994 resultados para hybrid computing roles


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Adopting a multi-theoretical approach, I examine external auditors’ perceptions of the reasons why organizations do or do not adopt cloud computing. I interview forensic accountants and IT experts about the adoption, acceptance, institutional motives, and risks of cloud computing. Although the medium to large accounting firms where the external auditors worked almost exclusively used private clouds, both private and public cloud services were gaining a foothold among many of their clients. Despite the advantages of cloud computing, data confidentiality and the involvement of foreign jurisdictions remain a concern, particularly if the data are moved outside Australia. Additionally, some organizations seem to understand neither the technology itself nor their own requirements, which may lead to poorly negotiated contracts and service agreements. To minimize the risks associated with cloud computing, many organizations turn to hybrid solutions or private clouds that include national or dedicated data centers. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first empirical study that reports on cloud computing adoption from the perspectives of external auditors.


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We present here a theoretical approach to compute the molecular magnetic anisotropy parameters, D (M) and E (M) for single molecule magnets in any given spin eigenstate of exchange spin Hamiltonian. We first describe a hybrid constant M (S) valence bond (VB) technique of solving spin Hamiltonians employing full spatial and spin symmetry adaptation and we illustrate this technique by solving the exchange Hamiltonian of the Cu6Fe8 system. Treating the anisotropy Hamiltonian as perturbation, we compute the D (M)and E(M) values for various eigenstates of the exchange Hamiltonian. Since, the dipolar contribution to the magnetic anisotropy is negligibly small, we calculate the molecular anisotropy from the single-ion anisotropies of the metal centers. We have studied the variation of D (M) and E(M) by rotating the single-ion anisotropies in the case of Mn12Ac and Fe-8 SMMs in ground and few low-lying excited states of the exchange Hamiltonian. In both the systems, we find that the molecular anisotropy changes drastically when the single-ion anisotropies are rotated. While in Mn12Ac SMM D (M) values depend strongly on the spin of the eigenstate, it is almost independent of the spin of the eigenstate in Fe-8 SMM. We also find that the D (M)value is almost insensitive to the orientation of the anisotropy of the core Mn(IV) ions. The dependence of D (M) on the energy gap between the ground and the excited states in both the systems has also been studied by using different sets of exchange constants.


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Four hybrid algorithms has been developed for the solution of the unit commitment problem. They use simulated annealing as one of the constituent techniques, and produce lower cost schedules; two of them have less overhead than other soft computing techniques. They are also more robust to the choice of parameters. A special technique avoids the generating of infeasible schedules, and thus reduces computation time.


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This article draws on the design and implementation of three mobile learning projects introduced by Flanagan in 2011, 2012 and 2014 engaging a total of 206 participants. The latest of these projects is highlighted in this article. Two other projects provide additional examples of innovative strategies to engage mobile and cloud systems describing how electronic and mobile technology can help facilitate teaching and learning, assessment for learning and assessment as learning, and support communities of practice. The second section explains the theoretical premise supporting the implementation of technology and promulgates a hermeneutic phenomenological approach. The third section discusses mobility, both in terms of the exploration of wearable technology in the prototypes developed as a result of the projects, and the affordances of mobility within pedagogy. Finally the quantitative and qualitative methods in place to evaluate m-learning are explained.


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A generalized technique is proposed for modeling the effects of process variations on dynamic power by directly relating the variations in process parameters to variations in dynamic power of a digital circuit. The dynamic power of a 2-input NAND gate is characterized by mixed-mode simulations, to be used as a library element for 65mn gate length technology. The proposed methodology is demonstrated with a multiplier circuit built using the NAND gate library, by characterizing its dynamic power through Monte Carlo analysis. The statistical technique of Response. Surface Methodology (RSM) using Design of Experiments (DOE) and Least Squares Method (LSM), are employed to generate a "hybrid model" for gate power to account for simultaneous variations in multiple process parameters. We demonstrate that our hybrid model based statistical design approach results in considerable savings in the power budget of low power CMOS designs with an error of less than 1%, with significant reductions in uncertainty by atleast 6X on a normalized basis, against worst case design.


