860 resultados para social resources


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This article introduces a new approach to measure corporate contributions to sustainability called Sustainable Value Added. Existing approaches to measure sustainability are based on a comparative assessment of environmental and social burdens and can thus be characterised as burden-based approaches. However, these approaches suffer from severe limitations as a comparative assessment and aggregation of all relevant environmental and social burdens fails in practice. In contrast to these burden-based approaches Sustainable Value Added is value-based. It determines the value that is created by the reduced or increased use of different environmental and social resources. For this purpose the use of environmental and social resources is valued at their opportunity cost. Sustainable Value Added allows an integrated assessment of the economic, environmental, and social performance of a company and expresses the corporate contribution to sustainability in a single monetary indicator. This article explains the theoretical background of Sustainable Value Added, relates it to existing approaches to measure sustainability, and - using the example of Henkel KGaA - demonstrates its practical applicability.


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As sociedades contemporâneas testemunham os efeitos negativos do stress sobre a saúde, existindo evidências empíricas do relacionamento recíproco entre stress e doença (infeciosas, crónicas, cardiovasculares, cancro) (Iwasaki & Mannell, 2000). Por outro lado, Walden (2007) sublinha que o stress varia de acordo com as circunstâncias de vida e Rode et al. (2012) acrescentam que as pessoas com incapacidade apresentam taxas mais elevadas de problemas de saúde relacionados com o stress do que a população em geral. Neste contexto, surge o lazer como mecanismo de coping, como instrumento restaurador e benéfico para a saúde (Caldwell, 2005; Wijndaele et al., 2007). Assim, considerando o turismo como uma marcante atividade recreacional em tempo de lazer na vida das pessoas, e uma oportunidade de relaxamento e interação social (Richards, et al., 2010), pensou-se na possibilidade do turismo acessível ser um recurso de coping para gerir o stress na incapacidade. É com base na atualidade e pertinência destas reflexões que se estabeleceram duas metas para este trabalho: compreender o relacionamento entre turismo, stress e coping para os indivíduos com incapacidade, e desenvolver bases empíricas para fins terapêuticos e para o desenvolvimento de novos produtos turísticos, numa lógica biopsicossocial (biológica ou física, psicológica e social). Especificamente, pretende-se identificar fontes de stress para as pessoas com incapacidade e as suas respostas de coping, e explicar como o turismo atua nas dimensões biopsicossociais do stress-coping. Para atingir estes objetivos utilizou-se uma metodologia mista, suportada por uma revisão de literatura aprofundada, que consistiu na realização de um estudo qualitativo e outro quantitativo. No primeiro, recorreu-se à técnica de focus groups para cada tipo de incapacidade em análise, motora (N=6), auditiva (N=7) e visual (N=6), e no segundo, procedeu-se à aplicação de inquéritos por questionário a pessoas com incapacidade motora e sensorial (N=306), cujo questionário consistiu na adaptação e ajuste das ECL (Escalas de Coping através do Lazer) ao contexto do Turismo Acessível. Os resultados indicam que a principal fonte de stress dos indivíduos com incapacidade é a própria incapacidade em conjugação com a sociedade, demonstrando-se a prevalência de estratégias baseadas na interação social para a resolução de problemas, em detrimento de outras. Por sua vez, apuram-se os benefícios do turismo, cujas mais-valias no âmbito das dimensões biopsicossociais destes indivíduos em particular, são também discutidas. Conclui-se, portanto, que o turismo acessível é um novo formato de stress-coping para a população com incapacidade, suportando o reequilíbrio e harmonização dos seus recursos pessoais e sociais, contribuindo positivamente para a sua saúde e bem-estar global, servindo de base ao desenvolvimento de novos produtos turísticos adequados e direcionados para as necessidades específicas desta população e ao planeamento de intervenções terapêuticas alternativas no contexto da sua reabilitação.


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Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Secção de Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde, Núcleo de Psicologia Clínica Sistémica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2014


