936 resultados para single family houses
Se plantea aquí el estudio de la Casa Huarte (1966) como un experimento doméstico -así lo concibió el matrimonio Huarte desde la libertad de acción y la entrega al talento de los arquitectos- que sintetizó los principios de los proyectos de la primera etapa de la obra de José Antonio Corrales (1921-2010) y Ramón Vázquez Molezún (1922-1993): paisaje construido, topografía modificada, basamento pesado y arraigado, cubierta ligera flotante y abstracción compositiva. La considerada vivienda experimental del siglo XX estaba asociada a estructuras familiares reducidas, como mucho formadas por un matrimonio con dos hijos. La Casa Huarte, sin embargo, pertenece a un grupo no reconocido de viviendas experimentales de gran formato, que aportaban -en entornos de vida socio-familiar no convencionales- una complejidad funcional, espacial y de relaciones interpersonales que la vivienda mínima no tenía. La Casa Huarte supuso un punto de inflexión en la carrera de Corrales y Molezún, culminando una primera etapa donde se concentraron sus obras más destacadas: Instituto en Herrera de Pisuerga (1956), Residencia de Miraflores (1958) y Pabellón de Bruselas, en sus versiones belga (1958) y española (1959). El proyecto de la Casa Huarte adelantó estrategias que aplicarían en proyectos posteriores -dinamismo del plano horizontal, visuales diagonales, entrada tangencial- y culminó la evolución de un tipo de vivienda que Corrales y Molezún comenzaron a investigar diez años antes. Entre 1956 y 1961 proyectaron cuatro viviendas (Casa Remírez Escudero, Casa Álvarez Mon, Casa Gómez Acebo y Casa Cela) que anticiparon soluciones y situaciones presentes y perfeccionadas en la Casa Huarte. Corrales aseguraba que si la vida es contradictoria la arquitectura también debería serlo. La Casa Huarte es compleja y contradictoria funcional y espacialmente, homogeneizada por una imagen exterior rotunda y atractiva de juegos de volúmenes maclados. El proyecto se muestra así de contundente detrás de habilidosas maniobras tectónicas que ocultan las muchas complejidades y contradicciones aparentemente inapreciables. Estas maniobras confunden la imagen que de la casa se tiene. Debajo de su manto cerámico de reminiscencias vernáculas - híbrido de casa castellana y arquitectura nórdica- se esconde una obra de arquitectura avanzada tecnológicamente. La tesis se desarrolla en cuatro apartados denominados procesos, por lo que tienen de secuencia en el desarrollo de la investigación. Estos procesos son: proceso descriptivo, proceso analítico, proceso interpretativo y proceso poético. Después del necesario e introductorio proceso descriptivo, el cuerpo central de la tesis -que contiene los procesos analítico, interpretativo y poético- sigue un guión marcado por la defensa de la categoría experimental de la Casa Huarte. Se han tratado los conceptos más característicos de la vivienda, desde los más generales a los más específicos divididos en cuatro grupos: Composición, volumen y espacio; El patio como lugar; El jardín: horizonte construido; Domesticidad del mundo interior; y Euritmia: materia y espíritu Molezún aseguraba que para entender una obra de arquitectura había que dibujarla. La Casa Huarte ha sido redibujada en sus tres etapas fundamentales: el proyecto de ejecución (marzo 1965), la casa acabada (noviembre 1966) y el estado actual (2012). El estudio y análisis se centra en la casa construida, por ser la realidad tridimensional en que el proyecto se nos manifiesta. La documentación gráfica del estado actual de la vivienda es inédita y ha sido posible gracias a múltiples inspecciones de la Casa Huarte en visitas facilitadas por las hijas de Jesús Huarte, actuales propietarias de la vivienda. Esta documentación nos permite constatar las alteraciones sobre la obra construida y conocer que modificaciones serían necesarias para recuperar el estado original de la casa. La Casa Huarte es una obra singular, una de las cinco viviendas unifamiliares pertenecientes a la Arquitectura del Movimiento Moderno en España y Portugal de mayor interés registrada por el Docomomo Internacional. Su futuro es incierto, se encuentra deshabitada y en venta. La familia Huarte ha cumplido con creces la misión de conservar su patrimonio. Es pertinente reivindicar su vigencia como obra de referencia de la arquitectura española del siglo XX, y, de esa manera, evitar que caiga en el olvido y el abandono. ABSTRACT The Huarte House (1966) will be analysed as a domestic experiment – that is how the Huarte’s conceived it, putting their faith in the architects – that synthesized the principles from the projects of the first phase of the work of Jose Antonio Corrales (1921-2010) and Ramón Vázquez Molezún (1922-1993): built landscape, modified topography, heavy and rooted base, light, floating roof and abstraction in composition. The experimental house of the 20th century was associated with small nuclear families of at the most a couple and two children. The Huarte House belongs to a group of non-recognised experimental houses of a larger size -and more unconventional familial settings- that lent themselves to greater functional, spatial and interpersonal complexity than their smaller counterparts. The Huarte House represented a turning point in the careers of Corrales and Molezún, capping a first phase that includes their most prominent work: the Institute at Herrera de Pisuerga (1965), the Residence at Miraflores (1958) and the Brussels Pavilion, in its Belgian (1958) and Spanish (1959) version. The project for the Huarte house anticipated strategies which they would apply to later projects: dynamism of the horizontal plane, diagonal visuals, and tangential entrances. It was also the culmination of the evolution of a type of house that Corrales and Molezún had started to investigate ten years earlier. Between 1956 and 1961 they designed four houses (Ramírez Escudero House, Álvarez Mon House, Gómez Acebo House and Cela House) that anticipated the solutions applied and perfected in the Huarte House. Corrales believed that if life was contradictory architecture should be so too. The Huarte House is complex and contradictory. Corrales and Molezún homogenised the project under a bold and attractive image of intersecting volumes. The project appears emphatic thanks to skilful tectonic manoeuvres that conceal the many complexities and contradictions so that they become imperceptible. These manoeuvres confound the image of the house. Under its ceramic blanket of vernacular reminiscences (a mixture of Castilian house and Nordic architecture) lies a technologically advanced piece of architecture. The thesis is organised in four chapters named ‘processes’ in reference to their sequence in the development of the research. These processes are: descriptive process, analytic process, interpretative process and poetic process. After the necessary and introductory descriptive process, the main body of the thesis, which encompasses the analytical, interpretative and poetic processes, develops the argument for incorporating the Huarte House into the experimental category. The thesis addresses the characteristic concepts of a