842 resultados para mega-events
O objetivo desta dissertação é analisar os pontos de atenção na operacionalização de um megaevento esportivo, em que milhares de voluntários participam como força de trabalho, sem qualquer tipo de remuneração, considerando que o Brasil, nesta década, sediará importantes megaeventos e precisará contar com o uso de mão de obra voluntária. Para tal, foi realizada pesquisa qualitativa exploratória, por meio de entrevistas individuais em profundidade com voluntários que apresentavam experiências anteriores em eventos esportivos e com gestores do Comitê Organizador dos Jogos Olímpicos e Paralímpicos do Rio de Janeiro em 2016. Assim, aprofundou-se as análises sobre motivação, planejamento do evento, organização durante o evento e legado, na visão destes dois grupos
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
This study aims to discuss the role of the professional of public relations and the marketing tools in organizing events. Taking as parameter the concepts of events, marketing and public relations and highlighting the contributions on strategic planning, the communication process and the relationship with stakeholders as key elements on this management, it is intended to form arguments to demonstrate that the work of a skilled professional is essential for the empowerment of the events not only as a communication tool, but as well as a relationship tool. The methodology utilized is based on literary data and on the exemplification of this process, with the analysis of three mega events. As a result, we leave a reflection about the importance of professionally events management, in addition to excellent communication and expansion of economic resources, since it defends the idea that management needs to generate lasting relationships across all the stakeholders' chain
En la presente entrevista se puede apreciar como Lino Castellani Filho aborda diversas cuestiones ligadas íntimamente con las Políticas Públicas y su desarrollo en la sociedad. Al mismo tiempo, da cuenta del rol de la Educación Física en relación a éstas, y cómo debería ser la formación de profesionales en el área. Asimismo, realiza un análisis del impacto de los megaeventos que tendrán lugar en Brasil en los próximos años. Y, por último, esboza algunas nociones sobre las prácticas corporale
En la presente entrevista se puede apreciar como Lino Castellani Filho aborda diversas cuestiones ligadas íntimamente con las Políticas Públicas y su desarrollo en la sociedad. Al mismo tiempo, da cuenta del rol de la Educación Física en relación a éstas, y cómo debería ser la formación de profesionales en el área. Asimismo, realiza un análisis del impacto de los megaeventos que tendrán lugar en Brasil en los próximos años. Y, por último, esboza algunas nociones sobre las prácticas corporale
A tese aborda como a Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (UMESP) e a Universidade de Taubaté (UNITAU) utilizam o esporte de alto rendimento como meio de divulgação estratégica. O estudo mostra qual é a relação existente entre a comunicação institucional e mercadológica das referidas IES e o handebol de alto rendimento. A tese objetiva também, apresentar as ferramentas de comunicação utilizadas por UMESP e UNITAU para divulgar suas ações de patrocínio e, por fim, avaliar o grau do fluxo de comunicação dos profissionais de comunicação e marketing das IES com gestores esportivos do handebol. A comparação entre as IES analisadas deu-se pelo uso do método de pesquisa de ‘estudos de casos múltiplos’, já a pesquisa documental e a bibliográfica foram utilizadas para a construção teórica do trabalho. Os dados dos objetos de estudo foram coletados através do uso da técnica de entrevista, estas que, adotaram a característica ‘semiestruturada’ com perguntas abertas e uso de roteiro. Concluiu-se que as universidades UMESP e UNITAU pouco exploram a imagem vitoriosa do handebol de alto rendimento que investem como meio estratégico de divulgação
There is a disconnection between the top-down, elite, nature of sports mega-events and the ostensible redistributive and participatory sustainable development agendas staked out by BINGOs (Business-based International Non-Governmental Organizations) such as the contemporary International Olympic Committee (IOC). Focusing specifically on the London 2012 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games, we argue that, for all the environmental technology advances offered by sports mega-events, their dominant model remains one of a hollowed-out form of sustainable development. Despite significant technical and methodological innovations in environmental stewardship, the development model of the London Olympics remains predicated on the satisfaction of transnational investment flows. We discuss what this means for claims about the staging of a ‘green’ Olympic Games.
Due to their informality, the favelas of Rio de Janeiro are in a precarious position. Though the informal neighborhoods have long served as sites of affordable housing for Rio’s poorest residents, changes within in the city related to public security, mega-events, real estate speculation, and urban revitalization jeopardize their permanence. As one possible solution, this study, conducted for the client Catalytic Communities, investigated collective titling in favelas modeled after quilombos, territories recognized and titled by Brazilian federal law as patrimonies of black cultural traditions.
