953 resultados para immaterial capabilities
The objective of this work, Pilot Project - Demonstration of Capabilities and Benefits of Bridge Load Rating through Physical Testing, was to demonstrate the capabilities for load testing and rating bridges in Iowa, study the economic benefit of performing such testing, and perform outreach to local, state, and national engineers on the topic of bridge load testing and rating. This report documents one of three bridges inspected, load tested, and load rated as part of the project, the Ida County Bridge (FHWA #186070), including testing procedures and performance of the bridge under static loading along with the calculated load rating from the field-calibrated analytical model. Two parallel reports document the testing and load rating of the Sioux County Bridge (FHWA #308730) and the Johnson County Bridge (FHWA #205750). A tech brief provides overall information about the project.
The objective of this work, Pilot Project - Demonstration of Capabilities and Benefits of Bridge Load Rating through Physical Testing, was to demonstrate the capabilities for load testing and rating bridges in Iowa, study the economic benefit of performing such testing, and perform outreach to local, state, and national engineers on the topic of bridge load testing and rating. This report documents one of three bridges inspected, load tested, and load rated as part of the project, the Johnson County Bridge (FHWA #205750), including testing procedures and performance of the bridge under static loading along with the calculated load rating from the field-calibrated analytical model. Two parallel reports document the testing and load rating of the Sioux County Bridge (FHWA #308730) and the Ida County Bridge (FHWA #186070). A tech brief provides overall information about the project.
This project demonstrated the capabilities for load testing bridges in Iowa, developed and presented a webinar to local and state engineers, and produced a spreadsheet and benefit evaluation matrix that others can use to preliminarily assess where bridge testing may be economically feasible given truck traffic and detour lengths.
The objective of this work, Pilot Project - Demonstration of Capabilities and Benefits of Bridge Load Rating through Physical Testing, was to demonstrate the capabilities for load testing and rating bridges in Iowa, study the economic benefit of performing such testing, and perform outreach to local, state, and national engineers on the topic of bridge load testing and rating. The three final reports document one each of three bridges inspected, load tested, and load rated as part of the project. The bridges include the Sioux County Bridge (FHWA #308730), the Ida County Bridge (FHWA #186070), and the Johnson County Bridge (FHWA #205750). Actions included testing procedures and performance of the bridge under static loading along with the calculated load rating from the field-calibrated analytical model. A Tech Transfer Summary provides overall information about the project.
Learning object repositories are a basic piece of virtual learning environments used for content management. Nevertheless, learning objects have special characteristics that make traditional solutions for content management ine ective. In particular, browsing and searching for learning objects cannot be based on the typical authoritative meta-data used for describing content, such as author, title or publicationdate, among others. We propose to build a social layer on top of a learning object repository, providing nal users with additional services fordescribing, rating and curating learning objects from a teaching perspective. All these interactions among users, services and resources can be captured and further analyzed, so both browsing and searching can be personalized according to user pro le and the educational context, helping users to nd the most valuable resources for their learning process. In this paper we propose to use reputation schemes and collaborative filtering techniques for improving the user interface of a DSpace based learning object repository.
Tämän diplomityön päämääränä oli tutkia Perloksen teknologiaosaamisia. Perloksen tavoitteena on tulevaisuudessa yhdistää ja soveltaa uusia teknologioita ja älykkäitä materiaaleja muovimekaniikkaan.Ideana oli mallintaa Perloksen osaamisia ja osaamisgapeja ottaen huomioon heidän tulevaisuuden visionsa. Projektituotteena osaamisten mallintamisessa oli Perlos Healthcaren asiakkaan analysoiva mittauslaite. Tutkimuksen arvo on huomattava sillä tunnistamalla osaamisensa ja kyvykkyytensä yritys pystyy luomaan paremman tarjooman vastatessaan koko ajan kasvaviin asiakasvaatimuksiin. Tutkimus on osa TEKESin rahoittamaa LIIMA -projektia. Työn ensimmäisessä osassa esitellään osaamiseen ja partneroitumiseen liittyviä teorioita. Osaamisten mallintaminen tehtiin Excel -pohjaisella työkalulla. Se sisältää projektituotteeseen liittyen osaamisriippuvuuksien mallintamisen ja gap -analyysin. Yhtenä tutkimusmetodina käytettiin haastattelututkimusta. Työ ja sen tulokset antavat operatiivista hyötyä teknologioiden ja markkinoiden välisessä kentässä.
