999 resultados para produtos de oxidação
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The development of electrocatalysts for the oxidation of methanol and ethanol is very important, because these alcohols may be used in the anode fuel cells which convert chemical energy directly into electrical energy with high efficiency, cleanly and with low noise. Thus, this study reports to the synthesis of nanocatalysts of PtAu supported on carbon by microemulsion method. The physical characterization of these catalysts is performed through the techniques of X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. The catalytic activity of the prepared materials was studied using conventional electrochemical techniques and also the technique of spectro-electrochemical in situ FTIR, which allows identification of intermediates and products of the reactions. From the x-ray diffraction, it was observed that the thermal treatment applied to catalysts favored incorporation of Au into the crystal lattice of Pt,that is, increased the formation of PtAu alloy. Micrographs indicated particle size about 3 nm to materials not heat treated and 9 nm to materials subjected to thermal treatment (heating at 150 ° C for 1h and 30 min in argon atmosphere). Current density oxidation of methanol on PtAu / C were superior to pure platinum. Spectroscopic results indicated the presence of formate in solution in 50:50 and the composition showed bands for CO2, indicating complete oxidation, in lower potential. During ethanol oxidation on the catalyst PtAu, the main product formed was acetate, product of incomplete oxidation. The good performance for methanol oxidation can be attributed to large amounts of oxygen species adsorbed on the catalyst surface, or an electronic effect.
Vitamin C is vulnerable to oxidative degradation and then the aim of this study was conducting a literature review about quality control of vitamin C in finished products. The conclusion is determined multiple emulsions and products which contain encapsulant materials are able to protect it from oxidation ensuring its efficacy.
Na primeira parte do trabalho, foram investigados materiais ativos para eletro-oxidar etanol e acetaldeído seletivos para a rota C2 (Carbono 2) e, também, ativos para eletro-oxidar hidrogênio molecular, visando a aplicação em células a combustível de hidrogênio indireto. Neste tipo de célula, um processador de combustível externo desidrogena o etanol e os produtos desta reação, contendo H2, acetaldeído e, possivelmente, etanol residual, são direcionados para alimentar o ânodo. Neste sentido, o eletrocatalisador anódico pode ser ativo para a eletro-oxidação de etanol residual, bem como acetaldeído, mas este deve catalisar a reação via C2 com o objetivo de evitar a formação de espécies que envenenam a superfície catalítica (CO ou CHx), ou seja, a ligação C-C deve permanecer intacta. Os eletrocatalisadores bimetálicos foram formados por M/Pt/C (onde M = W, Ru ou Sn) e os produtos reacionais foram analisados por DEMS On-line. Os resultados mostraram que Ru/Pt/C e Sn/Pt/C apresentaram maiores taxas de reação global, no entanto, eles não foram seletivos. Por outro lado, W2/Pt3/C foi mais seletivo para a rota C2, dada a não formação de CH4 e CO2. Além disso, este material também foi ativo e estável para a eletro-oxidação de H2, mesmo na presença de acetaldeído, o que o torna um potencial catalisador para aplicação no ânodo de células a combustível de hidrogênio indireto. Na segunda parte do trabalho, o objetivo foi relacionado com o estudo de eletrocatalisadores seletivos para a rota C1 (Carbono 1). A oxidação eletroquímica do etanol e de seus produtos reacionais foram investigados por DEMS on-line em temperatura ambiente e intermediária (245oC). Para temperatura ambiente, utilizou-se solução aquosa de ácido sulfúrico (H2SO4) e, para temperatura intermediária, utilizou-se ácido sólido (CsH2PO4) como eletrólito. Os eletrocatalisadores investigados foram formados por SnOxRuOx-Pt/C e Pt/C. Em temperatura ambiente, os resultados de polarização potenciodinâmica mostraram uma maior atividade eletrocatalítica para o material SnOxRuOx-Pt/C, com eficiência de corrente para formação de CO2 de 15,6% contra 15,2% para Pt/C, sob condições estagnantes, sem controle por transporte de massa. O stripping de resíduos reacionais, após a eletro-oxidação de etanol bulk, sob condições de fluxo, mostraram o acúmulo de espécies com 1 átomo de carbono (CO e CHx) que causam o bloqueio dos sítios ativos e são oxidadas eletroquimicamente somente em mais altos potenciais (ca. 1,0 V). Por outro lado, as curvas de polarização a 245oC mostraram maiores valores de eficiências de correntes para formação de CO2 (45% para Pt/C em ambos potenciais 0,5 V e 0,8 V contra 36% e 50% para SnOxRuOx-Pt/C em 0,5 V e 0,8 V respectivamente) quando comparado com os valores obtidos em temperatura ambiente, mas com atividades similares para SnOxRuOx-Pt/C e Pt/C. Para ambos os eletrocatalisadores, os estudos de espectrometria de massas a 245oC evidenciaram que as rotas eletroquímicas ocorrem em paralelo com rotas puramente químicas, envolvendo catálise heterogênea, de decomposição do etanol, produzindo H2 e CO2 como produtos majoritários.
