51 resultados para prosódia


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In this paper, we analyzed situations where (a) one vocabular structure showed in two different ways in the same text or (b) had erasures. These structures fluctuations were extracted from texts written by children that, when the registers were done, were second graders of elementary school. Concerning the results, we verified: (1) that more than one prosodic constituent showed in the basis of fluctuation of vocabulary structures; and (2) that at least one of the limits of orthographic words was maintained in fluctuation structures. These results point to the recuperation done by writers with information they have access due to their insertion in (1) oral practices and (2) literacy practices.


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Based on a heterogeneous concept of writing, this paper aims at analyzing ‘breaks’ in utterances of a virtual chat for writers between 8 and 12 years of age. The hypothesis is that the segmentation of an utterance in different lines in a short period of time characterizes the writing on the internet as nonconventional and relates it to the prosody and rhythm of the language not restricted to the phonic or graphic dimension of the verbal language.


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This paper deals with hypersegmentation of words that are characterized by the unconventional employment of a graphical boundary (using a white space or hyphen) within the limits of the word, as in "em bora" (“although”, using a white space), and "chama-da" (“called”, using the hyphen). In a study conducted on these data, we identified motivations arising not only from their literate nature but also from the morphosyntactic and prosodic information. We showed that there are linguistic features recurrent in these registers of word boundaries, based on the analysis of texts produced by the students who attended the last four years of elementary school in a public school in São Paulo. In this paper, we advance on this study by selecting data whose characteristics do not match those which were recurrent. We will argue that the unconventional presence of boundary within the written word limits may be interpreted as representing prosodic configurations (of intonation and rhythm nature) which contribute to the construction of the relation of meanings in the text.


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This paper aims to explain certain language phenomena remarkable for example in the Internet. These phenomena are popularly known as “internetês” in Brazilian Portuguese writing texts. A set of texts collected from chats was analyzed based on discoursive and phonological studies. The relationship between spoke and writing is seen as a distinctive character of heterogeneity of writing. In a particular way, the writing of nicknames in these digital interactions is analyzed. It is shown that enunciative complexity came from different linguistic information (phonological, morphological, semantics and enunciative ones). This study aims to contribute for general questions about oral/spoken and literacy/writing in digital context (but not just in those contexts).


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This paper analyzes unconventional segmentation of word found in texts of the sixth grade of Elementary School. Through quantitative and qualitative analysis, we describe the prosodic characteristics that may be motivated the hyper and hippossegmentation of words found in 27,4% of 606 investigated texts. We identified a tendency toward a more text with hippossegmentation than hypersegmentation, characteristic similar to what is reported about children’s text. Taking into account the theoretical framework of Prosodic Phonology, we argue about the relevance of prosodic word and clitic group in the description of the regularities observed in data of unconventional segmentation of word. We note that (i) in cases of hipposegmentation, it predominates the hollow of a clitic followed by a phonological word, (ii) in cases of hypersegmentation, it predominates a segmentation of a prosodic word into a clitic group. We present evidences to be the spelling of clitic elements a challenge to students analyzed. By investigating in the grammatical class that owned the clitics spelled unconventionally, we verified that they are prepositions (“em, de, com”) and pronouns (“me, lhe, lo”), a characteristic that particularize these data in relation to data from students in the early stage of language acquisition.


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This paper deals with unconventional segmentations of words in texts produced by students of the last four years of elementary school. The main hypothesis is that these data allow us to observe the characteristics of written and spoken utterances. Through analysis of data on prosodic constituents, we argue that students deal with (conflicting) hypotheses on the organization of unstressed syllables into prosodic constituents: metric feet, prosodic word and clitic group. We found evidence that unconventional spellings have their main motivation in the difficulty of students to assign the status of written word to grammatical items that are prosodic clitics.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study has as main aim to discuss the motivation for the non-occurrence of epenthetic vowel at the beginning of the word in the context of word junction in the first hundred Cantigas de Santa Maria (CSM – Afonso X, 1221-1284). Through this work and from a non-explored corpus (especially as for linguistic themes - SNOW, 1987, p. 478-480; MASSINI-CAGLIARI, 2005, p. 24-26), we intended to contribute to reaching a deeper knowledge of Portuguese prosody history in the period of its recognition as an “independent” language in relation to Latin.


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One of the most controversial issues in the history of Phonetics is the discussion about the typology of speech rhythm. Out of the Greek and Latin tradition on poetry versification, the notion of rhythm has been misunderstood as speech rate. In the early years of the 20th century, a dichotomy merged classifying the speech rhythm into stress-timed and syllable-timed languages, inspired by the old theory of poetic versification. Following the same old pattern, later on, a third type of language were proposed: the moraic languages, initially attributed only to Japanese. With the facilities to carry on acoustic research, in the second half of the 20th century, the typology of language rhythm came to a dead end. Different types of language were set out. This paper discusses these ideas, showing a great misunderstanding among researchers in relation to the characterization of a syllable-timed language. The notion of mora is revisited and its role in the study of speech rhythm is better defined.


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This paper aims to make a study on secondary stress and stress of monosyllabic words in Archaic Portuguese. With regard to secondary stress, our intention is to demonstrate its limits of occurrence. And about monosyllabic words, the aim is to analyse its stress attribution and the possibility of those words assume prominences in the linguistic level demonstrating or not its prosodic independence. The data will be collected by means of a new methodology in the study of the prosody of dead language. This methodology is based on the observation of coincidences and non-coincidences of musical prominences of poetic texts with musical notation, and linguistic prominences.


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This paper aimsto study secondary stressinArchaic Portuguese demonstrating its limits of occurrence and its behavior through the Metrical Theory by Hayes (1995). The data was collected by means of a new methodology in the study of the prosody of ancient periods of the language. This methodology is based on the observation of matching and mismatching of musical and linguistic prominences of poetic texts with musical notation.


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This paper aims to conduct a study on the prosodic behavior of monosyllables in Medieval Portuguese. This research is based on an innovative methodology that observes the relation between musical and linguistic prominences and its contributions for data collection regarding the prosodic structure of the language in study. There are in Medieval Portuguese heavy (tonic) monosyllables and light (atonic) monosyllables with diverse syllabic structure. The onset is irrelevant for the syllabic weight. Monosyllables with a consonant in the coda are heavy unless this consonant represents an inflexion element. Monosyllables with no consonant in the coda are normally light but there are also heavy monosyllables with no consonant in the coda.


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This paper aims to conduct a study on proparoxytones in Medieval Portuguese through an innovative methodology based on the observation of coincidences and no-coincidences of musical and linguistic prominences of poetic texts with musical notation.. This methodology allowed us to verify the existence of a hundred and thirteen proparoxytones words in a corpus constituted by the first hundred Cantigas de Santa Maria. It was possible to locate the stressed syllable in 92,93% of the found words.


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This paper analyses the prosodic aspects of textual-interactive strategies related to the reformulation, organization and building of the speech regarding the item assim. Results suggest: (i) the regularity of some particular prosodic marks when performing these processes; (ii) the prosodic features of the item assim in each one of them and (iii) the relevance of the prosodic features for determining the function of the item concerning the strategies we are focused on.