96 resultados para eukaryote


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The mechanism of energy converting NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex 1) is Still unknown. A current controversy centers around the question whether electron transport of complex I is always linked to vectorial proton translocation or whether in some organisms the enzyme pumps sodium ions instead. To develop better experimental tools to elucidate its mechanism, we have reconstituted the affinity purified enzyme into proteoliposomes and monitored the generation of Delta pH and Delta psi. We tested several detergents to solubilize the asolectin used for liposome formation. Tightly coupled proteoliposomes containing highly active complex I were obtained by detergent removal with BioBeads after total solubilization or the phospholipids with n-octyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside. We have used dyes to monitor the formation of the two components of the proton motive force, Delta pH and Delta psi, across the liposomal membrane, and analyzed the effects of inhibitors, uncouplers and ionophores on this process. We show that electron transfer of complex I of the lower eukaryote Y. lipolytica is clearly linked to proton translocation. While this study was not specifically designed to demonstrate possible additional sodium translocating properties of complex 1, we did not find indications for primary or secondary Na+ translocation by Y lipolytica complex I. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The 5' cap structures of higher eukaryote mRNAs have ribose 2'-O-methylation. Likewise, many viruses that replicate in the cytoplasm of eukaryotes have evolved 2'-O-methyltransferases to autonomously modify their mRNAs. However, a defined biological role for 2'-O-methylation of mRNA remains elusive. Here we show that 2'-O-methylation of viral mRNA was critically involved in subverting the induction of type I interferon. We demonstrate that human and mouse coronavirus mutants lacking 2'-O-methyltransferase activity induced higher expression of type I interferon and were highly sensitive to type I interferon. Notably, the induction of type I interferon by viruses deficient in 2'-O-methyltransferase was dependent on the cytoplasmic RNA sensor Mda5. This link between Mda5-mediated sensing of viral RNA and 2'-O-methylation of mRNA suggests that RNA modifications such as 2'-O-methylation provide a molecular signature for the discrimination of self and non-self mRNA.


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The IQ-motif is an amphipathic, often positively charged, a-helical, calmodulin binding sequence found in a number of eukaryote signalling, transport and cytoskeletal proteins. They share common biophysical characteristics with established, cationic a-helical antimicrobial peptides, such as the human cathelicidin LL-37. Therefore, we tested eight peptides encoding the sequences of IQ-motifs derived from the human cytoskeletal scaffolding proteins IQGAP2 and IQGAP3. Some of these peptides were able to inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus with minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) comparable to LL-37. In addition some IQ-motifs had activity against the fungus Candida albicans. This antimicrobial activity is combined with low haemolytic activity (comparable to, or lower than, that of LL-37). Those IQ-motifs with anti-microbial activity tended to be able to bind to lipopolysaccharide. Some of these were also able to permeabilise the cell membranes of both Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. These results demonstrate that IQ-motifs are viable lead sequences for the identification and optimisation of novel anti-microbial peptides. Thus, further investigation of the anti-microbial properties of this diverse group of sequences is merited.


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Background: In recent years, various types of cellular networks have penetrated biology and are nowadays used omnipresently for studying eukaryote and prokaryote organisms. Still, the relation and the biological overlap among phenomenological and inferential gene networks, e.g., between the protein interaction network and the gene regulatory network inferred from large-scale transcriptomic data, is largely unexplored.

Results: We provide in this study an in-depth analysis of the structural, functional and chromosomal relationship between a protein-protein network, a transcriptional regulatory network and an inferred gene regulatory network, for S. cerevisiae and E. coli. Further, we study global and local aspects of these networks and their biological information overlap by comparing, e.g., the functional co-occurrence of Gene Ontology terms by exploiting the available interaction structure among the genes.

Conclusions: Although the individual networks represent different levels of cellular interactions with global structural and functional dissimilarities, we observe crucial functions of their network interfaces for the assembly of protein complexes, proteolysis, transcription, translation, metabolic and regulatory interactions. Overall, our results shed light on the integrability of these networks and their interfacing biological processes.


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Since a key requirement of known life forms is available water (water activity; aw), recent searches for signatures of past life in terrestrial and extraterrestrial environments have targeted places known to have contained significant quantities of biologically available water. However, early life on Earth inhabited high-salt environments, suggesting an ability to withstand low water-activity. The lower limit of water activity that enables cell division appears to be ∼ 0.605 which, until now, was only known to be exhibited by a single eukaryote, the sugar-tolerant, fungal xerophile Xeromyces bisporus. The first forms of life on Earth were, though, prokaryotic. Recent evidence now indicates that some halophilic Archaea and Bacteria have water-activity limits more or less equal to those of X. bisporus. We discuss water activity in relation to the limits of Earth's present-day biosphere; the possibility of microbial multiplication by utilizing water from thin, aqueous films or non-liquid sources; whether prokaryotes were the first organisms able to multiply close to the 0.605-aw limit; and whether extraterrestrial aqueous milieux of ≥ 0.605 aw can resemble fertile microbial habitats found on Earth.


