995 resultados para examen oral


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Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (HED) is a rare disease of genetic etiology. The most frequent form is of recessive linked to X-chromosome inheritance with affected male and female carriers. It can occur through autosomal mutations, of the gene EDA1 gene being responsible for the majority of the cases. It is characterized by the triad: hypohidrosis, oligodontia and hypotrichosis. We present two cases of patients with HED in which we observed characteristic signs of this syndrome: delicate skin, sparce hair, eyebrows and eyelashes, periorbital wrinkles, perioral and periorbital hyperpigmentation, prominent lips, in addition the patient in case 2 also present the depressed nasal bridge. We also found decreased salivary and lacrimal secretion and maxillary hypoplasia in both cases. At the oral examination in case 1 the upper right and left deciduous canines and lower right deciduous canine were present, and in case 2 the upper and lower (right and left) deciduous canines and two upper (one right and other left) permanent incisors were present with altered morphology, all of these dental elements were healthy. The early dental treatment of patients with HED, especially in the presence of oligodontia, as observed in our cases, is important not only to provide a better quality of life for these patients in the short term, but also an attempt to minimize the changes in facial growth to which these patients are subject.


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Mucocele is a retention phenomenon from minor salivary gland caused by the excretory ducts rupture. This phenomenon may be caused by local trauma and its location is usually more frequent in the lower lip. Clinically, they appear as nodular lesions and may be exophytic and pedunculated. Histologically, this lesion can be classified as mucus extravasation phenomenon and mucus retention cyst. The treatments described in the literature are total lesion excision, marsupialization, cryosurgery, laser or micromarsupialização. To report a case of mucocele by mucus extravasation developed after a local trauma. A 7 years old Male was attended in the Pediatric Dentistry Clinic, Araçatuba School of Dentistry, complaining about the appearance of lesion in the lower lip since 40 days approximately. During clinical oral examination, it was observed that the lesion was pedunculated, nodular, fibrous to palpation, around 2 cm in diameter, similar in color to the surrounding mucosa, smoothly in surface, non-ulcerated and asymptomatic. As treatment, it was chosen the total lesion excision. Histopathology test confirmed the clinical diagnosis of: mucocele. Since mucocele is a frequent lesions in the oral cavity, it is extremely important that the professionals can to recognize this lesion (its pathogenesis and clinical features), to achieve a definitive diagnosis and perform an appropriate treatment.


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Verificar, aceptando o rechazando, la opinión de varios autores que llegan a afirmar que los malos lectores del castellano no se caracterizan por cometer de hecho muchos errores,mediante la información obtenida de un examen de la lectura de los sujetos que experimentan dificultades en la misma. Verificar la opinión de los niños hispanohablantes con problemas de lectura no se caracterizan por cometer muchos errores cuando leen. Lo más llamativo de estos es el hecho de leer muy lentamente, descifrando, incluso cuando tienen ya varios años de aprendizaje mediante la exploración de la lectura de los niños con dificultades en esta subárea del lenguaje. Determinar con que frecuencia se dan los diversos errores de lectura oral del español, y en que proporción aparecen unos y otros en los lectores normales y en los que tienen problemas de lectura.. La muestra total general consta de 411 casos, que distribuidos por niveles dan las siguientes cifras. 130 en segundo nivel.133 En el nivel tercero y 148 en el cuarto nivel. Hay una representación equilibrada de varones y mujeres en cada nivel.. Lectores normales y lectores deficientes. Pruebas de lectura oral del Tale.. La lectura de sílabas, la media de errores cometidos por los lectores flojos disminuye progresivamente y sin saltos bruscos a medida que se asciende en los grados escolares, siguiendo la misma tendencia que se observa en los lectores normales. Lectura de palabras, se observa el mismo proceso. Los grupos reducen armónica y progresivamente el promedio de sus errores de un año escolar al siguiente. Lectura de texto. No se aprecia un progreso constante a medida que se pasa de un curso al siguiente, como ocurre en el caso de los lectores normales. Los alumnos de los niños de segundo, tercero y cuarto, cuya lengua materna es el español que tienen dificultades en la lectura de su idioma, cometen en la lectura oral un promedio de errores que es significativamente más elevado que el promedio de errores que los lectores normales de esos niveles educativos. Los lectores deficientes de los tres niveles explorados tienen una velocidad lectora significativamente inferior que los grupos normativos en las pruebas de lectura de sílabas, palabras y de texto.. Los niños malos lectores cometen en lectura oral una media de errores que es significativamente más elevada que la de los deficientes normales, los mismos niveles educativos, en los malos lectores la velocidad en lectura oral es significativamente inferior a la de los lectores normales, pero no se puede afirmar que lo que caracrteriza a los malos lectores sea la lentitud de la lectura..


