967 resultados para one-man show
Theory of compositional data analysis is often focused on the composition only. However in practical applications we often treat a composition together with covariableswith some other scale. This contribution systematically gathers and develop statistical tools for this situation. For instance, for the graphical display of the dependenceof a composition with a categorical variable, a colored set of ternary diagrams mightbe a good idea for a first look at the data, but it will fast hide important aspects ifthe composition has many parts, or it takes extreme values. On the other hand colored scatterplots of ilr components could not be very instructive for the analyst, if theconventional, black-box ilr is used.Thinking on terms of the Euclidean structure of the simplex, we suggest to set upappropriate projections, which on one side show the compositional geometry and on theother side are still comprehensible by a non-expert analyst, readable for all locations andscales of the data. This is e.g. done by defining special balance displays with carefully-selected axes. Following this idea, we need to systematically ask how to display, explore,describe, and test the relation to complementary or explanatory data of categorical, real,ratio or again compositional scales.This contribution shows that it is sufficient to use some basic concepts and very fewadvanced tools from multivariate statistics (principal covariances, multivariate linearmodels, trellis or parallel plots, etc.) to build appropriate procedures for all these combinations of scales. This has some fundamental implications in their software implementation, and how might they be taught to analysts not already experts in multivariateanalysis
La mayor parte de las nuevas infecciones con el VIH en el mundo se producen por transmisión sexual entre adultos jóvenes y se aprecia una mayor vulnerabilidad en las mujeres (Gregson et al., 2002). Los principales objetivos de este trabajo son: estudiar la prevalencia del uso auto informado del preservativo durante la última relación sexual en los estudiantes de secundaria de Mozambique y la intención de emplearlo en las futuras relaciones, sea con la pareja actual o con una ocasional. Los resultados muestran que: 1) el 47% de los va rones y el 62% de las mujeres no utilizaron el preservativo, 2) tanto ellos como ellas están más seguros de que lo utilizarán con una pareja ocasional que con la actual y 3) los que emplearon el preservativo en su última relación sexual tienen más intención de volver a usarlo que aquellos que no lo emplearon
Une méta-analyse concernant l'utilisation de la rosiglitazone chez les diabétiques de type 2 a révélé une augmentation significative du risque d'infarctus du myocarde et une tendance à la surmortalité cardiovasculaire. La méthodologie de cette étude ainsi que ses conclusions ont été beaucoup critiquées. Cette étude montre les limites des méta-analyses auxquelles on prête un rang manifestement trop élevé dans la hiérarchie des niveaux de preuve. L'étude 4T a évalué trois schémas d'insuline dans le traitement du diabète de type 2. Les résultats à un an montrent que seule une minorité des patients atteignent les objectifs. Post-Steno 2 a été présenté au congrès européen du diabète. Ces nouvelles données confirment que le traitement intensifié de tous les facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire permet une réduction majeure de la mortalité cardiovasculaire après 13,3 ans. A recent meta-analysis on the rosiglitazone in the treatment of type 2 diabetes revealed a significant increased risk of myocardial infarction and a trend to a higher cardiovascular mortality. In the following month after this publication, the methodology as its conclusions were criticized. This study shows the limits of the meta-analyses to which one lends a row obviously too high in the hierarchy of the levels of evidence. The study 4T evaluated 3 insulin strategies in the treatment of the type 2 diabetes. The results at one year show that only a minority of the patients achieve the goals. Post-Steno 2 was presented at the European congress diabetes. These new data confirm that the intensified treatment of all cardiovascular factors risk allows a major reduction of cardiovascular mortality after 13.3 years
We conducted a genome-wide association study for androgenic alopecia in 1,125 men and identified a newly associated locus at chromosome 20p11.22, confirmed in three independent cohorts (n = 1,650; OR = 1.60, P = 1.1 x 10(-14) for rs1160312). The one man in seven who harbors risk alleles at both 20p11.22 and AR (encoding the androgen receptor) has a sevenfold-increased odds of androgenic alopecia (OR = 7.12, P = 3.7 x 10(-15)).