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The bacterial community composition and biomass abundance from a depositional mud belt in the western Irish Sea and regional sands were investigated by phospholipid ester-linked fatty acid profiling, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and barcoded pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA genes. The study area varied by water depth (12-111 m), organic carbon content (0.09-1.57% TOC), grain size, hydrographic regime (well-mixed vs. stratified), and water column phytodetrital input (represented by algal polyunsaturated PLFA). The relative abundance of bacterial-derived PLFA (sum of methyl-branched, cyclopropyl and odd-carbon number PLFA) was positively correlated with fine-grained sediment, and was highest in the depositional mud belt. A strong association between bacterial biomass and eukaryote primary production was suggested based on observed positive correlations with total nitrogen and algal polyunsaturated fatty acids. In addition, 16S rRNA genes affiliated to the classes Clostridia and Flavobacteria represented a major proportion of total 16S rRNA gene sequences. This suggests that benthic bacterial communities are also important degraders of phytodetrital organic matter and closely coupled to water column productivity in the western Irish Sea.


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La régulation de la transcription est l‟un des processus cellulaires des plus fondamentaux et constitue la première étape menant à l‟expression protéique. Son altération a des effets sur l‟homéostasie cellulaire et est associée au développement de maladies telles que le cancer. Il est donc crucial de comprendre les règles fondamentales de la fonction cellulaire afin de mieux cibler les traitements pour les maladies. La transcription d‟un gène peut se produire selon l‟un des deux modes fondamentaux de transcription : en continu ou en burst. Le premier est décrit comme un processus aléatoire et stochastique qui suit une distribution de Poisson. À chaque initiation de la transcription, indépendante de la précédente, un seul transcrit est produit. L‟expression en burst se produit lorsque le promoteur est activé pour une courte période de temps pendant laquelle plusieurs transcrits naissants sont produits. Apportant la plus grande variabilité au sein d‟une population isogénique, il est représenté par une distribution bimodale, où une sous-population n‟exprime pas le gène en question, alors que le reste de la population l‟exprime fortement. Les gènes des eucaryotes inférieurs sont pour la plupart exprimés de manière continuelle, alors que les gènes des eucaryotes supérieurs le sont plutôt en burst. Le but de ce projet est d‟étudier comment l‟expression des gènes a évolué et si la transcription aléatoire, ou de Poisson, est une propriété des eucaryotes inférieurs et si ces patrons ont changé avec la complexité des organismes et des génomes. Par la technique de smFISH, nous avons étudié de manière systématique quatre gènes évolutivement conservés (mdn1+, PRP8/spp42+, pol1+ et cdc13+) qui sont continuellement transcrits dans la levure S. cerevisiae. Nous avons observé que le mode d‟expression est gène-et-organisme spécifique puisque prp8 est exprimé de manière continuelle dans la levure S. pombe, alors que les autres gènes seraient plutôt exprimés en légers burst.


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La sélénocystéine est le 21e acide aminé encodé génétiquement et on la retrouve à travers les trois domaines de la vie. Elle est synthétisée sur l'ARNtSec par un processus unique. L'ARNtSec se distingue également au niveau structural. La tige acceptrice possède 8 (procaryotes) et 9 (eucaryotes) paires de bases, contrairement aux ARNt canoniques qui ont invariablement 7 paires de bases dans la tige acceptrice. De plus, la tige D a 2 paires de bases additionnelles qui remplacent les interactions tertiaires universelles 8-14, 15-48 qui sont absentes chez l'ARNtSec. D'autre part, la longueur de la boucle variable de l'ARNtSec est plus longue que la majorité des ARNt de type II. Dans ce mémoire, on se concentre sur la région de la boucle variable de l'ARNtSec . La recherche consiste à distinguer les paires de bases de la boucle variable qui sont essentielles à la biosynthèse et l’insertion de la sélénocystéine. De plus, on regarde si la paire de base additionnelle de la tige acceptrice de l'ARNtSec (procaryote) est essentielle pour l'insertion de la sélénocystéine. Pour répondre à ces questions, on a utilisé l'approche expérimentale Évolution Instantanée qui consiste au criblage in vivo d'ARNtSec fonctionnels chez E. coli. Dans ce travail, on montre que l'insertion de la sélénocystéine ne nécessite pas une spécificité de la longueur ou de la séquence de l'ARNtSec. On montre aussi que ni la longueur de la tige acceptrice ou du domaine tige acceptrice/tige T n'est essentielle pour avoir un ARNtSec fonctionnel.