house, from the general to the more specific, divided in four groups: composition, volume and space; the patio: architecture and landscape; the garden: building the horizon and eurythmy: spirit and matter. Molezún was convinced that to get to know a work of architecture it was necessary to draw it. The Huarte House is redrawn in its three main phases: the executive project (march 1965), the finished house (november 1966) and its actual state (2012). The study and analysis centers on the built house, as the actual tri-dimensional manifestation of the project. The graphic documentation of the present state of the house has never been published before and has been made possible by numerous visits to the House facilitated by Jesus Huarte’s daughters who are the current owners. This documentation allows us to determine any alterations of the constructed work and derive the necessary modifications to bring the house back to its original state. The Huarte House is a unique work, one of five single family homes registered by the International Docomomo. Its future is uncertain. It is currently uninhabited and up for sale. The Huarte family has more than delivered on the mission to safeguard its patrimony. It is important to defend its place as a key work of Spanish architecture of the 20th century and so avoid it being forgotten and abandoned.
Este trabajo se ocupa de la construcción modular ligera de viviendas unifamiliares, más concretamente aborda el problema de la definición constructiva de las mismas, habida cuenta de lo poco conocido y publicado de este aspecto en particular. Dado que la construcción es fruto de la evolución, resulta de gran importancia el estudio de los antecedentes para comprender la situación actual, por ello para documentar como corresponde el estado de la técnica y de la investigación se estudiaron los antecedentes desde sus primeras manifestaciones a finales del siglo XIX hasta nuestros días. Contrariamente a las profecías de Le Corbusier y otros, la industrialización no ha llegado a la construcción ni en la forma ni en la medida que era de esperar a principios del siglo XX. Sin embargo y a pesar del relativo “fracaso” de la industrialización en convertirse en la forma mayoritaria de producir edificios, lo cierto es que algunos sistemas altamente industrializados, como lo es la construcción modular ligera, han logrado un lugar en el mercado, que en algunos países resulta cuanto menos significativo. Delimitar el estado de la técnica y la situación actual es crucial en este trabajo, toda vez que la construcción industrializada la realizan empresas, y situarse al margen de las mismas y de su producción, nos guste o no, resulta contrario al sentido común. De este modo se han identificado y documentado ejemplos como el de EE.UU. y Japón, entre otros, que resultan muy ilustrativos tanto desde la evolución como del estado actual. Del estado de la técnica y la investigación también resulta la escasez de publicación de detalles constructivos específicos de la construcción modular ligera. Es obvio que los fabricantes intentan blindarse mediante el secreto industrial, logrando que las soluciones constructivas más interesantes queden fuertemente protegidas dentro del conocimiento reservado de la empresa. De este modo un sistema que alcanza grados de prefabricación del 95%, tan atractivo e interesante para el arquitecto queda reservado al conocimiento de unos pocos dentro de las empresas. La búsqueda de mayor información sobre estos sistemas encuentra un filón indiscutible en los proyectos de las casas del concurso Solar Decathlon. En efecto, debido a las condiciones particulares de este concurso, las casas que compiten deben ser instaladas en un plazo corto, por lo que en su mayoría recurren al método de construcción modular ligera, para lograr correctamente este objetivo. Adicionalmente todos los planos de proyecto incluidos los de detalle, así como memorias de especificaciones técnicas, quedan colgadas en la Web, a libre disposición del público. De este modo se ha considerado interesante, conveniente y útil, aprovechar como fuente documental de este trabajo, aparte de lo obtenido en el estado de la técnica y la investigación, los proyectos de las casas de los concursos 2005 y 2007, que fueron las dos últimas ediciones celebradas cuando se inició esta tesis. De modo similar a esta carencia de detalles publicados se observa igualmente una falta de investigación y de metodologías adecuadas a la misma sobre soluciones y detalles constructivos propios de la construcción modular ligera. Por eso y ante la dificultad de manejar adecuadamente una información disponible pero farragosa, este trabajo ha dedicado una parte importante de su esfuerzo a la creación de una metodología adecuada a este tipo de situación. Hay que destacar que cada proyecto puede constar fácilmente de 60 a casi 200 planos, sin contar las memorias técnicas y otros documentos, tales como galerías de imágenes, etc. Por otra parte resulta útil establecer esta metodología, no solo para esta tesis, sino para futuros trabajos de investigación sobre el tema, toda vez que con posterioridad a 2007 se han celebrado nuevas ediciones del concurso con su correspondiente volumen de información disponible. La metodología del análisis de los proyectos se basa en el diseño y creación de siete fichas tipo que resumen los aspectos fundamentales del proyecto desde el punto de vista constructivo, permitiendo de este modo su rápida visualización y comprensión sin pretender exhaustividad, ya que en caso de querer profundizar en el detalle de la información siempre está el proyecto original para ello. Tras estudiar la información obtenida de los proyectos de las casas de concurso, se contrastan y discuten los resultados para obtener conocimientos de interés para el objetivo propuesto en la tesis. Se comparan los resultados procedentes del estado de la técnica y de la investigación y se obtienen las conclusiones correspondientes. De este modo ha sido posible identificar una serie de criterios técnicos de proyecto de viviendas unifamiliares realizadas mediante construcción modular ligera, que además se organizan en varios niveles, por lo que el resultado es un conjunto de criterios como germen de una futura guía o manual. Como conclusiones fundamentales de la tesis hay que destacar las metodológicas, que habilitan la extensión de este estudio a otros trabajos y la aportación original al conocimiento con la definición de una serie de criterios técnicos de proyecto de viviendas realizadas mediante construcción modular ligera, que además de mejorar esta parte del saber constructivo serán de gran ayuda a los arquitectos de cara a la reducción de errores, que a menudo derivan en mayores costes y plazos, cuando no directamente al abandono del sistema constructivo. El trabajo de la tesis se estructura en siete capítulos a saber: Capítulo 1: Introducción, donde se explica el tema de la tesis, el objetivo principal, las limitaciones y se aportan algunas definiciones. Capítulo 2: Estado de la técnica y la investigación, dentro del cual se presentan los antecedentes desde sus inicios pasando por la primera y segunda mitad del siglo XX