L'objectif de cette recherche est d'explorer l'impact des abus sexuels tel que perçu par des personnes adultes ayant été victimes dans leur enfance. Une attention particulière est portée sur l'évolution de cette perception. A cette fin, deux groupes de personnes ont été sollicités : des patients suivis en thérapie de groupe dans un centre spécialisé et des personnes ayant terminé une thérapie centrée sur les abus sexuels depuis au moins cinq ans.Des entretiens semi-structurés ont été menés tous les six mois pendant deux ans avec six femmes en thérapie, ainsi qu'avec trois femmes et un homme ayant terminé leur travail thérapeutique à ce sujet.L'analyse qualitative, inspirée de l'IPA, a révélé huit thèmes. A la recherche de la normalité, Vie intime et sexualité, et Du secret à la reconnaissance sont trois des problématiques majeures présentées par les femmes aux premiers entretiens. L'analyse révèle l'évolution de ces thèmes au cours des deux ans et les « témoins de l'après-thérapie » donnent des pistes quant aux suites possibles. Les participants témoignent également de leurs diverses Démarches thérapeutiques. Question de survie est un thème faisant trait à la dissociation structurelle de la personnalité telle qu'elle apparaît dans le discours des participants et telle qu'ils la décrivent. De la réviviscence au souvenir, Attribution de sens et Vivre après amènent chacun des aspects spécifiques liés à la résilience et ultimement à l'épanouissement.Ces résultats font ressortir des thématiques qui se révèlent être particulièrement difficiles pour ces personnes ayant été abusées sexuellement dans leur enfance, tout en soulignant l'évolution possible au fil du temps et à l'aide des thérapies. Ils révèlent également les manières dont le traumatisme est peu à peu intégré par les participants dans leur histoire de vie.This study's aim is to explore how survivors perceive the impact on their adult life of child sexual abuse and how it changes over time. To this effect, two groups of people were solicited: patients involved in group therapy in a specialised treatment centre and people who had finished therapy focused on the trauma caused by the abuse at least five years prior to this study.Semi-structured interviews were conducted at 6-month intervals over two years with six women in therapy. Three women and one man who had finished therapy accepted to share their experience.Qualitative analysis inspired by IPA revealed eight themes. Searching for normality, Tuning feelings with sexual life, and From secrecy to acknowledgment are three of the main issues presented by the women at the initial interviews. The analysis reveals how these themes evolve over the two years, while the participants who have finished their therapy give insights of possible futures. Participants also reflected on their various Therapeutical experiences. A matter of survival relates to structural dissociation of the personality as it appears in the participants' discourse and as they describe it. Placing the memory in the past, Making meaning, and And life goes on each bring out specific aspects linked to resiliency and finally to thriving.These results highlight the issues that are particularly difficult in dealing with the aftermaths of child sexual abuse and underline their possible transformation with time and therapy. They also reveal the ways in which the trauma is gradually integrated by the participants into their life-history.
Des parents semblent ignorer la limite entre ce que l'on est en droit de montrer et ce que l'on doit traiter avec pudeur. Une sorte d'ambiguïté les amène à être négligents et par là à tolérer des comportements ou des propos grivois de leurs enfants ou à en rire. Les thérapeutes sont invités à entreprendre un travail pédagogique de guidance parentale quand les frontières de l'intime sont floues et quand la confusion touche les jeunes devenant vulnérables et symptomatiques. Les auteurs exposent un cas d'anorexie chez une adolescente, dont la souffrance se trouve masquée par une série de comportements désinhibés. La surexcitation qui en découle peut apparaître comme une solution défensive pour lutter contre la dépression liée à l'expérience de séparation et de deuil. Pour favoriser la construction de représentations des territoires de l'intime plus respectueuses de la vulnérabilité des adolescents, les auteurs ont aussi proposé la sculpture familiale.Parental guidance and respect of intimacy. Young people's mourning and erotism. - Parents seem to be unaware of the borderline between what one may show and what one should handle with reserve. A kind of ambiguity drive them to be careless. As a result, they put up with suggestive behaviour or language from their children and even laugh at it. The therapists are invited to undertake an educational work of parental guidance when the boderlines of the intimate are hazy and when the confusion is affecting young people who become vulnerable and symptomatic. The authors present an anorexia case of a teenager whose distress is concealed by a series of uninhibited behaviours. The ensuing overexcitement could seem to be a defensive solution to fight against the depression related to parting and mourning experience. To encourage the building of representations of the territories of the intimate which would be more respectful of the teenagers vulnerability, the authors also suggest the technique of family sculpture.
