44 resultados para seeker
This paper is about young migrants without chance of being granted legal residence status in the Schengen zone. Previous observations suggest that some migrants, whose country of origin leaves them with low chances of receiving asylum or in fact any type of residence permit, exhibit a highly complex migration pattern that is characterised by 1) durable “transit” across Europe, which is a multi-linear movement according to opportunities that open up along the journey; 2) a high degree of flexibility, as they have to respond to suddenly changing conditions, such as work opportunities, rejection of asylum claims, detention or deportation, and 3) switching between different legal statuses, such as asylum seeker, sans papiers or detainee. The experiences of these young adults thus show a deep ambivalence between a sense of autonomy, on the one hand, and of profound hope and powerlessness, on the other. The Dublin Convention intends to limit such a hypermobility of migrants but seems to fail in many cases. Simultaneously it provokes some of the movements by sending asylum seekers and irregular migrants back to their first country of arrivals. Given the fact that little is known about these fragmented journeys inside of the Schengen area, this ethnographic study produces novel data on a highly pertinent migration pattern, the impact of the European migration management on individual migrants as well as the inter-relatedness of the asylum regime and irregular migration in Europe. At the same time these fragmented journeys are an excellent example to discuss mobility as a resource on the one hand (since it enables this specific migrant group to extend their presence in Europe) and as a handicap on the other (since it impedes the building of stable social networks, the planning of the future, etc.).
Background Forced displacement related to persecution and violent conflict has reached a new peak in recent years. The primary aim of this study is to provide an initial overview of the acute and chronic health care problems of asylum seekers from the Middle East, with special emphasis on asylum seekers from Syria. Methods Our retrospective data analysis comprised adult patients presenting to our emergency department between 01.11.2011 and 30.06.2014 with the official resident status of an “asylum seeker” or “refugee” from the Middle East. Results In total, 880 patients were included in the study. Of these, 625 (71.0%) were male and 255 (29.0%) female. The median age was 34 (range 16–84). 222 (25.2%) of our patients were from Syria. The most common reason for presentation was surgical (381, 43.3%), followed by medical (321, 36.5%) and psychiatric (137, 15.6%). In patients with surgical presentations, trauma-related problems were most common (n = 196, 50.6%). Within the group of patients with medical presentation, acute infectious diseases were most common (n = 141, 43.9%), followed by neurological problems (n = 70, 21.8%) and gastrointestinal problems (n = 47, 14.6%). There were no differences between Syrian and non-Syrian refugees concerning surgical or medical admissions. The most common chronic disorder of unclear significance was chronic gastrointestinal problems (n = 132, 15%), followed by chronic musculoskeletal problems (n = 108, 12.3%) and chronic headaches (n = 78, 8.9%). Patients from Syria were significantly younger and more often suffered from a post-traumatic stress disorder than patients of other nationalities (p<0.0001, and p = 0.05, respectively). Conclusion Overall a remarkable number of our very young group of patients suffered from psychiatric disorders and unspecified somatic symptoms. Asylum seekers should be carefully evaluated when presenting to a medical facility and physicians should be aware of the high incidence of unspecified somatic symptoms in this patient population.In general, there is no major difference between asylum seekers from Syria when compared to other nationalities of asylum seekers from the Middle East.
O processo para o refúgio é o conjunto de regras e princípios necessários à aplicação do Direito dos Refugiados aos casos concretos. Quando este conjunto respeita os padrões democráticos do Devido Processo Legal, as tendências históricas de exploração e manipulação política do instituto de refúgio podem ser limitadas e os objetivos humanitários deste ramo dos Direitos Humanos podem ser alcançados com maior transparência. Quando o Devido Processo Legal para o refúgio é respeitado, também se permite que a pessoa que figura como solicitante de refúgio seja tratada como sujeito de direitos - e não como objeto do processo. Uma vez que a Convenção de Genebra de 1951, sobre o Estatuto dos Refugiados, não estabeleceu normas de processo, cada país signatário necessita criar um regime próprio para processar os pedidos de determinação, extensão, perda e cessação da condição de refugiado em seus territórios. O primeiro regime processual brasileiro foi criado no ano de 1997, pela Lei Federal 9497. Desde então, o país vem desenvolvendo, através do Comitê Nacional para Refugiados (CONARE), regras infra legais e rotinas práticas que têm determinado um padrão processual ainda fragmentado e inseguro. O estudo do aparato normativo nacional e da realidade observada entre 2012 e 2014 revelam a existência de problemas (pontuais ou crônicos) sobre o cumprimento de diversos princípios processuais, tais como a Legalidade, a Impessoalidade e Independência da autoridade julgadora, o Contraditório, a Ampla Defesa, a Publicidade, a Fundamentação, a Igualdade e a Razoável Duração do Processo. Estes problemas impõem desafios variados ao Brasil, tanto em dimensão legislativa quanto estrutural. O enfrentamento destas questões precisa ocorrer com rapidez. O motivo da urgência, porém, não é a nova demanda de imigração observada no país, mas sim o fato de que as violações ao Devido Processo Legal, verificadas no processo para o refúgio brasileiro, representam, em si, violações de Direitos Humanos, que, ademais prejudicam o compromisso do país para com a proteção internacional dos refugiados.
