38 resultados para emittance


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In this work, we present a theoretical study of the propagation of electromagnetic waves in multilayer structures called Photonic Crystals. For this purpose, we investigate the phonon-polariton band gaps in periodic and quasi-periodic (Fibonacci-type) multilayers made up of both positive and negative refractive index materials in the terahertz (THz) region. The behavior of the polaritonic band gaps as a function of the multilayer period is investigated systematically. We use a theoretical model based on the formalism of transfer matrix in order to simplify the algebra involved in obtaining the dispersion relation of phonon-polaritons (bulk and surface modes). We also present a quantitative analysis of the results, pointing out the distribution of the allowed polaritonic bandwidths for high Fibonacci generations, which gives good insight about their localization and power laws. We calculate the emittance spectrum of the electromagnetic radiation, in THZ frequency, normally and obliquely incident (s and p polarized modes) on a one-dimensional multilayer structure composed of positive and negative refractive index materials organized periodically and quasi-periodically. We model the negative refractive index material by a effective medium whose electric permittivity is characterized by a phonon-polariton frequency dependent dielectric function, while for the magnetic permeability we have a Drude like frequency-dependent function. Similarity to the one-dimensional photonic crystal, this layered effective medium, called polaritonic Crystals, allow us the control of the electromagnetic propagation, generating regions named polaritonic bandgap. The emittance spectra are determined by means of a well known theoretical model based on Kirchoff s second law, together with a transfer matrix formalism. Our results shows that the omnidirectional band gaps will appear in the THz regime, in a well defined interval, that are independent of polarization in periodic case as well as in quasiperiodic case


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Optical transition radiation (OTR) plays an important role in beam diagnostics for high energy particle accelerators. Its linear intensity with beam current is a great advantage as compared to fluorescent screens, which are subject to saturation. Moreover, the measurement of the angular distribution of the emitted radiation enables the determination of many beam parameters in a single observation point. However, few works deals with the application of OTR to monitor low energy beams. In this work we describe the design of an OTR based beam monitor used to measure the transverse beam charge distribution of the 1.9-MeV electron beam of the linac injector of the IFUSP microtron using a standard vision machine camera. The average beam current in pulsed operation mode is of the order of tens of nano-Amps. Low energy and low beam current make OTR observation difficult. To improve sensitivity, the beam incidence angle on the target was chosen to maximize the photon flux in the camera field-of-view. Measurements that assess OTR observation (linearity with beam current, polarization, and spectrum shape) are presented, as well as a typical 1.9-MeV electron beam charge distribution obtained from OTR. Some aspects of emittance measurement using this device are also discussed. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4748519]


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Die vorliegende Dissertation beschreibt die Realisation des neuartigen Konzepts der Laserionenquellenfalle für die on-line Produktion exotischer Nuklide und für den Nachweis von Spurenisotopen in Proben mit starken Isobarenkontaminationen. Ziel dieser Entwicklung ist eine wesentliche Steigerung der Isobarenselektivität einer herkömmlichen Laserionenquelle, sowie die Erzeugung zeitlich kontrollierter Ionenpulse mit hervorragender Strahlqualität. Es konnte die prizipielle Funktionsfähigkeit des Systems in Kombination mit einem Titan:Saphir-Lasersystem für die Elemente Gallium, Calcium und Nickel demonstriert und Ionenpulse mit einer minimalen Pulslänge von 1 µs erzeugt werden. Nach ersten Abschätzungen ist die Effizienz des Systems etwa einen Faktor 2500 geringer als die einer herkömmlichen Laserionenquelle. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem spurenanalytischen Nachweis von 99-Tc, mit dem Ziel, das Verhalten von 99-Tc in der Umgebung eines möglichen Endlagers für nukleare Abfälle studieren zu können. Hier wurden erste Studien mit dem kurzlebigen Isomer 99m-Tc zur Wechselwirkung von Tc(VII) mit Huminsäure und Kaolinit durchgeführt. Für den Einsatz der Laserionenquellenfalle in der Ultraspurenanalyse, wurde ein effizientes Anregungsschema für Titan:Saphir-Laser entwickelt und 99-Tc in einer herkömmlichen Ionenquelle nachgewiesen. Der letzte Teil der Arbeit beschreibt Machbarkeitsstudien zum Aufbau einer Laserionenquelle auf Basis eines Titan:Sahphir-Lasersystems, die parallel zu oben genannten Entwicklungen am Oak Ridge National Laboratory durchgeführt wurden. Im Rahmen dieser Messungen wurden Anregungsschemata für die resonante Anregung und Ionisation von Kupfer und Palladium für Titan:Saphir-Laser getestet. Dabei konnte zum ersten Mal frequenzvervierfachtes Laserlicht in einer Laserionenquelle eingesetzt werden. Am ORNL wurden Studien zur Zeitstruktur von Laserionenpulsen, sowie Emittanzmessungen von Laser- und Oberflächenionenstrahlen durchgeführt werden.


