910 resultados para mathematical learning
El diseño de tareas en los programas de formación de maestros se vincula al desarrollo del conocimiento necesario para realizar diferentes tareas profesionales- organizar el contenido matemático, interpretar el aprendizaje, gestionar la enseñanza. Se ejemplifica esta perspectiva en el caso del diseño de tareas matemáticas considerando la tarea profesional del maestro de analizar libros de texto.
El objetivo de esta investigación es caracterizar perspectivas de estudiantes para profesores de educación secundaria (EPS) sobre el papel que puede desempeñar la tecnología para apoyar el aprendizaje matemático de los estudiantes. Los datos proceden de la planificación de una lección basada en la resolución de problemas mediante el uso de tecnología. Las perspectivas de los estudiantes para profesor se situaron a lo largo de un continuo considerando la relación entre: (i) lo que se pretendía con el uso de recursos tecnológicos y (ii) la naturaleza de la actividad matemática generada. La relación entre ambos aspectos ayuda a reconocer el papel que pueden desempeñar las perspectivas de los estudiantes para profesor cuando están aprendiendo a integrar la tecnología en la enseñanza de la resolución de problemas.
presente trabalho tem por finalidade refletir a educação matemática inserida em um momento em que emerge um novo paradigma que valoriza uma educação transdisciplinar. Tem como foco o educando em todos os seus aspectos: corporal, emocional, racional e espiritual. Partindo do princípio que se vive em um mundo globalizado, onde as informações processam-se no dia-a-dia com mais velocidade e que um dos responsáveis, por este acúmulo de informações, o computador, valoriza-se neste estudo esta tecnologia como estratégia para uma educação inovadora na aprendizagem matemática. Pesquisando-se a real necessidade, por parte dos alunos, em utilizar a informática dentro do ambiente escolar, questionase o fundamento da dificuldade e/ou resistência de educadores de uma escola pública da rede estadual do Estado de São Paulo em utilizar estas inovações tecnológicas, efetivamente o computador, como ferramenta importante na busca de uma educação significativa.(AU)
Relatório de estágio para obtenção de grau mestre em Educação pré-escolar e Ensino do 1.º ciclo do ensino básico
Relatório de estágio para obtenção de grau mestre em Educação pré-escolar e Ensino do 1.º ciclo do ensino básico
Dyscalculia is usually perceived of as a specific learning difficulty for mathematics or, more appropriately, arithmetic. Because definitions and diagnoses of dyscalculia are in their infancy and sometimes are contradictory. However, mathematical learning difficulties are certainly not in their infancy and are very prevalent and often devastating in their impact. Co-occurrence of learning disorders appears to be the rule rather than the exception. Co-occurrence is generally assumed to be a consequence of risk factors that are shared between disorders, for example, working memory. However, it should not be assumed that all dyslexics have problems with mathematics, although the percentage may be very high, or that all dyscalculics have problems with reading and writing. Because mathematics is very developmental, any insecurity or uncertainty in early topics will impact on later topics, hence to need to take intervention back to basics. However, it may be worked out in order to decrease its degree of severity. For example, disMAT, an app developed for android may help children to apply mathematical concepts, without much effort, that is turning in itself, a promising tool to dyscalculia treatment. Thus, this work will focus on the development of a Decision Support System to estimate children evidences of dyscalculia, based on data obtained on-the-fly with disMAT. The computational framework is built on top of a Logic Programming approach to Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, grounded on a Case-based approach to computing, that allows for the handling of incomplete, unknown, or even self-contradictory information.
In this article, we report on the findings of an exploratory study into the experience of undergraduate students as they learn new mathematical models. Qualitative and quanti- tative data based around the students’ approaches to learning new mathematical models were collected. The data revealed that students actively adopt three approaches to under- standing a new mathematical model: gathering information for the task of understanding the model, practising with and using the model, and finding interrelationships between elements of the model. We found that the students appreciate mathematical models that have a real world application and that this can be used to engage students in higher level learning approaches.
Since 2004, the Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) and its predecessor, the Carrick Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, have funded numerous teaching and educational research-based projects in the Mathematical Sciences. In light of the Commonwealth Government’s decision to close the ALTC in 2011, it is appropriate to take account of the ALTCs input into the Mathe- matical Sciences in higher education. Here we present an overview of ALTC projects in the Mathematical Sciences, as well as report on the contributions they have made to the Discipline.