During the last five decades, as a result of an interaction between natural product chemistry, synthetic organic chemistry, molecular biology and spectroscopy, scientists reached an extraordinary level of comprehension about the natural processes by which living organisms build up complex molecules. In this context, 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, allied with isotopic labeling, played a determinant role. Nowadays, the widespread use of modern NMR techniques allows an even more detailed picture of the biochemical steps by accurate manipulation of the atomic nuclei. This article focuses on the development of such techniques and their impact on biosynthetic studies.
N-nitrosamines are carcinogenic compounds that have been found during the last three decades in a variety of consumer products, including cosmetic and personal care products, and their raw materials. These compounds are formed from amine precursors and nitrosating agents present in the formulations. This paper reviews the formation and occurrence of N-nitrosamines in cosmetic products, as well as presents considerations about analytical, toxicological and regulatory aspects.
The chemical industries worldwide are passing through a very particular moment of re-adaptation due to the implementation of an European regulation called, Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH). In Brazil, the Brazilian Chemical Industry needs urgently a specific guide of chemical products stability. The main purpose of this work is to present a proposal of a guide of stability for chemical products based on the reference guides of the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH). Thus, this work proposes an innovation in terms of methodology which will be useful for shelf life definition purpose for chemical industry products.
Companies worldwide are reviewing their working process to avoid waste, become aligned with environmental management standards and to fulfill specifications defined for national and international regulations. In this context, it is important that Brazilian Chemical companies have a specific stability guide for their products. The main purpose of this work is to present a stability guide for chemical products based on the existing guides of the Pharmaceutical and Cosmetics segments. Furthermore, this work proposes to offer an additional period of shelf life for chemical products, provided they meet certain prerequisites.
Neste artigo, investiga-se a adoção de canais alternativos para a comercialização de produtos agrícolas como forma de atenuar o poder, cada vez maior, exercido pelas grandes redes varejistas. O artigo investiga a decisão - e os efeitos daí decorrentes - de uma determinada empresa sediada no interior paulista, agrícola Pedra Branca, quanto à operacionalização verticalizada de uma butique de frutas, legumes e verduras (FLVs). Consciente dos novos padrões demandados pelo consumidor, a estratégia da empresa alvo do estudo foi combinar a oferta regular de produtos frescos, de qualidade intrínseca padronizada e preços atrativos, a um serviço diferenciado, baseado em um alto valor na experiência de compra. Esta estratégia fundamenta-se no anseio dos consumidores de, mais do que simplesmente adquirir produtos, experimentar sensações, as quais vividas em momentos de lazer exerceriam um grande poder de diferenciação. Realizou-se um estudo de caso baseado em entrevistas em profundidade semiestruturadas com diretores e gerentes da empresa. Como resultado, as evidências empíricas sugerem: 1) a verticalização (integração vertical) da atividade de comercialização como uma alternativa para a apropriação de valor da produção ao longo do canal de distribuição; e 2) o desafio da gestão do suprimento como requisito-chave para a adequada gestão do valor de uma marca. Considera-se oportuno lembrar, porém, que, em decorrência das limitações próprias da metodologia de estudos de caso, estas tais evidências devem ser entendidas como proposição a ser testada em trabalhos quantitativos futuros, ou mesmo melhor embasada via condução de estudos multicaso.