En aquest treball es parteix de la concepció que la història oral i les històries de vida són elements del patrimoni cultural immaterial i com a tals caldria conservar i protegir. S’exposa el testimoni d’un ciutadà de Girona, Narcís Lecha, el meu avi matern, durant el període de la Segona República, la Guerra Civil i l’exili. A partir del qual extraurem diferents aspectes col•lectivament rellevants. L’objectiu principal d’aquest treball és l’estudi i la difusió d’una història de vida que ens aporta coneixement sobre un període cabdal de la nostra història
En aquest treball es parteix de la concepció que la història oral i les històries de vida són elements del patrimoni cultural immaterial i com a tals caldria conservar i protegir. S’exposa el testimoni d’un ciutadà de Girona, Narcís Lecha, el meu avi matern, durant el període de la Segona República, la Guerra Civil i l’exili. A partir del qual extraurem diferents aspectes col•lectivament rellevants. L’objectiu principal d’aquest treball és l’estudi i la difusió d’una història de vida que ens aporta coneixement sobre un període cabdal de la nostra història
Firms operating in a changing environment have a need for structures and practices that provide flexibility and enable rapid response to changes. Given the challenges they face in attempts to keep up with market needs, they have to continuously improve their processes and products, and develop new products to match market requirements. Success in changing markets depends on the firm's ability to convert knowledge into innovations, and consequently their internal structures and capabilities have an important role in innovation activities. According 10 the dynamic capability view of the firm, firms thus need dynamic capabilities in (he form ofassets, processes and structures that enable strategic flexibility and support entrepreneurial opportunity sensing and exploitation. Dynamic capabilities are also needed in conditions of rapid change in the operating environment, and in activities such as new product development and expansion to new markets. Despite the growing interest in these issues and the theoretical developments in the field of strategy research, there are still only very few empirical studies, and large-scale empirical studies in particular, that provide evidence that firms'dynamic capabilities are reflected in performance differences. This thesis represents an attempt to advance the research by providing empirical evidence of thelinkages between the firm's dynamic capabilities and performance in intenationalization and innovation activities. The aim is thus to increase knowledge and enhance understanding of the organizational factors that explain interfirm performance differences. The study is in two parts. The first part is the introduction and the second part comprises five research publications covering the theoretical foundations of the dynamic capability view and subsequent empirical analyses. Quantitative research methodology is used throughout. The thesis contributes to the literature in several ways. While a lot of prior research on dynamic capabilities is conceptual in nature, or conducted through case studies, this thesis introduces empirical measures for assessing the different aspects, and uses large-scale sampling to investigate the relationships between them and performance indicators. The dynamic capability view is further developed by integrating theoretical frameworks and research traditions from several disciplines. The results of the study provide support for the basic tenets of the dynamic capability view. The empirical findings demonstrate that the firm's ability to renew its knowledge base and other intangible assets, its proactive, entrepreneurial behavior, and the structures and practices that support operational flexibility arepositively related to performance indicators.
PLFC is a first-order possibilistic logic dealing with fuzzy constants and fuzzily restricted quantifiers. The refutation proof method in PLFC is mainly based on a generalized resolution rule which allows an implicit graded unification among fuzzy constants. However, unification for precise object constants is classical. In order to use PLFC for similarity-based reasoning, in this paper we extend a Horn-rule sublogic of PLFC with similarity-based unification of object constants. The Horn-rule sublogic of PLFC we consider deals only with disjunctive fuzzy constants and it is equipped with a simple and efficient version of PLFC proof method. At the semantic level, it is extended by equipping each sort with a fuzzy similarity relation, and at the syntactic level, by fuzzily “enlarging” each non-fuzzy object constant in the antecedent of a Horn-rule by means of a fuzzy similarity relation.
