54 resultados para muga
Azken urteetan metamaterialek izugarrizko arreta eragin dute. Material artifizial horiek hainbat aplikazio ezberdin izateko diseinatzen dira eta horretarako, ikerkuntza haien propietate elektromagnetikoak ulertzean zentratu da. Lan honen helburua, hortaz, metamaterialen jokabide elektromagnetikoa ulertzea da. Horretarako, FDTD (Finite Difference Time Domain) metodoa erabiliko dugu Maxwell-en ekuazioak ebazteko. Oinarria ulertzeko, lehenik, uhin elektromagnetikoen hedapena aztertuko dugu ingurune sinpleagoetan eta ingurune desberdinen arteko muga-azalen jokabidea simulatuko dugu. Hori egin eta gero, amaitzeko, uhin elektromagnetikoen hedapena aztertuko dugu errefrakzio-indize negatiboko materialetan (metamaterialetan).
The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10693-015-0230-1
In this thesis we perform a detailed analysis of the state of polarization (SOP) of light scattering process using a concatenation of ber-coil based polarization controllers (PCs). We propose a polarization-mode dispersion (PMD) emulator, built through the concatenation of bercoil based PCs and polarization-maintaining bers (PMFs), capable of generate accurate rst- and second-order PMD statistics. We analyze the co-propagation of two optical waves inside a highbirefringence ber. The evolution along the ber of the relative SOP between the two signals is modeled by the de nition of the degree of co-polarization parameter. We validate the model for the degree of co-polarization experimentally, exploring the polarization dependence of the four-wave mixing e ect into a ber with high birefringence. We also study the interaction between signal and noise mediated by Kerr e ect in optical bers. A model accurately describing ampli ed spontaneous emission noise in systems with distributed Raman gain is derived. We show that the noise statistics depends on the propagation distance and on the signal power, and that for distances longer than 120 km and signal powers higher than 6 mW it deviates signi catively from the Gaussian distribution. We explore the all-optical polarization control process based on the stimulated Raman scattering e ect. Mapping parameters like the degree of polarization (DOP), we show that the preferred ampli cation of one particular polarization component of the signal allows a polarization pulling over a wavelength range of 60 nm. The e ciency of the process is higher close to the maximum Raman gain wavelength, where the DOP is roughly constant for a wavelength range of 15 nm. Finally, we study the polarization control in quantum key distribution (QKD) systems with polarization encoding. A model for the quantum bit error rate estimation in QKD systems with time-division multiplexing and wavelength-division multiplexing based polarization control schemes is derived.
El proyecto se realiza en varios Colegios Públicos de la provincia de Salamanca y tiene como objetivo la elaboración de un tema que genere un entorno auténticamente interdisciplinar, diseñando las actividades y material necesarios para su desarrollo. La experiencia se distribuye en cuatro semanas: en la primera se motiva e informa del plan general de trabajo, en la segunda y tercera se trabajan los objetivos y en la cuarta se trabajan los criterios de evaluación y conclusiones. El núcleo en torno al cual gira la experiencia es el agua: 'La importancia del agua: el agua y el hombre. El agua y la naturaleza. El futuro del agua' tratado de forma interdisciplinar, merece destacar el ámbito organizativo de la experiencia y la coordinación intercentros. El trabajo no está publicado..
Incluye anexos con la impresión de las páginas html
La publicaci??n recoge p??ginas web de inter??s sobre el tema tratado
El ejemplar con signatura 42826 es de 1992
La primera imp. es de 1992
Contiene: I. Manual de referencia - II. Guía del usuario - III. Carpeta de materiales. La carpeta de materiales contiene el programa EL y la aplicación 'La casa y la familia'
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n. N??mero especial de la revista GAMMA para el IV Congresos de AGAPEMA
T??t. tomado de la cub.
Prenent com a exemple el cas de l'embassament de Boadella, al curs del riu Muga, es fa una breu descripció dels llargs antecedents que portaren a la realització d'aquesta obra i dels seus efectes sobre l'espai on fou aixecada
Konputagarritasun Teoriaren asmoa sistema konputazionalen muga teorikoak aztertzea da. Bere helburu nagusia problemak konputagarri eta konputaezinen artean bereiztea da, problema konputagarria ebazpide informatikoa onartzen duenari deitzen diogula kontuan hartuta. Emaitza horiek garatzeko konputagailu eredu abstraktu erabiliena, historikoki, Turing-en Makina izan da. Ingeniaritza Informatikoko ikasleek eredu abstraktuaren eta konputagailu errealen artean distantzia dagoela nabari dezakete, horregatik programaziotik hurbilago dagoen eredu bat erabiltzea egokiagoa da, while programak hain zuzen ere. While programekin Turingen makinekin ebazten diren problema berak ebazten dira. Aldiz, while programak erabiltzen askoz errazagoak dira, batez ere aurretik informatika errealean esperientzia duten pertsonentzat, lengoaia agintzaile klasikoen programen itxura hartzen baitute. Testu honek while programak erabiltzen ditu, behar denean hauek birformulatuz eta beraien abantailak aprobetxatuz, konputazioa sinbolo arbitrarioen manipulazioaren baitan definituta gera dadin. Horrela, errealitate informatikotik askoz hurbilagoa egongo da. While programak zer diren eta nola erabiltzen diren zehaztasunez azaltzen da, eta gainera, beste agindu edo datu-mota batzuk gehitzea zergatik ez den beharrezkoa justifikatzen da.
Incluye Bibliografía
Aim To analyze alcohol use, clinical data and laboratory parameters that may affect FIB-4, an index for measuring liver fibrosis, in HCV-monoinfected and HCV/HIV-coinfected drug users. Patients and Methods Patients admitted for substance abuse treatment between 1994 and 2006 were studied. Socio-demographic data, alcohol and drug use characteristics and clinical variables were obtained through hospital records. Blood samples for biochemistry, liver function tests, CD4 cell count, and serology of HIV and HCV infection were collected at admission. Multivariate linear regression was used to analyze the predictors of FIB-4 increase. Results A total of 472 (83% M, 17% F) patients were eligible. The median age at admission was 31 years (Interquartile range (IQR) 27–35 years), and the median duration of drug use was 10 years (IQR 5.5–15 years). Unhealthy drinking (>50 grams/day) was reported in 32% of the patients. The FIB-4 scores were significantly greater in the HCV/HIV-coinfected patients (1.14, IQR 0.76–1.87) than in the HCV-monoinfected patients (0.75, IQR 0.56–1.11) (p<0.001). In the multivariate analysis, unhealthy drinking (p = 0.034), lower total cholesterol (p = 0.042), serum albumin (p<0.001), higher GGT (p<0.001) and a longer duration of addiction (p = 0.005) were independently associated with higher FIB-4 scores in the HCV-monoinfected drug users. The effect of unhealthy drinking on FIB-4 scores disappeared in the HCV/HIV-coinfected patients, whereas lower serum albumin (p<0.001), a lower CD4 cell count (p = 0.006), higher total bilirubin (p<0.001) and a longer drug addiction duration (p<0.001) were significantly associated with higher FIB-4 values. Conclusions Unhealthy alcohol use in the HCV-monoinfected patients and HIV-related immunodeficiency in the HCV/HIV-coinfected patients are important risk factors associated with liver fibrosis in the respective populations.