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Recommender systems aggregate individual user ratings into predictions of products or services that might interest visitors. The quality of this aggregation process crucially affects the user experience and hence the effectiveness of recommenders in e-commerce. We present a characterization of nearest-neighbor collaborative filtering that allows us to disaggregate global recommender performance measures into contributions made by each individual rating. In particular, we formulate three roles-scouts, promoters, and connectors-that capture how users receive recommendations, how items get recommended, and how ratings of these two types are themselves connected, respectively. These roles find direct uses in improving recommendations for users, in better targeting of items and, most importantly, in helping monitor the health of the system as a whole. For instance, they can be used to track the evolution of neighborhoods, to identify rating subspaces that do not contribute ( or contribute negatively) to system performance, to enumerate users who are in danger of leaving, and to assess the susceptibility of the system to attacks such as shilling. We argue that the three rating roles presented here provide broad primitives to manage a recommender system and its community.


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A hybrid computer for structure factor calculations in X-ray crystallography is described. The computer can calculate three-dimensional structure factors of up to 24 atoms in a single run and can generate the scatter functions of well over 100 atoms using Vand et al., or Forsyth and Wells approximations. The computer is essentially a digital computer with analog function generators, thus combining to advantage the economic data storage of digital systems and simple computing circuitry of analog systems. The digital part serially selects the data, computes and feeds the arguments into specially developed high precision digital-analog function generators, the outputs of which being d.c. voltages, are further processed by analog circuits and finally the sequential adder, which employs a novel digital voltmeter circuit, converts them back into digital form and accumulates them in a dekatron counter which displays the final result. The computer is also capable of carrying out 1-, 2-, or 3-dimensional Fourier summation, although in this case, the lack of sufficient storage space for the large number of coefficients involved, is a serious limitation at present.


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Most of the existing WCET estimation methods directly estimate execution time, ET, in cycles. We propose to study ET as a product of two factors, ET = IC * CPI, where IC is instruction count and CPI is cycles per instruction. Considering directly the estimation of ET may lead to a highly pessimistic estimate since implicitly these methods may be using worst case IC and worst case CPI. We hypothesize that there exists a functional relationship between CPI and IC such that CPI=f(IC). This is ascertained by computing the covariance matrix and studying the scatter plots of CPI versus IC. IC and CPI values are obtained by running benchmarks with a large number of inputs using the cycle accurate architectural simulator, Simplescalar on two different architectures. It is shown that the benchmarks can be grouped into different classes based on the CPI versus IC relationship. For some benchmarks like FFT, FIR etc., both IC and CPI are almost a constant irrespective of the input. There are other benchmarks that exhibit a direct or an inverse relationship between CPI and IC. In such a case, one can predict CPI for a given IC as CPI=f(IC). We derive the theoretical worst case IC for a program, denoted as SWIC, using integer linear programming(ILP) and estimate WCET as SWIC*f(SWIC). However, if CPI decreases sharply with IC then measured maximum cycles is observed to be a better estimate. For certain other benchmarks, it is observed that the CPI versus IC relationship is either random or CPI remains constant with varying IC. In such cases, WCET is estimated as the product of SWIC and measured maximum CPI. It is observed that use of the proposed method results in tighter WCET estimates than Chronos, a static WCET analyzer, for most benchmarks for the two architectures considered in this paper.


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We report a new protocol for the synthesis of M@rGO (M = Au, Pt, Pd, Ag and rGO = reduced graphene oxide) hybrid nanostructures at room temperature in Zn-acid medium. The roles of Zn-acid are to reduce the GO by generated hydrogen and the deposition of metal nanoparticles on rGO by galvanic replacement reaction between Zn and Mn+.


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We discuss the computational bottlenecks in molecular dynamics (MD) and describe the challenges in parallelizing the computation-intensive tasks. We present a hybrid algorithm using MPI (Message Passing Interface) with OpenMP threads for parallelizing a generalized MD computation scheme for systems with short range interatomic interactions. The algorithm is discussed in the context of nano-indentation of Chromium films with carbon indenters using the Embedded Atom Method potential for Cr-Cr interaction and the Morse potential for Cr-C interactions. We study the performance of our algorithm for a range of MPI-thread combinations and find the performance to depend strongly on the computational task and load sharing in the multi-core processor. The algorithm scaled poorly with MPI and our hybrid schemes were observed to outperform the pure message passing scheme, despite utilizing the same number of processors or cores in the cluster. Speed-up achieved by our algorithm compared favorably with that achieved by standard MD packages. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The highly modular nature of protein kinases generates diverse functional roles mediated by evolutionary events such as domain recombination, insertion and deletion of domains. Usually domain architecture of a kinase is related to the subfamily to which the kinase catalytic domain belongs. However outlier kinases with unusual domain architectures serve in the expansion of the functional space of the protein kinase family. For example, Src kinases are made-up of SH2 and SH3 domains in addition to the kinase catalytic domain. A kinase which lacks these two domains but retains sequence characteristics within the kinase catalytic domain is an outlier that is likely to have modes of regulation different from classical src kinases. This study defines two types of outlier kinases: hybrids and rogues depending on the nature of domain recombination. Hybrid kinases are those where the catalytic kinase domain belongs to a kinase subfamily but the domain architecture is typical of another kinase subfamily. Rogue kinases are those with kinase catalytic domain characteristic of a kinase subfamily but the domain architecture is typical of neither that subfamily nor any other kinase subfamily. This report provides a consolidated set of such hybrid and rogue kinases gleaned from six eukaryotic genomes-S. cerevisiae, D. melanogaster, C. elegans, M. musculus, T. rubripes and H. sapiens-and discusses their functions. The presence of such kinases necessitates a revisiting of the classification scheme of the protein kinase family using full length sequences apart from classical classification using solely the sequences of kinase catalytic domains. The study of these kinases provides a good insight in engineering signalling pathways for a desired output. Lastly, identification of hybrids and rogues in pathogenic protozoa such as P. falciparum sheds light on possible strategies in host-pathogen interactions.