Mode of access: Internet.
v. 1. Mistrust; or, Blanche and Osbright.--The admiral Guarino.--King Rodrigo's fall.--Bertrand and Mary-Belle.--The lord of Falkenstein.--Sir Guy, the seeker.--v. 2. The anaconda.--The dying bride.--The four facardins. Pt. 1--v. 3. The four facardins, Pt. 2.--Oberson's henchmen, or, The legend of the three sisters.--v. 4. My uncle's garret-window.--Bill Jones.--Amorassan, or, The spirit of the frozen ocean.
Mode of access: Internet.
The case of Minister for Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs v Al Masri examines the legality of the continued, and possibly indefinite, detention of an asylum seeker - in determining whether mandatory detention was in fact 'mandatory', and legally so, the Federal Court had to examine the complexity between statute, the Constitution and fundamental rights and freedoms at stake.
Owing to the rise in the volume of literature, problems arise in the retrieval of required information. Various retrieval strategies have been proposed, but most of that are not flexible enough for their users. Specifically, most of these systems assume that users know exactly what they are looking for before approaching the system, and that users are able to precisely express their information needs according to l aid- down specifications. There has, however, been described a retrieval program THOMAS which aims at satisfying incompletely- defined user needs through a man- machine dialogue which does not require any rigid queries. Unlike most systems, Thomas attempts to satisfy the user's needs from a model which it builds of the user's area of interest. This model is a subset of the program's "world model" - a database in the form of a network where the nodes represent concepts since various concepts have various degrees of similarities and associations, this thesis contends that instead of models which assume equal levels of similarities between concepts, the links between the concepts should have values assigned to them to indicate the degree of similarity between the concepts. Furthermore, the world model of the system should be structured such that concepts which are related to one another be clustered together, so that a user- interaction would involve only the relevant clusters rather than the entire database such clusters being determined by the system, not the user. This thesis also attempts to link the design work with the current notion in psychology centred on the use of the computer to simulate human cognitive processes. In this case, an attempt has been made to model a dialogue between two people - the information seeker and the information expert. The system, called Thomas-II, has been implemented and found to require less effort from the user than Thomas.
Aim: To investigate how diversity within the African migrant population in Scotland affects their understandings of HIV and uptake of HIV testing and treatment, in order to improve HIV-related outcomes. Background: In the UK, Africans have the worst outcomes for HIV infection, primarily due to late diagnosis. Improvement requires better understanding of the barriers to healthcare engagement. This PhD study investigates how diversity among first generation African migrants in Scotland could affect engagement with general healthcare and HIV related interventions and services. Methods: I conducted qualitative research, involving participant observation at two sites (an African religious group and an asylum seeker/refugee drop-in centre) and interviews with African migrants attending these and three additional sites (two advocacy charities and a student association). Data were collected in two cities (Glasgow and Edinburgh) and two smaller towns (Paisley and Kirkcaldy). I interviewed 27 Africans, including economic migrants (n=8), students (n=9) and asylum seeker/refugees (n=10) and 14 representatives from organisations with high levels of African attendees (e.g., country associations, community organisations, advocacy groups, commercial establishments and religious based organisations). Thematic data analysis was carried out. Results: Diversity of the population and related issues of identity: Participants were highly diverse and reported considerable heterogeneity in the African diaspora in Scotland. The identity of “African” was bound with various negative stereotypes and appeals to this identity did not necessarily have relevance for participants. Nature of African affiliated organisations in Scotland: There were a wide range of organisations that advertised their remit as catering for the African diaspora. They varied in consistency and sustainability and contributed towards healthcare engagement to different degrees. Engagement with healthcare: There were multiple experiences and understandings of the healthcare system within the sample as a whole, and to an extent by migrant type. Whilst the majority reported successful and satisfactory service use, distinct barriers emerged. These included: understandings of rights and access to care based on African models of healthcare; the interplay of religious based understandings with ideas about access to healthcare; and assumptions and anxiety about the connections between visa status and health status. Knowledge of HIV and engagement with HIV related services: Participants had good knowledge about HIV, with some notable exceptions, but there was no patterning by migrant type. They had diverse views about risk of HIV infection, most of which did not align with the HIV epidemiology that identifies African migrants as an at risk group. Most of the sample did not think targeting African migrants for HIV interventions would be successful and were hostile to the proposal for various reasons, especially because they believed it would perpetuate stigma and prejudice towards the African diaspora. There were mixed experiences of HIV related services, and prompts to test for HIV had elicited a range of reactions, the majority negative. Conclusion: Diversity within the African diaspora in Scotland should be taken into account to improve the salience and relevance of future HIV interventions. Attitudes towards current HIV testing promotion suggest that a more cooperative approach could be taken with African communities to build on existing relationships of trust and understandings of HIV.