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RESUMO - A (não) adesão à terapêutica é um problema mundial que, para além de afetar diretamente a saúde dos indivíduos, afeta também os recursos económicos e sociais. Apesar da importância em aderir à terapêutica, largamente fundamentada na evidência científica, facto é que, em muitos casos, os doentes não o fazem. Assim, estudar as questões relacionadas com a adesão tem vindo a ganhar cada vez mais relevância e atualmente constitui um desafio para os sistemas de saúde, pois os mecanismos envolvidos no comportamento de adesão dos indivíduos são complexos. Deste modo, com este estudo pretendeu-se caracterizar uma amostra de indivíduos com diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e relacionar o seu nível de adesão à terapêutica medicamentosa com os fatores de não adesão. Este estudo foi desenvolvido no Agrupamento de Centros de Saúde (ACES) Almada e Seixal e nele participaram 151 diabéticos tipo 2. Para a recolha de dados utilizou-se o Questionário de Identificação de Fatores de Não Adesão adaptado de Cabral e Silva (2010) e a Medida de Adesão aos Tratamentos de Delgado e Lima (2001). Os resultados mostraram um perfil de participantes maioritariamente idosos, reformados, do género feminino, casados, com o ensino primário completo, rendimento mensal entre 301-1000 euros e tendencialmente aderentes à terapêutica medicamentosa. O (i) esquecimento, o (ii) preço da medicação, o (iii) número elevado de medicamentos para tomar de uma vez só, não perceber bem o que deve tomar e como e (v) adormecer antes da toma foram os fatores de não adesão relatados com mais frequência. Foram encontradas relações significativas entre o nível de adesão e o esquecimento, o preço da medicação o número elevado de medicamentos para tomar de uma vez só e adormecer antes da toma. Não encontrámos relações significativas entre o nível de adesão e os dados sociodemográficos, os fatores terapêuticos e o fator de não adesão “não perceber bem o que deve tomar e como”. No presente estudo são discutidos os resultados obtidos, consideradas algumas limitações e efetuadas propostas de investigações futuras.


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Bien que la relation entre l’état de santé perçu et les mesures de santé physique et mentale soit bien documentée dans les pays développés, très peu d’études ont examiné cette association dans le monde en développement, particulièrement en Afrique subsaharienne. De même, les études menées dans divers contextes sociaux ont documenté que les femmes et les personnes de plus faible statut socioéconomique (SSÉ) sont les plus susceptibles de porter un lourd fardeau des incapacités et de la mauvaise santé perçue, mais il n’est pas connu si ces associations existent aussi dans les pays africains. L'objectif général de cette recherche doctorale était d’aboutir à une meilleure compréhension de la stratification sociale de la santé en Afrique subsaharienne. Plus spécifiquement, cette étude visait à: 1) Examiner les associations entre la santé perçue et les mesures de santé physique et mentale (maladies chroniques, incapacités et dépression) parmi les adultes à Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, et évaluer comment ces associations varient selon le sexe, le niveau d’éducation et l'âge; 2) Analyser les différences en matière d’incapacité cognitive et physique entre les hommes et les femmes âgés de 50 ans et plus à Ouagadougou et évaluer la mesure dans laquelle les différences observées pourraient être attribuables aux inégalités de genre en matière de conditions sociales et de santé à travers le cycle de vie; 3) Examiner la relation entre le SSÉ et une multitude de mesures d’incapacités parmi les adultes âgés de 18 ans et plus dans 18 pays d’Afrique subsaharienne et déterminer si les différences socioéconomiques dans les incapacités sont caractérisées par une divergence, convergence ou stabilité à travers l’âge. Les résultats de nos analyses sont présentés sous forme de trois articles scientifiques, qui se sont appuyés sur les données de l'Enquête santé réalisée en 2010 dans l'Observatoire de Population de Ouagadougou (OPO) et de la World Health Survey réalisée en 2002-2004 par l’OMS. Dans le premier article, nous avons trouvé que la mauvaise santé perçue était fortement associée aux maladies chroniques et aux incapacités, mais pas à la dépression. L’effet des incapacités sur la mauvaise santé perçue s’intensifiait avec l’âge et avec la diminution du niveau d’éducation. Par contre, l’effet des maladies chroniques semblait diminuer avec l’âge. Aucune variation selon le sexe n’était observée dans les associations de la santé perçue avec les maladies chroniques, les incapacités et la dépression. Ces résultats suggèrent que les différentes sous-populations définies selon le niveau d'éducation et l'âge pondèrent différemment les composantes de santé dans la santé perçue à Ouagadougou. Les résultats du second article indiquaient que le genre féminin était positivement associé à des niveaux plus élevés de détérioration cognitive et de mobilité réduite. L'excès des femmes dans ces incapacités était seulement partiellement expliqué par les inégalités de genre dans l’état nutritionnel, le statut matrimonial et, dans une moindre mesure, l'éducation. Ces résultats suggèrent que l’amélioration de l'état nutritionnel et des opportunités d'éducation à travers le cycle de vie pourrait prévenir la détérioration cognitive et la mobilité réduite et réduire partiellement l'excès féminin dans ces incapacités. Dans le troisième article, nous avons montré que le manque d'éducation était positivement associé à des niveaux plus élevés d'incapacités, et le différentiel d’état de santé fonctionnel entre les différents niveaux d'éducation restait stable à travers l'âge. Ces résultats suggèrent qu’en Afrique subsaharienne, comparativement aux individus hautement éduqués, les personnes faiblement éduquées ont moins de ressources économiques et sociales et de saines habitudes de vie qui ont des effets bénéfiques, constants sur la santé fonctionnelle selon l’âge.