Ethanol oxidation has been studied on Pt-Sn and Pt-Sn-W electrodes prepared in an arc-melting furnace. Different electrochemical techniques like cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry were used to evaluate the catalytic activity of these materials. The electro-oxidation process was also investigated by in situ infrared reflectance spectroscopy in order to determine adsorbed intermediates and reaction products. Experimental results indicated that Pt-Sn and Pt-Sn-W alloys are able to oxidize ethanol mainly to acetaldehyde and acetic acid. Adsorbed CO was also detected, demonstrating the viability of splitting the C-C bond in the ethanol molecule during the oxidation process. The adsorbed CO was further oxidized to CO2.This reaction product was clearly detected by SNIFTIRS. Pt-Sn-W catalyst showed a better electrochemical performance than Pt-Sn that, in it turn, is better than Pt-alone.
Docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6, n-3, DHA) is a polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) present in large concentrations in the brain and, due to the presence of six double bonds in its structure, is highly susceptible to oxidation by enzymes and reactive oxygen/nitrogen species. The peroxidation of PUFAs has been implicated in an increasing number of human disorders, including neurodegenerative diseases. Hence, a better understanding of the metabolism pathways of DHA should provide new insights about its role in neurodegenerative diseases. Here we review the main aspects related to DHA metabolism, as well as, the recent findings showing its association with neurodegenerative diseases.
The reaction of ten cis-octalins and cis-octalones with thallium trinitrate (TTN) leads to different products, depending mainly on the substitution pattern of the substrate. Functionalized cis-hydrindanes were obtained from the reaction of 1,2,3,4,4a,5,8,8a-octahydro-4a-methylnaphthalene and of 1,2,3,4,4a,5,8,8a-octahydro-4a,7-dimethylnaphthalene with TTN in acetonitrile, whereas a cyclic ether was formed treating 1,2,3,4,4a,5,8,8a-octahydro-6,8a-dimethylnaphthalen-1-ol with TTN in trimethylorthoformate (TMOF).
The electrochemical behavior of fluconazole showed an irreversible oxidation process, with the electrochemical - chemical mechanism being highly dependent on the electrode material. Adsorption of reagent at positive applied potential was observed at Pt electrode while preferential adsorption of the oxidation products was observed at Glassy Carbon surfaces. In pH below 7.0, the anodic current process was intensively decreased. At carbon paste electrode, the fluconazole oxidation current, recorded in phosphate buffer solution (pH 8.0), changed linearly with the fluconazole concentration, Ipa = 5.7×10-5 (mA) × 0.052 [Fluconazol] (μg mL-1), in the range of 48.0 to 250.0 μg mL-1. The detection limit obtained was 6.3 μg mL-1.
This paper presents the study of photochemical behavior of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), potential pollutants in secondary reactions in aerosols, through Raman spectroscopy compared with its electrochemical behavior. The PAHs studied include pyrene, anthracene, phenanthrene and fluorene. These were adsorbed onto TiO2 and irradiated with ultraviolet light (254 nm). Their electrochemical oxidation was studied by in situ Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) and led to the formation of carbonyl-containing products. Oxidized intermediates bearing the C=O group were also formed during photodegradation. The joint analysis of the photodegradation data with those produced by electrochemical means - using spectroscopic techniques for the identification and characterization of the products - revealed the formation of identical products for anthracene, but not for pyrene. A reasonable explanation for this difference in results is that photochemical and electrochemical oxidation reactions proceed via different mechanisms. While photocatalytic degradation over TiO2 is initiated by hydroxyl radicals, electrochemical oxidation is initiated by the direct electron transfer from adsorbed PAH to the electrode, generating PAH cation radicals that undergo subsequent reactions.
Para garantir a seguran??a no tratamento dos pacientes e aos profissionais de sa??de, foi criado o ???Sistema especial para pr??-qualifica????o de marcas e produtos??? para participa????o em licita????es de materiais hospitalares no Inca, devido ?? peculiaridade do paciente oncol??gico