A pesar de que conservamos el nombre arcaico, ligado a la concepción del libro y de la biblioteca como depósito de libros, frente a un acelerado desarrollo que involucro tecnologías y materiales digitales en el manejo de información, es un hecho que en las últimas décadas el prestigio del bibliotecario como erudito y especialista ha cambiado por el de ser un buscador y un proveedor ágil y especializado en la amplia gama de recursos informativos que nos rodea.La tendencia más seguida es que la profesión debe cambiar pasando a enfatizar otras habilidades como la gerencia, puesto que las bibliotecas serán evaluadas por los servicios que ofrecen y no tanto por los acervos que poseen. Sin embargo, que las bibliotecas como tal persisten es un hecho que se comprueba con la famosa Biblioteca de París, que está diseñada en forma de libro precisamente.
La vulnérabilité est l’attribut fondamental justifiant le passage des frontières du refuge canadien (Rousseau et al., 2002 ; Clément et Bolduc, 2004). Elle est preuve d’insécurité pour la victime requérant l’asile ; elle est aussi porteuse d’espérance de sécurité en terre hospitalière. Elle est pourtant potentiel réactualisé dans l’insécurité d’un statut incertain en terre d’accueil (Agamben, 1997 ; D’Halluin, 2004). Violente immersion. En attendant que les preuves de sa vulnérabilité originelle soient validées, le demandeur d’asile se retrouve dans un entre-deux a-territorial et atemporel (Agier, 2002 ; Le Blanc, 2010) et dans une précarité tout aussi dangereuse (Ouimet et al., 2009). Des besoins émergent en cette terre inconnue, or l’accès aux soins de santé lui est limité par des textes de lois ambigus et leurs interprétations maladroites (Harris et Zuberi, 2015). Ainsi lorsqu’il se heurte à des barrières érigées par une transmission d’informations défectueuse, sa précarité ne fait qu’empirer. Tel un boomerang, ce paradoxe cultive leur vulnérabilité. Alors que les recherches interrogent les divers intervenants en santé (Asgary et Smith, 2013), j’ai choisi de donner la parole aux premiers concernés et de relayer leur vécu par rapport à leur propre personne. Deux objectifs principaux guident la recherche : documenter dans un premier temps leur parcours de quête de soins à partir de la circulation des informations formelles et informelles dans le but de sonder leur avis sur la vulnérabilité qui leur est attribuée ; documenter dans un second temps leur parcours migratoire de quête de soi afin de mettre en lumière les stratégies alternatives d’entrée en contact avec la société d’accueil pour négocier voire rejeter cette identité vulnérable. J’ai rencontré pour cela des demandeurs d’asile lors d’un terrain de huit mois au sein d’un organisme communautaire d’hébergement à Montréal. Dans ce contexte d’accompagnement et de stabilité spatiale, accalmie bienvenue au terme d’un itinéraire semé d’embûches, les ressources informationnelles sont à leur disposition et la reconnaissance sociale est à l’honneur. En parallèle, beaucoup témoignent de la diminution de leurs besoins de soins de santé. En cette communauté thérapeutique (Pocreau, 2005), véritable tremplin vers la société d’accueil en attendant un statut reconnu, ils bénéficient d’une possibilité de participation sociale et d’un sentiment d’appartenance valorisant. Si des conditions précaires peuvent aggraver la vulnérabilité, le bricolage de conditions positives favorise la résilience (Cleveland et al., 2014), créant un environnement revitalisant qui leur permet de rebondir.