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Essai doctoral présenté à la Faculté des arts et des sciences en vue de l’obtention du grade de doctorat en psychologie, option clinique


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The aim of this paper is to present a theoretical-conceptual approach to residential mobility, in general, and residential trajectories, in particular. It seeks to understand how from the unequal distribution and appropriation of social resources —both material and symbolic— different trajectories are developed and how socio-territorial structures constrain, shape and enable interactions between families, their members and the various contexts of action towards meeting their housing needs. From sociological contributions of different traditions, we present a scheme that pays attention to articulating the relationship between structural factors, position in social structure and decisions elating to changes of residence. We conclude that mobility patterns are relational patterns that are defined in dialogue with the opportunities and limitations that are set up around the housing stock and new or vacant land, the land market dynamics and housing, the labor market, the provision of nfrastructure services and social facilities, etc.


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La rápida modernización de la sociedad española y el gran cambio en la condición social de la mujer han modificado la vida familiar que ya no se corresponde con el de la familia tradicional. Ha crecido el número de rupturas familiares: separaciones y divorcios ¿Implica eso una verdadera crisis de la familia? Esta, sin embargo goza de buena prensa al haber adquirido en la imaginación colectiva las dimensiones de una utopía privada de felicidad. Pero se ha demostrado que el matrimonio es una institución frágil. La familia al ser un hecho social y producirse la ruptura traerá consecuencias sociales. Primero, para los hijos. Es el momento de dedicar más investigación a esta consecuencia de la crisis inicial de los niños ante la separación de los padres. Lo más factible no es evitar la ruptura, sino intentar minimizar los costes de dicha ruptura familiar en sus repercusiones sobre los hijos. Actualmente, las instituciones educativas y la familia, han de construir valores. Con esfuerzo hay que ir construyendo ámbitos donde la confianza mutua, la tolerancia ante el fracaso vayan apoyando la formación de identidades socialmente constructivas, en unas circunstancias diferentes. Y éstas pueden ser las de la ruptura familiar; socialmente inevitable, pero suponiendo el mínimo de costes para sus participantes.


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Social media utilities have made it easier than ever to know about the range of online or offline social activities one could be engaging. On the upside, these social resources provide a multitude of opportunities for interaction; on the downside, they often broadcast more options than can be pursued, given practical restrictions and limited time. This dual nature of social media has driven popular interest in the concept of Fear of Missing Out – popularly referred to as FoMO. Defined as a pervasive apprehension that others might be having rewarding experiences from which one is absent, FoMO is characterized by the desire to stay continually connected with what others are doing. The present research presents three studies conducted to advance an empirically based understanding of the fear of missing out phenomenon. The first study collected a diverse international sample of participants in order to create a robust individual differences measure of FoMO, the Fear of Missing Out scale (FoMOs); this study is the first to operationalize the construct. Study 2 recruited a nationally representative cohort to investigate how demographic, motivational and well-being factors relate to FoMO. Study 3 examined the behavioral and emotional correlates of fear of missing out in a sample of young adults. Implications of the FoMOs measure and for the future study of FoMO are discussed.


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The present study, conducted in 2003, Melbourne, Australia, examined and compared how different personal and social resources related to participants' use of both heroin and methadone, as well as their experiences of stigma and program regulation, and their evaluation of methadone treatment. In-depth interviews were conducted with 10 participants (five men, five women) aged between 25 and 42. Participants who had diverse personal and social circumstances were purposefully sought. Findings showed that users with “non-addict” or “functional” self-concepts had more resources and supportive social relationships that assisted them to develop realistic treatment expectations, avoid the stigma associated with methadone, and focus on the benefits of the treatment. Conversely, “conflicted” users with limited resources, few social connections, and negative self-concept saw methadone as an addiction, and as a highly stigmatizing and disempowering intervention. Social policies that differentiate users and address ways of improving users' personal and social resources are now needed.