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Two proton accelerators have been recently put in operation in Bern: an 18 MeV cyclotron and a 2 MeV RFQ linac. The commercial IBA 18/18 cyclotron, equipped with a specifically conceived 6 m long external beam line ending in a separate bunker, will provide beams for routine 18-F and other PET radioisotope production as well as for novel detector, radiation biophysics, radioprotection, radiochemistry and radiopharmacy developments. The accelerator is embedded into a complex building hosting two physics laboratories and four Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) laboratories. This project is the result of a successful collaboration between the Inselspital, the University of Bern and private investors, aiming at the constitution of a combined medical and research centre able to provide the most cutting-edge technologies in medical imaging and cancer radiation therapy. The cyclotron is complemented by the RFQ with the primary goals of elemental analysis via Particle Induced Gamma Emission (PIGE), and the detection of potentially dangerous materials with high nitrogen content using the Gamma-Resonant Nuclear Absorption (GRNA) technique. In this context, beam instrumentation devices have been developed, in particular an innovative beam profile monitor based on doped silica fibres and a setup for emittance measurements using the pepper-pot technique. On this basis, the establishment of a proton therapy centre on the campus of the Inselspital is in the phase of advanced study.


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Considerando aspectos relacionados ao conforto térmico nas edificações e redução da demanda de energia para resfriamento, a utilização de revestimentos frios (que refletem boa parcela da radiação solar recebida e emitem calor) no envelope construtivo pode ser uma alternativa viável para alcançar estas condições. No entanto, a sua durabilidade é o caminho crítico. O presente estudo tem o objetivo de determinar a durabilidade de revestimento multifuncional que reúne as propriedades: fria e autolimpante. Para alcançar esta meta foi formulado um revestimento cimentício monocamada, com e sem a adição de pigmento, ambos com elevada refletância solar e emissividade iniciais. Para manter a refletância ao longo do tempo foi realizada a aplicação de TiO2 anatásio aos revestimentos de duas formas, na primeira as partículas foram adicionadas à matriz cimentícia, enquanto na segunda foram aplicadas superficialmente como pós-tratamento. A exposição à radiação UV proporciona a fotoativação do anatásio que possui capacidade de oxidação da matéria orgânica e alteração do ângulo de contato entre a água e a superfície, facilitando o arraste das sujidades quando esta é molhada tornando-a autolimpante. A manutenção das propriedades frias e a permanência das partículas de TiO2 sobre a superfície foram avaliadas após 6 e 12 meses de exposição natural em estações localizadas nas cidades de Ubatuba, Pirassununga e São Paulo. Após o envelhecimento observou-se a influência determinante das características dos sítios de exposição no comportamento dos materiais. Dentre as formas de aplicação do anatásio verificou-se uma melhora sutil no desempenho dos revestimentos com adição de TiO2 à matriz cimentícia em relação à aplicação superficial do pós-tratamento. O processo de lixiviação observado em ambos os revestimentos expôs as partículas encapsuladas na argamassa com adição de TiO2, enquanto no pós-tratamento houve a remoção da camada superficial de anatásio. Por esse motivo o revestimento com adição apresentou interação com a radiação UV e material a ser degradado por mais tempo. Entretanto os resultados sugeriram que o tempo de exposição foi insuficiente para afirmar este comportamento, pois os resultados são próximos entre si.


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The preThe present work is a study of the optical properties of some surfaces, in order to determine their applications in solar energy utilisation. An attempt has been made to investigate and measure the optical properties of two systems of surface moderately selective surfaces like thermally grown oxide of titanium, titanium oxide en aluminium and thermally grown oxides of stainless steel; and, selective surfaces of five different coloured stainless at (INCO surfaces) and of black nickel foil. A calorimetric instrument based on the steady state method for measuring directly the total emittance has been designed. Chapter 1 is an introductory survey of selective surface. It also includes a brief review of various preparation techniques in use since 1955. Chapter 2 investigates the theory of selective surfaces, defining their optical properties and their figures of merit. It also outlines the method of computing the optical properties (i.e. absorptance, a, and emittance, a) which have been adopted for the present work. Chapter 3 describes the measuring technique and the modes of operation of the equipment used in the experimental work carried out. Chapter 4 gives the results of the experimental work to measure the optical properties, the life testing and chemical composition of the surfaces under study. Chapter 5 deals with the experimentation leading to the design of a calorimetric instrument for measuring the total emmitance directly. Chapter 6 presents concluding remarks about the outcome of the present work and some suggestions for further work. sent work is a study of the optical properties of some surfaces, in order to determine their applications in solar energy utilisation. An attempt has been made to investigate and measure the optical properties of two systems of surface moderately selective surfaces like thermally grown oxide of titanium, titanium oxide en aluminium and thermally grown oxides of stainless steel; and, selective surfaces of five different coloured stainless at (INCO surfaces) and of black nickel foil. A calorimetric instrument based on the steady state method for measuring directly the total emittance has been designed. Chapter 1 is an introductory survey of selective surface. It also includes a brief review of various preparation techniques in use since 1955. Chapter 2 investigates the theory of selective surfaces, defining their optical properties and their figures of merit. It also outlines the method of computing the optical properties (i.e. absorptance, a, and emittance, a) which have been adopted for the present work. Chapter 3 describes the measuring technique and the modes of operation of the equipment used in the experimental work carried out. Chapter 4 gives the results of the experimental work to measure the optical properties, the life testing and chemical composition of the surfaces under study. Chapter 5 deals with the experimentation leading to the design of a calorimetric instrument for measuring the total emmitance directly. Chapter 6 presents concluding remarks about the outcome of the present work and some suggestions for further work.