y finalizando con el estado actual que recorre los sistemas de EE.UU, Japón, Europa, Escandinavia, centro Europa, Francia, España y algunos ejemplos de Latinoamérica. En el estado de la investigación se presentan las publicaciones tanto en revistas científicas indexadas en el JCR, como publicaciones no indexadas en las que se muestran artículos científicos, comunicaciones a congresos, documentación sobre el concurso Solar Decathlon, libros específicos y libros genéricos sobre construcción modular ligera, tesis doctorales tanto generales como específicas sobre el concurso Solar Decathlon, documentos de idoneidad técnica, páginas Web del concurso Solar Decathlon y finalmente páginas Web de empresas de construcción modular ligera y patentes. También se expresan las conclusiones parciales del capítulo así también como la justificación y los objetivos particulares. Capítulo 3: Metodología, se expone en primer lugar el planteamiento del problema, para luego desarrollar los métodos utilizados para el estudio y clasificación del transporte y de la organización modular, la relación entre la organización modular y distribución espacial, el diseño y contenido de las fichas resumen de los 38 proyectos presentados al SD2005 y SD2007, así también como la información consultada para su realización. Se explica asimismo como se realizaron las tablas comparativas partiendo de la información de las fichas. Finalmente se expresa la manera en que se trató el estudio particular de la junta entre módulos. Capítulo 4: Discusión de resultados, dónde en primer lugar se presenta la clasificación y las estrategias del transporte así también como una clasificación de la organización modular, en segundo lugar se estudian las relaciones que existen entre el sistema modular y la organización espacial. A partir de aquí se muestra el estudio de la estructura de todas las casas del SD2005 y SD2007, según el tipo y material de las zapatas, mostrando tanto tablas cuantitativas como tablas gráficas con fotos. De la misma manera se tratan los forjados, los pilares y las vigas y las cubiertas. Se estudia además el cerramiento opaco y acristalado, la cubierta y el forjado según las capas que lo componen. En el caso de las instalaciones se estudian las que son especiales, descartando las normales en este tipo de casas, como son los paneles fotovoltaicos, placas térmicas o tubos de vacío y los sistemas de almacenamiento de energía, como las baterías, presentando tablas numéricas y gráficas con fotos. El transporte se analiza según corresponda al traslado de la vivienda o al transporte de apoyo, según el tipo y la cantidad utilizado. Con respecto al montaje se diferencia en si se usó grúa o no, y en el caso de no utilizarse se muestran los métodos alternativos. Con respecto a la exploración de la organización modular se presentan la cantidad de módulos que utilizó cada casa, así como también la cuantificación de los sistemas híbridos como son elementos lineales 1D, paneles 2D. Por último se muestra el estudio detallado de la junta entre módulos 3D. Finalmente se realiza la propuesta de un conjunto de criterios técnicos de proyecto organizado en cuatro niveles: 1º nivel de criterios generales, 2º nivel sobre sistemas constructivos, 3º nivel de detalles constructivos y el 4º nivel llamado logística obras previas, transporte y montaje. Capítulo 5: Conclusiones y líneas futuras de investigación, se exponen las conclusiones generales, metodológicas, documentales y por último las de construcción modular. Finalmente se realiza una propuesta de líneas futuras de investigación. Capítulo 6: Bibliografía. Capítulo 7: Anexos, en el que se presentan todas las fichas resumen de las casas realizadas por el autor de esta tesis. Además se incluyen los casos concretos de Voisin en Francia y la TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) en EE.UU., así como referencias de manuales genéricos de construcción ligera, medidas de transporte en España e información sobre estadísticas de viviendas en la Unión Europea. ABSTRACT This paper deals with Light Modular Construction of houses, and specifically addresses the problem of the constructive definition of the same, given how little known and published this subject has been. Since building construction is the result of evolution, it is of great importance to study its background for understanding the current situation, therefore to document the state of the art and research, its history was studied from its origins dating to the end nineteenth century to our days. Contrary to the prophecies of Le Corbusier and others, industrialization has not reached the construction neither in the form nor to the extent that it was expected in the early twentieth century. However, despite the relative "failure" of industrialization to become the major form of production for buildings, the fact is that some highly industrialized systems, such as the so called Lightweight Modular Construction, have achieved a place in the market, which in some countries is at least significant. To outline the state of the art and the current situation is crucial in this work, since industrialized construction is carried out by companies, and to step away from them and their production, whether we like it or not, it is contrary to common sense. So that, several cases have been identified and documented, such as the US and Japan examples, among others, which are very illustrative both from evolution and the current status. The state of the art and research shows also a shortage of publication of specific construction details of light modular construction. Obviously, manufacturers try to shield themselves by trade secret, making the most interesting constructive solutions remain heavily protected within the reserved knowledge of the company, so a system that reaches levels of 95% prefabrication, so attractive and interesting for the architect It is reserved to the knowledge of a few people inside the companies. The search for more information on these systems finds an invaluable reef in the projects of the Solar Decathlon houses. Indeed, due to the particular conditions of this contest, houses competing must be installed in a short time, so mostly turn to modular construction methods for this purpose to achieve properly this goal. Additionally all levels of project, including detailed and technical specifications reports are published on the Web, freely available to the general public. Thus it was considered interesting, convenient and useful to take advantage as a documentary source of this work, apart from what it were obtained in the state of the art and research, the projects of the houses of the 2005 and 2007 contests, which were the last two editions already held before this thesis was started. Similar to this lack of published details it is also observed a lack of research and methodologies adapted to the solutions and construction details of lightweight modular construction. So that, and facing the difficulty of adequately manage the available but bulky information, this work has devoted a significant part of its effort to create an appropriate methodology for this type of situation. It is noteworthy that