Objectives: Osteitis pubis is a noninfectious painfulinflammatory disorder of the symphysis pubis. Etiologicfactors are numerous, the most common are: osseousextension of adductor enthesis due to sport overuse,irritation after urological and abdominal procedures, andsystemic inflammatory disorders in particular spondylarthropathies.Many cases are idiopathic. The symptomsconsist of regional chronic mechanical and sometimenocturnal pain. Diagnosis is usually confirmed by eitherbone scintigraphy or by MRI. There are no standardtreatments but conservative approaches including rest andNSAIDS are generally recommended. In 2001, a goodclinical and radiological response of three refractory caseswith 3-6 monthly perfusions of pamidronate was reported(1). Ibandronate is a much more powerful and long-lastingbisphosphonate than pamidronate, and has not yet beenreported in literature to our knowledge in this indication.Materials/Methods: We present two cases of idiopathicorigin: one woman (63 years old) and one man (36 yearsold).The symptoms were present >3 months in the firstpatient and 1 year in the second. The diagnosis wasconfirmed by MRI which showed bone edema on bothsizes of symphysis and in the second case bony erosionsadjacent to the joint were seen. Both cases failed to respondto conservative measures. Both patients received one singledirect iv Injection of 3 mg of Ibandronate.Results: The injections resulted in a rapid (within a fewdays) resolution of pain that lasted more than 6 months inboth patients. No side effects were observed. In the firstcase, an isotope bone scan performed 4 months after theinjection showed no residual uptake. The second patienthad a repeated MRI after 6 months. It demonstrated anattenuation of bone edema compared to the first MRI.Conclusions: IV Ibandronate may constitute a safe andeffective treatment option for patients with refractoryosteitis pubis.Reference: 1: Maksymowych WP, Aaron SL, Russell AS, JRheumatol 28:2754, 2001.Disclosure of Interest: None declared.
Opinnäytetyössäni käsittelen yksintekemiseen perustuvaa työskentelytapaa. Tutkin dokumentin, tv-ohjelmien ja uutisten parissa toimivia yksintekijöitä. Määrittelen yksintyöskentelijäksi sellaisen tekijän, joka kuvauksen lisäksi ohjaa tai haastattelee yksin eli on kuvaustilanteessa yksin. Tämän lisäksi yksintyöskentelijä voi tehdä kaikkia muita audiovisuaalisen tuotannon työtehtäviä kuten tuottaa, leikata ja käsitellä ääntä. Tarkastelen aihetta analysoimalla omaa tekemistäni yksintyöskentelynä tekemässäni dokumentissa sekä haastattelemalla kolmea erilaista yksintekijää: dokumentaristia, ajankohtaisohjelman tekijää ja uutisten tekijää. Kartoitan heidän motivaatiotaan ja toimintatapojaan kaikissa av-tuotannon vaiheissa. Haastattelujen sekä omien kokemusten perusteella voi todeta, että yksintyöskentelijälle kevyt ja helppokäyttöinen mutta samalla laadukas kuvauskalusto on erittäin tärkeä. Yksintyöskentely on edullinen tuotantotapa, joka mahdollistaa aikataulun joustavuuden ja nopean liikkeelle lähdön sekä mahdollisuuden intiimiin kuvaukseen ilman isoa kuvausryhmää ja välineitä. Yksintekemistä puolestaan hankaloittaa moneen asiaan keskittyminen yhtä aikaa sekä joissain tilanteissa välineiden rajoittuneisuus. Yksintyöskentelijä joutuu myös kantamaan vastuun yksin monista eri työvaiheista. Kaikille haastatelluilleni hakeutuminen yksintyöskentelijäksi on ollut luonnollinen tai sopiva vastaan tullut vaihtoehto. Eri alueilta uransa aloittaneet yksintyöskentelijät olivat kaikki motivoituneita ja monipuolisesti ammattitaitoisia. Heille yksintyöskentely oli toimiva tapa tehdä dokumentteja ja tv-ohjelmia.
Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tutkia yhdenmiehen osakeyhtiön sivuuttamista oikeudenmukaisuuden näkökulmasta. Vuosien saatossa osakeyhtiö on ollut yrittäjälle usein toimiva apuväline verokeinottelussa. Sivuuttamisen avulla tällaista keinottelua on pyritty estämään. Parin viime vuosikymmenen aikana instituution merkitys Suomen verojärjestelmässä on kuitenkin vähentynyt verokantojen laskiessa sekä veropohjien yhtenäistyessä ja nykyisellään osakeyhtiön avulla ei, eräitä erityistilanteita lukuun ottamatta, ole mahdollista veroetuja saavuttaa. Sivuuttamiseen liittyy oikeudenmukaisuusongelmia, jotka ovat pääosin johdettavissa siihen, että instituutio perustuu oikeuskäytäntöön. Instituution merkityksen vähentyessä monet aikaisemmassa oikeuskäytännössä olleissa ongelmista on kuitenkin korjaantunut kuin itsestään. Edelleen oikeudenmukaisuuskritiikkiä on mahdollista nostaa esiin sivuuttamisen ympärillä erityisesti oikeusvarmuuden ja maksukykyisyysperiaatteen osalta.
