966 resultados para mobile marketing
Ao final do ano de 2004 o Brasil atingiu o número de mais de 50 milhões de aparelhos celulares, ultrapassando inclusive o número de telefones fixos. No mesmo período, as operadoras de telefonia móvel lançaram o sinal de televisão para serem recebidos nestes aparelhos, que são pessoais e portáteis. O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar se em virtude deste crescimento na base de usuários e da alta tecnologia o aparelho de telefone celular tem potencial como mídia publicitária, sendo capaz de segmentar suas mensagens de acordo com o perfil dos clientes.
This keynote presentation will report some of our research work and experience on the development and applications of relevant methods, models, systems and simulation techniques in support of different types and various levels of decision making for business, management and engineering. In particular, the following topics will be covered. Modelling, multi-agent-based simulation and analysis of the allocation management of carbon dioxide emission permits in China (Nanfeng Liu & Shuliang Li Agent-based simulation of the dynamic evolution of enterprise carbon assets (Yin Zeng & Shuliang Li) A framework & system for extracting and representing project knowledge contexts using topic models and dynamic knowledge maps: a big data perspective (Jin Xu, Zheng Li, Shuliang Li & Yanyan Zhang) Open innovation: intelligent model, social media & complex adaptive system simulation (Shuliang Li & Jim Zheng Li) A framework, model and software prototype for modelling and simulation for deshopping behaviour and how companies respond (Shawkat Rahman & Shuliang Li) Integrating multiple agents, simulation, knowledge bases and fuzzy logic for international marketing decision making (Shuliang Li & Jim Zheng Li) A Web-based hybrid intelligent system for combined conventional, digital, mobile, social media and mobile marketing strategy formulation (Shuliang Li & Jim Zheng Li) A hybrid intelligent model for Web & social media dynamics, and evolutionary and adaptive branding (Shuliang Li) A hybrid paradigm for modelling, simulation and analysis of brand virality in social media (Shuliang Li & Jim Zheng Li) Network configuration management: attack paradigms and architectures for computer network survivability (Tero Karvinen & Shuliang Li)
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Desenvolvimento de Software e Sistemas Interativos, realizada sob a orientação científica do Doutor Pedro Nuno Moreira da Silva, Professor Adjunto da Unidade Técnico-Científica de Informática do Departamento da Escola Superior de Tecnologia do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco.
Este Trabajo Fin de Grado aborda la especificación para el desarrollo de un sistema de comercialización orientado al sector Servicios que trabaje en tiempo real y que se fundamente en poner en contacto la oferta y la demanda. De esta forma, cuando un cliente requiera un servicio se activa como demandante y los proveedores de ese servicio reciben esa petición y pueden enviarle una oferta. El proyecto consta de una primera parte de introducción y descripción de las herramientas empleadas, para luego pasar a la metodología. La planificación especifica los requisitos del sistema que serán estudiados con más profundidad posteriormente en el estudio de viabilidad. Para el diseño y el análisis del sistema nos centramos en la definición de los casos de uso y las clases que se van a emplear durante el desarrollo. Por último se describe un prototipo que define las interfaces con las que se comunicarán los usuarios de la aplicación. Se describen en la parte final unas conclusiones y los posibles avances futuros del proyecto.
The growth of direct marketing has been attributed to rapid advances in techn ology and the changing market context. The fundamental ability of direct marketers to communicate with consumers and to elicit a response, combined with the ubiquitous nature and power of mobile digital technology, provides a synergy that will increase the potential for the success of direct marketing. The aim of this paper is to provide an analytical framework identifying the developments in the digital environment from e-marketing to m-marketing, and to alert direct marketers to the enhanced capabilities available to them.
The rapid change of technological trends in the marketplace has increased the difficulty for social marketers to reach consumers using traditional marketing channels (Della et al., 2008). Traditionally, social marketing interventions have typically used more conventional supporting products and services such as water counters for water conservation or condoms for sex safety. However, recently social marketers are witnessing the diminishing effectiveness of more traditional social products and services in encouraging the uptake and maintenance of behaviour. In light of the technological trends in the marketplace and diminishing effect of previous social products and services (Lefebvre, 2009), social marketers have been encouraged to look to alternate means of delivering valuable offerings...