each project can easily consist of 60 to almost 200 blueprints, not including technical reports and other documents, such as photo galleries, etc. The methodology of the analysis of the projects is based on the design and creation of seven record sheets that summarize key aspects of the project from a construction point of view, thus allowing quick watching and understanding of the project, without claiming completeness, always keeping for further information the blueprints themselves. After studying the information obtained from the projects of the competition houses, the results are compared and discussed to obtain relevant knowledge according to the objective proposed in the thesis. The results from the state of the art and research are also compared and the conclusions so obtained make possible to identify a number of technical design criteria for single family homes made using lightweight modular construction, which also have been organized at various levels, so the result is a set of criteria as a seed for a future guide or manual. Among the main conclusions of the thesis must be noted the methodological ones, that enable the extension of this study to other works and are an original contribution to knowledge with the definition of a number of technical criteria for housing projects made by light modular construction, what in addition to improving this part of the constructive knowledge will be of great help for the architects to reduce errors that often result in higher costs and delays, if not in abandonment of the construction system itself. The work of the thesis is divided into seven chapters as follows: Chapter 1: Introduction, where the topic of the thesis, the main objective, limitations and the provided definitions is explained. Chapter 2: State of the art and research, within which history is presented from the beginning through the first and second half of the twentieth century and ending with the current systems, that spans from the USA to Japan, Europe, Scandinavia, Central Europe, France, Spain and some Latin American examples. In the state of research publications are presented both on scientific journals indexed in the JCR, and non-indexed publications in which scientific articles, conference papers, information about the Solar Decathlon competition, generic and specific books on light modular construction, articles both general and specific on the Solar Decathlon competition, technical approval documents, dissertations, the Solar Decathlon Web pages and finally lightweight modular construction companies Web pages and patents. The partial conclusions of the chapter as well as the rationale and specific objectives are also expressed. Chapter 3: Methodology first of all exposes the problem statement and then develops the methods used for the study and classification of transportation and modular organization, the relationship between the modular organization and spatial distribution, design and content summary records of the 38 projects submitted to the SD2005 and SD2007, as well as information consulted for its realization. It explains equally how the comparative tables based on information from the chips were made. Finally, the way the particular study of the joint between modules is carried out is also treated. Chapter 4: Discussion, first sorting a classification of transport strategies as well as of modular organization, secondly the relationship between the modular system and the spatial organization studied is presented. From then on, the study of the structure of every house Moreover, to establish this methodology is useful not only for this thesis, but for future research on the subject, since after 2007 there have been held new editions of the contest with a corresponding volume of information available. shown in the SD2005 and SD2007 contests, depending on the type and material of the shoe, showing both quantitative tables as graphic boards with pictures is carried out. Similarly slabs, columns and beams and roofs are treated. Furthermore, the opaque and transparent façades, as well as roof and floor enclosure, according to the layers that compose them are studied. In the case of facilities there have been only addressed that which are of a special type, discarding that considered usual in this type of houses such as photovoltaic panels, thermal panels or vacuum tubes and energy storage systems such as batteries, presenting numerical and graphical tables with photos .The transportation is analyzed depending on it is used to move the house or for additional support, depending on the type and quantity of items used. Regarding assembly it has been made a difference if crane is or not used and if not, what the alternative methods are. With respect to the exploration of the modular organization, the amount of modules used in each house is presented, as well as the quantification of hybrid systems such as linear members as well as 1D, 2D panels. Finally, it has been carried out the detailed study of the joint between 3D modules. Finally it is proposed a set of technical criteria organized into four levels, 1st level of general criteria, 2nd level on building systems, 3rd level construction details and 4th level called previous works and logistics, transportation and assembly. Chapter 5: Conclusions and future research, where general, methodological, documentary and finally modular construction findings are presented. A proposal for further research is done. Chapter 6: Bibliography. Chapter 7: Annexes, in which all the record sheets of houses made by the author of this thesis are presented. Besides the specific cases of Voisin in France and TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) in the USA, as well as general reference manuals on lightweight construction, transportation dimensions in Spain, and information on housing statistics in the European Union are included.
QTL detection experiments in livestock species commonly use the half-sib design. Each male is mated to a number of females, each female producing a limited number of progeny. Analysis consists of attempting to detect associations between phenotype and genotype measured on the progeny. When family sizes are limiting experimenters may wish to incorporate as much information as possible into a single analysis. However, combining information across sires is problematic because of incomplete linkage disequilibrium between the markers and the QTL in the population. This study describes formulae for obtaining MLEs via the expectation maximization (EM) algorithm for use in a multiple-trait, multiple-family analysis. A model specifying a QTL with only two alleles, and a common within sire error variance is assumed. Compared to single-family analyses, power can be improved up to fourfold with multi-family analyses. The accuracy and precision of QTL location estimates are also substantially improved. With small family sizes, the multi-family, multi-trait analyses reduce substantially, but not totally remove, biases in QTL effect estimates. In situations where multiple QTL alleles are segregating the multi-family analysis will average out the effects of the different QTL alleles.