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An abundance of spectrum access and sensing algorithms are available in the dynamic spectrum access (DSA) and cognitive radio (CR) literature. Often, however, the functionality and performance of such algorithms are validated against theoretical calculations using only simulations. Both the theoretical calculations and simulations come with their attendant sets of assumptions. For instance, designers of dynamic spectrum access algorithms often take spectrum sensing and rendezvous mechanisms between transmitter-receiver pairs for granted. Test bed designers, on the other hand, either customize so much of their design that it becomes difficult to replicate using commercial off the shelf (COTS) components or restrict themselves to simulation, emulation /hardware-in-Ioop (HIL), or pure hardware but not all three. Implementation studies on test beds sophisticated enough to combine the three aforementioned aspects, but at the same time can also be put together using COTS hardware and software packages are rare. In this paper we describe i) the implementation of a hybrid test bed using a previously proposed hardware agnostic system architecture ii) the implementation of DSA on this test bed, and iii) the realistic hardware and software-constrained performance of DSA. Snapshot energy detector (ED) and Cumulative Summation (CUSUM), a sequential change detection algorithm, are available for spectrum sensing and a two-way handshake mechanism in a dedicated control channel facilitates transmitter-receiver rendezvous.


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Hydrogen bonds in biological macromolecules play significant structural and functional roles. They are the key contributors to most of the interactions without which no living system exists. In view of this, a web-based computing server, the Hydrogen Bonds Computing Server (HBCS), has been developed to compute hydrogen-bond interactions and their standard deviations for any given macromolecular structure. The computing server is connected to a locally maintained Protein Data Bank (PDB) archive. Thus, the user can calculate the above parameters for any deposited structure, and options have also been provided for the user to upload a structure in PDB format from the client machine. In addition, the server has been interfaced with the molecular viewers Jmol and JSmol to visualize the hydrogen-bond interactions. The proposed server is freely available and accessible via the World Wide Web at http://bioserver1.physics.iisc.ernet.in/hbcs/.


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The discrete vortex method is not capable of precisely predicting the bluff body flow separation and the fine structure of flow field in the vicinity of the body surface. In order to make a theoretical improvement over the method and to reduce the difficulty in finite-difference solution of N-S equations at high Reynolds number, in the present paper, we suggest a new numerical simulation model and a theoretical method for domain decomposition hybrid combination of finite-difference method and vortex method. Specifically, the full flow. field is decomposed into two domains. In the region of O(R) near the body surface (R is the characteristic dimension of body), we use the finite-difference method to solve the N-S equations and in the exterior domain, we take the Lagrange-Euler vortex method. The connection and coupling conditions for flow in the two domains are established. The specific numerical scheme of this theoretical model is given. As a preliminary application, some numerical simulations for flows at Re=100 and Re-1000 about a circular cylinder are made, and compared with the finite-difference solution of N-S equations for full flow field and experimental results, and the stability of the solution against the change of the interface between the two domains is examined. The results show that the method of the present paper has the advantage of finite-difference solution for N-S equations in precisely predicting the fine structure of flow field, as well as the advantage of vortex method in efficiently computing the global characteristics of the separated flow. It saves computer time and reduces the amount of computation, as compared with pure N-S equation solution. The present method can be used for numerical simulation of bluff body flow at high Reynolds number and would exhibit even greater merit in that case.