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Les introns sont des portions de gènes transcrites dans l’ARN messager, mais retirées pendant l’épissage avant la synthèse des produits du gène. Chez les eucaryotes, on rencontre les introns splicéosomaux, qui sont retirés de l’ARN messager par des splicéosomes. Les introns permettent plusieurs processus importants, tels que l'épissage alternatif, la dégradation des ARNs messagers non-sens, et l'encodage d'ARNs fonctionnels. Leurs rôles nous interrogent sur l'influence de la sélection naturelle sur leur évolution. Nous nous intéressons aux mutations qui peuvent modifier les produits d'un gène en changeant les sites d'épissage des introns. Ces mutations peuvent influencer le fonctionnement d'un organisme, et constituent donc un sujet d'étude intéressant, mais il n'existe actuellement pas de logiciels permettant de les étudier convenablement. Le but de notre projet était donc de concevoir une méthode pour détecter et analyser les changements des sites d'épissage des introns splicéosomaux. Nous avons finalement développé une méthode qui repère les évènements évolutifs qui affectent les introns splicéosomaux dans un jeu d'espèces données. La méthode a été exécutée sur un ensemble d'espèces d'oomycètes. Plusieurs évènements détectés ont changé les sites d’épissage et les protéines, mais de nombreux évènements trouvés ont modifié les introns sans affecter les produits des gènes. Il manque à notre méthode une étape finale d'analyse approfondie des données récoltées. Cependant, la méthode actuelle est facilement reproductible et automatise l'analyse des génomes pour la détection des évènements. Les fichiers produits peuvent ensuite être analysés dans chaque étude pour répondre à des questions spécifiques.


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Background: We report an analysis of a protein network of functionally linked proteins, identified from a phylogenetic statistical analysis of complete eukaryotic genomes. Phylogenetic methods identify pairs of proteins that co-evolve on a phylogenetic tree, and have been shown to have a high probability of correctly identifying known functional links. Results: The eukaryotic correlated evolution network we derive displays the familiar power law scaling of connectivity. We introduce the use of explicit phylogenetic methods to reconstruct the ancestral presence or absence of proteins at the interior nodes of a phylogeny of eukaryote species. We find that the connectivity distribution of proteins at the point they arise on the tree and join the network follows a power law, as does the connectivity distribution of proteins at the time they are lost from the network. Proteins resident in the network acquire connections over time, but we find no evidence that 'preferential attachment' - the phenomenon of newly acquired connections in the network being more likely to be made to proteins with large numbers of connections - influences the network structure. We derive a 'variable rate of attachment' model in which proteins vary in their propensity to form network interactions independently of how many connections they have or of the total number of connections in the network, and show how this model can produce apparent power-law scaling without preferential attachment. Conclusion: A few simple rules can explain the topological structure and evolutionary changes to protein-interaction networks: most change is concentrated in satellite proteins of low connectivity and small phenotypic effect, and proteins differ in their propensity to form attachments. Given these rules of assembly, power law scaled networks naturally emerge from simple principles of selection, yielding protein interaction networks that retain a high-degree of robustness on short time scales and evolvability on longer evolutionary time scales.


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The 5'-cap-structures of higher eukaryote mRNAs are ribose 2'-O-methylated. Likewise, a number of viruses replicating in the cytoplasm of eukayotes have evolved 2'-O-methyltransferases to modify autonomously their mRNAs. However, a defined biological role of mRNA 2'-O-methylation remains elusive. Here we show that viral mRNA 2'-O-methylation is critically involved in subversion of type-I-interferon (IFN-I) induction. We demonstrate that human and murine coronavirus 2'-O-methyltransferase mutants induce increased IFN-I expression, and are highly IFN-I sensitive. Importantly, IFN-I induction by 2'-O-methyltransferase-deficient viruses is dependent on the cytoplasmic RNA sensor melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5 (MDA5). This link between MDA5-mediated sensing of viral RNA and mRNA 2'-O-methylation suggests that RNA modifications, such as 2'-O-methylation, provide a molecular signature for the discrimination of self and non-self mRNA.


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Inositol levels, maintained by the biosynthetic enzyme inositol-3-phosphate synthase (Ino1), are altered in a range of disorders including bipolar disorder and Alzheimer's disease. To date, most inositol studies have focused on the molecular and cellular effects of inositol depletion without considering Ino1 levels. Here we employ a simple eukaryote, Dictyostelium, to demonstrate distinct effects of loss of Ino1 and inositol depletion. We show that loss of Ino1 results in inositol auxotrophy that can only be partially rescued by exogenous inositol. Removal of inositol supplementation from the ino1- mutant results in a rapid 56% reduction in inositol levels, triggering the induction of autophagy, reduced cytokinesis and substrate adhesion. Inositol depletion also caused a dramatic generalised decrease in phosphoinositide levels that was rescued by inositol supplementation. However, loss of Ino1 triggered broad metabolic changes consistent with the induction of a catabolic state that was not rescued by inositol supplementation. These data suggest a metabolic role for Ino1 independent of inositol biosynthesis. To characterise this role, an Ino1 binding partner containing SEL1L1 domains (Q54IX5) was identified with homology to mammalian macromolecular complex adaptor proteins. Our findings therefore identify a new role for Ino1, independent of inositol biosynthesis, with broad effects on cell metabolism.