Energy auditing can be an important contribution for identification and assessment of energy conservation measures (ECMs) in buildings. Numerous tools and software have been developed, with varying degree of precision and complexity and different areas of use. This paper evaluates PHPP as a versatile, easy-to-use energy auditing tool and gives examples of how it has been compared to a dynamic simulation tool, within the EU-project iNSPiRe. PHPP is a monthly balance energy calculation tool based on EN13790. It is intended for assisting the design of Passive Houses and energy renovation projects and as guidance in the choice of appropriate ECMs. PHPP was compared against the transient simulation software TRNSYS for a single family house and a multi-family house. It should be mentioned that dynamic building simulations might strongly depend on the model assumptions and simplifications compared to reality, such as ideal heating or real heat emission system. Setting common boundary conditions for both PHPP and TRNSYS, the ideal heating and cooling loads and demands were compared on monthly and annual basis for seven European locations and buildings with different floor area, S/V ratio, U-values and glazed area of the external walls. The results show that PHPP can be used to assess the heating demand of single-zone buildings and the reduction of heating demand with ECMs with good precision. The estimation of cooling demand is also acceptable if an appropriate shading factor is applied in PHPP. In general, PHPP intentionally overestimates heating and cooling loads, to be on the safe side for system sizing. Overall, the agreement with TRNSYS is better in cases with higher quality of the envelope as in cold climates and for good energy standards. As an energy auditing tool intended for pre-design it is a good, versatile and easy-to-use alternative to more complex simulation tools.
This paper studies modern houses built in the neighborhoods of Cabo Branco, Tambaú and Manaíra by the seafront in Joao Pessoa, built between 1960 and 1974. We start from the already widespread notion that Brazilian Modern Architecture was inspired by foreign ways, mainly European but also American here recast, adapted, often innovating repertoire and ideas received (Y. BRUAND, 2005; H. SEGAWA, 2002; C. E. COMAS, 2002; C. E. COMAS, 2002; M. M. ACAYABA e S. FICHER, 1982; M. B. C. ARANHA, 2008; F. C. L. LARA, 2001; R. V. ZEIN, 2005; L. E. AMORIM, 1999, C. V. STINCO, 2010). With this look, after a field study, we collected 61 specimens in the collection of the Central Archive of João Pessoa City Hall, in order to identify which reformulations, adaptations or innovations would exist in modern houses built along the coast in João Pessoa. As we try to analyze the houses by what the bibliography had suggested (G. C. ARGAN, 1992; L. CORBUSIER, 2002; C.E.D. e M. ADRIÀ, 2007; K. FRAMPTON, 1997; H. H. HITCHCOCK, 1976; L. BENEVOLO, 2004; R. DE FUSCO, 1992, N . PEVSNER, 2002; M. RAGON, 1986; B. RISEBERO, 1982; E. ROBBINS, 1997; W. J. R. CURTIS, 1982; V. SCULLY, 2003; B. ZEVI, 1984; D. DUNST, 1999; A. COLQUHOUN, 2002; R. WESTON, 2005; A. IÑAKI, 2006; J. PETER, 1994) the starting idea seemed to us not sufficiently developed. So we decided, first, to undertake a literature review comparing speech and image of modern houses most often cited by international and national literature, following a script freely inspired the Vitruvian triad: the functional and spatial (sectorization, guidance, spatiality, movement); constructive aspects (structural elements, modulation, deck, sealing), and aesthetic aspects (composition, apertures, ornaments) (Cap.1), then cast a look under this same route in 61 specimens obtained initially, trying to verify any specificities they would have (Cap.2). Failing to deepen the analysis of all these examples, we chose 10 projects which were redesigned and described in more detail to which we supplement with the aspects of place - location / lot location, access, axiality. (E. C. MAHFUZ, 2002; J. C. MIGUEL, 2000; E. C. CHEREGATI, 2007; M. COTRIM, 2007). (Cap. 3). The documentation and description resulting allowed us to approach some related questions about the canonical transcripts hybridizing, adoptions and any vernacular innovations of modern houses along the coast, We conclude that the appellants and anachronistic elements isolates found in each of the studied bind to the Brazilian Modern Architecture
Assuming that the form of a building shell and its content the spatial form are distinct dimensions of architecture - however indivisible and interdependent -, this study focus, in the light of the Social Logic of Space (HILLIER; HANSON, 1984), on the intrinsic properties through which domestic space was structured in a sample of single-family dwellings built in João Pessoa (PB) during the 1970s - when the vocabulary of modern architecture still prevailed in Brazil though sharing the urban scene with other architectural trends -, in order to investigate regularities or divergences underlying their conception. These dwellings were originally classified (ARAÚJO, 2010a) in five categories defined according to the form of their building shells and to their prevailing construction techniques: (1) Brazilian modern legacy (considered as truly Brazilian modern style); (2) Paulista architecture (that refers to the modern production of São Paulo, Brazil, from the 1950s through the 1970s); (3) experiences of rationalization and prefabrication ; (4) experiences of adaptation to the climate (referring to a design strongly influenced by the hot and humid climate of North-eastern Brazil); and (5) hybrid (to account for a kind of stylistic hybridism that includes formal attributes, which evoke our colonial past). This study aims to determine, through the analyses of nineteen cases that represent each category, whether this taxonomy corresponds to distinct modes of spatial configuration. This research therefore proposes an approach to the classification of domestic architecture based on topological properties. The dwellings spatial organization was represented, quantified and analyzed, their spatial properties explored in consonance with one another and with the literature. Results pointed out that there is no evidence of a reciprocal relationship between the formal look of the built shells and their respective spatial structures
This paper studies modern houses built in the neighborhoods of Cabo Branco, Tambaú and Manaíra by the seafront in Joao Pessoa, built between 1960 and 1974. We start from the already widespread notion that Brazilian Modern Architecture was inspired by foreign ways, mainly European but also American here recast, adapted, often innovating repertoire and ideas received (Y. BRUAND, 2005; H. SEGAWA, 2002; C. E. COMAS, 2002; C. E. COMAS, 2002; M. M. ACAYABA e S. FICHER, 1982; M. B. C. ARANHA, 2008; F. C. L. LARA, 2001; R. V. ZEIN, 2005; L. E. AMORIM, 1999, C. V. STINCO, 2010). With this look, after a field study, we collected 61 specimens in the collection of the Central Archive of João Pessoa City Hall, in order to identify which reformulations, adaptations or innovations would exist in modern houses built along the coast in João Pessoa. As we try to analyze the houses by what the bibliography had suggested (G. C. ARGAN, 1992; L. CORBUSIER, 2002; C.E.D. e M. ADRIÀ, 2007; K. FRAMPTON, 1997; H. H. HITCHCOCK, 1976; L. BENEVOLO, 2004; R. DE FUSCO, 1992, N . PEVSNER, 2002; M. RAGON, 1986; B. RISEBERO, 1982; E. ROBBINS, 1997; W. J. R. CURTIS, 1982; V. SCULLY, 