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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The plasma cell neoplasms may present in soft tissue as extramedullary plasmacytoma (EMP), in bone as a solitary plasmacytoma of bone (SPB), or as part of the multifocal disseminated disease multiple myeloma (MM). The EMP is rare, comprising around 3% of all plasma cell neoplasm. The majority (80%) occurs in the head and neck region. In this study we report a case of a man, 70 years old, melanoderm, with a lesion of the oral cavity. Upon physical examination, a lesion was found that extended throughout the posterior upper alveolar ridge, as far as the maxillary tuber on the left side, extending towards the palate. Radiographic examination, complementary laboratory exams were performed. Based on the conclusive symptoms of plasmacytoma, the patient was referred to the hematology service for treatment with local radiotherapy. The patient responded satisfactorily to the treatment, and after 15 months, all clinical symptoms of the lesion in the oral cavity had disappeared.


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Fundação do Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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With the development of information technology, the theory and methodology of complex network has been introduced to the language research, which transforms the system of language in a complex networks composed of nodes and edges for the quantitative analysis about the language structure. The development of dependency grammar provides theoretical support for the construction of a treebank corpus, making possible a statistic analysis of complex networks. This paper introduces the theory and methodology of the complex network and builds dependency syntactic networks based on the treebank of speeches from the EEE-4 oral test. According to the analysis of the overall characteristics of the networks, including the number of edges, the number of the nodes, the average degree, the average path length, the network centrality and the degree distribution, it aims to find in the networks potential difference and similarity between various grades of speaking performance. Through clustering analysis, this research intends to prove the network parameters’ discriminating feature and provide potential reference for scoring speaking performance.


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La investigación se realizó en la población con los adultos mayores del Asilo San Antonio y Casa de la Misericordia de la Ciudad de San Miguel, en el período de Junio a Julio de 2015. El Objetivo de la investigación fue aislar e identificar Candida albicans en muestras de la cavidad oral, mediante el uso del agar cromogénico de la población interna del Asilo San Antonio y Casa de la Misericordia de la Ciudad de San Miguel. El diseño metodológico es de tipo descriptivo, prospectivo, transversal, y de laboratorio, para el cual se tomaron 61 muestras de la cavidad oral de los internos en el Asilo San Antonio y Casa de la Misericordia de la Ciudad de San Miguel a través de un hisopado bucal con el que se realizó un examen directo al fresco con Solución Salina estéril al 0.85% en la búsqueda de levaduras; posteriormente se procedió a sembrar en el agar cromogénico Brilliance Candida, para observar el crecimiento de colonias verdes, las cuales indican la presencia de Candida albicans, como agente causal de Candidiasis oral. Resultados: De las 61 muestras procesadas a 26 se les aisló e identificó Candida albicas con un porcentaje de 42.7%. De los 22 adultos mayores que presentaban lesiones sugestivas a candidiasis oral a 20 se les aisló e identificó Candida albicans de los cuales 15 (88.2%) pertenecen al Asilo San Antonio y 5 (100%) pertenecen a la Casa de la Misericordia. De los 10 adultos mayores que reportaron que no practican el aseo bucal se les aisló e identificó Candida albicans a 3 (33.3%) de ellos que se encuentran en el Asilo San Antonio. A 5 internos que reportaron practicar algunas veces el aseo bucal también se les aisló e identificó Candida albicans, 4 (44.4%) pertenecen al Asilo San Antonio y 1 (50%) a la Casa de la Misericordia. De los 18 adultos mayores que usan prótesis dentales a 7 (53.8%) se les aisló e identificó Candida albicans en el Asilo San Antonio y en la Casa de la Misericordia a 5 (100%) internos se les aisló e identificó Candida albicans. De 35 adultos mayores que reportaron que usan antibiótico a 14 (46.7%) que se encuentran en el Asilo San Antonio se les aisló e identificó Candida albicans. Con respecto Casa de la Misericordia de los 5 (100%) que reportaron que usan antibiótico no se les aisló Candida albicans. En 16 (26.2%) muestras no se observó crecimiento de ninguna especie de Candida. Conclusiones: Se estudió a la población interna del Asilo San Antonio y Casa de La Misericordia debido a que los adultos mayores son vulnerables a las infecciones por hongos oportunistas ya que su sistema inmunológico se encuentra disminuido unido a una serie de factores predisponentes, como el uso de prótesis dentales, antibióticos, mal higiene bucal y diabetes. Mediante el uso del agar Brilliance Candida se logró diferenciar otras especies del género Candida como Candida tropicalis 26.2%, Candida krusei 3.3% y Candida glabrata 1.6%. De acuerdo a estos resultados y las conclusiones de la investigación se plantean algunas recomendaciones orientadas principalmente al personal de salud para brindar apoyo a este tipo de estudios.