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The main aim of the study was to analyze the relationship between resilience and organizational socialization among newcomers from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), comparing the results obtained in a cross-cultural perspective. The sample (N=205) was composed of mentored (N=70) and non-mentored (N=72) professors and technical-administrative employees at UFRN, and their non-mentored counterparts at NTNU (N=63). The data collection instruments used were the Organizational Socialization Inventory (OSI), the Resilience Scale for Adults (RSA) and a sociodemographic form. Data analysis was preceded by a number of tests to verify possible distinct response styles among the respondents, as they came from different cultures. Descriptive analysis and t-tests were performed to identify and compare organizational socialization and resilience outcomes. Hierarchical regression analyses were carried out, the first ones involving all participants (N=205), to observe the predictive power of resilience factors in relation to organizational socialization factors, beyond the effects of nationality, occupation and mentoring experience. The other hierarchical regression analyses were conducted separately for the professors (N=109) and technical-administrative employees (N=96); and for the mentored (N=70) and non-mentored newcomers from UFRN (N=72), and nonmentored newcomers from NTNU (N=63), to compare the predictive power of resilience in relation to organizational socialization between newcomers from the two occupations, and also among the three groups of participants. The results of this study showed that socialization and resilience profiles differed according to demographic and cultural characteristics, and to the socialization strategies adopted in the institutions studied. Furthermore, it was observed that resilience added a significant incremental prediction to all socialization factors, beyond nationality, occupation, and mentoring experience. The predictive contribution from each of the resilience factors was also noteworthy, mainly those of Planned Future and Social Resources. With respect to nationality, occupation and mentoring experience, it was noted that they explained a significant part of the variance in almost all organizational socialization factors, in addition to playing a meaningful role in predicting the scores of such factors, with some evidence of moderation or mediation by the resilience factors. Considering these and the comparative results of the predictive power of resilience in relation to the organizational socialization, between the two occupations and among the three groups of participants, as a whole, the main findings of this study were as follows: resilience tends to contribute to organizational socialization outcomes; the resilience of some subjects may be a differential factor for success in those situations in which individuals face working conditions that are less favorable to promoting their adaptation; and, a formal mentoring program may contribute to improving newcomer resilience, producing better and more homogeneous organizational socialization outcomes. The practical implications, limitations and main contributions of the study are discussed, with a number of suggestions for future research


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Includes bibliography


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Korruption, Gewalt, Machtmissbrauch – im medialen, aber auch im wissenschaftlichen Diskurs wird die afrikanische Polizei oft als dysfunktionale staatliche Institution dargestellt. Dabei erscheinen Polizisten und zivile Akteure als klar voneinander abgegrenzte Akteursgruppen, wobei die Polizisten einseitig das staatliche Gewaltmonopol durchsetzen. Ein Blick auf den Alltag polizeilichen Handelns in Nordghana eröffnet jedoch eine andere Perspektive: Wegen der niedrigen Legitimität, konkurrierenden alternativen Rechtsinstanzen und den Widersprüchen innerhalb ihrer Institution sind Polizisten mit massiven Unsicherheiten konfrontiert. Ihre Praktiken können als situative Anpassungen der Polizeiarbeit an dieses Umfeld verstanden werden. Dabei übertragen Polizisten oft Kernaufgaben ihrer Institution an zivile Akteure, die sogenannten „friends of the police“. Auch zivile Akteure verfügen jedoch durch physischen Widerstand, Beziehungen, Status und Geld über beträchtliche Beeinflussungsmöglichkeiten. Die öffentliche Ordnung ergibt sich erst aus den Verhandlungen zwischen den Polizisten und unterschiedlichen zivilen Akteuren unter Einbeziehung ihrer sozialen Ressourcen und moralischer Vorstellungen.


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Why do some clients use institutional services, while other, with comparable impairment, use community based services? To answer this question, a matching procedure paired clients from the two types of service provision. Sixty-six clients, ages 62 and over, were matched for functional ability as rated on a 6-item ADL scale (Katz, et al., 1970). A discriminant function analysis was performed, with the setting of service provision as the criterion variable. The results indicated that the institutional group was more likely than their community counterparts: (a) to have had previous service contact with other service providers; (b) to have less support available within the community setting from family members or friends; (c) to be more impaired in the areas of mental health and social resources.


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STUDY OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of two different socioeconomic status (SES) measures on child and adolescent self reported health related quality of life (HRQoL). The European KIDSCREEN project aims at simultaneous developing, testing, and implementing a generic HRQoL instrument. DESIGN AND SETTING: The pilot version of the questionnaire was applied in school surveys to students from 8 to 18 years of age, as well as to their parents, together with such determinants of health status as two SES indicators, the parental educational status and the number of material goods in the family (FAS, family affluence scale). PARTICIPANTS: Students from seven European countries: 754 children (39.8%; mean: 9.8 years), and 1142 adolescents (60.2 %; mean: 14.1 years), as well as their respective parents. MAIN RESULTS: In children, a higher parental educational status was found to have a significant positive impact on the KIDSCREEN dimensions: physical wellbeing, psychological wellbeing, moods and emotions, bullying and perceived financial resources. Increased risk of low HRQoL was detected for adolescents in connection with their physical wellbeing. Family wealth plays a part for children's physical wellbeing, parent relations and home life, and perceived financial resources. For adolescents, family wealth furthermore predicts HRQoL on all KIDSCREEN dimensions. CONCLUSIONS: There is evidence to suggest that exposure to low parental educational status may result in a decreased HRQoL in childhood, whereas reduced access to material (and thereby social) resources may lead to a lower HRQoL especially in adolescence.