86 resultados para etnomatemática
This research aims to present the Ethnomathematics Program, created by D'Ambrosio (1984), as a proposal for the teaching of mathematics, making it contextualized, meaningful and a program able to form critical and creative citizens, capable of transform reality. By presenting from Ethnomathematics perspective the conception of the activities, scholar curriculum and current evaluation system, a possibility of innovation on nowadays education system is opened, a system that is characterized by D'Ambrosio as obsolete. For the implementation of this proposal, a change on the teacher's attitude appears as necessary, a new attitude that makes active interferences during the learning process, and uses previous knowledge acquired by the student throughout their experiences as a starting point on teaching process. The approach between Ethnomathematics perspective and Mathematics Program provides a better opportunity for the students to construct mathematical knowledge. It is important to emphasize that the Ethnomathematics is as an interdisciplinary as a transdisciplinary program, which means that the Program is not restricted just for education and development of mathematics
This work aims to raise the possibilities of the use of the Ethnomathematics in the teaching of school mathematics, especially in aspects related to socio-cultural issues, in view of its universal character and its importance for the understanding of mathematics as a human construction. The teaching of mathematics is influenced by a belief that mathematics is only for the intelligent. With this, she assumes, consciously or unconsciously, a characteristic of social segregation and intellectual who has served as domination of the masses. Thus, this study may contribute to the teacher entered the school environment offering you one more tool in an attempt to succeed in the teaching and learning. We have forwarded this research in the theoretical literature, gathering input for the near future we can verify their efficacy or, more daring, we can contribute to an educational proposal that has as a prerequisite to sociocultural factors that underlie the teaching and learning of mathematics and that it will meet the real needs of the population
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Se analizan aquí las razones de por qué la Etnomatemática ha tenido tan poca receptividad en los procesos de formación inicial de los profesores de matemáticas en Colombia. Se aplicó una encuesta con preguntas abiertas a diversos profesores de universidades que ofrecen los programas de Licenciatura en Matemáticas (LM) o Licenciatura en Educación Básica con énfasis en Matemáticas (LEBEM). Entre los hallazgos se encontró que las justificaciones para su integración tienen que ver con: la diversidad étnica, aporte de la Etnomatemática a ampliar la mirada sobre la naturaleza de las matemáticas y las relaciones entre la Etnomatemática, la educación matemática y la didáctica de las matemáticas. Por otro lado, los obstáculos encontrados para la no integración de la etnomatemática a los programas de LM y LEBEM tienen que ver con: la matematización del currículo, la falta de recurso humano formado en Etnomatemática y la tensión administrativa.
The aim of this present work is investigating the interest and motivation for learning, awakened in pupils when the educator practice is guided by the ethnomathematics perspective. The main question is: Can an ethnomathematic approach awaken enthusiasm in pupils, causing it to become more critic and active in building their knowledge? The methodology that guides the investigation is qualitative, based on technical arising of the ethnographic case study. Theoretical contributions that support the investigation are from the scientific methodology and from ethnomathematics. The research material is composed by: researcher’s field diary, audio recording of participant observation, interviews reports of community residents and students parents, highlighting the material produced by students. This study was developed on an 8º year of high school of rural community. During the work were prioritized the ethnomathematics concepts of the Ethnomathematic Program, which establish a link exchange, where the lecturers inserts themselves on the reality of pupils in a way that promote an appreciation of their identity and a commitment to their learning. The educator investigates and values the ideas of pupils throughout dialogues. There are challenges for the application of education with ethno mathematic perspective, pointed out by authors, listed and supplemented in the research. In this context, it is believed that the socio-cultural knowledge must be respect, and as they are understood their specialties, capabilities and characteristics, this can guide teaching practice, making significant process for pupils, providing appropriation of scientific knowledge. Analysis of research practice indicated that students, research subjects, when they decided contextual issues, with their way of life, felt appreciated. The conclusion is that, with continuous action of contextualized of school mathematics, from the recognition of the environment and of cultural identity, the educator has the opportunity of review their own participant condition, and therefore promote an enthusiasm for learning. Because a motivated pupil becomes active, since that the all project is guided in a significant theme.
En este artículo, presento las ideas del profesor Ubiratan D’Ambrosio sobre la Etnomatemática, sus objetivos, su metodología, la relación entre Etnomatemática y Educación Matemática, la enseñanza de las matemáticas en aulas multiculturales, y sus comentarios sobre una caracterización de los trabajos de investigación en Etnomatemática realizados en Colombia. Caracterización publicada en: Blanco, H. La Etnomatemática en Colombia. Un programa en construcción. BOLEMA, año 19, No. 26. 2006. Esta entrevista fue realizada el sábado, 20 de marzo de 2004 en el VI Congreso de Historia de las Ciencias y la Tecnología. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
En este artículo, se presentan las ideas del profesor Alan Bishop sobre la Etnomatemática, sus objetivos, su metodología, la relación entre Etnomatemática y Educación Matemática y la enseñanza de las matemáticas en aulas multiculturales. Esta entrevista fue realizada el miércoles, 29 de noviembre de 2006 en el Seminario de formación avanzada: tres fases básicas en un estudio de investigación doctoral en educación. Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Bogotá, Colombia.