Residents tend to have high expectations regarding the benefits of hosting a mega- event, in particular the creation of new infrastructure, growth in GDP and employ- ment, image enhancement and the spin-offs of attracting tourists and fostering sustainable growth of the cultural supply (Jeong and Faulkner 1996; Deccio and Baloglu 2002; Gursoy and Kendall 2006; Getz 2008; Langen and Garcia 2009; Ritchie et al. 2009; Gursoy et al. 2011; Palonen 2011). Nevertheless, they normally recognise that some costs will be incurred (Kim and Petrick 2005; Kim et al. 2006; Ritchie et al. 2009; Gursoy et al. 2011; Lee et al. 2013). So, it was not surprising that the nomination of Guimaraes, a small city in the northwest of Portugal, as one of the two European Capitals of Culture in 2012 (2012 ECOC), had raised great expectations in the local community vis- a-vis its socio-economic and cultural benefits. Our research was designed to examine the Guimar~aes residents’ perceptions of the impacts of hosting the 2012 ECOC, approached at two different times: before and after the event, to try and capture the evolution of the residents’ assessment of its impacts. From the empirical literature, we know that residents’ perceived impacts tend to change as time goes by (Kim et al. 2006; Ritchie et al. 2009; Gursoy et al. 2011; Lee et al. 2013). The data were gathered via two surveys applied to Guimaraes residents, one in 2011, before the event, and the other afterwards, in 2013. The Guimaraes residents’ assessment was thought to be essential to get an accurate appraisal of the impact of the mega-event as they were a main part of the hosting process. 2012 ECOC impacts were mainly felt by local people who, in most cases, will go on feeling them in the short and long term. The research was thought to be socially pertinent as the opinions collected through the surveys can help to prevent repeating mistakes when similar mega- events are organised in the future, and to increase the positive impacts derived from hosting them. When we talk about the social pertinence of the empirical results, we want to stress that the expertise acquired can be useful to any host city or country.
The recent staging of Glasgow 2014 drew universal praise as the ‘Best Games Ever’. Yet the substantial undertaking of hosting the Commonwealth Games (CWG) was sold to the nation as more than just eleven days of sporting spectacle and cultural entertainment. Indeed, the primary strategic justification offered by policymakers and city leaders was the delivery of a bundle of positive and enduring benefits, so-called ‘legacy’. This ubiquitous and amorphous concept has evolved over time to become the central focus of contemporary hosting bids, reflecting a general public policy shift towards using major sporting mega events as a catalyst to generate benefits across economic, environmental and social dimensions, on a scale intended to be truly transformative. At the same time, the academy has drawn attention to the absence of evidence in support of the prevailing legacy rhetoric and raised a number of sociological concerns, not least the socially unequitable distribution of purported benefits. This study investigated how young people living in the core hosting zone related to, and were impacted upon, by the CWG and its associated developments and activities with reference to their socio-spatial horizons, the primary outcome of interest. An ‘ideal world’ Logic Model hypothesised that four mechanisms, identified from official legacy documents and social theories, would alter young people’s subjective readings of the world by virtue of broadening their social networks, extending their spatial boundaries and altering their mind sets. A qualitative methodology facilitated the gathering of situated and contextualised accounts of young people’s attitudes, perceptions, beliefs and behaviours relating to Glasgow 2014. In-depth interviews and focus groups were conducted before and after the Games with 26 young people, aged 14-16 years, at two schools in the East End. This approach was instrumental in privileging the interests of people ‘on the ground’ over those of city-wide and national stakeholders. The findings showed that young people perceived the dominant legacy benefit to be an improved reputation and image for Glasgow and the East End. Primary beneficiaries were identified by them as those with vested business interests e.g. retailers, restaurateurs, and hoteliers, as well as national and local government, with low expectations of personal dividends or ‘trickle down’ benefits. Support for Glasgow 2014 did not necessarily translate into individual engagement with the various cultural and sporting activities leading up to the CWG, including the event itself. The study found that young people who engaged most were those who had the ability to ‘read’ the opportunities available to them and who had the social, cultural and economic capital necessary to grasp them, with the corollary that those who might have gained most were the least likely to have engaged with the CWG. Doubts articulated by research participants about the social sustainability of Glasgow 2014 underscored inherent tensions between the short-lived thrill of the spectacle and the anticipated longevity of its impacts. The headline message is that hosting sporting mega events might not be an effective means of delivering social change. Aspirant host cities should consider more socially equitable alternatives to sporting mega events prior to bidding; and future host cities should endeavour to engage more purposefully with more young people over longer time frames.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, 2015
El orgullo brasileño estalló en el año 2007, cuando Brasil fue elegido sede del mundial FIFA 2014. Esto se debe a que Brasil en ese momento gozaba de un creciente prestigio internacional por cuenta de su condición de Potencia Emergente, miembro de los BRICS, aspirante a un puesto permanente en el Consejo de Seguridad y contar con la selección de fútbol más exitosa de la historia. No obstante, en su afán por incrementar su visibilidad y proyección internacional acudió al ejercicio del Poder Blando, a través de la Diplomacia Cultural, concretamente se decidió por la Organización de Mega Eventos deportivos, al tiempo que debía enfrentar varios problemas en el ámbito interno (desigualdad, corrupción, pobreza). Así, esta estrategia de aplicación del Poder Blando resultó de cierta manera contraproducente, debido a que la política exterior y su éxito no suele estar disociada de la realidad interna.
En el presente estudio de caso, se busca exponer de qué manera la Diplomacia Deportiva en Colombia ha sido utilizada como una estrategia para cumplir los objetivos de Política Exterior y cambiar la percepción que se tiene del mismo, encaminando la investigación en el problema del reclutamiento infantil en el marco del conflicto armado. Para realizarlo, se utiliza la Diplomacia Deportiva como estrategia de poder blando, que pretende influir positivamente en la imagen que se tiene del país en el exterior, mientras se combate el flagelo interno del reclutamiento infantil.