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Police services in a number of Australian states and overseas jurisdictions have begun to implement or consider random road-side drug testing of drivers. This paper outlines research conducted to provide an estimate of the extent of drug driving in a sample of Queensland drivers in regional, rural and metropolitan areas. Oral fluid samples were collected from 2657 Queensland motorists and screened for illicit substances including cannabis (delta 9 tetrahydrocannibinol [THC]), amphetamines, ecstasy, and cocaine. Overall, 3.8% of the sample (n = 101) screened positive for at least one illicit substance, although multiple drugs were identified in a sample of 23 respondents. The most common drugs detected in oral fluid were ecstasy (n = 53), and cannabis (n = 46) followed by amphetamines (n = 23). A key finding was that cannabis was confirmed as the most common self-reported drug combined with driving and that individuals who tested positive to any drug through oral fluid analysis were also more likely to report the highest frequency of drug driving. Furthermore, a comparison between drug vs. drink driving detection rates for one region of the study, revealed a higher detection rate for drug driving (3.8%) vs. drink driving (0.8%). This research provides evidence that drug driving is relatively prevalent on Queensland roads, and may in fact be more common than drink driving. This paper will further outline the study findings’ and present possible directions for future drug driving research.


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Despite an ostensibly technology-driven society, the ability to communicate orally is still seen as an essential ability for students at school and university, as it is for graduates in the workplace. The need to develop effective oral communication skills is often tied to future work-related tasks. One tangible way that educators have assessed proficiency in this area is through prepared oral presentations. While some use the terms oral communication and oral presentation interchangeably, other writers question the role more formal presentations play in the overall development of oral communication skills. Adding to the discussion, this paper is part of a larger study examining the knowledge and skills students bring into the academy from previous educational experiences. The study examines some of the teaching and assessment methods used in secondary schools to develop oral communication skills through the use of formal oral presentations. Specifically, it will look at assessment models and how these are used as a form of instruction as well as how they contribute to an accurate evaluation of student abilities. The purpose of this paper is to explore key terms and identify tensions between expectations and practice. Placing the emphasis on the ‘oral’ aspect of this form of communication this paper will particularly look at the ‘delivery’ element of the process.


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Objective: To examine the impact on dental utilisation following the introduction of a participating provider scheme (Regional and Rural Oral Health Program {RROHP)). In this model dentists receive higher third party payments from a private health insurance fund for delivering an agreed range of preventive and diagnostic benefits at no out-ofpocket cost to insured patients. Data source/Study setting: Hospitals Contribution Fund of Australia (HCF) dental claims for all members resident in New South Wales over the six financial years from l99811999 to 200312004. Study design: This cohort study involves before and after analyses of dental claims experience over a six year period for approximately 81,000 individuals in the intervention group (HCF members resident in regional and rural New South Wales, Australia) and 267,000 in the control group (HCF members resident in the Sydney area). Only claims for individuals who were members of HCF at 31 December 1997 were included. The analysis groups claims into the three years prior to the establishment of the RROHP and the three years subsequent to implementation. Data collection/Extraction methods: The analysis is based on all claims submitted by users of services for visits between 1 July 1988 and 30 June 2004. In these data approximately 1,000,000 services were provided to the intervention group and approximately 4,900,000 in the control group. Principal findings: Using Statistical Process Control (SPC) charts, special cause variation was identified in total utilisation rate of private dental services in the intervention group post implementation. No such variation was present in the control group. On average in the three years after implementation of the program the utilisation rate of dental services by regional and rural residents of New South Wales who where members of HCF grew by 12.6%, over eight times the growth rate of 1.5% observed in the control group (HCF members who were Sydney residents). The differences were even more pronounced in the areas of service that were the focus of the program: diagnostic and preventive services. Conclusion: The implementation of a benefit design change, a participating provider scheme, that involved the removal of CO-payments on a defined range of preventive and diagnostic dental services combined with the establishment and promotion of a network of dentists, appears to have had a marked impact on HCF members' utilisation of dental services in regional and rural New South Wales, Australia.


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The incidence and mortality of oral cancer in Taiwanese men have increased over the past decade, primarily associated with a surge in the popularity of betel quid chewing. The aim of this study was to examine the experience of six Taiwanese men with oral cancer, who were aged between 40 and 60 years, using a qualitative approach. The three major themes emerging from the data include: (i) understanding the cancer diagnosis; (ii) the challenges of cancer treatment; and (iii) adapting to difference. Increasing nurses' understanding of the experiential aspects of oral cancer in this population is required if nurses are to develop successful health promotion programmes and nursing interventions to meet these patients' needs.