2003; B. ZEVI, 1984; D. DUNST, 1999; A. COLQUHOUN, 2002; R. WESTON, 2005; A. IÑAKI, 2006; J. PETER, 1994) the starting idea seemed to us not sufficiently developed. So we decided, first, to undertake a literature review comparing speech and image of modern houses most often cited by international and national literature, following a script freely inspired the Vitruvian triad: the functional and spatial (sectorization, guidance, spatiality, movement); constructive aspects (structural elements, modulation, deck, sealing), and aesthetic aspects (composition, apertures, ornaments) (Cap.1), then cast a look under this same route in 61 specimens obtained initially, trying to verify any specificities they would have (Cap.2). Failing to deepen the analysis of all these examples, we chose 10 projects which were redesigned and described in more detail to which we supplement with the aspects of place - location / lot location, access, axiality. (E. C. MAHFUZ, 2002; J. C. MIGUEL, 2000; E. C. CHEREGATI, 2007; M. COTRIM, 2007). (Cap. 3). The documentation and description resulting allowed us to approach some related questions about the canonical transcripts hybridizing, adoptions and any vernacular innovations of modern houses along the coast, We conclude that the appellants and anachronistic elements isolates found in each of the studied bind to the Brazilian Modern Architecture
Assuming that the form of a building shell and its content the spatial form are distinct dimensions of architecture - however indivisible and interdependent -, this study focus, in the light of the Social Logic of Space (HILLIER; HANSON, 1984), on the intrinsic properties through which domestic space was structured in a sample of single-family dwellings built in João Pessoa (PB) during the 1970s - when the vocabulary of modern architecture still prevailed in Brazil though sharing the urban scene with other architectural trends -, in order to investigate regularities or divergences underlying their conception. These dwellings were originally classified (ARAÚJO, 2010a) in five categories defined according to the form of their building shells and to their prevailing construction techniques: (1) Brazilian modern legacy (considered as truly Brazilian modern style); (2) Paulista architecture (that refers to the modern production of São Paulo, Brazil, from the 1950s through the 1970s); (3) experiences of rationalization and prefabrication ; (4) experiences of adaptation to the climate (referring to a design strongly influenced by the hot and humid climate of North-eastern Brazil); and (5) hybrid (to account for a kind of stylistic hybridism that includes formal attributes, which evoke our colonial past). This study aims to determine, through the analyses of nineteen cases that represent each category, whether this taxonomy corresponds to distinct modes of spatial configuration. This research therefore proposes an approach to the classification of domestic architecture based on topological properties. The dwellings spatial organization was represented, quantified and analyzed, their spatial properties explored in consonance with one another and with the literature. Results pointed out that there is no evidence of a reciprocal relationship between the formal look of the built shells and their respective spatial structures
Tradicionalmente la vivienda social en México ha sido analizada de manera cuantitativa principalmente en cuanto al déficit y el rezago, omitiendo la aportación que el uso de esas viviendas ofrece al bienestar de sus ocupantes. Este artículo presenta a la "vivienda VITAL" como propuesta de vivienda unifamiliar con espacio interior dirigido al bienestar de su usuario, con base en una investigación1 cualitativa que incluyó a usuarios de vivienda de interés social ubicados en tres desarrollos habitacionales en el Área Metropolitana de Monterrey, Nuevo León, y a funcionarios públicos dedicados al diseño y ejecución de vivienda social en México. ABSTRACT Traditionally social housing in Mexico has been analyzed quantitatively mainly in regards to deficit and backlog, omitting the contribution that the usage of these houses offers to the welfare of their habitants. This article introduces the "housing VITAL" as a proposal for a single family housing with interior space focused to the welfare of its user, based on a qualitative research that included low income housing users in three housing developments located at the Metropolitan Area of Monterrey, Nuevo León, and public servants dedicated to the design and implementation of social housing in Mexico
Accounting for around 40% of the total final energy consumption, the building stock is an important area of focus on the way to reaching the energy goals set for the European Union. The relatively small share of new buildings makes renovation of existing buildings possibly the most feasible way of improving the overall energy performance of the building stock. This of course involves improvements on the climate shell, for example by additional insulation or change of window glazing, but also installation of new heating systems, to increase the energy efficiency and to fit the new heat load after renovation. In the choice of systems for heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), it is important to consider their performance for space heating as well as for domestic hot water (DHW), especially for a renovated house where the DHW share of the total heating consumption is larger. The present study treats the retrofitting of a generic single family house, which was defined as a reference building in a European energy renovation project. Three HVAC retrofitting options were compared from a techno-economic point of view: A) Air-to-water heat pump (AWHP) and mechanical ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR), B) Exhaust air heat pump (EAHP) with low-temperature ventilation radiators, and C) Gas boiler and ventilation with MVHR. The systems were simulated for houses with two levels of heating demand and four different locations: Stockholm, Gdansk, Stuttgart and London. They were then evaluated by means of life cycle cost (LCC) and primary energy consumption. Dynamic simulations were done in TRNSYS 17. In most cases, system C with gas boiler and MVHR was found to be the cheapest retrofitting option from a life cycle perspective. The advantage over the heat pump systems was particularly clear for a house in Germany, due to the large discrepancy between national prices of natural gas and electricity. In Sweden, where the price difference is much smaller, the heat pump systems had almost as low or even lower life cycle costs than the gas boiler system. Considering the limited availability of natural gas in Sweden, systems A and B would be the better options. From a primary energy point of view system A was the best option throughout, while system B often had the highest primary energy consumption. The limited capacity of the EAHP forced it to use more auxiliary heating than the other systems did, which lowered its COP. The AWHP managed the DHW load better due to a higher capacity, but had a lower COP than the EAHP in space heating mode. Systems A and C were notably favoured by the air heat recovery, which significantly reduced the heating demand. It was also seen that the DHW share of the total heating consumption was, as expected, larger for the house with the lower space heating demand. This confirms the supposition that it is important to include DHW in the study of HVAC systems for retrofitting.