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Purpose: The interference of electric fields (EF) with biological processes is an issue of considerable interest. No studies have as yet been reported on the combined effect of EF plus ionising radiation. Here we report studies on this combined effect using the prokaryote Microcystis panniformis, the eukaryote Candida albicans and human cells. Materials and methods: Cultures of Microcystis panniformis (Cyanobacteria) in glass tubes were irradiated with doses in the interval 0.5-5kGy, using a 60Co gamma source facility. Samples irradiated with 3kGy were exposed for 2h to a 20Vcm-1 static electric field and viable cells were enumerated. Cultures of Candida albicans were incubated at 36C for 20h, gamma-irradiated with doses from 1-4kGy, and submitted to an electric field of 180Vcm-1. Samples were examined under a fluorescence microscope and the number of unviable (red) and viable (apple green fluorescence) cells was determined. For crossing-check purposes, MRC5 strain of lung cells were irradiated with 2 Gy, exposed to an electric field of 1250 V/cm, incubated overnight with the anti-body anti-phospho-histone H2AX and examined under a fluorescence microscope to quantify nuclei with -H2AX foci. Results: In cells exposed to EF, death increased substantially compared to irradiation alone. In C. albicans we observed suppression of the DNA repair shoulder. The effect of EF in growth of M. panniformis was substantial; the number of surviving cells on day-2 after irradiation was 12 times greater than when an EF was applied. By the action of a static electric field on the irradiated MRC5 cells the number of nuclei with -H2AX foci increased 40%, approximately. Conclusions: Application of an EF following irradiation greatly increases cell death. The observation that the DNA repair shoulder in the survival curve of C. albicans is suppressed when cells are exposed to irradiation+EF suggests that EF likely inactivate cellular recovering processes. The result for the number of nuclei with -H2AX foci in MRC5 cells indicates that an EF interferes mostly in the DNA repair mechanisms. A molecular ad-hoc model is proposed.


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Selenoproteins are characterized by the incorporation of at least one amino acid selenocysteine (Sec-U) encoded by in-frame UGA stop codons. These proteins, as well as the components of the Sec synthesis pathway, are present in members of the bacteria, archaea and eukaryote domains. Although not a ubiquitous pathway in all organisms, it was also identified in several protozoa, including the Kinetoplastida. Genetic evidence has indicated that the pathway is non-essential to the survival of Trypanosoma growing in non-stressed conditions. By analyzing the effects of RNA interference of the Trypanosoma brucei selenophosphate synthetase SPS2, we found a requirement under sub-optimal growth conditions. The present work shows that SPS2 is involved in oxidative stress protection of the parasite and its absence severely hampers the parasite survival in the presence of an oxidizing environment that results in an apoptotic-like phenotype and cell death. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The phylogeny is one of the main activities of the modern taxonomists and a way to reconstruct the history of the life through comparative analysis of these sequences stored in their genomes aimed find any justification for the origin or evolution of them. Among the sequences with a high level of conservation are the genes of repair because it is important for the conservation and maintenance of genetic stability. Hence, variations in repair genes, as the genes of the nucleotide excision repair (NER), may indicate a possible gene transfer between species. This study aimed to examine the evolutionary history of the components of the NER. For this, sequences of UVRA, UVRB, UVRC and XPB were obtained from GenBank by Blast-p, considering 10-15 as cutoff to create a database. Phylogenetic studies were done using algorithms in PAUP programs, BAYES and PHYLIP package. Phylogenetic trees were build with protein sequences and with sequences of 16S ribosomal RNA for comparative analysis by the methods of parsimony, likelihood and Bayesian. The XPB tree shows that archaeal´s XPB helicases are similar to eukaryotic helicases. According to this data, we infer that the eukaryote nucleotide excision repair system had appeared in Archaea. At UVRA, UVRB and UVRC trees was found a monophyletic group formed by three species of epsilonproteobacterias class, three species of mollicutes class and archaeabacterias of Methanobacteria and Methanococci classes. This information is supported by a tree obtained with the proteins, UVRA, UVRB and UVRC concatenated. Thus, although there are arguments in the literature defending the horizontal transfer of the system uvrABC of bacteria to archaeabacterias, the analysis made in this study suggests that occurred a vertical transfer, from archaeabacteria, of both the NER genes: uvrABC and XPs. According the parsimony, this is the best way because of the occurrence of monophyletic groups, the time of divergence of classes and number of archaeabacterias species with uvrABC system