Transcript (original grammar and spelling retained): My dear wife I take this time to inform you that I am well hoping that these few lines will Reach you and find you the same I shall in form you of all our Battles that we have had sence I left home we crossed in to Canada the 2 day of July and took fort Erie on the 3 day of July without loss of one man. We then marched down to Chipway eighteen miles below the Fort Erie we got there on the forth day and had our first battle on the 5 day our loss was not jistly known But the inemy loss was double to ours. The 6 day we started with the 2 Brigade to make a bridge a crost the crick two miles a bove the fort in Building the Bridge the inemy Brought up their Canon and playd upon us with their artiliery a bout two hours We drove them from the fort our loss was none the inemy loss was nineteen ciled dead on the ground we then marched to Queenston when we got thare our inemy had fledfrom the fort we then remained thair to Queenston ten days then we marched down to Fort George But that caurdly Chaney did not a rive with the fleet so we had to return back to Queenston thare was a bout six hundred militia formed on the heights of land thay fired up on us from their pickets and retreated to the mane body our flankers ciled and wounded and took about twenty before they got to the Maine body we then marched up the hill they gave us two firs but did not damage and then retreated from the field we stayed there one knight and then marched to Chipway and stayed there one night and the next day just as the sun set the first Brigade marched up in order to give them Battle a bout two miles from the Crick and began the Battle the 2 Brigade has to March up to the Niagara path and ingaged them we charged up on their artlery and took all their Canon Miller commanded the four companys that charged....the battles lasted three hours and forty minutes our loss was about 8 hundred cild and wounded our inemies loss was a bout fourteen hundred cild and wounded the next morning we Marched up in order to give them Battle a gin but thay was afraid to ingage us we then marched to Fort Erie and went to fortiffing and made a strong place the inemy folered us up and Began to cananade and held it fifty three days thay a tacked the fort the fifteenth of august thay atacked a bout one hiour be fore day Light we saw them and Blue up our maggerzean & two hundred of our inemy our loss wasa bout forty cild and wounded and our inemy loss was a bout one thousand on the 7 Day of September we atacked them and took their batteries and Broke all their canon and drove them from the field our loss was a Bout two hundred cild and wounded our inemy loss was a Bout 8 hundred cild and wounded...we crossed in to Canada with five thousand and came out with fifteen hundred we then Marched to Sackett’s harbor....am well and harty for the present....a bout comming home it uncarting for there is not any....given this winter as yet But I shall try to Come home if I Can But if I Cant I want you should take good car of the Phiddness[?] I have not Received any Money as yet But soon as I do receive some I send some home. I want you should write to me as soon as you receive this and and how Much Stock you wintor I Received your Letter with Great pleasure I feel uneasy a bout you I am a frade that you are sick or dead this is from your husband Chase Clough
This study examined the similarities and differences that currently exist between Chinese and Canadian online higher education, and explored the economic, political, and sociocultural environments that have shaped online education in these two jurisdictions. Furthermore, this paper discussed the efficacy of, and potential for, future development of online learning in higher education in both Canada and China. The research employed a collective case study design to gather information and data on the development of online higher education. The analysis on Contact North in Canada and the One-Man University in China provide a comparative perspective on the development of 2 typical online higher educational institutions in these two countries. The study revealed that the development of online higher education is influenced by the economic, political, and sociocultural factors of environment. Contact North and the One-Man University share similarities in many aspects, but are characteristically different. The Contact North can set an example for establishing and operating a self-regulated MOOCs platform. The study also generated implications for both organizations.
Two men, side by side, with three dogs and a cat. There is a barn in the background. The one man in a hat and long coat appears to be Percy Band.
A photograph of four people sitting on the steps of a large white porch. There appears to be snow in front of the porch and they are all in winter attire. There is one man with three young women sitting around him. There is also a dog standing on the porch behind them.
We are the first to introduce incomplete information to centralized many-to-one matching markets such as those to entry-level labor markets or college admissions. This is important because in real life markets (i) any agent is uncertain about the other agents' true preferences and (ii) most entry-level matching is many-to-one (and not one-to-one). We show that for stable (matching) mechanisms there is a strong and surprising link between Nash equilibria under complete information and Bayesian Nash equilibria under incomplete information. That is,given a common belief, a strategy profile is a Bayesian Nash equilibrium under incomplete information in a stable mechanism if and only if, for any true profile in the support of the common belief, the submitted profile is a Nash equilibrium under complete information at the true profile in the direct preference revelation game induced by the stable mechanism. This result may help to explain the success of stable mechanisms in these markets.