The literacy demands of mathematics are very different to those in other subjects (Gough, 2007; O'Halloran, 2005; Quinnell, 2011; Rubenstein, 2007) and much has been written on the challenges that literacy in mathematics poses to learners (Abedi and Lord, 2001; Lowrie and Diezmann, 2007, 2009; Rubenstein, 2007). In particular, a diverse selection of visuals typifies the field of mathematics (Carter, Hipwell and Quinnell, 2012), placing unique literacy demands on learners. Such visuals include varied tables, graphs, diagrams and other representations, all of which are used to communicate information.
This study sought to extend earlier work by Mulhern and Wylie (2004) to investigate a UK-wide sample of psychology undergraduates. A total of 890 participants from eight universities across the UK were tested on six broadly defined components of mathematical thinking relevant to the teaching of statistics in psychology - calculation, algebraic reasoning, graphical interpretation, proportionality and ratio, probability and sampling, and estimation. Results were consistent with Mulhern and Wylie's (2004) previously reported findings. Overall, participants across institutions exhibited marked deficiencies in many aspects of mathematical thinking. Results also revealed significant gender differences on calculation, proportionality and ratio, and estimation. Level of qualification in mathematics was found to predict overall performance. Analysis of the nature and content of errors revealed consistent patterns of misconceptions in core mathematical knowledge , likely to hamper the learning of statistics.
Recurso para la evaluación de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la geometría en la enseñanza secundaria desde la perspectiva de los nuevos docentes y de los que tienen más experiencia. Está diseñado para ampliar y profundizar el conocimiento de la materia y ofrecer consejos prácticos e ideas para el aula en el contexto de la práctica y la investigación actual. Hace especial hincapié en: comprender las ideas fundamentales del currículo de geometría; el aprendizaje de la geometría de manera efectiva; la investigación y la práctica actual; las ideas erróneas y los errores; el razonamiento de la geometría; la solución de problemas; el papel de la tecnología en el aprendizaje de la geometría.
Mathematical ability is heritable, but few studies have directly investigated its molecular genetic basis. Here we aimed to identify specific genetic contributions to variation in mathematical ability. We carried out a genome wide association scan using pooled DNA in two groups of U.K. samples, based on end of secondary/high school national academic exam achievement: high (n = 419) versus low (n = 183) mathematical ability while controlling for their verbal ability. Significant differences in allele frequencies between these groups were searched for in 906,600 SNPs using the Affymetrix GeneChip Human Mapping version 6.0 array. After meeting a threshold of p<1.5×10-5, 12 SNPs from the pooled association analysis were individually genotyped in 542 of the participants and analyzed to validate the initial associations (lowest p-value 1.14 ×10-6). In this analysis, one of the SNPs (rs789859) showed significant association after Bonferroni correction, and four (rs10873824, rs4144887, rs12130910 rs2809115) were nominally significant (lowest p-value 3.278 × 10-4). Three of the SNPs of interest are located within, or near to, known genes (FAM43A, SFT2D1, C14orf64). The SNP that showed the strongest association, rs789859, is located in a region on chromosome 3q29 that has been previously linked to learning difficulties and autism. rs789859 lies 1.3 kbp downstream of LSG1, and 700 bp upstream of FAM43A, mapping within the potential promoter/regulatory region of the latter. To our knowledge, this is only the second study to investigate the association of genetic variants with mathematical ability, and it highlights a number of interesting markers for future study.
At present, in the University curricula in most countries, the decision theory and the mathematical models to aid decision making is not included, as in the graduate program like in Doctored and Master´s programs. In the Technical School of High Level Agronomic Engineers of the Technical University of Madrid (ETSIA-UPM), the need to offer to the future engineers training in a subject that could help them to take decisions in their profession was felt. Along the life, they will have to take a lot of decisions. Ones, will be important and others no. In the personal level, they will have to take several very important decisions, like the election of a career, professional work, or a couple, but in the professional field, the decision making is the main role of the Managers, Politicians and Leaders. They should be decision makers and will be paid for it. Therefore, nobody can understand that such a professional that is called to practice management responsibilities in the companies, does not take training in such an important matter. For it, in the year 2000, it was requested to the University Board to introduce in the curricula an optional qualified subject of the second cycle with 4,5 credits titled " Mathematical Methods for Making Decisions ". A program was elaborated, the didactic material prepared and programs as Maple, Lingo, Math Cad, etc. installed in several IT classrooms, where the course will be taught. In the course 2000-2001 this subject was offered with a great acceptance that exceeded the forecasts of capacity and had to be prepared more classrooms. This course in graduate program took place in the Department of Applied Mathematics to the Agronomic Engineering, as an extension of the credits dedicated to Mathematics in the career of Engineering.