Este proyecto indagó sobre las relaciones de género entre las y los profesores y las y los estudiantes en el aula de matemáticas, y cómo éstas influyen en el desempeño académico de ellos y ellas. Esta investigación se realizó en dos instituciones mixtas de la ciudad de San Juan de Pasto, y la información fue recolectada por medio de entrevistas y observaciones dentro del aula de clase, las cuales se analizaron desde un punto de vista cualitativo y cuantitativo. Finalmente, se espera que esta investigación contribuya a crear conciencia sobre esta problemática y a mejorar las relaciones en el salón de clase de matemáticas entre docentes y estudiantes, tomando en cuenta las diferencias de género.
Symmetrical Freedom Quilts may be considered as links between mathematics, history, ethnomathematics, and the art of quilting. A quilt theme is a pedagogical way to integrate mathematics, art, and history in an interdisciplinary approach. This article combines an ethnomathematical-historical perspective by elaborating a history project related to the Underground Railroad. This work will allow teachers to develop classroom projects that help students to better understand geometry, especially concepts of symmetry and transformations. One of the objectives of this project is to stimulate student’s creativity and interest, because quilts may be considered as cultural and mathematical expressions of student’s daily life.
Dai ethnic mathematical culture is an important part of Dai ethnic culture. Mathematical elements show in their daily life. Through a research project of the Yunnan Dehong Dai people in southwest China, We collected the first-hand information, tried to do a small investigative study, and collected mathematics teaching resources that is useful to primary and secondary schools students on mathematics learning in this minority areas. Keyword: Dai ethnic; Mathematical culture; Primary and secondary schools; Teaching resources.
Reflexôes sobre discriminacâo étnico-racial e práctica docente em matemática: uma experiência na eja
El presente artículo tiene como objetivo presentar los resultados de la investigación realizada con alumnos jóvenes y adultos en una escuela pública en la ciudad de Uberlandia/MG (Brasil), tratando de reflexionar y aprender a percibir la presencia de conocimientos africanos en matemáticas por manifestaciones de tradiciones afro-brasileñas, además de identificar que los estudiantes contemplando la cuestión de la raza, apodos y la imagen que tienen de las matemáticas y de las tradiciones afro-brasileñas, con miras a desarrollar una educación enraizada en los fundamentos de nociones, que busca reforzar la producción de conocimientos matemáticos a otros grupos sociales para una matemática crítica e incluyente. La encuesta también trató de contribuir al desarrollo de acciones educativas basadas en la ley brasileña 10.639/03. La enseñanza de las matemáticas, teniendo debidamente en cuenta los cultivos afro brasileños también tienen mucho que contribuir a la comprensión del mundo como una posibilidad para desarrollar valores y ampliar conceptos.
Atualmente, a escola vive sempre procurando acompanhar as constantes transformações do mundo “globalizado”, e isso se transforma numa luta, às vezes desigual, pela conquista do universo dos estudantes tão bombardeado de novidades audiovisuais e eletrônicas. Neste trabalho, mostra‐se como a partir do estudo do meio, foi possível despertar o interesse de estudantes brasileiros do ensino médio pela Geometria presente na construção da maloca de indígenas Uitoto da Amazônia colombiana. Mostra também, que além dos meios tecnológicos disponíveis, o professor de matemática pode utilizar os recursos existentes na comunidade ou na própria escola como objeto de ensino atrativo, pois tudo depende da forma como este objeto irá ser usado.
Este artículo tiene como objeto de investigación el aprendizaje y como objeto matemático el concepto de función con estudiantes sordos de educación básica y media, con el propósito de mostrar cómo el problema social y cultural que tiene esta población para el aprendizaje de las matemáticas puede ser minimizado mediante la intervención del profesor, a partir de secuencias didácticas de enseñanza y la asistencia de un entorno informático. Para ello, se ha utilizado como marco teórico las situaciones didácticas de Brousseau y los registros de representación semiótica de Duval, y como metodología la Ingeniería didáctica.
Ethnomathematical research, together with digital technologies (WebQuest) and Drama-in- Education (DiE) techniques, can create a fruitful learning environment in a mathematics classroom—a hybrid/third space—enabling increased student participation and higher levels of cognitive engagement. This article examines how ethnomathematical ideas processed within the experiential environment established by the Drama-in-Education techniques challenged students‘ conceptions of the nature of mathematics, the ways in which students engaged with mathematics learning using mind and body, and the ̳dialogue‘ that was developed between the Discourse situated in a particular practice and the classroom Discourse of mathematics teaching. The analysis focuses on an interdisciplinary project based on an ethnomathematical study of a designing tradition carried out by the researchers themselves, involving a search for informal mathematics and the connections with context and culture; 10th grade students in a public school in Athens were introduced to the mathematics content via an original WebQuest based on this previous ethnomathematical study; Geometry content was further introduced and mediated using the Drama-in-Education (DiE) techniques. Students contributed in an unfolding dialogue between formal and informal knowledge, renegotiating both mathematical concepts and their perception of mathematics as a discipline.
Resumen tomado de la publicación en catalán. Este artículo forma parte del monográfico 'Etnomatemàtiques: matemàtica per a la diversitat'