The main objective of this research paper was to synthesize, integrate and analyze the theoretical foundation of the resource-based view of the firm on sustainable competitive advantage. Accordingly, this research was a literature research employing the methodology of interpretative study of concept and unobtrusive measures. The core and majority of the research data was gathered from the major online journal databases. Only peer-reviewed articles from highly-esteemed journals on the subject of competitive advantage were used. The theoretical core of the research paper was centred on resources, capabilities, and the sustainability dilemma of competitive advantage. Furthermore, other strategic management concepts relating to the resource-based view of the firm were used with reference to the research objectives. The resource-based view of the firm continues to be a controversial but important are of strategic management research on sustainable competitive advantage. Consequently, the theoretical foundation and the empirical testing of the framework needs further work. However, it is evident that internal organizational factors in the form of resources and capabilities are vital for the formation of sustainable competitive advantage. Resources and capabilities are not, however, valuable on their own - competitive advantage requires seamless interplay and complementarity between bundles of resources and capabilities.
Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli tutkia kuinka organisaation kyvykkyyksiä voidaan mitata engineering- ja konsultointialalla käyttämällä ns. kyvykkyysauditointimenetelmää. Päämotiivit aineettoman omaisuuden mittaamiseksi tunnistettiin kirjallisuuskatsauksen pohjalta. Erilaisten menetelmien etuja ja haittoja tutkittiin, jotta kyvykkyysauditoinnin suorittamiseen liittyvät haasteet ja vaatimukset tulisivat tunnistetuiksi. Kyvykkyysauditoinnin rakentaminen vaati teollisuudenalan erityispiirteiden tunnistamista. Niiksi havaittiin tietointensiivisyys ja projektikeskeisyys. Auditoinnin implementaatioprosessi koostui neljästä osasta, joista kolmen ensimmäisen suorittamiseen case-yritys antoi merkittävän panoksensa. Kriittisten menestystekijöiden selvittämisen jälkeen voitiin niihin vaikuttavat organisaation kyvykkyydet tunnistaa ja arviointi suorittaa. Arvioinnit kerättiin sisäisiltä ja ulkoisilta arvioijilta, ja ne muodostivat pohjan analyysille, joka selvitti yrityksen kehittämistarpeita. Kyvykkyysauditoinnin hyödyiksi laskettiin kasvanut tietämys yrityksen vahvuuksista ja heikkouksista sekä mahdollisuus tarkkailla säännöllisesti sen kokonaissuorituskykyä ja parantaa sitä.
Tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää dynaamisten kyvykkyyksien teorian kehittymistä ja nykytilaa. Työssä tarkastellaan myös mahdollisuuksia yhdistää reaalioptioajattelua ja dynaamisten kyvykkyyksien teoriaa. Tutkielma on toteutettu teoreettisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Dynaamisten kyvykkyyksien teorian mukaan muuttuvassa toimintaympäristössä yritysten kilpailuetu perustuu kykyyn rakentaa, yhdistää ja muokata resursseja ja kyvykkyyksiä. Yritysten täytyy pystyä löytämään, sulauttamaan ja muuntamaan tietoa voidakseen tunnistaa uusia mahdollisuuksia ja pystyäkseen reagoimaan niihin. Tutkielma tuo esille uusia yhteyksiä dynaamisten kyvykkyyksien teorian ja yritysten käyttäytymisen välillä. Reaalioptioajattelu auttaa tunnistamaan yrityksen rajojen määrittämiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Työssä tehdään ehdotuksia dynaamisten kyvykkyyksien teorian jatkotutkimusta varten.
We analyze the behavior of complex information in the Fresnel domain, taking into account the limited capability to display complex values of liquid crystal devices when they are used as holographic displays. To do this analysis we study the reconstruction of Fresnel holograms at several distances using the different parts of the complex distribution. We also use the information adjusted with a method that combines two configurations of the devices in an adding architecture. The results of the error analysis show different behavior for the reconstructions when using the different methods. Simulated and experimental results are presented.