto, para y meta-metilhipúrico respectivamente). Para el análisis de la información se obtuvieron medidas de tendencia central y dispersión. Se utilizó análisis de correlación de Spearman y la prueba Chi cuadrado de asociación para establecer la relación entre la exposición ocupacional y los síntomas presentes obtenidos de la aplicación del cuestionario Q 16. El nivel de significación para las pruebas fue 0.05. Resultados: Los valores del ácido hipúrico estuvieron por encima de los límites permisibles en 17,74% (11) de los trabajadores y los de ácido p-metilhipúrico en el 12,90% (8) de ellos. No se registraron valores de ácido fenil-mercaptúrico por fuera del límite permitido. El 25% (15) de la población expuesta manifestó síntomas neurológicos. Se encontró una relación significativa entre los siguientes síntomas y la presencia de biomarcadores: ácido hipúrico y somnolencia (p=0.009), perdida del deseo sexual (p= 0 .019); ácido metilhipúrico y olvida hacer cosas importantes (p=0 .019), pérdida de fuerza en brazos o piernas (p= 0.013) e insomnio (p= 0.028); ácido fenil-mercaptúrico y alucinaciones (p= 0.000). Dos síntomas tuvieron una relación significativa tanto para el ácido hipúrico como para el ácido metilhipúrico: anormalmente cansado (p= 0.001 y 0.046) y dificultad para abotonarse (p= 0.045 y 0.002). Conclusiones. La presencia de síntomas neurológicos y de conducta son indicadores importantes de la exposición a solventes orgánicos. La aparición y detección temprana de estos permitirán establecer medidas de promoción y prevención al igual que programas de vigilancia epidemiológica.