This paper aims to evaluate the brand value of property in subdivision developments in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region (BMR), Thailand. The result has been determined by the application of a hedonic price model. The development of the model is developed based on a sample of 1,755 property sales during the period of 1992-2010 in eight zones of the BMR. The results indicate that the use of a semi-logarithmic model has stronger explanatory power and is more reliable. Property price increases 12.90% from the branding. Meanwhile, the price annually increases 2.96%; lot size and dwelling area have positive impacts on the price. In contrast, duplexes and townhouses have a negative impact on the price compared to single detached houses. Moreover, the price of properties which are located outside the Bangkok inner city area is reduced by 21.26% to 43.19%. These findings also contribute towards a new understanding of the positive impact of branding on the property price in the BMR. The result is useful for setting selling prices for branded and unbranded properties, and the model could provide a reference for setting property prices in subdivision developments in the BMR.
Tämä väitöskirja koostuu asuntomarkkinoiden taloustieteellistä analyysia esittelevästä johdantoluvusta ja kolmesta tutkimuksesta, joissa analysoidaan asuntomarkkinoihin vaikuttavia politiikkatoimenpiteitä. Luvussa 2 tutkitaan Suomen kiinteistöverojärjestelmän vaikutusta asuntorakentamiseen. Vuonna 2001 tehtiin uudistus, jonka myötä kunnat voivat verottaa rakentamatonta asuintonttia korkeammalla veroasteella kuin rakennettua tonttia. Maanomistajan rakentamispäätöksen teoreettisen mallin mukaan rakentamattoman tontin korotettu kiinteistöveron pitäisi nopeuttaa rakentamista, mutta toisaalta myös rakentamiseen investoitu rahamäärä saattaa muuttua. Asuintonttien kiinteistöverojen yleinen taso ei vaikuta maanomistajan käyttäytymiseen, sillä tontin verotusarvo ei riipu rakentamispäätöksestä. Vain rakentamattoman ja rakennetun tontin veroasteiden erolla on merkitystä. Empiiriset tulokset ovat sopusoinnussa teorian kanssa. Tulosten mukaan prosenttiyksikön nousu rakentamattoman ja rakennetun tontin veroasteiden erossa lisää omakotialoitusten määrää viidellä prosentilla lyhyellä aikavälillä. Luvussa 3 analysoidaan vuokrasääntelystä vuokralaisille aiheutuvia hyötyjä ja haittoja. Vuokrasäännellyissä asunnoissa asuvat kotitaloudet hyötyvät vuokrasääntelystä alhaisen vuokran muodossa. Heille saattaa kuitenkin koitua myös haittaa siitä, että toiveita vastaavan asunnon löytäminen on vuokrasääntelytilanteessa vaikeaa, koska vapaille asunnoille on suuri määrä ottajia. Vapaarahoitteisen vuokra-asuntokannan vuokrien sääntely purettiin Suomessa asteittain vuosina 1992–1995. Tutkimuksen empiiriset tulokset viittaavat siihen, että vuokrasääntelyn aiheuttamista suurista eroista halutun ja todellisen asuntokulutuksen välillä koituvat hyvinvointitappiot kumosivat merkittävän osan matalien vuokrien hyödyistä vuokralaisille. Luvussa 4 tutkitaan Suomen asumistukijärjestelmän kannustinvaikutuksia. Asumistuen määrää rajoittavat asunnon pinta-alalle ja neliövuokralle asetetut ylärajat. Neliövuokrarajoite voidaan tulkita asumisen laatua rajoittavana tekijänä. Tutkimuksen teoreettisessa osassa osoitetaan, että asumistukijärjestelmä luo vahvat kannustimet muuttaa asuntoihin, joissa pinta-ala- ja laaturajoitteet purevat. Empiiristen tulosten mukaan asumistukeen oikeutetut kotitaloudet eivät näytä reagoivan kannusteisiin. Tukeen oikeutettujen kotitalouksien asumisvalinnat suhteessa pinta-ala ja laaturajoitteisiin vastaavat muiden kotitalouksien valintoja ja asunnonvaihdon mahdollistama potentiaalinen asumistuen lisäys ei nosta muuttotodennäköisyyttä. Muuttamiseen liittyvät kustannukset ja vajavaiset tiedot tukijärjestelmästä saattavat selittää heikkoa reagointia asumistuen luomiin kannustimiin. Toinen mahdollinen selitys on asumistuen vajaakäyttö. Tutkimuksen mukaan vain 70–80 prosenttia asumistukeen oikeutetuista kotitalouksista nostaa tukea. Asumistuen hyödyntämisen todennäköisyys riippuu koulutustasosta, tuen määrästä ja tulo-odotuksista.