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Under ideal conditions ion plating produces finely grained dense coatings with excellent adhesion. The ion bombardment induced damage initiates a large number of small nuclei. Simultaneous coating and sputtering stimulates high rates of diffusion and forms an interfacial region of graded composition responsible for good adhesion. To obtain such coatings on components far industrial applications, the design and construction Of an ion plater with a 24" (O.6rn) diameter chamber were investigated and modifications of the electron beam gun were proposed. A 12" (O.3m) diameter ion plater was designed and constructed. The equipment was used to develop surfaces for solar energy applications. The conditions to give extended surfaces by sputter etching were studied. Austenitic stainless steel was sputter etched at 20 and 30 mTorr working pressure and at 3, 4 and 5 kV. Uniform etching was achieved by redesigning the specimen holder to give a uniform electrostatic field over the surfaces of the specimens. Surface protrusions were observed after sputter etching. They were caused by the sputter process and were independent of grain boundaries, surface contaminants and inclusions. The sputtering rate of stainless steel was highly dependent on the background pressure which should be kept below 10-5 Torr. Sputter etching improved the performance of stainless steel used as a solar selective surface. A twofold improvement was achieved on sputter etching bright annealed stainless steel. However, there was only slight improvement after sputter etching stainless steel which had been mechanically polished to a mirror finish. Cooling curves Were used to measure the thermal emittance of specimens.The deposition rate of copper was measured at different levels of power input and was found to be a maximum at 9.5 kW. The diameter of the copper feed rod was found to be critical for the maintenance of a uniform evaporation rate.


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The selective solar absorber surface is a fundamental part of a solar thermal collector, as it is responsible for the solar radiation absorption and for reduction of radiation heat losses. The surface’s optical properties, the solar absorption (á) and the emittance (å), have great impact on the solar thermal collector efficiency. In this work, two coatings types were studied: coatings obtained by physical vapor deposition (PVDs) and coatings obtained by projection with different paints (PCs) on aluminum substrates. The most common industrial high performing solar selective absorbers are nowadays produced by vacuum deposition methods, showing some disadvantages, such as lower durability, lower resistance to corrosion, adhesion and scratch, higher cost and complex production techniques. Currently, spectrally selective paints are a potential alternative for absorbing surfaces in low temperature applications, with attractive features such as ease of processing, durability and commercial availability with low cost. Solar absorber surfaces were submitted to accelerated ageing tests, specified in ISO 22975-3. This standard is applicable to the evaluation of the long term behavior and service life of selective solar absorbers for solar collectors working under typical domestic hot water system conditions. The studied coatings have, in the case of PVDs solar absorptions between 0.93 and 0.96 and emittance between 0.07 and 0.10, and in the case of PCs, solar absorptions between 0.91 and 0.93 and emittance between 0.40 and 0.60. In addition to evaluating long term behavior based on artificial ageing tests, it is also important to know the degradation mechanism of different coatings that are currently in the market. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) allows for the assessment of mechanistic information concerning the degradation processes, providing quantitative data as output, which can easily relate to the kinetic parameters of the system. EIS measures were carried out on Gamry FAS2 Femostat coupled with a PCL4 Controller. Two electrolytes were used, 0.5 M NaCl and 0.5 M Na2SO4, and the surfaces were tested at different immersion times up to 4 weeks. The following types of specimens have been tested: Aluminium with/without surface treatment, 3 selective paint coatings (one with a poly(urethane) binder and two with silicone binders) and 2 PVD coatings. Based on the behaviour of the specimens throughout the 4 weeks of immersion, it is possible to conclude that the coating showing the best protective properties corresponds to the selective paint coating with a polyurethane resin followed by the other paint coatings, whereas both the PVD coatings do not confer any protection to the substrate, having a deleterious effect as compared to the untreated aluminium reference.