La vulnérabilité est l’attribut fondamental justifiant le passage des frontières du refuge canadien (Rousseau et al., 2002 ; Clément et Bolduc, 2004). Elle est preuve d’insécurité pour la victime requérant l’asile ; elle est aussi porteuse d’espérance de sécurité en terre hospitalière. Elle est pourtant potentiel réactualisé dans l’insécurité d’un statut incertain en terre d’accueil (Agamben, 1997 ; D’Halluin, 2004). Violente immersion. En attendant que les preuves de sa vulnérabilité originelle soient validées, le demandeur d’asile se retrouve dans un entre-deux a-territorial et atemporel (Agier, 2002 ; Le Blanc, 2010) et dans une précarité tout aussi dangereuse (Ouimet et al., 2009). Des besoins émergent en cette terre inconnue, or l’accès aux soins de santé lui est limité par des textes de lois ambigus et leurs interprétations maladroites (Harris et Zuberi, 2015). Ainsi lorsqu’il se heurte à des barrières érigées par une transmission d’informations défectueuse, sa précarité ne fait qu’empirer. Tel un boomerang, ce paradoxe cultive leur vulnérabilité. Alors que les recherches interrogent les divers intervenants en santé (Asgary et Smith, 2013), j’ai choisi de donner la parole aux premiers concernés et de relayer leur vécu par rapport à leur propre personne. Deux objectifs principaux guident la recherche : documenter dans un premier temps leur parcours de quête de soins à partir de la circulation des informations formelles et informelles dans le but de sonder leur avis sur la vulnérabilité qui leur est attribuée ; documenter dans un second temps leur parcours migratoire de quête de soi afin de mettre en lumière les stratégies alternatives d’entrée en contact avec la société d’accueil pour négocier voire rejeter cette identité vulnérable. J’ai rencontré pour cela des demandeurs d’asile lors d’un terrain de huit mois au sein d’un organisme communautaire d’hébergement à Montréal. Dans ce contexte d’accompagnement et de stabilité spatiale, accalmie bienvenue au terme d’un itinéraire semé d’embûches, les ressources informationnelles sont à leur disposition et la reconnaissance sociale est à l’honneur. En parallèle, beaucoup témoignent de la diminution de leurs besoins de soins de santé. En cette communauté thérapeutique (Pocreau, 2005), véritable tremplin vers la société d’accueil en attendant un statut reconnu, ils bénéficient d’une possibilité de participation sociale et d’un sentiment d’appartenance valorisant. Si des conditions précaires peuvent aggraver la vulnérabilité, le bricolage de conditions positives favorise la résilience (Cleveland et al., 2014), créant un environnement revitalisant qui leur permet de rebondir.
El presente estudio de caso busca examinar la incidencia de las medidas migratorias de control fronterizo implementadas por el Frontex y el gobierno Italiano en las condiciones mínimas de supervivencia de los migrantes irregulares, económicos y solicitantes de asilo en la Isla de Lampedusa, en el periodo 2011-2015. De esta manera, se identifican las medidas migratorias de control fronterizo implementadas por Frontex y el gobierno Italiano. Se examina la situación de la seguridad humana en la crisis migratoria de la Isla, y se analiza la relación entre las medidas migratorias de control fronterizo y las condiciones mínimas de supervivencia de los migrantes. El resultado de la investigación permite plasmar, las consecuencias negativas que han tenido las medidas migratorias en cuanto a las condiciones mínimas de supervivencia, lo que ha desembocado en una crisis humanitaria.
This thesis consists of three self-contained essays on nonlinear pricing and rent-seeking. In the first chapter of the thesis, I provide new theoretical insights about non-linear pricing in monopoly and common agency by combining the principal-agent framework with other-regarding preferences. I introduce a new theoretical model that separately characterizes status-seeker and inequity-averse buyers. I show how the buyer’s optimal choice of quality and market inefficiency change when the buyer has other-regarding preferences. In the second chapter, I find the optimal productive rent-seeking and sabotaging efforts when the prize is endogenous. I show that due to the existence of endogeneity, sabotaging the productive rent-seeking efforts causes sabotaging the endogenous part of the prize, which can affect the rent-seeking efforts. Moreover, I introduce social preferences into my model and characterize symmetric productive rent-seeking and sabotaging efforts. In the last chapter, I propose a new theoretical model regarding information disclosure with Bayesian persuasion in rent-seeking contests when the efforts are productive. I show that under one-sided incomplete information, information disclosure decision depends on both the marginal costs of efforts and the marginal benefit of aggregate exerted effort. I find that since the efforts are productive and add a positive surplus on the fixed rent, my model narrows down the conditions for the information disclosure compared to the exogenous model. Under the two-sided incomplete information case, I observe that there is a non-monotone relationship between optimal effort and posterior beliefs. Thus, it might be difficult to conclude whether a contest organizer should disclose any information to contestants.