Vindo de encontro com o âmbito do Mestrado em Gestão Empresarial do Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração de Coimbra, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo, descrever as tarefas e atividades realizadas, durante os seis meses de estágio curricular desenvolvido pelo mestrando na empresa MBM mobile™. Inserindo-se dentro da temática do Marketing da Empresa, este relatório pretende ainda, contribuir academicamente para a constituição de uma fonte de análise daquele que é o Retorno do Investimento nas principais ferramentas de Marketing digital utilizadas pela MBM mobile™.
Although marketers have a strong interest in finding ways to engage with consumers through mobile phones, the everyday experiential, or affective consumption practices surrounding this technology have received limited attention in the literature. To address this limitation, we used appraisal theory, which specifies it is the way individuals appraise situations or events that elicit emotions. We conducted an experience sampling method study to explore the emotions that individuals experience during their interactions with and through their mobile phones and what situations or events elicit these emotions. The preliminary findings show a number of significant relationships between emotions and specfic clusters of situations and events. Additionally, age and gender were also important indicators. The research contributes to a deeper understanding of the experiential nature of mobile information technologies through consumers’ everyday-consumption-related emotions and the situations and events that elicit them.
New mobile digital communication technologies present opportunities for advertisers to capitalize on the evolving relationships of consumers with their mobile devices and their desire to access enhanced information services while mobile (m-services). Consumers already use mobile devices (cell phones, personal mobile digital assistants) for traditional phone calls and message handling (e.g., Kalakota and Robinson, 2002; Sullivan Mort and Drennan, 2002). The combination of rapidly developing mobile digital technology and high uptake rates of mobile devices presents enormous potential for delivery of m-services through these devices (Bitner, Brown, and Meuter, 2000). M-services encompass a wide variety of types including the ability to trade stock, to book theater and movie tickets while accessing seating plans online, to send and receive text and pictures, and receive personalized direct advertising such as alerts for shopping bargains. Marketing communications, and specifically advertising, may be delivered as an m-service and termed m-services advertising, forming part of the broader category of m-services. However, advertising research has not yet addressed the area of m-services and needs to do so to be able to take advantage of the advanced interactivity (Yadav and Varadarajan, 2005) of mobile communication devices. Such advertising research is likely to help develop open attitudes and responses to new business models as has been advocated for other new technology such as advanced television (Tauder, 2005). In this article, we model the factors influencing the use of m-services, in the context of consumers' existing relationships with mobile devices. First, we address the value propositions underpinning consumer involvement with mobile devices. Next, we canvass the types of involvement relevant to this consumption domain and argue that involvement, together with personal attributes innovativeness and self-efficacy, will influence use of m-services. Finally, implications for advertising delivered as an m-service are discussed, the potential for m-services advertising as part of m-commerce are canvassed, and directions for future research identified.
Consumers' evolving relationships with their mobile devices and their desire to access mobile services (m-services) present new opportunities to marketers, yet little research has been conducted in the area of m-services. Using structural equation modelling, this paper examines the effect of hedonic and utilitarian value of mobile phones on product and purchase involvement. It also investigates the effect of involvement, innovativeness, and self-efficacy on use of m-services. Data were collected from a convenience sample of 250 respondents using an online survey and a modified snowball procedure. Findings are discussed, further implications for managers are suggested and directions for future research are proposed.
The application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in construction industry has been recognised widely by some practitioners and researchers for the last several years. During the 1990s the international construction industry started using with the increasing confidence information and communication technology. The use of e-mail became usual and web-sites were established for marketing purposes. Intranets and extranets were also established to facilitate communication within companies and throughout their branches. One of the important applications of the ICT in construction industry was the use of mobile computing devices to achieve better communication and data transmission between construction sites and offices.