This study contributes to the mutual fund literature by looking at performance persistence on a fund family level, allowing for individual equity, bond and balanced funds to be included under single family umbrellas. The study is conducted on the emerging Finnish mutual fund market, an environment in which the importance of superior fund family teams is likely to be accentuated. Using both non–parametric and parametric tests we find robust evidence of performance persistence for the fund families. Persistence is particularly strong in the first half of the investigation period, which highlights the importance of fund families at early stages of market development.
The protein kinases (PKs) belong to the largest single family of enzymes, phosphotransferases, which catalyze the phosphorylation of other enzymes and proteins and function primarily in signal transduction. Consequently, PKs regulate cell mechanisms such as growth, differentiation, and proliferation. Dysfunction of these cellular mechanisms may lead to cancer, a major predicament in health care. Even though there is a range of clinically available cancer-fighting drugs, increasing number of cancer cases and setbacks such as drug resistance, constantly keep cancer research active. At the commencement of this study an isophthalic acid derivative had been suggested to bind to the regulatory domain of protein kinase C (PKC). In order to investigate the biological effects and structure-activity relationships (SARs) of this new chemical entity, a library of compounds was synthesized. The best compounds induced apoptosis in human leukemia HL-60 cells and were not cytotoxic in Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts. In addition, the best apoptosis inducers were neither cytotoxic nor mutagenic. Furthermore, results from binding affinity assays of PKC isoforms revealed the pharmacophores of these isophthalic acid derivatives. The best inhibition constants of the tested compounds were measured to 210 nM for PKCα and to 530 nM for PKCδ. Among natural compounds targeting the regulatory domain of PKC, the target of bistramide A has been a matter of debate. It was initially found to activate PKCδ; however, actin was recently reported as the main target. In order to clarify and to further study the biological effects of bistramide A, the total syntheses of the natural compound and two isomers were performed. Biological assays of the compounds revealed accumulation of 4n polyploid cells as the primary mode of action and the compounds showed similar overall antiproliferative activities. However, each compound showed a distinct distribution of antimitotic effect presumably via actin binding, proapoptotic effect presumably via PKCδ, and pro-differentiation effect as evidenced by CD11b expression. Furthermore, it was shown that the antimitotic and proapoptotic effects of bistramide A were not secondary effects of actin binding but independent effects. The third aim in this study was to synthesize a library of a new class of urea-based type II inhibitors targeted at the kinase domain of anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK). The best compounds in this library showed IC50 values as low as 390 nM for ALK while the initial low cellular activities were successfully increased even by more than 70 times for NPM-ALK- positive BaF3 cells. More importantly, selective antiproliferative activity on ALK-positive cell lines was achieved; while the best compound affected the BaF3 and SU-DHL-1 cells with IC50 values of 0.5 and 0.8 μM, respectively, they were less toxic to the NPM-ALK-negative human leukemic cells U937 (IC50 = 3.2 μM) and BaF3 parental cells (IC50 = 5.4 μM). Furthermore, SAR studies of the synthesized compounds revealed functional groups and positions of the scaffold, which enhanced the enzymatic and cellular activities.
The lifestyles of people living in single-family housing areas on the outskirts of the Greater Helsinki Region (GHR) are different from those living in inner city area. The urban structure of the GHR is concentrated in the capital on the one hand, and spread out across the outskirts on the other. Socioeconomic spatial divisions are evident as well-paid and educated residents move to the inner city or the single-family house dominated suburban neighbourhoods depending on their housing preferences and life situations. The following thesis explores how these lifestyles have emerged through the housing choices and daily mobility of the residents living in the new single-family housing areas on the outskirts of the GHR and the inner city. The study shows that, when it comes to lifestyles, residents on the outskirts of the region have different housing preferences and daily mobility patterns when compared with their inner city counterparts. Based on five different case study areas my results show that these differences are related to residents values, preferences and attitudes towards the neighbourhood, on the one hand, and limited by urban structure on the other. This also confirms earlier theoretical analyses and findings from the GHR. Residents who moved to the outskirts of Greater Helsinki Region and the apartment buildings of the inner city were similar in the basic elements of their housing preferences: they sought a safe and peaceful neighbourhood close to the natural environment. However, where housing choices, daily mobility and activities vary different lifestyles develop in both the outskirts and the inner city. More specifically, lifestyles in the city apartment blocks were inherently urban. Liveliness and highest order facilities were appreciated and daily mobility patterns were supported by diverse modes of transportation for the purposes of work, shopping and leisure time. On the outskirts, by contrast, lifestyles were largely post-suburban and child-friendliness appreciated. Due to the heterachical urban structure, daily mobility was more car-dependent since work, shopping and free time activities of the residents are more spread around the region. The urban structure frames the daily mobility on the outskirts of the region, but this is not to say that short local trips replace longer regional ones. This comparative case study was carried out in the single-family housing areas of Sundsberg in Kirkkonummi, Landbo in Helsinki and Ylästö in Vantaa, as well as in the inner city apartment building areas of Punavuori and Katajanokka in Helsinki. The data is comprised of residential surveys, interviews, and statistics and GIS data sets that illustrate regional daily mobility, socio-economic structure and vis-à-vis housing stock.